My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.71: Floral Skies; What Lies Underneath

“Robin! Are you alright!” Maeve shouted as she rushed me, wrapping her arms around me in a cool and squishy hug. She was still in her lizard like amphibian avatar and her scales or skin felt fresh like a fluffy dog with cold fur, Ahhhhh….I could get used to this- Then she started nuzzling me with her lips, poking me with her teeth underneath her lips.

 Maybe I got ahead of myself.

But before I could mention the lip poking, Phoebe rushed in to hug me too. All I could do was feel and hear my sides begin to creak as she squeezed into me, hugging both of us in her arms. Only she didn't stop there as she then lifted us up like a couple of cuddly plush toys as she too began to nuzzle me. 


As I hung there in the squeezing arms of my two friends, I couldn’t help but feel like something was different from before but I couldn’t figure out what exactly. Though, I did sorta find this really nice, like a fresh cool sheet wrapped around me on a sweaty night. My muscles began to loosen and my eyes began to close as something within me began to vibrate, making a gentle sound while feeling like a deep tissue massage.


“AWWWWWW!” Both the girls coed at my sudden purring and nuzzled me more which felt heavenly! If I ever died this is how I'd love to go….after maybe a few more hugs like this. My head leaned back as I closed my eyes, it was like a hot bath after a long work out.


“Ehm! *COUGH* Ugh!” Came a really croaky clearing of the throat that stopped my friends from showing their love as we looked at the man who was patiently waiting. Damn……Uh! I mean thanks for saving me!

The man in front of us wore a pale robe with light blue collar that was tied with an ocean blue belt at his waist with a pair of pink pants that was pretty baggy. his pale blue hair was gelled back with silvery highlights at the tips that hung like a frizzled mess.

“So….Are you interested in any of my goods? Wands of mirth? Anklets for your partners or soon to be bond? Flora gems with fairy blessings for good skin and random good luck? A potion to help level a few stats. Perhaps a Pin or pendant for future romance?” He asked coolly as if he were a father preparing a birthday gift for his daughter and chose frankness over subtlety. “Maybe a vitality charm for your long nights with your beloved?” He added, much to my shock. 

No way is someone putting a baby in me! Even if dragons lay eggs in fiction, I’m half human looking! I don’t know if I’d have to carry around an egg or baby! The mere thought of making a kid and then plopping one out made my gut feel like it was being pulled out through my throat. I could feel my new ears lower, flattening on my head as I made an angry look at the shop keeper, baring my slightly longer fangs at him.

“Ok, sorry about that miss Robin. I won’t mention that…..unless you ask in the future that is.” He said playfully, putting up his hands.

“Alrighty.” Phoebe sadly put us down, leaving me painfully without the sweet hold of…wait, I’m good…….Once Maeve let go of me, I gave a small sigh before we looked around the alchemist shop. Maybe If I found a cool gift I could get one more hug? No-n-no. I uh, um… Oh! Both my friends gave me something so why not get them something to remember the good, fun bits of this event?! But first!

“Hey, Mr….?” I asked the man.

“Nor is fine, yes miss Robin?” He said with a friendly smile.

“What was that all about? The filter and that white room?” I asked with narrowed eyes.

“The filter is what separates our world from whatever’s outside it.” He leaned closer to whisper while my ear moved to hear him better. “I think it’s where wights come from.” He said while my eyes widened. “After all nothing can live without mana like a wight can. As for the subspace room, it’s our storage and our firmware was just acting up earlier today so I can see how you got in. It’s happened a few times in the past.” He said moving his head side to side like he wasn't sure how to answer.

“So I could’ve died?” I asked flatly. 

“No. Maybe if you entered through a wall then you could’ve died but you came in through the front door like a normal person so that’ll be a zero chance of death. Now then miss, would you like some assistance finding a gift for your friends? partners or future children?” He asked playfully, making my face tense up at his question. I didn't want to deal with his annoying questions so I quickly walked away. “Oh! we have a few tokens for cute cat folk like the nya-jin and churr on the right~!” He said, making me pick up the pace to leave his annoying voice.


Walking over to a few Necklaces and keychains I looked over at Maeve. She made a big sacrifice, probably the biggest with that weird Mor that existed outside of our perception trapping her. What would an explosive fairy like as a gift? Looking at a few items, I found a necklace that empowers magical attacks, only for the thought of Maeve tossing mega nukes around like a trillionaire throws away money wouldn't be a good idea. One let her make lots of mor follow her like a she was their favorite meal. My body shivered at that one. She could end up herding hundreds of the creatures or even attract that giant one that chased us, maybe more of them!

Then I came across something that she might like, a pair of shiny red bracer like gauntlets that covered her knuckles and went up to above her elbows. Its tag said each one could store one magic attack or support spell while protecting the arms with its meta weave latex and protective ora-guards on the upper part of the arms. +90 to defense and a small regen passive too! plus the sale cut the price of $20,000.09 to a mere $200.00, right within my reward money from the event. Stashing them in a fabric baggie I found nearby, I began my search for Phoebe's gift, who was currently eyeing a fancy looking belt.

Luckily I think I found the right gift for Phoebe! Sitting in a box with blue clouds and on a velvet bed was a pair of white needle kits for sewing with a machine or by hand. Plus! They had a fairy blessing! But the tag said it enhances thread but it didn't say in what way. I think it might work like imprinting? And since she was so good at it in the event, I think it’ll work out!

While Maeve was poking a few goo figures, I made my purchases.

“Gifts I see. Then let me box them to enhance the experience.” Nor said as he boxed the bracers and sewing needles in white boxes that shined mint green and blue in the light and tied a red ribbon with golden edges around the boxes. “Now these gifts will work outside the sprite land just without the stat increases.” He said with a calm smile.

“Thanks….but how’d you know?” I eyed him with suspicion.

“I’d say it’s a sale’s person intuition buuut, You’re pretty obvious eyeing your partners there miss.” Nor said with a teasing smile.

“What! we are not like that!” I said in hushed shock. But he raised an eyebrow before smirking.

“Gotcha, totally understand your situation miss Robin.” he said as I slowly rushed away before he could imply I wanted kids again or something worse!


Everyone quickly found and made their purchases solo. Like me, everyone quickly hid their goods in bags which I found a little odd but if I questioned it then I might be asked to explain why I did the same. I didn't want to say I got everyone gifts until later because these kind of places always have some nice relaxing space to sit and watch some sort of show. If not then I’ll just give them these gifts later, after some fun together.

Walking away from the shop, Maeve suggested a couple stops as she grabbed our hands to hurry us to a few stalls.

One stall we stopped at had several red balloons and a row of darts on the counter. Maeve quickly bought a few tries for everyone before going first. Picking up a dart, she aimed the dart at a large balloon but as she swayed her hand back and forth the dart started glowing a dark orange. With one last sway, she threw the dart making it quickly rush the balloon only to hit something that glowed blue. The metal tip of the dart began sparking as the dart continued to spin like a sniper bullet. But instead of slowing down the dart began to spin in a tight circle, cracking the barrier until a soft shattering noise rang out as the barrier vanished.

But as the dart flew closer to the balloon, Maeve pointed her hand like a gun and gave a toothy smirk. "Bang." She whispered. The dart flashed a reddish orange before it exploded into several needles that popped the balloons around the one she aimed at. After those balloons popped was when the dart appeared from the explosion of orange flash and dug into the last balloon. 

Maeve gave bow like a proud dancer which Phoebe and I couldn't help but clap at her showcase of magic. I honestly thought she was going to blow up the stand with one of her magical grenades but she managed something rea-wait, she was helping Phoebe make the kai-mays… I guess I, underestimated her there.

Phoebe stepped up to the counter next, taking a dart, squeezing it in her fingers like a rubber ball. She smiled before taking a few more, balling up as many in her hand as possible. her fist glowed green then turned red before fading. In her minotaur avatar, she bent her arm, her muscles bunching up before she stomped her foot forward and thrusted her hand, releasing all the darts she collected. the darts exploded from her hand like the pellets of a shotgun, launching the darts with so much force it cut through the barrier like hot butter. Each dart hit a balloon lighting them on fire and melting them into a nasty sludge. Creating a foul smell which instantly made Maeve’s face in all her avatar’s lizardness, twist into a face of pure disgust. But the moment I tried to step away the smell stabbed into my nose, making my stomach twist and squeeze. It was like downing a glass of rotten eggs with a side of melted tire!

Stepping away, both me and Maeve got some fresh air. Damn it! I didn't even make it melt! Why does it smell so bad! It smelled like someone took vomit from twelve different creatures, heated it in a microwave and peppered it with a hearty helping of Skunk spray! Maeve looked at me with an irritated, knowing look. I shook my head quickly to argue against her blaming me for the smell but That was when a hand gently rubbed into my back in a soothing manner. It turned out to be Phoebe rubbing our backs with a worried look on her face until the uneasiness in our stomachs was gone.

“Sorry about that.” Phoebe rubbed her cheek. “I forgot your incarnations have sensitive noses. It probably smelled super bad…." She apologized while Maeve and I made 'Ooooh right' faces. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Nope! Just realizing things." I quickly replied. 

Once the smell was gone, I walked up to my darts. I wasn't sure how to handle this magical side to darts. Looking at my avatar’s paws and wondering what magic to do, I picked up the dart only to realize how soft and squishy it was. How did they cut through that barrier? Lifting the dart, I looked at the metal tip before charging some mana into it. Maybe make it cut through the barrier, maybe use more strength? With my incarnation's upped stats it shouldn't be too difficult. 

Though I’d love for the dart to get all the balloons Like everyone else but I wasn’t as skilled. So I'll just aim for getting past the barrier first. With that I tossed the dart at the balloon in the center but the barrier didn't activate, the dart flew unopposed until it reached halfway into the stall. The dart then kinda shook like someone was using strong wind to push it away before flying off to the side. 


Huh? All the balloons just increased in size and imploded on themselves. I looked down at my dart laying innocently on the floor with a soft sparkle that quickly faded. Ok either my upped stats made this possible or all I have to do is want it to happen? Or maybe it’s tied to-

“Here you go, miss! A Tuen-su!" The stall manager handed me a glass spear attached to a golden ring.


You won the mighty Tuen-su named after the god that wrote the first tale
'You have gained +3 to Perception'





Before I could examine the spear more, Phoebe took us to another stall with several masks. The stall was named rowls and the stall manager wore a black mask with bulging eyes and a tiny bird beak.

"Welcome! Please examine my layer of expression and role! Please-yes!" Her voice sounding like a cutesy anime girl pretending to sound gruff.

Looking around, there was several masks matching the color of the the road, then masks in black and white being the second largest group sold with a few wooden and leaf like masks. The mint masks were shaped like very attractive men and women with glass eyes swirling with pinks and blues. Many were painted with flowers, pine needles, ferns and thorns and came with shoulder length wigs. The blue masks were child like, large eyes and chubby cheeks, they wore halos of gold with several triangles protruding from the halo, looking more like the sun. The blue masks had glass eyes that showed thousands of shapes like a kaleidoscope mixed with a lava lamp while their lips were painted white. The red masks were smooth and weren't made with facial features, appearing more like a glass visor that covered the whole face. These ones weren’t painted or came with accessories but the red masks glittered slightly like granite.

I looked around the different masks wondering what mask might look good with my current dress and possible future looks but I wasn't sure which to choose. They all looked interesting but curiosity got the better of me as I flagged the manager and asked about a black and white mask I spotted. One side was black and the other was white, the black side had a long eyebrow that pointed out like a knife and a large three pointed elf ear. The white side is made up of odd disc layers looking like car ac vent formed into the rough shape of a humanoid. But to me it looked like a hero mask that I saw on tv as a kid. 

The stall manager looked with a head tilt before pulling the mask onto a shiny pillow with slow moving cloud patterns. Right magic pillows too, I mentality rolled my eyes. "This is the mask of Milk gray, a brave sprite that traded half their being for a taste of wonder. Some say this process left them half mortal, half beyond thought. Others believe they are both sexes because of their differing sides. Regardless, this mask is the role and identity of broken chains and one of new discoveries." She said waving her hands left and right like a gentle ocean wave.

"Gender? Uh maybe I sh-" I began to back pedal, after those weird magic books I'd rather not tempt fate with a 'normal mask'.

But before I could look for another mask, the manager slipped the mask into my hands. "This is too important to ignore. You have voiced your interest, to ignore or run from it will bring horrible pain and trouble in your future. Yes-yes!" The manager warned me.

"I-I see…guess I rather not mess around with fairy magic." I said finally just paying for the mask.

"A wise decision indeed." The manager said with a bow. "Fate will bring much to your road but you'll come out a greater individual." She said before quickly turning to Phoebe who grabbed a blue mask with triangles shifting in its eyes. 

While I waited for everyone else, my fingers tapped around the edges of my new mask. I sure hope I wasn’t inviting something evil into my house. I’ve heard and seen enough movies to know what happens when you get haughty with magic. It takes a bite out of you. Maybe the mask is just for looks and I’m just overthinking this? Looking around for a distraction, I spotted Maeve looking around like a stiff rusted machine.

Maeve eyed a mint mask, she looked at the beautiful mask representing a woman. Cheeks the sloped smoothly to pert lips with an elegant nose meeting two large curious eyes painted with pink flowers. Maeve’s hand twitched as she stood there observing the mask, her eyes seemed to draw across every shape of the mask. She would reach for it but her other hand would stop her, her head looking downwards as she hugged her arm. She then swallowed before slowly moving her head away but her eyes kept themselves glued to the mask until her head turned too far to be able to look at it. She quickly walked up to a red mask and nodded to herself and took that one. 

After everyone got their masks, we made our way to a huge wide road with pink bricks. On either side grew huge downward curved flowers that looked like yellow trumpets that glowed like light bulbs, making a soft mellow light making me feel a little sleepy. We then walked up to a large group waiting outside the road, none of them ever walked down the road. Even as we joined, more people came to wait, creating a really huge crowd.

"Think I'll get a pink honor?" "I want a yellow honor!" "I don't really care for the honor part, I want to see the show." 

They were talking about blessings right? What does an honor do? These fairies have really weird names for things. So I did what anyone would do in this situation, ask a resident fairy.

Nudging Maeve, I asked her what's an honor do. Instead of answering me, she smiled in all her avatar’s lizardness like a teasing sister.

"How'd I know? I'm not a fairy~." She teased. I was stunned at her response. I just stared at her with my mouth agape. 

"Fine then. No cat beans for you anymore." I said after recovering and pressing my thumb and index finger together, clearly rubbing the pads in front of her.

Her eyes shot open for just a second before quickly looking away, trying to calmly whistle with her lizard lips and failing. Her eyes would dart back to me then my paws then back to me with a pleading look, only to get my best pouty hmf.

Then to make matters harder for her, I turned to Phoebe and offered her my other paw. Her eyes widened before immediately taking my paw and massaging the pink beans. Which felt really good that my body started vibrating again and making my cheeks heat up. Luckily I think I managed to keep my cool because Maeve watched Phoebe.

If lizards could sweat, then I'm sure Maeve would be dropping buckets because her lip and eyes trembled as she watched Phoebe. Who was now rubbing her face into my pads which felt different….I may or may not have begun to purr louder a-and definitely didn’t get people to notice it either!

"I-its an experience that would be ruined if I tell you!" Maeve quickly said as her eyes begged me to go easy on her.

I wasn't ready to relent but there was the sound of wind chimes that started flowing on the wind, catching our attention. The crowd that was talking instantly hushed as everyone turned to face the road.

There the flowers began flashing red, pink, yellow and green as music began to fill the air. I could hear trumpets, flutes and an odd horn that sounded like a low bellowing hum. The flowers lifted their heads before fully opening their trumpet petals, peeling back until golden petals sprouted from within them. The petals were like polished gold with pistols with huge golden berries attached to them which started pouring out a blue mist. The mist floated above the flowers, that's when the music picked up a triumphant tempo that made the mist form into shapes of giant fairies, pixies, plant people and small animal sprites.

The mist figures began twirling with arms stretched out or jumping around, it was as if they were dancing in the air. At this point everyone put on their masks and began walking down the road. The mist forms rushed over to those on the road, some were circled by two or three which danced around them before hugging the their selected person and exploding into golden and blue powder.

I couldn’t make out what happened next as more and more mist forms exploded and surrounded others making a wall of dancing mist and laughing people. Maeve and Phoebe took my hands in my confusion and led me on to the pink bricked road at which point we put our masks on. The mask didn't really limit my vision, instead I could see the mist forms far more clearly their formless faces now appeared as laughing and cheering sprites and the air around us turned a glowing light blue. Being here felt super warm and my body wanted to jump around like a kid going to their best friend's birthday party at an amusement park.

That's when fairies surrounded my group. Each one of us had five dancing around us. Mine had long flowing hair, beautiful smiles and wore poofy dresses that cut above the knees, their feminine forms were breath taking. Some were shapely, others seemed athletic and a couple looked like cute idols. Being surrounded by such a group I watched their joyful smiles and felt their laughter. It felt weird, my chest was hotter than it normally was, my legs were moving in hopping dance. "Hehehe-hahahaha!" I couldn't help but feel open to this moment, it just felt fresh.

The cheery fairies smiled widely, nodding at one another before coming in, giving me a group hug, filling me with a warm buzzing electricity. Then they exploded into powdery dust blinding me to the world around me. The powder swirled around me in a blinding speed of gold, blue and silver. 



‘Welcome to the Stars Fields’


‘Now equipped Honor of freedom’


I could feel wind on my legs gently racing up my thighs and even my chest felt the breez- WHAT? looking down I see a wide open v neck showing off my avatar’s chest. looking and turning my body, I realize I'm in another dress. I’m in a mostly white dress with black heart patterns, sleeves that spread down my arms before turning into black gloves on my…wait, these are human fingers. Why am I human? I brought my hands to my face, my fingers are long and petite, the gloves feel like silk or velvet. looking down I saw bare human feet with an odd flower sitting on top of my feet. The dress is like some loincloth with a long piece of fabric that hangs between my legs but the sides bunch up, making my hips look wider. But for some reason the draping fabric doesn't cover my legs! It keeps blowing behind me like a wild wind is blowing them back. I look like those paintings of women in flowing dresses, ethereal and beautiful.

“Come on!” I heard Maeve, who was shouting at me from a hilltop.

Quickly rushing up the hill, I find Fairy Maeve with her red mask and red shiny dress you’d see in a ballroom with black sleeve gloves and her hair styled in a wavy bun but she some how managed to sit on the floor with the dress on. next to her is Phoebe in a dress that shifts between violet and navy blue with the skirt filled with frills and ending above her knees, she too sat on the floor. her hair was loosely braided with a pair of pointed cat ears poking out of her head.

“Wow! you’re so pretty as a human girl!” Maeve greeted me. 

“So cute!” Phoebe said with a big smile.

my face instantly heated up as I quickly looked away turning my back to them.

“Told you compliments get him all red.” Phoebe told Maeve who mischievously giggled at this proven info.

“What!? I have no such weaknes-WAHH!” I began to argue before they both pulled me down to sit between them. “W-what are y-”

“OH MY GUSH! YOU”RE SO BEAU~itful!” Maeve said into my ear as she hugged me like her favorite blanket. 

“N-n-nno I-I’m no-” I began.

“I know! He’s got style and a super cute face too!” Phoebe added. “I bet all the prettiest dresses would beg to be worn by him!” Phoebe pressed her side into mine as she said all this.

“W-w-w- wait! you don’t need to-” I tried again only to be cut off as they both nuzzled their cheeks into mine.

“Sweety is making me jelly.” Phoeb-

“I think she’s going to be a star” Maeve st-

“I’m super happy she showed us true beauty.” someone said.




“RIGHT! HERE YOU GO!” I pulled out their gifts to shut them up. I was totally not enjoying this! NOT POSSIBLE. I’M ONE HUNDRED PERCENT MANLY GRISSILE! O-only I can call myself cute! uh- I mean handsome!

Handing them each a box they both smiled at them before quickly handing out their own gifts and me ending up with two boxes replacing the ones I gave. they didn't open their gifts, instead choosing to stare at me like I was the birthday boy who had to blow out the candles.

Wearing a refined smile, I quickly untied the red ribbon on both boxes and found a hairpin with gems cut into the shape of a flower and a belt with a silver shooting star on it. I looked at the hairpin a little confused until Maeve offered to put it in my hair. Deciding it would be fine, I let her comb my hair to the side and pin it in place. It felt mellow, maybe I kinda liked the attention? Soooo I Let Phoebe wrap the belt around my waist too. That’s when my body felt really hot like I drank a mountain of sports drinks and soda aaaaaannnnddd energy drinks.


‘Equipped The star lily and the Pursuer's belt’
‘Gain +40 to all stats and Gain a passive mana regen effect with hairpin’


It looked like both items gave me a twenty point stat boost and this hair pin was really useful, though did dragon mana ever run out? whatever, I could still use it for the stats! But right now that wasn’t as important. So I just pulled the two important people next to me into a hug and nuzzled them. They've been doing that a lot with me so why not try it myself? Well… It felt really nice and warm. So I guess I could see myself doing this more often. They both giggled and nuzzled me back with adorable smiling faces. Maybe I’ll do this next chance I get.

Maeve went next and instantly threw off her gloves to wear the red bracers I got her and the black leather boots with red straps Phoebe got her. She hit her knuckles together a couple times with an excited smile on her face like she was about to fight a huge titan, then slam dunk a mountain.

“These fit so well! you got me something I didn't know I needed! With these, I'll down all sorts of boss mor!” She said as she gave me a tight almost life squeezing hug. Once she released my crushed body, Phoebe tried to run away from her deathly hug but Maeve quickly caught her and gave her a really firm soul popping hug.

Phoebe opened her gifts, pulling out the sewing needles I got her and a bracelet with rings attached to it with ice white chains. Phoebe instantly gave me and Maeve a big hug. But she then took my hands and gave them a gentle squeeze as she smiled at me. I really couldn’t help but smile back at her wonderful eyes. After that she packed her needles into her bag and put on the rings and bracelet.

“These are great! thank you guys!” Phoebe said with a large smile.

With that, we watched the sky bloom into color as streams of fire, electricity and even something like glass exploded in the sky. Creating large whale like creatures that began swimming through the color like it was water. Giant fairies flew across the sky in formation as bolts of electricity arced into glowing blue flowers. 

A man made of swirling purples, greens and blues took out a spear from his back. moving the weapon like a paintbrush, he drew images of towns, people playing and of a lone figure walking down a path of gold and crystal. Then the sky light up as pillars of swirling flames rose into the air and spread outward, forming what looked like a forest. There, monsters, sprites and humans jumped, danced and gave gifts to each other.

Throughout the whole show, Phoebe laid her head on my shoulder and Maeve rested her’s on my lap. This wasn’t so bad.

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