My Third Empire

Chapter 1138 - Bica Park

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A Tiger King tank is slowly moving forward in the thick woodland. Its wide track rolls forward under the rolling of the wheels, crushing the green grass, scraping the twigs and tender leaves in the bushes. [ㄨ] Another Tiger King tank not far behind it was also moving forward at a slow speed, hitting a small tree and making a clicking noise.

The battle for Moscow has been going on for a month. Apart from a part of the brave and tenacious soldiers belonging to the Soviet defenders, this result is more from the repair and waiting of the German army. Everyone is waiting for the completion of the encirclement, and this moment finally arrived yesterday, on June 30.

So when the time just entered July, several German army groups surrounding Moscow launched a large-scale offensive against Moscow. When the smoke on the battlefield rose from the early morning sun, it continued until the afternoon. Artillery shells whizzed across the roof, the explosion shook the broken glass on the building, there were dense gunshots everywhere, and the air defense alarm had never stopped since it sounded.

Klug ’s F Army continued its offensive in the southwest of the Moscow city. His SS 5th Panzer Division and a regiment of Soviet armored forces engaged in a fierce battle in Bicha Park. In this rare wild terrain that belongs to the Moscow city area, both sides invested as much armor as possible, so this not-so-large area became a famous chariot cemetery.

7 Tiger King tanks, 14 Tiger tanks, 30 Leopard tanks and assault guns were destroyed in this huge park, while the Soviet side dropped a full 90 armored vehicles of various models and 2000 Multiple soldiers. [ㄨ] The high ground in a park was filled with armored vehicles destroyed by both sides, which eventually caused more chariots to find no way to continue their offensive and was forced to fight with infantry.

The soldiers leaned on the wreckage of the armored vehicle that had burned and exploded and cooled down, and then next to the bodies of these steel monsters, they were stacked with the dead soldiers. Vattukin personally ordered not to give up an inch of land in the park, so when the Germans finally boarded the highland, thinking that the park was already occupied, the Soviets invested a whole armored regiment and carried out a crazy counterattack.

Thirty Stuka 2 bombers from the army directly dropped all the bombs on the streets around Bica Park to prevent Soviet soldiers from strengthening the park, but in the end more than 1,000 Soviet troops rushed in. In the park, the battle is bloodier and crazier.

The fighting started in the woods, and soldiers from both sides even partly engaged in bayonets. One of the German infantry regiments was eventually replaced because of too much loss, and then another infantry regiment was pushed up. When it hit 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the second regiment could not support it, and had to go up to the third regiment to continue fighting.

General Carrickoff of the 82nd Army even had to personally move his headquarters to the Union Street to encourage his soldiers to continue to fight in such a “slap” place in the form of war supervision. Within a few hours, the Germans killed more than 800 people, and the Soviets accounted for the subsequent reinforcements, and more than 2,900 people have been killed here.

This park is like a big mouth of blood, engulfing the lives of the soldiers of both sides. Until this moment, it still engulfed two Tiger King tanks from the side into the defense zone of the Soviet troops, the Soviet defenders The machine gun suddenly rang, and bullets hit the armor of the two Tiger King tanks, making a noise like fried beans.

The German infantry following the two tanks fell to the ground at once. In a panic, the Germans set up their machine gun positions and began to fire at the dense forest. A German soldier, carrying his rifle, bent over the bushes behind a fortified fort and ran across the bushes, behind him was a leaf spattered by bullets and small branches.

“Company Commander! The radio said that it would be covered bombardment here in 3 minutes! The coordinates have been handed in!” He ran while supporting his helmet, and finally jumped into a large pit formed by shells. The action brought a dust. When their infantry company had just added 111 people, there were only less than 80 left.

“Stop the fire! Stop shooting!” The company commander shouted loudly at the infantry platoon firing on the other side of his crater. The people over there apparently heard the order and shouted in German farther away, Soon the Germans stopped the attack, and the Soviet Union clearly realized that something bad was about to come, and also stopped shooting.

After the sound of the guns from both sides stopped, just ten seconds later, the first shell fell on this park near Balaklava Avenue. Various debris flew into the sky, and then fell with the sound of other shell explosions.

The 75-mm infantry artillery, as a regimental support artillery, exemplifies its value in battles of this scale. The falling shells accurately match a Soviet heavy machine gun bunker that is still firing into the sky. Some Soviet soldiers who had nowhere to hide were also hit by the artillery fire, and the crying father shouted his mother on the ground, allowing his blood to stop flowing.

As the Germans continued to advance, a river blocked their way of attack, the bridge had been blown up by the Soviets, and German tanks had to make roundabouts towards both ends of the river. The soldiers on both sides of the river continuously fired at each other, and the bullets flew across the river to the other’s position, taking the enemy’s life or hitting the bunker and leaving a hole.

The turning point of the entire battle took place on the battlefield outside the park. The other Lutherans attacked north along Union Street. They finally pushed their frontier position to the intersection where Union Street and Obruchev Avenue met. There they confronted Soviet troops across the street.

In the Bica Park, two streets away, the Soviet Red Army troops, whose flanks were threatened, eventually gave up their defensive positions for a whole day in German artillery fire. They wept bitterly and left the place they defended, leaving these places to the two German King Tiger tanks that protected the infantry’s slow advance.

“Yes! Our troops have deployed new lines of defense in Bica Park and Balaklava Avenue, and the Soviets have not counterattacked! If you wish, Lord General, you can pull the 150 mm caliber howitzer directly under the Ministry , More accurate shelling of the Kremlin. “A German division commander established his temporary headquarters near the newly captured highlands and reported to General Carrick the latest results. His troops replaced the heavy losses. An infantry division is now the closest unit to the Kremlin, but between him and the Kremlin, there are countless Soviet defenders.

However, Karikov did not stop his offensive footsteps. At this time, his two other infantry divisions were crossing the Vostrikovo Cemetery and attacking northward along Vernatsky Avenue. They fought desperately with the Soviets in a concert hall, and then a temporary assault squad rushed into the concert hall to wipe out the Soviets and the 32 band members who resisted with the Soviets.

At more than 4 pm, the Germans achieved gratifying results on both Vernacki Street and Union Street. The famous Lenin Street was sandwiched between the two streets. The Soviet defenders here were finally forced to give up their own Defensive positions, retreat to Vorontsov Park and set up new defensive positions.

This day is not a good day for the Soviet army guarding Moscow. After losing the important defensive position on the periphery, the “Circumference Highway Defense Line”, they also threw the more important Obluchev Avenue-Balaklava Avenue Line to the Germans.

Of course, it is not only the German F Group Army that Vattukin needs to deal with. In the back area of ​​Moscow, the infantry of the Group A Army crossed the Moscow Canal. After a full day of contention, they captured the “Sunday Cultural Park” in the northernmost part of Moscow. The head of a Tiger King tank at the forefront of the SS 13th Panzer Division under the command of Marshal Lundstedt is only 700 meters away from Levobieleg Train Station.

“I now finally understand the difficulties faced by General Rokosovsky … The fighting qualities of these Germans in street fighting are not much worse than they are in field fighting. They are not bad at street fighting, just field fighting It ’s better. ”After reading the report on the changes in the battlefield within a few hours, Watujing put down the stack of heavy paper with some depression.

He lost more positions on this day than he did in the past ten days. Now he realized that the seemingly violent attacks of the Germans in the past few days were actually just warm-up exercises. When the storm came, he couldn’t even withstand a German thunder blow. These elaborately arranged defensive positions were originally hoped to stay until August, but on the first day of July, he threw these defensive priorities to the German army opposite.

“Comrade Stalin called and asked us about the battle on the front line … He asked if Bica Park was holding up and when the German offensive could stop.” The chief of staff of Watujing held his hands, his face gray as if he had died. Mother in general. The question in this message made him feel that he was a sinner in this country, and he should immediately pull out his pistol to break his head.

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