My Third Empire

Chapter 1077 - Did you throw a stone?

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Remember [??] in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

“So, are we under arrest now?” The old man’s face showed a ridiculous look, and he asked the incoming officer with a smile: “You can start grabbing people now, but some people may Maybe you will rebel. “

The officer laughed loudly, then walked to the old man and said, “What a joke, I brought people to strengthen the security work here. After all, we are not sure if Moscow will send some real killers to take you all To kill the true heroes of the Russian revival. “

The old man finally couldn’t help laughing, and his face was filled with pride. At this moment he can finally be sure that he is out of Moscow’s control, at least on the Chelyabinsk site, he already has absolute dominance. This dominance was hard-earned. He endured it for many years before he began his rise at this moment, taking advantage of Stalin’s weakness.

“Are the 50,000 troops drawn from Siberia and the Far East already in our hands?” The old man looked at a liaison officer in charge of the army behind him and asked another important content of the meeting today.

The liaison officer was obviously confident in the matter, and quickly answered, “The commanders of those troops are obviously smart people. They also know that they will not be able to return to their hometown when they rush to Moscow. Walking very slowly. “

He pointed to a huge map hanging on the wall, marking a rough location on the east side very far from Moscow, and said with a smile: “We may not be able to drive them to attack Moscow, but Let them wait and see for two months and still have absolute certainty. “

The old man headed turned his attention to Varsilevsky. His confidant or like-minded assistant understood every one of his ideas. The tacit understanding of the two people can be described as perfect. This is also Valsilevski. The main reason why Chelyabinsk is moving smoothly.

Without thinking about it, Varsilevsky immediately replied: “The 60 Stalin tanks produced this week in the factory and the 120 T-34 tanks have been seized by us for various reasons. These arms will become our bargaining chips in the future, and there will be no mistakes. “

As a German super spy in the Soviet Union, as a person who is now blatantly opposed to Stalin, the resources in his hands are actually greater than those on the surface. Thanks to the efforts of this super spy, Chelyabinsk ’s production capacity has always been kept at a low level, and those piled up of raw materials, as well as the production speed wasted because of the production process People killed at least 500 tanks in the Soviet Union, and even more.

This is the role of the spy. If the two sides have the same strength, these spies on the hidden front that usually seem far from the generals and the ace scenery are the key to the final victory of the war.

What is more deadly is not that Valshilevsky delayed the production of at least 500 tanks in the Soviet Union, but his personal ability and influence influenced the position of Chelyabinsk, a Soviet industrial zone. They chose to turn back when Stalin needed the most support, and they chose to look on the sidelines when the Soviet Union needed industrial power the most.

“Including the 400 tanks of various models that we owed before and the self-anti-tank guns, we can already build an armored division. It happens that a new division we are called to train in the suburbs, there is no loyalty. The problem is, it is better for us to form a unit of our own. “The old man looked at the confidants around him and said.

“Boom!” The German artillery shelling in the direction of Moscow didn’t mean to stop. A cannonball blossomed on the Soviet position, setting off black smoke that covered the sky. The cratered Moscow front line was full of craters, and a Soviet officer squinted his hands twice with a sand helmet over his head.

Under the cover of the assault guns, the black German soldiers slowly approached the Soviet positions. They placed machine guns in the nearby craters, carefully passed the bodies of the Soviet Red Army and the German Wehrmacht, and blasted them to an almost shell. The highland kept pushing forward.

“Lower your body! Try to spread out! After entering the trench, immediately remove the threat. Non-stop movement is the basic means of life-saving. Tension is your biggest enemy!” Behind the smoke bomb, German officers are repeatedly reminding themselves that new To supplement the men, these soldiers are from Belgium and France, and are considered to be German foreign regiments.

These soldiers are all recruited from the SS. They do not occupy the regular recruitment of the National Defense Forces, but they can make up for the shortcomings of the German Defense Forces in recruitment. Because they are not affiliated with the German Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, the SS can have more options when recruiting.

After incitement and lobbying, the SS recruited some qualified recruits in the French-occupied area and in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In the farthest conscription unit, 1,000 volunteers were found in Spain. These soldiers were hostile to the Soviet Union and were willing to fight for a powerful and unified Europe. With their crude weapons, they were crowned as a “SS SS free division” and embarked on the battlefield.

Countless soldiers entered the effective range of the Soviet army under the cover of the German tanks. Soon some Soviet heavy machine guns that ambushed began to roar, and some German troops that were not well hidden began to be hit. sound. These German SSs jumped into the dilapidated trenches and began to compete with the Soviet soldiers who flocked in all directions for this not-so-wide position.

The Soviet officer who had just patted his helmet just now is frowning at his left wing position, where the voice of the German army shouted everywhere, and he also saw the German **** waving back and forth at the highest position of the position. His face turned pale, because he knew that the height he was guarding was only 13,400 meters away from Moscow.

Yes, the unit is meters! He could not take a step back, because he knew that if he stepped back here, the Germans would be closer to Moscow. He touched an empty French cigarette case in his arms, and his lips became bloodless because he pressed too hard together.

He once smoked once with the great Soviet leader Comrade Stalin’s personal guard captain Zaitsev, and he saw the admiring look of the other party. So he decided to vow to die this time, because this is his belief as a Soviet soldier. So he turned a blind eye to his collapsed left wing and ordered the troops to continue to hold on to the windy position.

“Let Comrade Pugadov bring a machine gun and find a way to hold the side of the left wing. We are behind Moscow, and we can no longer retreat! Everyone must have the consciousness of being a Soviet soldier. A drop of blood! “He gave a loud command to continue to defend. When he spoke, the German troops in front of him were already under the cover of the assault guns and poured into his front trenches.

Just about 5 kilometers behind the Soviet military officer, in a secret underground bunker, Zhukov and Vatukin, as the top commanders of the Soviet front, are inspecting their defensive positions. The sound of the guns in the distance was so dense that they couldn’t hear, but the two still got some news from the military commander who accompanied them, which was not too good.

“Comrade Marshal Zhukov, Comrade General Vatuktin, our troops lacked heavy anti-tank weapons, and the soldiers gave countless precious lives to deal with the German tanks.” The general stated helplessly that his troops suffered these days The heavy loss: “I was supplemented by 1,400 soldiers in three days, but my troops were killed in full 3,900.”

Because there was nothing to support the frontline generals, Vatukyu had to complain. In fact, he also has his own hardships. The industrial base in the rear is increasingly taking Moscow seriously: “Heavy weapons from Chelyabinsk were interrupted two weeks ago, and weapons and equipment shipped from other places were also The rear is intercepted with various excuses … “

“Comrade Watujing.” Zhukov looked at the map and finally pointed to the line of defense that had been smashed by the German troops in front of the position, and said to his colleagues: “You should let the troops pull out from here. They are only there. It could have been sent to death in vain. “

Vatukin smiled bitterly, then walked to the front of the map and looked away from the distance sign marked 13 kilometers before he said to Zhukov: “Comrade Marshal, you don’t know that we have no room to retreat. Comrade Stalin had issued a death order 20 days ago, and all troops must not take a step back. “

When Zhukov entered the room, the first thing he looked at was the statistical report on the supply of troops. He knew that these seemingly large troops still had a lot of potential, but they were just empty shelves one after another. They did not have enough ammunition, and in many cases they were not resupplied in time. Being able to persevere until this moment is already the result of the sacrifices of the grassroots soldiers for the country.

So he looked at Vatukin, pointing to the defensive positions that had been covered by the German artillery, and did not look very real. He opened his mouth and asked, “Look! Look there! The people who are there really love this.” Warriors of the country! They are using their lives against the German steel! What do you let them use to guard their positions? Did you throw stones at the King Tiger tank? “

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