My Third Empire

Chapter 1157 - Japanese bombing

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“Nakashima, the Soviet fighters in the Far East are still outdated i16s, and the p40 that the United States assisted them is getting less and less. It seems that the rumors about that matter are true.” Far East, in a field airport on the front line of Japan, A Japanese fighter pilot said triumphantly to his wingman pilot.

The Japanese Army ’s aviation operations in the Far East have been very smooth recently, because most of the US fighter jets that aided the Soviet Union have been consumed in the war, and the new US weapons assistance does not seem to have reached the Soviet Far East.

Judging from this situation, the rumor that General Chuikov sought independence in the Far East and lost American aid seems to be true. This is undoubtedly a very good piece of good news for the arduous Ishihara Waner playing in the Far East and the hundreds of thousands of Kwantung Army troops under his command.

After losing the heavy industrial area in the west, the Soviet troops in the Far East could not get any decent supplements, and if the Americans ignored the far-east regime that was no longer an ally, then lost the new Far East area of ​​supply. Isn’t it going to fall into the hands of the Great Japanese Empire immediately?

Thinking of the fact that Ishihara Waner and his men were inspiring, he reasonably strived to mobilize all the bombers and fighters that could be mobilized from the Chinese theater and planned to open up the situation in the Far East. Once you control the Far East before other forces, you can at least win a very large buffer area for the rear of the empire.

“Ozawa-kun, I heard that you are the real trump card from the Pacific battlefield. This time, you are drawn from the tight battlefield. It seems that the victory of our Great Japanese Empire in the Far East is just around the corner.” The Japanese Air Force pilot on the island is also considered to be one of the best in the Kanto Army Air Force. He has achieved amazing results for 11 Soviet fighters in the Far East, and his rank is higher than that of Ozawa who was relegated due to Wuhan air combat.

The two men achieved a record of shooting down a Soviet fighter and injuring one in the battle yesterday. Then they became very good friends, and had a drink with each other and connected with each other.

Compared with fighting on the Pacific battlefield, Soviet fighter pilots in the Far East are obviously not as good as American pilots in the Vietnam War, so the experience of fighting in the Far East makes Ozawa, who has experienced real war, feel relaxed for a while. If Soviet fighter pilots are at this level, perhaps 40 Ki43 or 30 Zero fighters can rule the entire Far East sky.

“As long as our two partners, to be honest, there may be people in the United States who can threaten us on the Pacific battlefield, but on the battlefield in the Far East, we are invincible.” While wearing his own parachute, Ozawa confidently dressed well Nakajima said: “We can shoot down 100 Soviet aircraft, so that they will never dare to take off to fight us!”

“His Majesty the Emperor will meet us! The people of the Great Japanese Empire will remember us both! Gemini in the Far East Air Force, the invincible Ozawa and Nakajima hahahaha.” Nakajima laughed equally excitedly, this Ozawa It is a long machine that suits his appetite, and they will not be a drag on the other side, which is especially important in air combat.

At this time, a ground crew member walked into the room, saluted the two pilots and reminded: “Sir! The bomber unit has already taken off, the headquarters informed us that it is now possible to take off and form a formation!”

Nakajima nodded, then waved to signal that she knew. The other party quickly came to stand upright again, stooped down and used a respectful speech: “Hi, it’s rude.” After finishing speaking, he retired respectfully, because the two pilots he came to inform were the two with the best record in the Far East Japanese Army. The “Knockdown King” is the best pilot in the Japanese Air Force of the Kanto Army.

“Let’s take off!” Although Nakajima is a wingman, after all, his own rank is higher than that of Ozawa. Although the two men’s record is very good, it is not divided up and down, but in the Japanese army, after all, they will be respected one by one. Therefore, the orders on the ground are still issued by Nakajima, and Ozawa generally does not express any opinions.

So the two people walked one after the other to the airport runway outside, docked with the army ki43 fighter. These aircraft have been modernized and modified according to the experience of war. The original 7.7 mm caliber machine gun like a toy water gun has been modified by the Japanese Army. At this time, the contradiction of the Japanese Army and the Navy came out for no reason. The Japanese army added trouble.

The Army, which was supposed to use 20mm caliber cannons with Zero fighters, strongly disagreed with the use of naval stuff and gritted its teeth to develop new aviation weapons. In the end, the army imitated a heavy machine gun with a caliber of 12.7 mm. After some hard work, it finally succeeded in using its own aviation weapon caliber with the US enemy.

But to be fair, this chaotic imitation has finally given Japan a good weapon, at least for the Japanese Army’s ki43 fighter to have a higher combat effectiveness. In the face of i16 fighters and American p40 fighters, more or less can take advantage of some.

“Ground command tower, I ’m Ozawa, please take off!” After carrying his own radio and testing the radio, Ozawa has turned the propeller and the engine is running smoothly. The nose of the fighter is aimed at the runway He pressed the talker and asked to take off easily. This is a daring imagination in the Pacific Ocean where war is raging.

Let the fool of Yamamoto fifty-six go to hell, let the navy go to hell! In the end you will find that the most important army to save the Great Japanese Empire is still our army pilots! Thinking of these in his mind, Ozawa pulled up his own plane, and then skillfully put away the landing gear under his plane.

He was followed by another ki43 fighter piloted by Nakajima. The two aircraft joined the fighter formation one after the other and began to level off at an altitude of more than 8,500 meters. They joined the **** formation and accompanied the flight A bomber force at an altitude of 8,000 meters flew towards the Communist Youth League in the Far East.

The practical ceiling of the Japanese Army aviation bomber, that is, the Tung Long bomber is 9300 meters, and the highest altitude that the Japanese Army aviation fighter ki43 fighter can fight is about 10000 meters. However, it seems that these data are very general or even slightly outdated.

The fastest flying height of the ki43 fighter is about 6000 meters. When the bomber is flying at high altitude, it cannot exert the strength of the fighter itself. This is another subtle reason why the Japanese fighters lost to the Chinese Air Force to fight at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters. The performance of Japanese fighters cannot be achieved.

However, the planes of two people, Ozawa and Nakajima, are special models driven by ace pilots. The Japanese have improved the performance of some engines, so that this type of aircraft can adapt to some heights at a height of about 8,000 meters. However, this improvement is nothing more than a slight improvement in performance, which is a permanent cure.

Looking at such a huge aircraft force around them, the two people were very proud of each other. Forty dragon bombers, under the protection of 25 ki43 and ki27 fighters, rushed to their targets. Air strikes of this magnitude are already quite spectacular on the Asian battlefield. After all, the forces involved in the war between the two sides and the European theater are quite different.

Along with the white clouds and the airflow, in the small trembling cabin, Ozawa’s head was still in the battle that made him infamous in Wuhan, China. Those **** Chinese pilots left him with a German plane. The scars have not been fully recovered until now. Although he shot down an American plane on the Pacific battlefield, and even though he also injured a Soviet p40 fighter jet yesterday, he still couldn’t make him happy.

“Nakajima, carefully observe the airspace on the right. Yesterday the Soviet aircraft approached from there to keep the bomber forces on alert. We have entered the Soviet control area.” Ozawa wrote in the notebook For a time, then pressed the short-range radio and said to Nakajima who was following him.

“I was looking in that direction, and I didn’t find the Soviet air force. Everything was normal.” Nakajima looked at the direction on his right, and then pressed the talker to Ozawa: “We are still using ki27 until now Such a backward fighter really makes people criticize the factory behind it. “

The ki27 fighters flying at an altitude of 8,000 meters at the foot of Nakajima have completely fallen behind this era, but because of the lack of materials, Japan still dare not eliminate these aircraft with good performance, get the Far East, for the performance but the number is similar The huge Soviet i16 fighter still achieved many results.

But the outdated things are still outdated after all. Although it is barely equipped with a fully enclosed cockpit, this aircraft can’t really deal with the most advanced American p40 engine enhancements, nor can it challenge the German export-type me109c fighter. These ki27 fighters are used to make up the number, which belongs to the kind of thing used to maintain the number of air forces in the theater and show their own presence.

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