My Third Empire

Chapter 1127 - Iceland suspicious cloud

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Remember [??] in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The roar of motives echoed in a hidden spare airport. Several slightly pale British Air Force officers and a few men in mechanic clothes surrounded the breathing motive, shaking their heads in frustration. ?? `

Due to the problem of blade processing, this machine had various problems after using it for several weeks. It almost caused the pilot of this meteor fighter to die while patrolling, and then almost exploded after landing. Eventually, it could only be taken down to make experimental equipment, and the effect was very unsatisfactory.

Just like another Nazi Germany in a desperate time and space, the side effects of Icelandic Britain’s reluctance to mount high-tech weapons began to highlight. Their equipment is extremely unreliable. Various problems often occur on the battlefield, affecting the use and Wave.

Even if these doomsday weapons are purely epoch-making in terms of performance alone, some of them can even be regarded as the innovations that will lead the future exhibition, but these weapons all have various fatal defects that cannot be ignored. And the reliability is extremely low.

Facts have proved that it is not only the Nazi Germany that has a big brain in mind. On the eve of the country’s demise, it hopes to pin its hopes on high-tech weapons. Any country will fall into this vicious circle after the defeat.

“Jitter cannot be restrained at all. This motive has no way to be installed on an aircraft.” The British technical worker who recorded various failures and problems sighed helplessly, and then explained his views to the British officials around him: ” This month, only 14 engines were produced in Canada, and after using them for a period of time, there were such problems that could not be solved. “

Another researcher nodded, and then analyzed the main reasons for the problems of these motivations from a technical point of view: “The blade processing technology in the motivation is immature, and Canada has no ability to produce this kind of motivation. The reluctant result is now This is the case. “

He has always opposed relying on Canada’s immature factories and small workshop-like businesses to produce jet engines. The weapons produced in this way are extremely unstable, and such unstable weapons are more dangerous than the enemy. It is a pity that no one can listen to his advice, or that even if everyone listens to it, no one is willing to give up trying.

Looking through the arsenals of the British and Americans, there is no way to find an aircraft comparable in performance to the German Ta-152 fighter. If the British did not take the lead in using jet fighters and did not take the lead in producing jet engines, how could they contain German f-19od and ta-152 fighter jets like the ocean?

“Four meteor jet fighters that were finally piled up, and three of them fell due to mechanical failure. The German bomber group hadn’t come yet, we killed three pilots ourselves … what’s the matter? “The British pilot, standing next to the motive, wearing a life jacket and carrying a parachute, lamented. His comrades fell into the fuselage a few days ago due to a mechanical failure, and he has not been relieved until now.

Although the 3ooo famous US military has been strengthened, there is still a gloomy cloud in Iceland. The destroyed runway and half of the bases that were built were as horrible as ruins, so that everyone who saw everything in front of them could not afford any confidence and no hope of coming.

The motivation is still shaking and running, making everyone around him very uncomfortable. No one felt that relying on this weapon could win the war. Many pilots of jet planes even began to be afraid of performing their missions. This sentiment spread and made Air Force Commander General Dotting feel the seriousness of the situation.

“Woo … Woo …” While everyone was immersed in despair to reflect the essence of their literary youth, the air defense alarm sounded so untimely. Soon a policeman ran out of the radio room not far away, shouting with the paper in his hand, shouting: “The German aircraft carrier is close! The fighter unit is on standby, ready to take off at any time!”

“I’d rather use an outdated p-4o fighter than to take off with such an unstable gadget.?.??`c?om” The British pilot who heard the siren hugged his head and walked towards the distance The aircraft maintenance shed complained to the ground crew who followed him: “God bless you.”

To be fair, if you give meteor fighters another five years to accumulate and exhibit, this fighter is definitely a reliable jet of a Nazi German me-262 fighter. Although it is more conservative in design than Germany, it is still a beautiful jet fighter.

At this moment, the British pilot climbed on the ladder next to the meteor fighter’s cabin, praying in his heart that this time his plane would not fall down due to mechanical failure. He fixed his seat belt with the help of ground crew, and then began to check the various instruments in his cockpit to see if there were any problems affecting the flight before take-off.

In the distance, the stern sounds of air defense alarms from other bases can be heard, making the atmosphere inside this secret air base even more dignified. Now Iceland ’s air defense basically relies on two hidden small airports to protect them, and in these two airports, there are more than a dozen planes that can take off.

Obviously, fighters of this size are used to fight large-scale German fighters, which is undoubtedly a self-defeating act. Thinking of this, the British pilot sitting in the cabin froze for a moment. Once upon a time, would RAF fighter pilots be afraid to take off against their enemies? Once upon a time, the sturdy Royal Air Force thousands of fighters became so vulnerable that only a few planes could take off to counter the intruders?

Inside the Icelandic air defense headquarters, General Douding frowned, and gathered the information in his hand. He was unwilling to let his fighter unit take off and continue to consume in such a disproportionate battle. He was afraid to hear the news that his fighter plane crashed again because of a malfunction, which made his fighter force’s heart shake.

But the death order given to him by His Majesty the King was to resolutely fight back and protect the air supremacy over Iceland. If at this moment he does not order the fighter to take off, what losses will the Icelandic base suffer, and he will certainly be criticized by the royal family as the commander of the air defense forces. The tangled mood has always been with him, making him feel as heavy as his chest is pressed.

“General!” An officer pinched a message from the newly reconstructed simple radar station and shouted into General Douding’s headquarters: “General! General! The number of German takeoff aircraft is 2o. Between 3o and 3o, the size of the German aircraft is between 2o and 3o! “

Hugh Dowding heard this result, and his eyes lit up: This time, the Germans did not dispatch a huge strategic bomber, but a small carrier-based attack aircraft with a small amount of ammunition. In this way, even if this bombing is under the German bombing, interception without taking off the aircraft will be tolerable.

He made a slight calculation in his mind, and even more convinced that the German attack would not cause too much damage. It is perhaps the purpose of the Germans that such a small number of attacks entice the Royal Air Force to dispatch and then consume the limited power of the British Air Force!

Thinking of this, Douding immediately spoke to his men and commanded: “Notify the 6th Army of the United States, let them pay attention to air defense concealment! Let the Air Force aircraft continue to stand by, and do not rush to take off. For German planes, it is enough for the anti-aircraft guns to pay attention to protect the only radar station. Except for these, we have nothing worth bombing by the Germans. “

Hearing this, several generals in the headquarters smiled, and then each conveyed the general ’s order. Soon the Luftwaffe aircraft appeared over the ruined ruins of Iceland. Obviously, these German aircraft did not show any tricks. They hurriedly dropped bombs at some suspected targets and turned their noses away. Iceland airspace.

“The alarm was lifted! The German bombing was not large, and the task of taking off and meeting was canceled, and all the aircraft were on standby.” An officer stood next to the concealed field airfield, facing the few planes left by himself. The pilots shouted. There was not much cheering, no one likes to take off the plane in this situation.

Everyone was relieved, and the pilots smiled happily. The anti-aircraft alarm was lifted, and everyone turned their attention to the black dot-sized German aircraft that came and hurried away in the distance: “Hey! I said, these **** German hybrids, just fly in a circle. gone?”

“Maybe they were frightened away by your heroic murderousness.” A ground crew member was relieved of the alarm and seemed to find his soul again. He made a joke while taking off his life jacket for the pilot in charge.

“Although I don’t know the reason, I always feel that these Germans’ actions are a bit strange.” The pilot who jumped from the fighter didn’t know where to see the flaws, and murmured uncertainly.

But his words immediately caused the big guy to laugh at: “Don’t stop crowing, maybe this is a demonstration by the German Navy.” In the laughter, the pilot also felt that he was too suspicious and had to scratch his head He smiled and closed his mouth.

Before waiting for the British pilots and ground crews at this base to think carefully, the jet motive, which has been tested in a humble shack, suddenly made a weird noise of kara kara, and then only a few seconds passed. The tester didn’t have time to cut off the fuel and the power supply, and it didn’t know why, the explosion exploded, and the entire roof was lifted–

Long Ling thanked everyone for your concern. The body is much better. It seems to be a common cold. It is still uncomfortable on the train. When it gets to the place, it gets better.

In fact, these days are mainly due to funeral delays, so much so busy with socializing. The south is much more red and white than the north, and the different customs do make Long Ling feel it again after the wedding.

Thank you for your waiting and support, Long Ling will make up for the update as soon as possible, and present a better story to everyone

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