My Third Empire

Chapter 1158 - Unknown plane

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

But desperately, the Japanese Army Aviation, who is a family member of thrift, still likes to arrange novice pilots to fly these planes to the theater in one mission. They are familiar with the rhythm of the battlefield, similar to a combat trainer.

“Convoy troops! Convoy troops! We have entered the enemy airspace, please keep the cover formation!” Suddenly the voice of the bomber force commander came from the headset. Although after several bombings, the Japanese army barely controlled a lot The air dominance of airspace, but carrying out bombing missions so far, is still very tense.

Suddenly, an unknown hunch made Ozawa feel cold in his back. He raised his head and stared at the distant sky, frowning himself: “Nakajima, there is something wrong, there is what!”

What is there over there! When Ozawa said this, Nakajima did not yet know which side he said on the radio. If someone asks for directions, the answer is a vague and non-directional answer, will there be a crazy impulse?

meeting? So when Nakajima heard Ozawa’s “over there”, he wanted to yell at his teammates: where is the side you are talking about? Is it above or below me, on my left or on my right? But without waiting for him to go crazy, Ozawa’s roar followed immediately from the headset: “We are right in front! Above! Above! Height is about 11,000! Ba Ga! How could something fly so high?”

In fact, the number of enemies facing them is not very large. To be precise, there are only four small black spots approaching from a distance. Compared with the densely packed 60 planes on the other side, the other party really looks a bit weak, but these Japanese pilots were so scared by the scene before them that they were speechless because they had never seen it before. High flying aircraft.

Americans often raid Japanese planes at an altitude of about 10,000, but although that altitude is abnormal, Ozawa has also seen it. He knew that Americans had advanced planes that could reach that altitude, and those that Japanese planes could not reach.

But for the first time, he saw a plane flying higher than the American plane. His plane may be able to fly to that altitude, but not to mention staying forward, he ca n’t even control the plane for a few seconds. It will fall quickly, and then restore some control at about 10,000 meters, which is the limit of the ki43 fighter.

However, the opposite plane maintained its flight attitude at an altitude of 11,000 meters and approached the Japanese fleet at a rapid speed. Obviously, the other party flew over to see, because this airspace is the battlefield of engagement. If it is a reconnaissance aircraft, is this number too many?

When Ozawa was driving his own aircraft to maintain his course, and his mind was full of thoughts, the other party obviously got closer and could already tell that these aircraft were also single-engine single-seater fighters. The flying height of the other party is too high, so high that there is no desire to send the plane from the Japanese fleet to arrange it in advance.

“Nakajima! Nakajima! If enemy planes dive for a while, let the other planes get on first, we will observe and then start!” Ozawa has been more cautious and cunning after experiencing the cruel Pacific battlefield. He knows that some technological advances are often It can spawn all kinds of weird fighting methods. If you are not familiar with your enemies, it is extremely dangerous.

Obviously, his caution may have saved both his life and that of Nakajima, because at the moment when the four weird planes entered the dive phase and pointed the nose at the Japanese fleet, Ozawa looked at the pupils of those planes. Involuntarily contracted, because the speed at which those aircraft began to dive is too fast!

How fast is it? As soon as Ozawa and Nakajima adjusted the plane to the right position, they saw that the four fighter jets rushed into the Japanese aircraft group as if they were goshawks. There is no hesitation, as if the Japanese fighters with sharp teeth are like sparrows, and they will not pose a threat to them at all.

“At least 650 kilometers of dive speed? What the **** is this?” The opponent’s speed was so fast that he couldn’t even see the complete appearance of the opponent’s plane, and was shocked by a light-like picture. Speechless. Pilots are very keen on speed. Ozawa used just a moment to roughly judge the terrible speed of these planes that have never appeared.

The other side’s nose also had flames sprayed from both wings, directly covering the top of the Japanese fleet, and then the Japanese fighter and bomber groups underwent a stormy baptism. The dense and super-penetrating shells were easily torn away Cracked the wings and cockpit of the Japanese plane, sifted the machine and people inside.

Even on the fierce Pacific battlefield, even in the face of the difficult US Air Force pilots, Ozawa has never seen such a clean, so dilapidated dive attack. While Japanese pilots are still struggling with how to fight with American fighter forces, there is still another way to dominate the sky in this world.

The road opened up with domineering to extreme speed and powerful firepower, does not drag the mud and water and does not give the opponent any chance to counterattack, as if it is a knight, one blow away, far away. The opponent Ozawa was still sighing in his mind. In the constricted pupil, the Japanese fleet had been disrupted by this sudden blow.

Two large tyrannosaurus bombers dragged the long thick smoke, and the other bomber even split in four pieces, as if hitting an invisible wall, and turned into an explosion of fireworks. At the same time, two unfortunate ki43 fighters were shot down, and even the pilots were not able to jump out of their cockpit.

“Nakajima! Nakajima! I didn’t see anyone skydiving! Baga Yalu! Nobody skydiving!” Ozawa was driving a fighter plane to avoid the companion planes that exploded and disintegrated in the air, while carefully looking for what he could see In the sky, he very much hoped to see those distant pilots in the distant sky, who could see the friendly pilots who were shot down, and opened their parachutes.

Suddenly he remembered the same situation. He remembered the Chinese opponents who possessed large-caliber cannons, and each time they hit the target, they would smash the opponent into a ball of flames. The dominance, like dark clouds, enveloped Ozawa’s heart.

But the planes in front of them, these are painted camouflage in the upper part, and the light blue fighter plane on the belly gives Ozawa’s oppressive force, which is more dignified than the Chinese me109c fighter. It was only for a moment that Ozawa felt hovering in front of him, a huge wild beast, blood-red eyes, staring at his prey.

“They are climbing! Climbing! For the first time I saw airplanes that climbed so fast! The wings of these airplanes are the emblem of the Luftwaffe! They are the aircraft of the Luftwaffe!” Nakajima was driving his own plane, accompanied by Ozawa The fighters tried to bite the tails of these suddenly appearing enemy planes, but soon they gave up this futile effort, because the speed of the other party’s climb was scary, making them desperate.

“Operation cancelled! Let all planes return home immediately! Bagar, how could the Luftwaffe appear on the battlefield in the Far East?” Ozawa quickly drove his aircraft out of the friendly formation, hoping to take a closer look at it from other angles These opponents for the first time foreseen.

Those German aircraft have a pair of slender and beautiful wings, which look like perfect artwork. The Japanese intelligence department knows that the Germans have a perfect fighter named ta152, but the Japanese frontline combat troops are The aircraft lacked understanding, and apparently this time they met a very terrible opponent.

In the sky, when the German aircraft turned around and launched the second attack, the Japanese fighter force completely collapsed. Some people on the radio yelled at the devil, and some cried for the blessing of His Majesty the Emperor, not all Japanese fighter pilots were experienced and The calm elite, on the contrary, most people are rookies who only fly a few times.

If they knew that one of the most rookie pilots of the Luftwaffe ’s Volunteer Army, which suddenly appeared in the Far East, had flown for 170 hours and shot down 13 planes, they would be ashamed of their flight experience. This is not that Germany deliberately selected elite pilots to support the Far East, but Catherine found that he casually found a few front-line flying troops, which in the eyes of others was a powerful and perverted Air Force trump card.

If the Chinese Air Force is adapted to the me109c fighter with German descent, then the German pilots have already merged with the weapons in their hands. They understand what advantages and defects their weapons have. . So when they observed the Japanese Air Force on the ground for two days, they were put into battle on that day.

“General Chuikov, do you still doubt our strength?” A Rear Admiral of the Luftwaffe stood with his hands on his back in the bunker of the ground observation station, smiling and looking up at the scene of 4 German planes chasing and killing 60 Japanese planes. Cui Kefu asked. The tone of his questioning is full of pride and pride, because no matter who has such a powerful force behind him, he can be so proud and proud.

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