My Third Empire

Chapter 1188 - Message to Roosevelt

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Only a fool will give up this opportunity, and immediately send someone to China after the meeting! In the conference room, everyone thought so. Even if it only grabs a contract for 10,000 cars, that is enough for its own company, Meimei, last year.

“I think … you overestimated the size of the market in China and were too optimistic about the dumping of goods there.” Akado had to interrupt the infinite illusions of the merchants here, he really underestimated these Merchants had the ability to dream sweetly, so they had to pour cold water on them: “There is a place suffering from war, and now most of the wealthy areas are still occupied by Japan.”

He looked at the dumbfounded crowd in the whole venue and continued his own morale-reducing remarks: “It is a pity to state to you the fact that maybe China needs 1 million rifles, maybe they want 5 billion bullets. But the actual situation They have no money to buy these things … “

Until the 1970s and 1980s, New China failed to become a huge coveted market. The main reasons are twofold. One is that it is impossible to buy foreign machinery and equipment because the country ’s foreign exchange reserves are insufficient. The reason is that the banknotes in people’s hands are also very limited and lack the ability to purchase goods. It was only after the reform and opening-up countries and the people had saved enough money that this huge market gradually became truly popular.

What the war brought to this ancient land of China was not only trauma, but also deprived the nation of the amazing wealth accumulated over thousands of years. Because of the continuous failure of the incompetent Manchu government, the ancient China paid more than 720 million silver for cutting off the territory, and most of them paid off in full … All that remains for the suffering Chinese people is the war. Devastated.

“I’m discussing with the finance department to lend money to China to fight against Japanese aggression. Here I might as well give you a thorough explanation, about 100 million imperial gold marks. How many weapons can be purchased before this, I think you all know.” Akado sighed helplessly.

Akado also thought that like the United States after World War II in time and space, the rich and generous loans to China and the whole of Europe, even once supported the reconstruction of Europe. However, his Germans are even poorer than China to some extent, and there is simply no way to play a “tall” strategy of aid to China.

Germany has been in a fiscal deficit for 12 consecutive years because of preparations for war and waging war. With the help of the Mifford voucher and the clever takeover, it barely maintained the empire’s economy without collapse. At this time, it is impossible to deliberately support a country that is already poor and white. Akado is very aware of how capable he is, and the group behind him cannot possibly deny himself to help China.

The approach that is more in line with Germany ’s interests is actually a resource-for-support model in the Middle East. China provides some labor and natural resources to repay all kinds of paid assistance provided by Germany. This does sound a bit exploitative and clever, but it is easier to implement and easier to execute.

The only thing that gave Akado a headache is that this is undoubtedly a huge reduction in the established national policy of United China. Most of the rich American money provided to China is free assistance, and even if it asks for money, it will not be as careless as Germany. At least the United States has an advantage over Germany in aid, and the German advantage is nothing more than returning the territory.

But in this way, the right to decide the destiny is left to China, because after all, the return of the territory and the immediate assistance are actually more attractive than others. Akado was really afraid that China would fall to the United States and let the strategy of the Third Reich collapse completely.

“My personal representative has already traveled to China. If possible, we will ship 30,000 rifles and 200 million rounds of ammunition in advance, and give me 20 Chinese me-109c fighters to support their combat against Japan.” On the back of the chair, he said to the businessmen in front of him: “After all, we have not declared war with China, and reasonable diplomacy is within the allowed range.”

“In addition, all business delegations and special envoys to China need to report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and contracts or purchases and sales need to be approved … This is to ensure that everyone here will not do things that affect imperial diplomacy because of their carelessness. Come. “No one spoke, so Akado continued to say his decision. His decision here is no different from the Decree, as long as it is reasonable, everyone will immediately nod and agree.

Sure enough, after hearing Akkado say this, the businessmen present nodded and said yes. Everyone knows that the head of state is a famous China Connect. Since the head of state already has a set of strategies aimed at China, everyone can just follow the implementation. Many people are accustomed to following the head of state’s instructions, because the head of state has not made any strategic mistakes until now.

Rather than talking about politicians here, it ’s better to say that businessmen are all present. Businessmen do n’t care about the process, they just need to confirm the result of making money. And what is the guarantee of making money? A decision that never makes mistakes is a guarantee of making money! The head of state has this guarantee, then this is the reason for their obedience.

“Then the meeting is here! Sindra, remind the secretariat to keep a record of the meeting for me.” Akado stood up and left his place. He walked out of the door of the conference room, and behind it was still a group of people craving mountains and calling tsunami: “Long live Akado? Rudolf!”

In the dim basement, Stalin sat expressionlessly in his place, listening to Zaitsev’s report that had just been confirmed: “Comrade Stalin … The news of the death of General Vatukine repeatedly broadcast on the German position has been It is proved to be true. The Germans are getting closer and closer, and I still hope you can move eastward for your own safety. “

“Vatukin … Comrade … is a noble good comrade.” Stalin stroked the armrest of the chair, ignoring Zaytsev’s persuasion, and said to himself, “I should enable this earlier. Generals, not those bored worms and cowards. “

No wonder Stalin put it this way, on the morning of August 6, the Soviet marshal Tiemu Xinge finally succumbed to the pressure of the German army and the temptation of power. He released a radio announcement to join the Federal Government of Siberia and become one of the parliamentary members of this government. This also marked the last wave of attitude swing outside the Moscow encirclement and was completely eradicated by the Germans.

In fact, this is easy to understand. In comparison, it is indeed a puzzling treason to surrender to Germany like Vlasov, but to join a newly-established Russian nation has far less concerns in this regard. This is also the common idea of ​​many Soviet military commanders, they do not think they have betrayed their country.

“If possible, give Comrade Watujing a decent funeral … I personally preside over it!” Stalin stood up from his chair with all his might, walked to Zaitsev’s shoulder, and patted his shoulder Said: “On the Red Square, use my guard of honor and guards to play the national anthem!”

“I will try to arrange it … Comrade Stalin. However, the German bombardment may interrupt the whole ceremony, so I suggest you choose the location of the ceremony near the entrance of the basement, which is convenient for concealment.” Zaitsev looked at Stalin Said.

Stalin nodded and agreed with Zaittsev: “I can’t be killed by the Germans. Even if I die, I should die in my own hands. I should give myself a decent like the British Prime Minister Churchill. The result! I heard that ****** is a very effective method of death. Do you have any thoughts on these? “

“Comrade Stalin …” Zaitsev just wanted to persuade two words in mourning, but he was stopped by Stalin himself.

He waved his hand and made Zaitsev stop crying: “After I die you will have a lot of time to cry for me … Call my secretary, I will write a message and send it to President Roosevelt in the United States.”

Soon, the secretary prepared the typewriter and waited for Stalin, who was already tired, to talk about his message. Stalin held the table legs for a moment and thought for a while before saying: “Dear President Roosevelt, thank you for your strong support to the Soviet Union against the German aggression … After a hard battle we regret that we have not been able to complete the mission of defending our country. I, Joseph? Visarinović? Stalin has no hope of victory. The first regret in my life is that I have not been able to save my motherland. The second regret is that I have not been able to meet such an outstanding person as you. No matter what, I will fight to the last moment, and I hope you can continue to fight with the United States … May the United States win the victory, and may the world always remember the country of the Soviet Union … Your best friend, Stalin. “

The secretary crackled the message that Stalin wanted to send on the typewriter, and then tore it off and handed the file to Stalin for a look. Stalin did not receive the message, but waved his hand to signal the other party to send it out directly. So the secretary had to leave Stalin’s office with the documents, and closed the door when he left.

“Boom!” The dull sound passed into Stalin’s basement. The German artillery began again. Those large-caliber shells fell one after another on the Red Square and around the Kremlin, as if it were a death knell. In general, Stalin felt fear. He couldn’t help turning his gaze to the white trace on the wall again, but he didn’t see the portrait of Comrade Lenin.

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