My Third Empire

Chapter 1190 - Never ending

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

If you compare what weapons can represent the various armies of the German army, the one that represents the German armored force must be the powerful Tiger King tank; the one that represents the Luftwaffe must be the slender Ta-152 fighter … but what kind of weapon is it? Can it represent Germany’s most and most unknown infantry?

The most distinctive feature of the German infantry is also the most recognizable. Perhaps it is their mg-42 general-purpose machine gun, which is like sawing wood every time it fires. √ ∟ Apex novels, this weapon was designed mainly to avoid the clause in the Versailles Treaty banning Germany from possessing heavy machine guns, but unexpectedly pointed the world to a general machine gun progress.

At this time, a mg-42 machine gun was pointing at the wreck of the building opposite the Soviet sniper in a foxhole on the side of the ruin. The German army inside was using a telescope to observe the distant part of the reinforced concrete building. Thing. The black holes of the windows that were bombarded by the shell shock waves on the outer walls of the building are as terrifying as skeletons that have lost their eyes.

“Hans! Hans! Hey! There is a middle-aged man across from us, holding his hands up and walking towards us!” Through the outline of the telescope, the observer saw an incredible scene, he called out and was dozing ‘S companion said to him with uncertain tone: “It’s incredible, haven’t they never surrendered?”

After rubbing his sleepy eyes, the machine gun shooter struggled to lie on the edge of the simple machine gun shooting hole. The Soviet sniper was very powerful, so the Germans always reduced the chance of exposing their heads as much as possible, so that the other party would not be too easy to hit Yourself. Through that shooting hole, he did see a middle-aged man in civilian clothes walking with his hands high in the direction of the German position.

The opponent also had a white square handkerchief in his hand. Obviously he didn’t want to attack the German position. He walked step by step, looking cautious. In the Moscow city of 1939, crossing the line of defense actually controlled by both parties really required great courage-both parties could shoot, and they were not responsible for it. The Soviet Union once ordered all civilians who surrendered to the Germans to be shot. The Germans also ordered all the dangerous suspicious characters to attack because of the large number of civilians who resisted with guns and were difficult to identify.

Soon the man walked to the German side. This time the battlefield was surprisingly quiet, because the Soviets did not open fire on their civilians as usual, and the Germans really did not care about letting go of a Russia that had raised their hands. people. The man almost cried when he jumped into the German trenches. He waved the white handkerchief in his hand and repeated the word “talk” in rough German.

There are many supplementary soldiers from Ukraine in the frontline troops of the German army. It is not difficult to find someone who can speak both German and Russian. Soon the German commander found an interpreter from the regiment, and the interpreter communicated with the Soviet civilians who had come to surrender. Because the other party spoke very quickly because of nervousness, the translator had to interrupt the other party’s words several times before they finally understood what the other party said.

“Sir! He said that the Soviet army had just issued an order to allow civilians to leave the encirclement, so he came to discuss the surrender with us. About 1,300 people may cross the defense lines of both sides. If we are willing to accept him, he shouts to let They came over. “The translator looked at the German military officer, describing as long a long paragraph as possible.

The German official frowned, because he had no way to decide what was going on. He is just a battalion commander stationed on the defensive line, and he has no right to give orders to such things as more than 1,300 opponents crossing the line. Thinking of this, he could only say to the translator: “You tell him that I need to discuss it with my boss before I can decide and let him wait patiently.”

The translator hurriedly told the German civilian to the Soviet civilian. The other party obviously relieved after hearing it, and then nodded hurriedly to the translator: “Okay! Ok! I can wait! We need The food and the place where we live. Everyone is an elderly person and a child. We do n’t carry any weapons. We will not cause any trouble. Please rest assured. “

After listening to the translation, the German official thought to himself: Do not cause us trouble? The provision of places to eat and live is already causing trouble for us … but he nodded, and then turned back to find an officer who asked him to take the situation here, report to the regiment and ask for methods : “If possible, it’s best to let the regiment respond to General Carrick, and let him make an idea.”

The officer knew that it was a matter of importance, and when he tapped his head, he quickly ran to the rear regiment along the trench, and soon the regiment responded to the division. General. And General Karikov directly issued orders to allow the other party to leave Moscow under German custody and settle in the nearest prison camp.

“We don’t have so many houses for you, so we can only put you in a prisoner of war camp …” It was the deputy head of the regiment who told the other party to surrender the civilians. He was ordered to take charge of the prisoners directly. . With the approval of his head boss, the deputy leader became more angry when he spoke: “And you have to go to the prisoner of war camp under the supervision of our people, can you guarantee this?”

The interpreter quickly said the answer of the civilian who came to the negotiation: “They are willing to obey our arrangement, as long as we provide food and can give them a simple living environment … they will follow our arrangement In unity, no one will carry weapons or other things. “

“If there is no problem, you can let your person start to cross the line of defense.” After the deputy head nodded, he signaled that the reception could begin immediately. So the Soviet man shouted a short sentence such as a whisper to the opposite side. On the opposite side, there were two men in Soviet military uniforms with empty hands, leading to groups of men and women, and headed for the German defensive position.

A muzzle was pointed at these dense crowds. Even though most of them saw their arms wrapped in white or similar white cloth, the German soldiers still pulled the bolts and pushed the bullets into the barrel of the gun- They are used to it, used to aim their weapons at any enemies that have not yet died.

Several German volunteers with rifles also turned over their trenches. They walked to the center of the positions of both sides and stood up to maintain these crowds of people to the German positions. These women and children are unkempt because the water has been cut off in Moscow for almost a month.

These poor civilians looked at the passing German soldiers with a pair of frightened eyes. Even though it was also covered with dust, the German soldiers in front of them looked more spirited than they were. Fitted military uniforms and armed belts make the Germans look very handsome, and they with their weapons also seem to be more in line with the status of soldiers than bare-handed Soviet Soviet order-keeping soldiers.

“You won.” Staring at the German with the rifle on the opposite side, a Soviet Red Army soldier who didn’t even have an armed belt said in Russian: “Anyway, your war invaders won this war!”

The German soldier with a gun glanced at each other and said in standard Russian: “I am Ukrainian, kid … Stalin snatched our wheat, no matter when we are dead or alive, I swear I will take what I lost Get it all back! “

“Ukrainians? We are all Soviets, why do you hate us so much?” The young Soviet soldier apparently did not expect the other to speak Russian, nor did he think that the other was actually a Ukrainian. He felt that Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, and the people there should be just like them, hating the German aggressors.

“The Germans helped us rebuild our homes and drove away the Russians who exploited us. That’s why we should help them! Go and see in Kiev, where the tyrant of Stalin ruled countless times!” The Ukrainian German army said coldly to the young man in front with a contemptuous look.

The young man lowered his head in a lonely way, then muttered to himself: “I understand a little bit, understand why we lost this war.”

For Ukraine and Belarus, the victory or defeat of this war was only to change them to a ruler. They did not have a sense of belonging to the Soviet Union from their bones, which caused them to quickly fall to Germany. The Soviet Union’s exploitation of these places was too serious, and it was so serious that they did not treat these places as their own territory …

“Smoke?” The Ukrainian German looked at the other’s young face suddenly and asked inexplicably. He asked while pulling out a cigarette case, and pulled a stick from his mouth. Seeing that the Soviet soldier shook his head, he put away his cigarette case, and then took out the match and lit the cigarette in his mouth, and left a half and a half of the chocolate candy in his pocket to the Soviet soldier, and then did not Speak again.

On this day, there were no gunshots on the ground, only dense footsteps, no matter how long it passed, there was no pause. Countless Soviet civilians passed the positions of their own people in such a silent way, passing the positions of the Germans, and headed towards the invisible prisoners of war camps in the distance. The rivers formed by countless people converge to fill up one after another prisoner of war camps, and then overflow, but still vast, it seems that it will never end.


Just now, a relative of Long Ling was sick, and asked Long Ling to help … promised everyone to make up for the change … and delayed … this is really a natural disaster, not Long Ling lazy … I am sorry to give you books Friends, as long as Long Ling has time here, he must make up for the three men who owe everyone!

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