My Third Empire

Chapter 1137 - Counterattack

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

At 5 o’clock in the evening, the German positions outside Moscow were still silent. Stalin stipulated that the time for Zhukov to finally launch a counterattack had arrived, but obviously the Zhukov cluster did not execute this command, and even even opened fire to deal with the idea nothing.

During supper, the fighting did not break out. Both sides were preparing for their evening meal. The Germans had better food than the Soviets. Some troops even got dehydrated peas and some dried leaves. Everyone talks and laughs in their trenches and rejoices at the increasingly comfortable front-line life.

There is no decent food in the Soviet Union. At least in the Zhukov cluster, which is far away from Moscow, there is no decent food. Most soldiers have only some pitiful “columns” as food, and a few troops have only moldy expired food.

In the afternoon, the Germans concentrated all kinds of artillery and used a total of 60 Frederick rockets to launch a fire attack on the Soviet defending positions. The sky-long artillery continued like a rainstorm for half an hour before stopping Afterwards, some positions of the Soviet army were completely destroyed by this round of fierce artillery fire, so that in the end Zhukov had to order to give up these unrecognized places.

“But, Comrade Marshal Zhukov … we did not carry out the offensive order in this way, on the contrary, we also gave up a part of the defensive position. If Comrade Stalin knew … our situation would be dangerous.” The boss, the last hope of the Soviet Red Army, Marshal Zhukov said.

Zhu Kefu looked at the map of the war zone that he had counted for countless times, and looked at the place names that he kept in mind into the German occupation zone. It was even more sad in his heart. He pointed to the thick arrows on the map that represented the German troops, and sighed rather helplessly: “I have already said that counterattacks will only make us die faster. Using limited troops in urban street fighting Holding down the enemy is what we should do now. “

“But, Comrade Marshal, the last special envoy sent by Stalin has left us an ultimatum, telling us that if we did not launch an offensive tonight, then Stalin would send someone to replace us and hang us. “The chief of staff said, leaning on his chair.

Zhukov laughed loudly. After two laughs, he turned to his chief of staff and said in a very witty tone: “Who will replace me? If Comrade Stalin can find me in his waste. He will be picked up by two people two days ago. Who would like to be in my position at this time? I am afraid no one will? “

Sure enough, in the underground bunker in the far-away Moscow city, Stalin was annoyed by Zhukov’s refusal to carry out his orders. In front of a group of generals and officials, Stalin fell his beloved pipe and then screamed like a thunder. Zhukov, like Cuikov, is a bad wolf with no conscience.

“Asshole! This is a betrayal to me! Betrayal to the great motherland and his vow! Why doesn’t he attack? Does he want to see me killed in Moscow?” After making sure that Zhukov did not lead the rest of him After news of the defeated soldiers attacking the Germans, Stalin clapped the table and shouted to a group of military advisers and officials.

“Comrade Stalin, this is Zhukov ’s personal betrayal of the entire Soviet Union! I suggest that the rank of his Soviet Marshal should be cut off immediately, and then find someone to take over the troops he commanded and take these troops to attack the Germans and ease the pressure on Moscow. “A military adviser looked at Stalin who was already in a daze in front of him, and finally advised.

Not all people in high positions are really capable people. Sometimes these little people who go to the top through special periods, the only thing they will know is how to frame others. Once the situation becomes out of their control and anticipation, they will be in chaos, and even the most basic principles will be forgotten by panic.

“So, do you want to replace Zhukov?” Vatukine, who had been standing on Stalin’s left side, obviously had real skills. After hearing this suggestion, he raised his eyebrows, and his cold eyes stared at the stupid talking stupid, Can’t wait to kick him over and let him close his mouth forever.

“Of course I can’t, but there are many generals who have a level …” The general also knew that he was wrong and his voice was getting smaller, but he was still reluctant to lose himself in front of Stalin Face, and finally whispered against Vutujing, and then shut her mouth shut.

Before Vattukin had a chance to continue speaking, Stalin interrupted his words. Now the nominal leader of the entire Soviet Union is in a trance. He speaks with the accent of his hometown. If he is unclear, he must listen carefully to be able to distinguish: “General Vatukin, you mean, Zhukov is in his Ca n’t be replaced in the army? This is the behavior of Tate Shantou! This is to treat our motherland ’s army as his own private army! “

At this time, the hat is still buckled. Is it really possible to hang Zhukov who can conquer good warfare, and then replace it with a fool, can the situation be changed? Vatukine glanced at Stalin, who was on the rage, and for a moment questioned whether his choice was correct. He didn’t know how long he could persevere, and he could find a reason to persevere among those who had been defeated.

“Attacked! Attacked! Zhukov’s troops launched a counterattack in the southwest region!” An officer glanced at General Watujing, who was already as pale as Li Kui, and felt that the atmosphere in the room was very wrong. Said: “Zhukov’s troops have just started attacking!”

Everyone looked at this humble little character in the room, and seemed to be waiting for his continued speech: “General Zhukov finally tried his best before this meeting, and he adjusted the strength of the 4 regiments and decided An attack was launched in the southwest corner of Moscow City! Look at the time, should it be started now? “

His wits gave Watujing a glimmer of hope and quickly stood up and said: “Comrade Stalin and Comrade Marshal Zhukov did not reject your order at all, but because the troops were too scarce to fight back on time. Let’s wait In a few hours, you can hear the good news of his counterattack. “

“Then let’s wait for him to launch an attack! At least he has been on the front line, and he is more familiar with the environment than we are.” The general, who was frightened with trembling by Vatukine’s eyes, said quickly: “We’ll wait for another one Hours … No! Wait two more hours! If he does not attack, discuss the matter of removing him for trial! “

If you really dare to replace Zhukov, it is possible that the army will immediately change! By that time the Germans will be hiding in the city, and you and I will die without a burial place! Watujing swallowed this sentence, because Stalin had already said on the other side: “Very good! Just follow this plan!”

With a few hours of delay, Vatukyu naturally had a way to deceive Stalin. After returning to his headquarters, he immediately ordered all the artillery fire and fought a limited-scale artillery battle with the Germans. He wanted to cover up Zhukov’s disobedience with an offensive operation that did not exist at all, and the results of non-existence.

An hour later, Stalin and his men heard artillery fire from a distant place. The fire and explosion in the night made Stalin feel comfortable all over him. He seemed to have forgotten his order to hang Zhukov, and he was rewarded with no reason for launching an attack. He praised Zhukov for launching the attack on time, repelling the German offensive and reversing the unfavorable situation in Moscow. .

During this attack, a whole battalion of Moscow officers fell on the road of the charge. They were all poor people who were overwhelmed by despair and reality, and voluntarily chose to use their bodies to be buried in their motherland. These officers led the charge and fought very stubbornly, and even forced a part of the German army back to the Vegaj Cinema.

“I think Stalin is crazy, why did he reward me as a sinner who did not obey orders?” Zhu Kefu smiled and threw the message praising him on his desk, complaining to the chief of staff around him: “He is in the bunker Relying on his voice and a bunch of idiots to judge the current situation, it is just a joke about his life! “

“I think this is his last resort for self-consolation.” The chief of staff looked at the message from the Kremlin office, and then put it on Zhukov’s table: “He is more willing to believe lies and believe now. Those battle plans that are simply impossible … I do n’t want to believe the truth we say, I do n’t want to believe that we are still fighting for this country to the last moment. “

“Konev just called and said that he was forced to retreat another 4 kilometers in the southern region. We no longer have to worry about it. Within two days, Comrade Marshal, you can move your headquarters to Moscow City. Go. “The chief of staff said to Zhukov with a hint of irony.

Vasilevsky ’s forces were also pushed back by Guderian ’s forces at the side and rear, and the defensive operations in the rear of Moscow were also not going smoothly. Now that Moscow has been almost surrounded, the surrounding area is the Moscow defense zone and the Zhukov cluster. More than 900,000 troops. Mobile phone users please visit m.

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