My Third Empire

Chapter 102 - Seize power

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

In the presidential palace, Hindenburg stared at Arcado and finally spoke: “I have no way to sign your bill and pass it to Congress. The same result! I know you are doing a lot for this country, and I know Many people are blocking you, but you want to rely on such a file to defeat all your opponents, which is not in compliance with the laws of this country. “

Akado’s fingers were tapping on the desk, very regular, and suddenly his fingers stopped: “Mr. President, I don’t have so much time and energy to deal with these stupid idiots, the German opponents We are all in a hurry to develop, we have to catch up and surpass them, instead of fighting here with a few idiots in our own country! “

“But this is not a few people, but most people!” Hindenburg said with a sigh.

“No, most of the German people are longing for power, but they have no way to represent them.” Akado said seriously.

“That’s Congress! Do you still want to overthrow Congress and shake the Constitution? I have warned you already! Any power gained through improper means will eventually go to extinction!” Hindenburg frowned at Akado: “Give up! You have done a good job. Children, the German people will remember you and always remember you.”

“I still want to try it!” Akado stood up and looked at Hindenburg: “I have sent the bill to Congress, and voting will begin in a while. I am going to give a speech on the bill. I hope I can persuade most people.”

“Asshole!” A parliamentarian angrily threw the issue aside, pointing at the stack of papers and yelling: “He is also embarrassed to take these things out for us to vote? Is he sleeping silly?”

A congressman snorted coldly: “Huh, it’s not just sleeping and stupid, I think he thinks that here is the same as the National Defense Force, he is the only one who has the final say.”

“Cough, cough, let me say a few words, their people are here.” A fearful member of the parliament raised his elbow against a friend who yelled at him and reminded him, “In short, we will disagree with their issue. Anyway, they do n’t have a majority vote. “

“Gentlemen, we must unite the entire German democracy! Let those with the ability to fight crime get more free and full play! From now on, except for the ruling party, the propaganda qualification of each party will be temporarily canceled, the distribution of flyers and the slogan are prohibited. It is forbidden to make any speech that is not conducive to German unity or affects regional security and stability … “Akado was on stage and gave a loud speech to the silent audience of MPs below.

“Go to hell! You dictator! Get back to your hometown!” A parliamentarian stood up and scolded loudly, but was quickly pressed back to the chair by the parliamentarians of the Grand Deutschland. The scene was chaotic for a while. Calm was restored again.

Akado ignored the following chaos and continued to shout loudly on stage: “So all this is for the self-improvement of the German people! God will forgive us for temporarily restricting people’s freedom, because in the end we will gain an unprecedented world of freedom! ! …… “

On the stage, Akado was giving a speech, but what was going on was another kind of war. A member of Congress wearing a SS officer uniform pressed against the ear of a member of the Nazi Party beside him and said softly, “Your son Jamie asked me to bring you a message.”

The Member’s face slightly changed and immediately asked nervously: “My son, what’s wrong with him?”

“He’s fine.” SS officers cracked their mouths and showed their teeth: “He and his mother visited our headquarters and will go back at night.”

“You! You are kidnapping! You are illegal and disorderly …” The MP whispered frowning: “I will protest! I will …”

“Yeah, we are indeed breaking the law, but we just want to win. If we lose, then everyone must bury us.” He pointed to the parliamentarians around him: “You, and he, also With him, they will all die. “

“Truth will not succumb to the devil.” The Member said righteously.

“Okay, you can just stick with it.” The officer nodded. “But you can explain what happened when you collected $ 15,000 in the beer hall downstairs last month on the 9th?” “

“I know how to do it. I know how to do it! Don’t say it anymore.” The member of the parliament said panic like seeing a ghost: “I will do just that.”

The officer nodded to a man in a suit not far away, and the man in a suit followed what was said to those around him …

“So! Please vote! Whether the vote passed the” Protection of the German People’s Law “! To ensure the interests of all German people!” Akado finished, exhaustedly holding the podium with his hands, staring at all the members of the audience , Silent.

A person presiding over the meeting nodded to Akado, and then said loudly: “A vote on whether the German People’s Protection Act was passed, now!”

With a clatter, all the members of the Grand Deutsche Party stood up, accounting for nearly half of the entire venue, followed by a few sporadic members. These people are small parties, and there is no publicity in themselves. Strength, the reason to stand up is not to offend the huge German largest party.

Immediately afterwards, several members of the Nazi Party also stood up. They looked down and seemed very reluctant, but they still stood up, and their rise made the meeting room boil.

“George! What are you doing? Are you crazy? Why stand up? Sit down!” A man shouted and pulled his companion, and his companion lowered his head and flung him away hand.

“This is your trick? Threatening a few idiots to try to get a majority vote? Pass your **** bill?” Hitler sat there with a smug face on his face, he muttered to himself, full of sarcasm and disdain : “Unfortunately you still didn’t get the majority. You lost!”

“Unity, justice and freedom!

For our German motherland!

Let us fight for this goal! “

A German SS MP was starting to sing the national anthem of Germany. His voice was hoarse because of the excessive force and even out of tune, but he still held piety and raised his arm to Akado. , Respected a German ceremony.

“Hand in hand like a brother!

Unity, justice and freedom! “

Beside him, several SS MPs sang along with him, while raising his right hand to salute, more and more people joined the team, and in an instant all the standing people in the whole venue began Sing loudly.

Some lawmakers moved their buttocks helplessly, and more people stared at the expressionless Akado on the stage with anger on their faces.

Soon a parliamentarian could not stand the torture of his heart, and stood up. He stood upright and began to sing his sacred national anthem with his head upright. Following the second one, the third one, and the fourth one, all the MPs were forced to stand up.

“It is the guarantee of our happiness!

Prosper in the light of happiness,

Prosperity, our German motherland! “

More and more parliamentarians stood up, their expressions were solemn, and they stood upright, following the members of the Grand German parliament who sang the national anthem, singing the familiar melody over and over again.

Hitler and dozens of members of the Nazi Party looked around and found that they were sitting like an island. The members of the other seats had stood up, and there was a solemn singing all around, and some people used contempt and Angry eyes looked at them sitting sideways.

Hitler suddenly looked at Akado on the podium and found that Akado standing there was so tall, his tall and thin body stood there as if it was a benchmark.

Hitler suddenly felt hot under his buttocks, so hot that he had to move to ease the feeling of hotness he felt, so he had to hold the armrest of the chair with both hands, gently moved his body, and saw him this Action, some members of the Nazi Party thought he was about to get up, clattering again and stood up a dozen people.

Hitler looked at his left hand, and then looked at his right hand, without retracting his hand holding the armrest of the chair. He stood up slowly, staring at Akado’s slowly standing up-as if entering a slow realm of time; as if he was standing up with all his strength.

As he stood up, there were the last dozen members of the Nazi Party. Now the national anthem is still echoing in the parliament, and all the members have stood up. The passage of the “Protection of the German People’s Law” seems unstoppable .

At the end of the national anthem, Akado suddenly extended his right hand, pointing to the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and shouted loudly: “Long live the Great Germany!”

“Long live the victory!” All the members of the Grand Deutsche Party shouted.

On January 1, 1933, Akado promulgated the Law on the Protection of the German People. Hindering the propaganda of the German * and the Nazi Party and the Social Democrats, they eventually controlled the Congress more firmly.

This bill strictly controls the development of other parties, and allows the German Party to override all parties. Unlike the Nazi Party, after 5 years of careful preparation and talent reserves, the German Party has control over the government and even the entire Germany. At the grassroots level, they are free to attack their competitors under the protection of the “Protection of the German People’s Law” and suppress hostile political parties to the point where they can’t stand up.

And Akado, whose decree is more unified, expanded a full 70,000 National Defense Forces this year, and equipped with 336 newest Leopard tanks. The de facto commander of the National Defense Force, General Blauchic, assured Akado. Now the National Defense Force is fully capable of defending the French attack and even defeating the French army.

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