My Third Empire

Chapter 1187 - huge market

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

In the office of the bright palace of the head of state in Berlin, an officer was standing in front of Akado holding the document. He came to report on the killing of Soviet frontline commander Vatukin: “My head was carefully identified by the frontline department, and the person killed was indeed Stalin’s left arm and right arm, Soviet general Nicholas Nicholas La Fodorovich Vatuktin. “

After killing the report of this famous general, it is no longer possible to excite Akado. He defeated too many opponents who are more famous than Vatukine, Churchill in the United Kingdom, Montgomery, and France. Charles de Gaulle, Khrushchev and Rokosovsky of the Soviet Union, and even the Italian leader Mussolini, who were once allies, had too many celebrities to numb Akado.

Not only is Akado numb, but even the German people are numb. Now in the record of the National Defense Forces, there are famous enemies who are alive and enemies who are forced to commit suicide. Now these German people see the news of the death of a foreign general in the newspaper, and even the interest of talking is gone.

On the contrary, everyone is more interested in many emerging things: everyone likes to talk about sound movies and color photos, willing to compare which car is more beautiful or the butter for dinner is not artificially made. In short, people are not willing to talk about war, it seems like Deliberately forget the same.

“Now that it has been confirmed, it should be published in the newspaper, so please publish it. It is just a matter of awarding meritorious troops and related personnel to Marshal Lundstedt.” The document shifted its gaze and flicked the document held in its hands with the same hand, and asked the officer: “Are the subsidies for the fallen soldiers all paid on time?”

The officer quickly stood upright and replied: “My head of state, with regard to the management of subsidies, has always been under the responsibility of General Hulk, the War Mobilization Committee has received no complaints, and there has been no fate on the SS side. Right? “

Akado still cares about such things. He encourages his soldiers to go to the front line, and he has the responsibility to ensure their due interests. Ensuring subsidies and pensions for disabled soldiers and fallen soldiers is the focus of his work recently. It is because he is more concerned that he and Anna took a dozen secretaries and almost read the list of frontline casualties and the corresponding payment records. , The workload is not small.

Akado was a little relieved when he heard his answer. After all, he was not able to formulate foolproof laws and rules at all times. As long as it was humans and not machines that executed them, there must be holes. He does not expect his men to be clean and unselfish, all he needs is to control the minor flaws in the entire process within a tolerable range.

Don’t think that foreign laws are really perfect and without loopholes, and don’t think that foreign law enforcement must be civilized and fair. If it is not longing for fairness and justice, how can there be so many masked heroes in America? It is precisely because the public want to see the banner of fairness and dissatisfaction with the injustices in reality, so many superheroes above the law will appear.

“I still have a meeting to attend. Go busy.” Akado stood up, took the coat Anna handed him, and said to the officer. The other party quickly stood up and saluted in anxiety, singing loudly and saying, “Long live the great head Akado? Rudolph!” Then he immediately exited Akado’s office.

Putting on the well-fitted black SS coat, Anna meticulously helped Akaduo to arm the belt, and the two walked out of the office one after the other to accept the salute of the guards in the corridor. Whenever passing by a post, the guards on both sides would raise their arms and salute a standard-to-extremely great German salute to the two.

“I want to take the time to look at the front line, or like Mercedes to console some of the families of the fallen soldiers, but these people just endlessly annoy me with various meetings, and most of the meetings are actually how to make Everyone makes more money. “Akado complained to Anna behind him as he walked.

Anna squeezed a smile and comforted her lover: “Honey, at least you can decide who can be richer on that table, isn’t it? These businessmen support you, that’s enough You cannot execute everyone because you cannot rule this empire on your own. “

Akado who walked in front sighed, then adjusted his expression and nodded helplessly: “Because I can’t control everyone’s mind, nor can I manage a huge empire by myself, so these people There are various reasons and methods that make me face a lot of boring things. “

The guards on both sides pushed open the door of the meeting room, and the officers waiting at the door stepped into the meeting room, and the people on the opposite side sang loudly: “The head of state is here!”

The conference room, which was originally buzzing, suddenly became quiet. All the people stood up and stood upright in the direction of the door. Then the mountain was like a tsunami, everyone raised their right hand and shouted out a greeting that had become a routine: “Long live Akado? Rudolph!”

The war not only changed the pattern of the entire world, but also affected every corner of Germany. Under the order of Akado, the German Defence Force had cancelled 49 conscription offices and stopped any conscription activities in 30 cities. In order to stabilize the sales volume of domestic military factories and heavy industry products, Germany even began to provide allies with export services including leopard tanks and other weapons.

Akado went to the seat led by him, and after doing so, he pressed his palms down on both sides. All the talents gathered their arms and sat back in their chairs. The meeting was able to continue, and a national emblem was on his chest. The middle-aged businessman in the brooch continued to talk about the topic he had just said.

The German industry hopes that Akado will allow 400 me109c fighters, 800 No. 3 tanks and 200 leopard tanks to be sold to the Middle East. The local tyrants who hold a lot of oil even put forward orders for 4,000 cars and 20 ships, so rich that German merchants see the Middle East as a new paradise.

“Minister Speer thinks we should provide protection to the Middle East, rather than selling a lot of arms there, and turmoil the situation there,” an industrial representative said cautiously to Akado: “The military also agrees with this view. , But for a time no effective plan was available to support Minister Speer. “

Akado nodded, but did not express his opinion. He knew that the arms dealers would rather continue the world war than stop the production line that produces all kinds of new weapons. The military is also hesitating whether to export weapons in exchange for research and development funds, or to converge the arms business to maintain the stability of the slave country.

He needs to meet with Speer, Merkel, Dominis and other people to discuss this kind of problem, instead of drawing conclusions directly at such production and export meetings. Under such a huge empire, every decision has the potential to affect the world pattern for decades to come, and Akado must be treated with care.

“The special envoy to China is already on the road. Because I can only take the train to Mongolia and then transfer to China, the speed has been greatly affected.” Another arms dealer mentioned the interest of Akado, so this The head of state raised his ears and listened: “There are wars everywhere, and it is not easy for us to establish a stable supply channel.”

He pointed to a report, and then continued to show off to those around him: “But there is definitely a huge emerging market. If they can afford the bills, my advisory group estimates that the entire China can eat at least 3 million. Rifle, we need to work overtime for more than 3 billion rounds to produce so many things. “

After the sound of “huh”, people who heard the astronomical figures began to whisper. At least 3 million rifles, it is equivalent to saying that it is almost time to re-arm a National Defense Force plus pistols, machine guns, submachine guns and assault rifles, artillery, cars, tanks and fighters God bless, the head of state supports China to fight against Japan. A wise decision that cannot be repeated.

“Since there are at least 3 million rifles, then I think at least 50,000 machine guns are needed anyway?” The person in charge of the Krupp’s Belgian firearms company asked the boss of the parent company around him.

Krupp was also tempted by this huge cake. Since it is necessary to arm so many armies and sell 10,000 cannons to the backward China, wouldn’t it be a matter of course? A full 10,000 cannons, how long will it take to complete production? And what profit can these cannons and firearms bring to Krupp?

Armed more than 6 million Chinese soldiers and provided them with weapons and ammunition, which is simply the construction of another large army like the National Defense Army, large ammunition, ammunition, cars, tanks, cannons, all the follow-up maintenance, as well as the use of training tents, cans, and helmets , Leather boots

God bless, the tens of billions of markets are only military, post-war reconstruction, food and oil, clothing, food, housing, and transportation plus industrial equipment dumping. God, this is a new war! Occupying this market in China is tantamount to buying an insurance for your own development in the next 50 years!

Long Ling is late for something today, so it is really embarrassing to make up for a day’s delay. I am sorry for the two changes today.

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