My Third Empire

Chapter 103 - Espionage

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

While most capitalist countries in the world were still struggling with the economic crisis, the first Germany to survive the economic crisis was thriving.

The walls are covered with Akkado ’s posters, the slogan of the head of state saving Germany is everywhere, new factory shops are built everywhere, and the wide streets and the various Mercedes-Benz BMW cars running above it The decoration is more modern.

Berlin ’s Wilhelmstrasse, the newly built world ’s most luxurious Royal White Lanhua Hotel, the lobby of the magnificent hotel, under the gorgeous chandelier, the waiter nodded to every guest who entered.

In one of the features of the hotel, in a business cafe on the corner of the first floor, a young man wearing an SS officer ’s uniform is holding a fine taste of coffee, while he is sitting quietly opposite him. Bearded man in a plaid suit.

“Sorry, there is someone in this position, so please leave.” SS officers said with a chuckle.

“The sun at four o’clock in the afternoon really has a taste of Cossack. At this time, taking a sip of vodka and dying is definitely the happiest thing in life.” Bearded looked around and said in the smallest voice.

“It’s very safe here, Bai Lanhua Group is the head of the industry, so no one would think we are here to join.” The young SS officer glanced at the beard and gently persuaded.

“Take care of the ship for thousands of years! Nice to meet you, Mr. Vodka.” Bearded picked up the newspaper on the table: “You are the only surviving nail in the top German Communist International.”

“This time I took the risk to bring this information out because the relationship is significant, you know? There have also been traitors in the upper levels of the Bolsheviks, so we lost a lot of comrades.” The SS officer said quietly. While talking, he threw the banknotes on the table and stood up and walked out.

Bearded followed with newspaper behind him, and the two went out of the hotel door one after the other, then turned two corners and came to an alley with no one.

The officer handed the two copies to Bearded: “Bring this document to Slovakia, where someone will cover you from Germany. This document was found in the head of the Prague office when I was on a business trip. I will be taken away soon, I can only take pictures. “

“Can you get the original? You know the more this kind of intelligence involving high-level personnel, the more accurate you have to be.” Bearded tucked the two rolls into his pocket and confirmed with a frown.

“You can get the originals yourself. In the archive room on the ground floor of the head office, there is a four-foot thick reinforced concrete storage warehouse. There are seven checkpoints and four iron gates at the main entrance, and three different combination locks.” The young party The guard officer said angrily: “Don’t say that I’m just a small lieutenant colonel. The chief commander of our department, Major General Gaskol, wants to go in and has to take the order of the head of state.”

“Okay! I’m only responsible for sending this information back. As for how to deal with the above, it is not for people of my level to control.” Bearded sighed: “Is there anything else to say?”

“The other submission is the approximate parameters of a submarine in Germany, with a displacement of 1100 tons, which is much better than what we sold to us. I got it together this time and hope to help you.”

“Long live.” Bearded took out an envelope from another pocket: “Here is 10,000 dollars, save a little money, I will help you deposit the rest of a bank in the Netherlands, waiting for you to retire … … “

“All right. Everyone knows that no one in our business can survive until retirement.” SS officers sneered and laughed at themselves: “I don’t believe it myself.”

“Take care.” Bearded patted the young man’s shoulder: “After returning home, I invite you to drink vodka.”

“Is it enough for me to get another piece of information, enough to return home?” The young man thought about it and asked: “I still have a top secret information, I can retire. If there is a chance, I will find a way to get the German Got the blueprint of the tank. “

“Do what you can.” The beard turned around and left without stopping. He found the atmosphere was wrong, and the surroundings were too quiet, and no one passed by.

“If it’s okay, leave a message in the old place …” The young man flipped the flip of the holster on his waist belt, found a crossroad and ran in the other direction, saw a stairwell, and turned and drilled Go in. The reason to meet here is because he has a house that is not very useful here. He can get in at any time and do nothing when nothing happens. The person lying on the bed waiting for the search.

He had just closed the door of his room, and he heard the gunshots not far away. With two crisp sounds, there was no sound. Soon after, in the hallway outside the door, there was a patchy sound of leather boots kicking on the stairs, one after another a rapid knock on the door.

Hidden 10,000 dollars in the book and under the bed, deliberately messed up the officer uniform, and then poured the whiskey that had been prepared on the table a bit on his body, and took a few sips. The member code-named Vodka was waiting for the SS knock on the door.

“Boom, boom!” Finally, a knock on the door rang, and a voice yelled outside: “The SS search! Please cooperate! Open the door immediately! Or we will hit it! Hurry!”

Vodka deliberately made his footsteps heavier, walked to the door and opened the door, and drunkenly asked the people outside the door drunkly: “You … what to search? Hurry up! I Going to sleep! “

“Long live the head of state!” The captain of the SS outside the door looked at the rank and immediately saluted. The two soldiers behind him also stood upright and put their submachine guns across their chests: “Long live the head of state!”

“Head of state … long live!” Vodka replied with a shake, and then let the door open: “Take your time to watch! Don’t steal my wine! Hiccup … uh … remember to lock the door when you walk.”

“I’m sorry! Sir! You don’t need to search here! Excuse me!” The SS captain withdrew from the door very respectfully and helped to close the door.

The moment the door closed, Vodka took a long breath, and this time it seemed that he had successfully escaped.

However, can the beard escape? Only God knows. It seems that the original contact point can no longer be used. Now he can only hide in secret, waiting for the organization to send someone to actively contact him with the highest-level password.

Late at night, less than one kilometer from the headquarters of the National Defense Forces, a secret communication station of the Communist International in Berlin ’s 3rd block. A knock came from outside the door: “Boom, boom, boom.”

The knocking sounds were very long and weak, but on a silent night, an old man in the room heard the sound clearly. He got up from the chair, slowly walked to the door, and opened the door.

“Who? It’s so late, what’s the matter?” He asked while opening the door, but he didn’t hear the answer, and he didn’t speak again, because he saw a man lying outside the door, on the side of the coat Has been stained with blood. The man was lying on his side on the ground, breathing weakly. Through the weak light, the old man saw the man with a thick beard.

“Give this! Give it to our comrades! Bring back … the motherland …” After the beard said this, there was no more voice. The old man took the two films in the beard’s hand, stared at the body for a few seconds, then turned around, put the two films into the mezzanine of the bed, checked it after laying the sheets, and felt foolproof. It was only after I walked back to the door that I yelled, “My God! Come here! Help! Someone needs help here!”

“My God! What’s wrong with this person?” A fat woman who opened the door and wanted to help was startled by the sight, and there were a few old neighborhood neighbors like her, and everyone didn’t dare to touch this The gradually cold body, panicked and arranged for someone to call the police station nearby.

The police came very quickly and brought a dozen SS soldiers carrying rifles. Obviously they were looking for this bearded man too, but they didn’t find it so quickly.

“Old gentleman, when did you find this body?” A police officer asked with a small notebook for records.

“I heard a noise outside the door, like something hit the door. I thought it was a mischief from the children of the neighbors. I opened the door and looked around. The security around this place is good, and I didn’t think much about it.” Old man Answered: “I saw him lying outside.”

“Did he have anything left?” An SS officer who followed followed a frown and walked around the body before asking.

“I don’t know. When I opened the door, I called for help. Everyone didn’t move anything here. I don’t know what you mean. This sir.” The old man pointed to the old neighbors around him and replied.

The police officer took the SS officers to the side and whispered: “The people here are old residents, and each can prove that no one has taken anything on the body. They lived here at least ten years ago. There is nothing suspicious. “

“This man has a gun. We have been staring at him for a few days. Today he doesn’t know who is connected there. We haven’t caught another connector, but we can be sure that he can’t get anything!” The officer said very irritably.

“So what do you want to do? Sir?” The police officer asked: “Bring these old ladies back and torture them one by one?”

The SS officer stared at the police officer for a long time without making a sound. At last, he glanced at all the people present and issued a vicious command: “Close the team!”

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