My Third Empire

Chapter 1148 - Self-destruction Great Wall

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Watching Zhukov leave, Stalin remembered the generals who had deceived him and General Watujing, so he recruited trusted people and asked him to take the soldiers from house to house to find the military advisers who pointed at the map and opened the river. Staff. He wants to let those who deceive him go to hell, he wants to let those people die faster than himself!

“You! Take a platoon of soldiers! Find the **** of the staff! Shoot them without trial! They all betrayed the Soviet Union and are criminals of treason! You personally executed the order, killed them, and brought them Give me the dead picture! Do you understand? “He patted his guard captain Zaitsev’s shoulder and vented fiercely.

Zaitsev nodded and replied to Stalin: “Great leader Comrade Stalin, I will resolutely carry out your mission until the end of the world!” After he finished speaking, he took the person he trusted and left. The underground bunker of the Kremlin where Stalin was hiding.

The gunshots in Moscow sounded more intensively than before. This time, not only the bullets from the Germans to the Soviets, but also not only the bullets from the Soviets to the Germans, but also some of the Soviets. Human bullet. These Soviet generals who had been in and out of Stalin’s headquarters a moment ago, all became **** enemies at this moment, and were killed by their own bullets at their doorstep.

Vatukin stood at the mouth of his command department, waiting for the car in front of him to stand firm in front of him. He numbly enjoyed the salute of the guard of the Stalin Guard, Zaitsev, who jumped off the car, and then returned numbly. military salute. When Zaitsev crossed over and wanted to walk into his headquarters, Vatukin finally remembered what he should do, so he said that Zaitsev, who was already pressed on the gun, said: “I heard You are executing the traitor who deceived the leader, and you have killed 34 of these people, right? “

“Yes, including deceiving Comrade Stalin, saying that our troops have fought back many generals …” Zaytsev seemed to have expected what Vatukin wanted to say, squeezing a smile and opening his mouth to this Moscow The city defense commander said: “They betrayed their loyalty to Comrade Stalin, so I was instructed to teach them a lesson.”

“Tell Comrade Stalin that our troops are fighting back! It’s me! It’s me Vatukin! It has nothing to do with my men!” Vatukin hurried back to Zaitsev’s who had crossed him In front, after blocking the other’s path, he said, “If you must give Comrade Stalin an account, then start with me!”

Zaitsev froze, then shook his head and said, “Comrade General, you must know that Comrade Stalin and I have never questioned your loyalty, so you are not on the list we decided to punish this time. Please let us Open the road, don’t stop me from performing official duties. “

“But! Comrade Zaitsev, it all started with me first! It was I who deceived Comrade Stalin! It was I who said that our troops are fighting back! This is not about my subordinates. After a while, I will meet Stalin and beg him to let go of the officers who lie with me! “Vatukin already said to Zaitsev in a pleading tone.

Zaitsev nodded, then took a step forward, and joined Vatukin ’s ear and said, “I only have two options. The first option is that you continue to struggle with me here, and then I will execute you again. To kill those on the list, the second option is to let you go, and then I go in and kill the people on the list … “

Vatuktin did not expect Zaittsev to be so determined this time. He never imagined that under such a desperate situation, Stalin really wanted to find these minutiae troubles. He was there for a moment, wondering if he should really come forward and be killed by his own person at the mouth of his command department, or if he should make way for him to betray his subordinates in full view.

Just when he was hesitant, Zaitsev bypassed his body, walked into his headquarters, and then when Vatukin came back, gunshots had already been heard from his headquarters. At this sensitive time, it is impossible to hide the eyes of the Vatukhin command, so when Zaitsev came here, Vatukin waited outside the office, and this was from another From a perspective, it also means that the people inside are equally prepared.

The gunshots rang intensively. Obviously, the people inside did not choose to sit still, but chose to raise their guns to fight back. Watujing listened to the gunshots in his headquarters in horror, but he never had the courage to walk in and persuade both People stop this kind of consumption of their own people to beat their own people. He just stood at the door, not even turning his body.

The gunshots in the room gradually subsided, but Vatuk still remained still in the desperate eyes of his men. He stood like this, and waited until there was no movement in the headquarters before slowly. Turned around and looked at the gate of the deep underground headquarters.

Zaitsev carried his pistol and walked out of the gate with heavy steps, and behind him, only a few of the guards of Stalin who followed him walked out of the house. Everyone was carrying a gun. The knife licks the blood and eats the mixed rice, so it is indeed a normal thing to have deaths and injuries with each other while being prepared.

“I respect you as a true patriotic general, so this time I will not report to Stalin, nor will I be held accountable.” Zaitsev walked to Vatukin and said to the general: ” But I hope you do n’t do anything else anymore. After all, everyone ’s mood is not very good now. “

Vatukyu didn’t speak. The soldiers in his command department pressed their hands on the guns, and looked at these men in glistening decent uniforms with extreme hatred. They don’t really care about the identity of the other party. What they care more about is that these people have just killed their colleagues, and their boss has killed those familiar faces in the house.

“Sir! If you order! We guarantee that they will not be able to leave this alone! They have just killed a large number of officers in our headquarters under the name of Comrade Stalin!” A guard officer stared at Zha with his own gun Itev opened his mouth to ask Vatukine, who did not speak, but watched the soldiers of the Stalin Guard carrying pistols get into the car and left the cratered street.

“What the Germans did not do, Stalin did.” A Soviet officer carrying a document bag said sarcastically: “He helped the Germans attack our own headquarters, killing so many of us, letting The entire headquarters is in a mess. “

Soon the abnormal reaction of some Soviet troops made the Germans aware. Some Germans attacked locally. The Soviets counterattacked very slowly. They no longer invested their troops as fast as they started. Sometimes they waited until the Germans had occupied the target area. The reinforcements of the Soviet small units have not arrived in the war zone.

Taking advantage of the time when a series of problems occurred within the Soviet garrison, the Germans completed a limited offensive operation. Under the cover of artillery, the F Group Army won a famous restaurant north of Vorontsov Park, and the nearby Soviet soldiers drove behind the defensive line on Lemenosov Avenue.

Marshal Klug put a battalion of armored troops to cover his infantry and attacked along Union Street all the way north. Eventually, they stopped at the crossroads where Lemenosov Street and Union Street met. What prevented them from advancing was the building of the Building Science Library flanked by the Soviet defenders.

The German F Group Army on the sidewalk cut from the Warsaw Highway to Leninno ’s flanks, and almost cut off the communication link between Zhukov and the Kremlin south of the Moscow River. Zhukov had to relocate his headquarters the day after he met Stalin.

He was forced to move his headquarters back again, and moved to Paveletsk Railway Station, where there are subway facilities connecting the banks of the Moscow River, and more complete and deep underground air defense shelter facilities. And here is surrounded by the Moscow River on three sides, which is probably the easiest core position to defend in Moscow.

After Zhukov moved his headquarters here, he did not intend to leave. He arranged the surrounding fortifications carefully, inspecting trenches and barricades one by one, and even helped the soldiers strengthen the machine gun bunker by hand. As a marshal, he has done all the things he can do, and now the only thing left is to coexist and die with his own country.

On July 20th, the Lenino area was occupied by Italian Expeditionary Forces, and their flanks, Guderian ’s tanks, had pressed the track near the T-junction where the Kashira Highway and Andropov Avenue met. Marcus ’Tiger King ’s tank troops were ordered to attack the Ascension Church along the green belt on the west bank of the Moscow River. Without the obstruction of buildings and obstacles, they quickly captured and erected there. A striking German 4D national flag.

July is a month of victory for the German front-line troops stationed on the Eastern Front. Each day in July they are closer to their victory. The troops closest to the Kremlin had a muzzle more than 6 kilometers away from Stalin ’s bedroom door, and they could shorten this distance by another 50 meters every hour.

Of course, this 50 meters is not a distance that can be easily advanced. For this insignificant short distance, the Germans paid a few times when they moved forward, and they lost several times during the battle. A German soldier fell.

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