My Third Empire

Chapter 1126 - Strong negotiation

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

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“This is impossible! In any case, this level of conditions is something our Third Reich cannot promise. [ㄨ]” was sent to Israel by the Italian battleship Veneto and then rushed all the way to the German negotiator Ribent in Saudi Arabia. Luopu shook his head at the negotiating table and said, “God, you haven’t figured out what you are doing now, understand?”

As he spoke, he took the glass in front of him and took a sip before continuing his speech: “Your Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia can retain his share, and can use the burned oil field as a mortgage to obtain technical support from the Third Reich … However, the United States, Britain, France, and other messy shares must all be placed under the name of the Third Reich. This is the greatest concession we can make. “

The messengers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the other side of the negotiating table whispered and began to discuss the condition proposed by Ribbentrop. During the conversation, they shook their heads continually, and finally an old man led the mouth and said to the translator: “Although we two There is some unpleasant cooperation between the countries, but this is not a cooperation attitude in the future. We can redistribute the oil share, but the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must occupy an absolute dominant position in this division. “

Dominant position? Go find our Stuttgart bomber to dominate! Go find our Tiger King tank to dominate! Go find our Zeppelin aircraft carrier and battleship to dominate! Go and find the muzzle in our grenadiers’ hands to dominate! Ribbentrop thought bitterly.

However, he did not say these words directly, but looked at the old man with contempt, and finally waited for the other party to speak, and then smiled and said: “Since your country is so confident in its own power, then we are better off Take a break and restart this negotiation next month, how? “

A month? joke! Not to mention waiting one month, that is, waiting another 20 days, the iron hooves of the German armored forces may have stepped on the west bank of the Persian Gulf. Then talk to the Germans at that time? What else to talk about? After the Saudi special envoy heard Ribbentrop’s remarks, his face became not very good-looking. Obviously, the other party did not regard him as an opponent, but only ridiculed unilaterally.

“We know very well the military achievements of the Third Reich, but is this not a reason for a great empire to bully and bully? Is there a famous saying in Arabia: relying on force to sustain the destiny of a country cannot last forever.” To fight for a better chance for his country, gritted his teeth and opened his mouth in return.

Ribbentrop was not an international sympathizer, and he dismissed the remarks at all: “Mr. Special Envoy, I think, when His Majesty King Ibn Saudi Arabia asked you to come, he never asked you , Do n’t try to fight for profits? The Third Reich has experienced two wars, and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs spends all kinds of lies and fraud every day. “

He paused, then raised his head and pressed the most threatening eyes to the members of the Saudi mission opposite: “The Third Reich gave Saudi Arabia the opportunity, we have found oil for the rich country for Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia is in When we sanctioned Germany, we chose to forget; when we were invincible in North Africa, we also gave you the opportunity to choose, but you chose to ignore; now our army defeated the Americans and the British, but you came and told us that Take away the fruits of victory for free? “

Weak nations have no diplomacy, or have strong national strength as a backing. When they are in diplomacy, they all talk hard. There was no other reason why Ribbentrop said this solemnly, but because behind him was the German-Italian coalition of more than 400,000 under Marshal Rommel, invincible in the Third Reich. 7.5 million defense forces.

To be honest, Ribbentrop is not in a hurry now. Because for every minute of delay at the negotiating table, Rommel ’s army had one minute to continue its offensive. This kind of attack was carried out with little resistance. The more procrastination seemed to be more beneficial to the Germans.

When the tracks of the leopard tanks of the Third Reich were crushed to the west coast of the Persian Gulf, perhaps the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not have to worry about it. They just had to sit in the office and drink coffee. There is no country like Saudi Arabia.

“Mr. Minister, please understand our difficulties. Saudi Arabia is just a small country, and we have no ability to resist the powers of the United States and Britain.” The Saudi special envoy played a tragic card in a blink of an eye and began to count on the land of Saudi Arabia. , Heinous crimes committed by Britain and Americans. When Ribbentrop heard something sleepy, he stopped: “Does the German teacher of justice also have to follow the old road of exploitation of Arabia?”

“Exploitation? No! This is a war! Sir!” Ribbentrop didn’t accept Saudi Arabia’s tragic cards at all, but clarified his point of view from another angle: “Look, we have not exploited Saudi Arabia. Any little material, this is our sincerity to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia … Of course, we must seize the enemy ’s materials, especially the oil resources of the British and American enemy forces, and we cannot compromise at all! “

Ribbentrop directly regards the oil resources in Saudi Arabia as the material of the hostile country, and of course looting these resources is a matter of course. So what he said was straightforward, and he was not embarrassed at all. Both sides are playing cards according to their own routines, and there is a sense of self-talk.

“I think we can compromise at this point … In order to reflect our sincerity, we are willing to make certain concessions to support the Third Reich to win this war.” The first compromise was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with limited power Envoy, after struggling for several hours, he was forced to make concessions: “We are willing to lend the Anglo-American oil share to the Third Reich and continue to borrow it for free until the end of the war … It is in the interest of your country, It is also in our interest. “

“No, no no. This is indeed in your interest, but not in the interests of the Third Reich.” As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, one of the most knowledgeable and proficient men in this field in Germany. It is impossible for Ribbentrop to promise such a childish condition: “Saudi Arabia accounts for 20%, Italy 15%, Turkey 50%, Vichy France 50%, Northern Britain 50% … The Third Reich accounts for the entire Saudi oil share. 50%! I have already said that this is the bottom line of the Axis Powers, either agree or adjourn. “

It must be said that this era is the most proud of diplomats. The increasingly complex international relations after the Cold War have made it difficult for diplomats to speak out the rhetoric of either agree or war. And almost all diplomatic officials dream of saying this for their motherland: “If you do not agree to sign, then we will go to war!”

While the Saudi envoys whispered angrily to discuss countermeasures, a German intelligence officer took a document, walked into the negotiation room, and leaned against Ribbentrop ’s ear softly. Said a few words. Then the smile on the face of the German foreign minister became stronger. He waved the intelligence officer back, but he stood up with a smile on his face.

In the eyes of no one knowing why, he politely bowed slightly, and then began to speak in an irrelevant tone to the news that shocked all the Saudis present: “Gentlemen, I think we can really do this time. The meeting was adjourned. Because just a few minutes ago, the German Air Force ’s intelligence department confirmed that the British and Americans had dispatched all the bombers and carried out a comprehensive bombing of the oil fields controlled by the Saudi royal family. “

“What?” The old man headed by the Saudi delegation stood up in fright and asked aloud with staring eyes. Then he realized what was happening, and immediately thrashed the negotiating table in front of him and scolded: “This group of **** English guys! This group of **** American bastards! We Saudis and these **** endlessly!”

Scoldings are condemning people. Most of the German advisory groups and diplomats present looked at the desperately corrupt Saudi missions. The Saudis, who were holding their hands on the wall, were finally pulled into the water, and were dragged into the muddy waters of the war by their former allies.

“Sorry, Mr. Ribbentrop, please allow us to adjourn the meeting for a day. We have to confirm the authenticity of this news, and we need to re-connect with His Majesty the King …” It was the high-spirited German who just clamored for the adjournment After only a short time now, it has become a weak Saudi people struggling for each other. The wonderful things in this world are really unexpected, at least this moment of change is really unexpected.

“Of course, we will wait patiently for the results of your discussion.” Ribbentrop smiled and stretched his palm a bit uncomfortably, holding it with the other’s hand. Of course, he has time to wait patiently, and who he is, his army is just as unexpanded as he expands his territory, and he has full patience to wait.

It is a pity that the Saudi embassy did not allow Ribbentrop to wait too long, because they went back and confirmed it a little, and found that the Germans ’information was accurate. The bomber attacked the oil field.

Ibn Saudi finally resolved to avenge the United States and Britain. Three hours later, the Saudi royal family announced that it was standing on the side of the Axis Powers and declared war on the Allied forces … The price was indeed distressing. The German entry agreement signed by the Saudis was signed without changing the word Got his own name.

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