My Third Empire

Chapter 1191 - Strategic focus

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In the dark night, most people will fall asleep. But because of the increasingly tense battles, the office of President Roosevelt in the White House is still brightly lit. There are too many people in this world who are fighting silently in their own positions, and those who only know the noise will never understand how much these people have paid.

For example, now, when several important members of the US Navy read the statistical table of the German navy submarine force sinking Allied ships in the past two months, his face immediately became very bad. Although it seems that the submarine force of the German Navy is not as famous as the Air Force and Army of the Third Reich, at least in terms of submarine warfare, it has indeed achieved an unparalleled level.

The German submarine has sunk a large number of Allied ships in the past two months. Although most of them are small tonnage transport ships, the accumulation of a small number of them has really made the Allies feel very painful. Even supporting such a projectile land under the German army ’s eyes, the United States has indeed lost a considerable amount of materials and personnel to the United States.

Compared with fighting in the Pacific Ocean, although the US military also lost its strength in the battle for islands, but this loss is tolerable, and these lost things in exchange for the victory of the United States on the Pacific battlefield; and on the Atlantic Ocean The loss of the United States has made the Americans unable to see the shadow of hope, so many people now suggest to abandon the Icelandic base and give priority to the power of the United States in the Pacific.

The meeting that Roosevelt is now chairing is to explore whether it is a cost-effective plan to put all the power into the Pacific Ocean. No one knows when the Japanese Navy will suddenly kill after shrinking for so long, adding variables to the Pacific battlefield. And whether the fragile West Coast of the United States can withstand the ravages of the German Navy has become a topic worth discussing.

“Only the submarine force of the German Navy entered the west coast of our country. Their navy is still very conservative compared to the Army.” A navy general said to Roosevelt sideways: “They have just recovered from the constraints of the Treaty of Versailles With strength, it is still very difficult to find confidence overnight. “

There is a famous saying called: “Thirty years of army, fifty years of air force, and one hundred years of navy.” The point is to build a truly powerful navy that requires a hundred years of accumulation. This is different from the rapid air force and the army, because the navy is more complicated and systematic.

Of course, the complexity of the Air Force and the Army in modern warfare has also made a qualitative leap. Compared with the Navy, it is impossible to verify whether this famous saying can be fulfilled. However, at least during the Second World War, this sentence can still accurately reflect the complexity of the three arms.

Another officer of the US Army heard that the naval officer mentioned the German Army, and there was a slight unpleasant look on his face. He looked at President Roosevelt and explained: “This is not a law that can be explained by the Versailles peace treaty. Both the German Army and the Air Force were weakened by that treaty, but they still developed the three air, sea, and air forces, and each of them became world-class. “

To speak of the history of the development of the German armed forces, it really made the United States, Britain, and other countries in the world ashamed. The Germans actually completed the development of their own armed forces in one breath, and developed advanced weapons and equipment in accordance with their own needs. From assault rifles used by infantry, to tanks, cannons and even aircraft carriers, almost every ring has proved the advanced nature of the German weapon system, and it has not even taken a detour.

Even some high-level Americans have believed that the head of state was sent by God to assist Germany. With the support of this argument, two parliamentarians have made pro-German remarks in public. They publicly claimed that they should build a future world pattern with Germany. The two countries should be friendly for generations, rather than war breaking out like now.

“Our West Coast transportation has begun to be integrated into a transport fleet model, and the **** destroyers have also been strengthened. The Coast Guard is also expanding and patrolling the wider seas. In addition, we have placed orders for conversions and purchased 300 additional anti-submarine patrols. B17, strengthen the shore-based counter-potential. “Roosevelt’s side, a general reported to the sleepy Roosevelt.

On his other side, the navy general also quickly nodded and added: “Three Essex-class aircraft carriers are being converted into closed bows to adapt to the Atlantic sea conditions. However, we lack the experience of taking off aircraft under Atlantic sea conditions. Bian is also training more pilots “

In fact, the United States already has a total of 5,600 more pilots than before the war. However, after counting the losses, these pilots still cannot meet the needs of the Navy and the Army. About 3,000 pilots were added to the Pacific battlefield, and more than 1,000 were shot down tightly by the Japanese.

The naval aviation and army aviation units of the Great Japanese Empire are not as weak as they seem, and they have achieved the terrible record of shooting down more than 1,700 American aircraft in a disadvantaged situation. In addition to the Kamikaze special attack aircraft, the battle loss ratio between the real Japanese fighter unit and the US fighter unit has been maintained at an alarming one-to-one ratio.

It is difficult to imagine if the Japanese army had lost too many outstanding pilots on the Pacific battlefield. When the Kanto Army troops under the command of General Ishihara Kanto faced the German fighter forces, would they easily lose their air superiority and could not It is speculated that if the main force of the Japanese army ceased to exist, could an undefeated battle like the Battle of Wuhan be fought on the Chinese battlefield.

“Mr. President Roosevelt, although your guess that Germany will not accept Japan has been proved to be completely correct, but if we continue to consume Japan in the Pacific battlefield forever, it will only make the situation more beneficial to Germany. “A politician whispered to Roosevelt:” Know that there is information showing that the Germans are constructing the 8th and 9th aircraft carriers. If these two aircraft carriers are allowed to form combat power, then the German naval power in the Atlantic Ocean is us Has doubled. “

“I heard that the Germans are attacking Japan in the Far East. This is a good opportunity for us. If we can help Japan gain a foothold in the Far East, can we drag Germany and Japan into an endless war?” A politician did not ask Roosevelt, but asked his colleagues.

The other party was obviously very interested in this plan and thought about it and replied: “This is indeed an operational plan. If we slow down our pace of attack on the Pacific battlefield, Japan will inevitably shift its main power to more deadly. The Far East region is in the Far East region. The mountainous terrain is not conducive to the combat of the German tank forces. They may be blocked by Japan near the Far East. “

“Do n’t forget, the German mountain division also has a unit called special forces, but all the Germans who are very powerful in the mountains can also use paratroopers. They can send too many troops, so much that we dare not imagine “The general.” From a purely military perspective, a general poured cold water on two politicians who were in full discussion.

Everyone knows that if they lack understanding of the Germans, they will suffer a lot. Even the famous generals like Patton have been defeated in Egypt by the endless new methods in Germany. Ishihara Waner and Barton and Montgomery are not mentioned for the moment, but Ishihara really lacks the chips to deal with the German three-dimensional attack.

“That is to say, if we want Japan and Germany to fight each other in the Far East and consume each other, we must suspend the offensive in the Pacific and give Japan a chance to breathe?” A naval general frowned and said to those around him : “This is very dangerous. We may miss the chance to defeat Japan, or we may lose China’s friendship.”

“Germany, the salvage ship on the Mediterranean Sea, how much more? Patrols, destroyers nearby, did not decrease?” Suddenly, Roosevelt asked a seemingly irrelevant question, his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair Shivering, his words paused a few times because of insufficient gas, but he still asked this question with a tone of concern.

“Mr. President, the news from the naval submarine force, the German and Italian ships are still still not specific what they are looking for, only our intelligence department and the person in charge of the sinking operation knows.” The person in charge of the navy Knowing that the president is more concerned about this issue, I quickly exchanged reports. Speaking of this made the US Navy hurt. In order to sink a German light cruiser, the US Navy’s elite submarine Herring was lost.

Roosevelt nodded imperceptibly, and then continued to say: “The majority of our assistance to China is still hoarding in Australia. The conditions for the Germans to provide China seem to be better. We can, we can slow down appropriately. Some pressure on Japan will allow Japan to deploy more troops to deal with the threat of the Germans. This may be for us, it may be an opportunity. “

He spoke intermittently and his voice was very weak, but when he finished these words, everyone in the room expressed their approval. They nodded and stood up to Roosevelt.

The patient at home has a sudden cardiovascular disease, and Long Ling has been busy working for a day.

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