My Third Empire

Chapter 1149 - Two scams

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Are you sure you want to do this? Maybe you are doing something that completely destroyed the entire British Empire …” A middle-aged man wearing suspenders and carrying red wine in the living room of his villa stared A middle-aged general in German military uniform asked in front of him.

The German officer questioned by him even had the rank of major general hung on his shoulder. It looked very decent and superb. The German major general carried his hands on his back, looked at the man in front of him, and finally said: “The British Empire? What does it have to do with the total destruction of the Empire? I have not betrayed my motherland, but I am now I do n’t know where is my motherland … “

“So, this time you have chosen your new country?” The man in suspenders shook the glass in his palm and watched the delicious red wine hang slowly on the crystal clear wall of the glass. Whereabouts, he asked the other person a question.

Once this kind of fine wine was banned in Germany, a country lacking resources, and when the war hit, the Germans had resumed the supply and sale of most domestic luxury goods. This shows from another aspect that this huge country known as the Third Reich has begun to emerge from the shadow of the war economy and has a better future.

“General Montgomery, I worked hard to find you here, and I used a sounding reason to meet you. I just wanted to talk to you about my heart and talk about my thoughts as a British spy.” This A man wearing a German military uniform revealed his identity almost without evasion. Obviously, he trusted the Montgomery who had become a prisoner in front of him.

“To be honest, I was sent to Germany to work as an intelligence agent as long as the coalition military committee was still there. At that time, I was opposed to conniving at the German rearming, but the big men thought they could hold the Germans in their hands , Like a sparrow, squeezed in their palms. “The general said frustratedly to Montgomery:” But in fact, we all know that Germany is an eagle, not a sparrow. The colonel knows, Colonel Smith knows, and now it seems that they are the real wise men. “

Montgomery sighed and said with a wry smile: “Now it’s no use saying anything. I’ve become such a prisoner. I can only watch TV every day and read the newspaper to kill time … In fact, I dare not go back Britain went to show its head, fearing that others would recognize me, and asked me why I failed to defeat the Germans in Africa to save the British Empire. “

“The British Empire has nothing to save.” The British spy shook his head and said, “So I have chosen my own destination. The best destination of all British spies installed in Germany is to be a double-sided spy. . “

After the British retreated to Iceland and Canada, and lost their homeland, many British spies were destroyed in Germany and France and Italy because of the rush to retreat and the betrayal of the British in the north. The German intelligence service efficiently and organizedly eliminated these unlucky lurkers, and won the largest anti-spyware operation in human history.

The remaining British spies spent all day in panic and despair, because their homeland had collapsed, and these spies who possessed unspeakable secrets in their identities had no way to have a normal German life. So under various pressures, they finally chose to confess their identities, use these identities to act as a double-faced spy, and rely on selling false intelligence to the United Kingdom or tricking other spies to atone for the crime.

This is also the main reason why Germany has a lot of British intelligence and crushed the British and American allies in the spy war. [ㄨ] It is the forces invested by the two parties in the spy war, and the conditions for using these forces in the later period are very different, which caused a huge contrast in the unequal results of intelligence between the two countries.

“Since you can come to see me and have said so much to me, this proves that you have provided enough services to the Germans. I can know how much chips you used to get the Germans. Forgive? “Montgomery drank the red wine in the glass and asked curiously as he looked at the senior British spy from the German military.

The spy obviously did n’t mean to hide, but just said with a smile: “I leaked some atomic weapons plans about the Germans to the Americans. Unfortunately, this plan is completely fake. I will believe this plan, but I am sure that since the head of state has leaked this plan to the Americans, then this plan must be no less powerful than the atomic weapon itself. “

In the head of state’s office, Gascole is reporting on other interference plans related to Germany’s atomic weapons program. For Germany now, mastering a weapon that can change the mode of war is undoubtedly the best way to achieve permanent peace, and if this weapon is mastered by countries such as Britain and the United States, it is also a matter of life and death related to the empire. Akado and his intelligence department have been cautious, lest they miss any clues to speed up the atomic bomb research process in countries such as Britain and the United States.

“My head of state, because of the cooperation of many senior British spies, the implementation of the” grey plan “has been particularly smooth … Intelligence has been sent to Canada and the United States in a hidden way through several channels. All the information can be spelled West gathered together a complete intelligence and guided the enemy to a distance of 18,000 miles from the truth. “Gascole confidently told Akado his various plans of action.

The gray plan is a German interference plan for the development of the atomic bomb. Its main function is to pass the wrong information to the United States and other hostile countries through various channels, interfere with the direction of the enemy ’s development of the atomic bomb, and delay their time in the development of the atomic bomb. The core of the gray plan is actually another path of no return for the Germans in time and space, that is, the use of nuclear fusion in the transformation of nuclear energy. Facts have proved that this path is not feasible, at least in 1939.

In fact, this jamming intelligence can only be summed up in one sentence, that is: the Germans used nuclear fusion to develop atomic bombs, and they will soon be successfully developed. About October 1940, the Germans ’first actual nuclear fusion atomic weapon was Will be put into combat and can destroy a large city at a time.

In fact, the Germans can develop their own nuclear weapons as soon as a few months later, using nuclear fission and the equivalent is not huge. It is equivalent to the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima, and even the size is about the same. In fact, a high-level weapon experiment institution in Germany is already selecting the experimental site for atomic weapons and arranging corresponding safety work.

In fact, Americans have not yet figured out what kind of atomic change method their atomic bombs should adopt, and have not completed the corresponding important theoretical research. It is just that there is not much difference between the theoreticalization of nuclear weapons and the German atomic program. Roosevelt’s advisory team believed that it would take at least 2 years for the Germans to realize the actual work of the atomic bomb.

“Originally building a heavy water plant in Norway, we have built a spare plant at a secret military base near Kiel port, and the uranium mining in Czechoslovakia has been very smooth …” Gascoll may be Germany In addition to Akado, there are several military special personnel who know the most German atomic plan, but even he does not know that Germany is now in the laboratory to assemble its first atomic weapon.

He pointed to a small-scale map in front of Akado and introduced another part of the plan: “Another plan is also being carried out precisely. In a few months, we will ship our first one.” ‘Atomic weapons’ passed Italy and the Mediterranean and went to Africa to conduct detonation experiments … This news has also been revealed to Americans, presumably they should do a lot of things. “

This plan is also a very bold plan devised by Akado. He knows that if it is just a document, it may not confuse the United States and the United Kingdom. He did the opposite and revealed two completely contradictory false plans. And tell the Americans these two fake plans at the same time.

Then no matter what Americans believe, they will fall into the trap of the Germans and gain time for Germany’s true atomic weapons program. Even if Americans choose to believe in the second transportation plan and take the method of interception to prevent the Germans from experimenting with new weapons, then after paying a huge price, they will only cause themselves a “German secret weapon destroyed, the experimental progress is greatly The illusion of procrastination.

With such two false plans to cover each other, Akado believes that even if he is in the position of Roosevelt in the United States, he will definitely fall into a scam arranged by the Germans because of too much false information. The rest is even easier to manage. With reasonable operations and delays, Germany will be able to walk ahead of Americans in the arms race, an invisible end to the 21st century.

After Gascol left the office, Akado watched the door of his office be closed, and then closed his eyes, whispering tiredly: “This is the condition that is really not allowed, if it is really possible, I really want to play a Star Wars plan with the Americans and see if these guys with big brains open up, do they believe in the lies they tell? “

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