My Third Empire

Chapter 1078 - Distance is meters

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Throwing stones at the heavy armor of the German King Tiger tank obviously cannot destroy the German King Tiger tank. Even now Soviet anti-tank weapons aim at the King Tiger tank for normal firing, and in most cases it cannot penetrate The armor of the German tank is gone.

On the one hand, because the Soviet Union was rushing to produce 76mm anti-tank guns, in order to unilaterally pursue production capacity, it ultimately affected the anti-tank performance of this artillery. Anti-tank was developed with such a single target.

To put it simply, this Soviet anti-tank gun of 76.2 mm caliber was designed as a comprehensive infantry support weapon when it was developed. What is a multi-functional platform? It is to allow this artillery to do curve support shooting as much as possible, and also have certain anti-tank capabilities at the same time.

The original design idea was to use one type of artillery to do the work of two or even three types of artillery, and then greatly simplify the equipment pressure in logistics and production. At the time of the birth of this artillery, the mainstream of the world ’s tanks was still the small beans like T-26 and Renault. With a caliber of 76 mm to take into account anti-tank tasks, it was simply a killing chicken.

However, with the advancement of the war, the thickness of the world ’s tank armor has made a qualitative leap, especially the Soviet Union ’s opponent German Wehrmacht. In this case, using an artillery that takes into account the multi-function at the time of design against the advanced tank protection system designed by the German professional design team, it can definitely be considered powerless.

Moreover, the rapid development of German science and technology, the terrible breakthrough in high-tech materials, the Soviet Union simply did not have time to study. In 1935, German material technology experts published papers on reinforced steel materials. In 1939, German military industrial companies began to use the world’s leading armor steel in material technology to produce their own armored vehicles.

Later, through a series of research and development, Germany developed a cloth material to cover the outer armor of the tank to enhance its ability to resist anti-tank weapons. However, this material has not yet been popularized, and only some troops are currently testing it.

The huge gap between this one’s own tank gun and the enemy’s armor increases and decreases. This becomes particularly evident. During World War II, anti-tank operations were mostly face-to-face bayonet fighting. Once one party lost confidence in the weapon in its hand, how much impact it had on the battle situation was also imaginable.

Soviet soldiers really didn’t have the courage to use stones as weapons to fight against German tanks. At least in this battle, they did not have the courage to do so. Before the two of Zhukov and Vatuktin reached agreement on whether to retreat on the front line, the Soviet position was already occupied by the Germans for the most part.

The German soldiers easily crossed the Soviet barbed wire barrier and jumped into the Soviet trenches. With their weapons in their hands, they desperately opened fire on the Soviet army, which had tended to collapse, and killed the Tree Army soldiers who fled backwards to the end of the trench.

“The Soviets ran away! Keep firing!” An officer who had just jumped into the trench from behind the tank waved his pistol, encouraging loudly to the surrounding soldiers. Beside him, one German soldier after another, carrying his own weapon was passing in front of him, towards the other end of the trench, sprinting with their fastest speed.

“Boo!” A German soldier leaning against the trench pit pointed his Mauser 98k rifle in the direction of the Soviet army. He snapped his rifle, and then pulled the bolt with skill to prepare for the next shot. He himself did not know whether the previous shot had hit his enemies, but the training allowed him to learn how to live in this battle, and the training allowed him to numbly aim at the enemy and fire as quickly as possible.

Beside him, the second German soldier also fell on the pit wall. He also aimed the gun in the direction of the Soviets, then aimed and fired. The two men fired one shot at a time, turning a blind eye to the bodies of three or four Soviet soldiers stacked beside them. The corpses seemed to them to be dirt, and there was nothing different from stone sandbags.

The track of a German leopard assault gun slowly rolled, picking up the dirt and letting it fall at a certain time. The huge load wheel made the German soldiers in the nearby trenches look a bit small. The metal track rubbed past the helmet and pressed the Soviet corpses across the path into the mud.

The heading machine gun in front of the car body kept spitting out the tongue of fire. The tracer was densely woven into a fire net directly in front of the assault gun. Several Soviet soldiers were covered by this fire net, and then it became **** The body spread out on the way back.

For the Soviet defenders lacking anti-tank weapons, the infantry assault guns, which were not so thick in armor, were already steel monsters that could not be destroyed in front of them. On the frontal position, they relied on numerous counterattacks at night, and countless times they rushed to the German assault gun with the explosive bag to stop the advance of these monsters.

Sometimes, in order to destroy a German assault gun or a tank, a whole company of Soviet soldiers will be killed on the defense line, and more or even the entire battalion will be destroyed. After more than a year of cooperation, the Germans have already formed a proficient set of coordinated combat operations. The Soviets want to take advantage of this mode, which is not an easy thing in itself.

“For Stalin!” Suddenly, not far from the side of a German leopard assault gun, a young Soviet soldier leapt from the ground. He was holding a dynamite bag and shouted with a slogan towards the still advancing German assault gun. This is a trick commonly used by Soviet infantry. Approaching from the side is a relatively safe method.

“Suddenly!” A German grenadier, not far behind the German assault gun, carried an mp-44 assault rifle in his hand and greeted the Soviet soldier who tried to die with the enemy with a intensive rain of bullets. The bullet penetrated the opponent’s weak body and beat the opponent into a sieve.

It is of course not only that tank cover infantry carry out assaults on enemy positions, but tanks must also be protected by infantry behind them in order to survive a breakthrough in the case of enemy forces on all sides. This is a skill and tactic that deserves serious study and learning, not just a group of soldiers following the tank.

When the Soviet soldier holding the explosive bag fell unwillingly to the ground, the explosive on his body exploded, and a loud bang made the Soviet soldier leave nothing, and the German assault gun in the distance Still slowly pushing forward his low but strong body.

Suddenly, the assault gun stopped moving and adjusted the head slightly to the left. The dark muzzle of the 75 mm caliber artillery fixed in front of it was aimed at a fire in the distance. Soviet bunker. This bunker is a permanent bunker reinforced with concrete, and camouflaged with weeds.

With a bang, a thick smoke erupted from the muzzle of the German assault gun, and the entire body of the tank trembled with it. A shell hit the target easily at a distance of one hundred meters. The high-explosive shell exploded in a place where the machine gun bunker was less than one meter, setting off a thick smoke and gravel. The bunker was instantly suppressed and stopped firing.

More German soldiers climbed up from the ground and launched a general attack on the Soviet positions that had lost their fire support. Hundreds of German soldiers slammed into the defensive positions carefully arranged by the Soviets and there will be no resistance. The opponents of ability are driven out from the inside. The Soviets threw their helmets and abandoned their armor and fled towards the second-line defensive position behind them.

Several German troops hid in the trenches waving a bullet-filled German flag, and the majestic leopard-style assault artillery leaned its low body against the destroyed Soviet bunker. His figure was just covered, so he found himself a suitable cover.

“Sir! We have captured the first defensive position of the enemy and are expanding the results to the two wings. The resistance of the enemy is much weaker than that of the day before yesterday. I think they should lack ammunition.” A German battalion commander station In front of a table in the regiment headquarters, pointing to a local map filled with contour lines, reported to his boss the result of this attack: “We lost only 50 because of the assault artillery cover of the division. soldier.”

The head of the team nodded, believing his report. There were three infantry battalions in his infantry regiment. He used two battalions in this attack. About 1,000 people participated in the attack. As a result, he only killed 50 soldiers when he captured the enemy positions. This result has made him very satisfied.

What worries him is that the Soviet defenders have always been known for their madness and bravery. These soldiers are good at countering immediately after losing their positions and using the lives of countless soldiers to recapture the positions that have fallen. So he quickly issued an order to enable his troops to reduce their losses as much as possible in the coming counterattack: “Let the troops stop advancing and consolidate their defensive positions. The Soviets may counterattack, and we must hold the positions as much as possible. “

He looked at the map, then put a mark on the position he had just occupied, and then he smiled happily: “Now we are the closest to Moscow, which is almost 12,700 meters.”

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