My Third Empire

Chapter 1193 - The command is like this

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

These days, in the few remaining siege circles in Moscow, the main work carried out by the German army has become the civilians who have accepted numerous surrenders in Moscow. Even if the number of civilians in the city of Moscow is estimated, the German prepared prisoner of war camps and other refugee camps are still almost unable to place so many non-combatants.

Reception work is not a simple placement job, the Germans need to identify every Russian who surrenders and treat them separately. The first is the usefulness of children and women, who have to be sent to concentration camps in Ukraine to undergo labor reforms for 3 to 5 years before they can be released.

Middle-aged men and elderly men also have to perform hard labor or sentence because they are likely to participate in the fight against the Germans. Another major reason for imprisoning these people is that Germany has no food and supplies in vain, and subsidizes the so-called civilians who have surrendered and do not know the background.

When these people were in Moscow, most of them were soldiers who were holding weapons to block the Germans. Now they want to become ordinary civilians and enjoy the treatment of refuge, which is obviously a bit naive. Even the Germans found more than 20,000 young guys among the surrendered civilians. These people were distinguished based on past experience. They were definitely Soviet soldiers who had served as soldiers.

“I’m Ukrainian! They were taken by them and came here with the troops!” A young Soviet soldier holding his hands up defended the German soldiers who screened him. He didn’t know if the other party could understand him, so he I can only shout these words over and over again, hoping to get the attention of other Germans in the crowd.

Behind this young Soviet soldier who claimed to be a Ukrainian, two women were showing good luck to the German prince in front of them in fast Russian. The two of them spoke out while spreading out the gold ring and gold necklace in the baggage To the German person in charge of records: “I beg you, we can do anything, clean the house and cook rice, anything! We are Belarusian … not Russian.”

A little further away, another civilian receiving the passage, sitting in front of the Germans who filled out the form on the table, a man in his fifties was shouting loudly to the indifferent Germans in crappy German : “Volga Germans! I am Volga Germans!”

Then the man who claimed to be a descendant of Germany could not speak any other German. He could only continue to find a better way for himself in Russian: “I am an architect, I went to school and literacy …”

Because of the large number of civilian surrenders, in the past two days, the streets and alleys of Moscow city miraculously did not explode with large-scale fighting. The Germans did not rush forward, and the Soviets did not initiate any provocative behavior. In fact, the Soviet Union took the advantage, because if not so many civilians stopped the German attack, they wanted to hold their positions so easily, it is really not an easy task.

Standing at the highest point of a ruin, a German major officer took a cigarette with his finger and put it in his mouth, then spit out a white smoke, complaining to the adjutant around him: “If not this group Old and weak, our troops may have been reviewed by the head of state on the Red Square … “

“The fighting here is not so easy. Soviet snipers are everywhere. After we arrived at the southernmost subway entrance, the battle broke out in the subway …” His adjutant was also swallowing and looking at his feet Numerous men and women of Soviet civilians who passed by: “The headquarters is expected to fight here for another 20 days, or 30 days … who knows?”

“Are you saying that interesting?” The major officer looked at a Soviet helmet with blood stains and bullet holes at his feet, and then looked at the ruined buildings occupied by the Soviet Union and the collapsed buildings in the distance. , Continued: “We have already reached Moscow, but we couldn’t catch a Russian of the Russian nationality in the Soviet capital.”

It is not a day or two for Germany to occupy a large territory of the Soviet Union. The Soviets have heard about these German occupants from various sources. There are rumors that the Germans are even more Ukrainian and Belarusian, so many Russians of the Soviet Union pretend to be the other two ethnic groups in an attempt to escape the fate of hard labor in the German-occupied area.

It is a pity that this is obviously an incomplete statement heuristically heard. In fact, according to German official records, the two highest command institutions in Germany, the Supreme Command and the General Staff of Germany, never issued exemptions for Ukrainian or Belarusian prisoners of war. Order of hard labor. Two relatively similar orders are that families who served in the Ukrainian Army of the Third Reich can be granted pardons for hard labor; prisoners of war who have received a commitment to dispense hard labor in a particular battle can be pardoned for hard labor.

However, prisoners of war in Ukraine and Belarus are happier than those in Russia and Poland, and the intensity of hard labor in concentration camps is indeed lower. Because the German policy of differential treatment in the occupied territories is to divide and disintegrate the resistance in the occupied territories. The Germans have re-divided several large areas of their own occupation, stipulated 40 concentration camp differentiation areas, and divided more than 1,700 large and small prisoner of war camps in their hands into 3 different levels for differentiated management.

And this time, the biggest beneficiary turned out to be a man who was originally a business dude, a newcomer named Frank Elstona. This man, who started by producing helicopters for the German Wehrmacht, has now become a decisive man in the German aviation industry system.

“This is the instinctive fear of human beings. Anyone facing such a powerful force will have the instinctive fear and escape thought.” The adjutant smiled and pointed his fingers under his feet, which were divided into several categories and went to different management areas. The Soviet civilians said with a smile: “It is a very difficult thing to fear so many people, and this is one reason I admire the head of state.”

“It is difficult, but not impossible to make a nation afraid. The real strong man pursues respect for a nation and follows him into the future.” The major dropped his cigarette **** on the ruins. Smashing the Martian above with leather boots, said proudly: “The head of state not only conquered one nation after another, but what I admire the most is that he made our great Germany willing to follow him willingly.”

Just at the entrance of the passage not far from their feet, two German soldiers walked with arms to the boys with their heads down and wanted to mix into the entrance of the passage. They carried their guns and used the bayonet on the rifle in front of each other. , Explaining their thoughts: “You guys, look up! We want to check!”

The Soviet youths were stunned for a while, and then panicked. They shouted in Russian, claiming to be civilians and not doing anything hostile to the Germans. The civilians around also followed the commotion, and many people followed the pleading, helping these young people to say some guarantees and good words.

“Wow!” Looking at some crowds out of control in front of them, the German soldiers did not feel half pity. On a machine gun position not far from the entrance of the passage, the German shooter directly pulled the mg-42 machine gun with the bolt off. The black muzzle was aimed at the unarmed crowd.

“Stand back! Otherwise I ordered the machine gun to fire!” Another German officer standing at the entrance shouted loudly in Russian. As an empire soldier, his words were proud and imposing. . Moreover, the education he received and his life experience led him to draw out the pistol at his waist and point it at the sky.

After only two seconds, seeing that the crowd did not respond, he pulled the trigger of his pistol. After the sound of “Boo!”, More German troops picked up their guns at the crowd. As long as the German bureaucrat ordered them, they would shoot without hesitation, letting the chaotic crowd in front of them Learn how to follow the prescribed order.

Hearing gunshots is always more likely to attract attention than hearing shouts. The reverberating gunshots in the sky reminded the Soviet civilians who ran to prepare for German supper, and finally remembered their present situation. The status quo of man-made swords and me-for-meat fish can’t be allowed to be arrogant, so most people began to retreat and looked at those fierce soldiers with terrified eyes.

Soon, the young Soviet people who had just gathered together to pass through the entrance of the tunnel were dragged out by the German soldiers, carrying the collar of their clothes and pulling out the crowd of civilians. They stumbled and were thrown into the open ground, and then German soldiers went up and kicked at them. This age determined that they must not be Soviet civilians, but Soviet soldiers who once fought with the Germans on arms.

“Boom! Boom!” After the quiet civilian crowd, with a pair of eyes watching the children being beaten hard, the German soldiers dragged them to the prisoner of war channel on the other side. And the German soldiers standing around still put the bullet muzzle to this side. No one continued to make noise, no one continued to stir, the rest were just more cautious, walking through the narrow passageway, letting the Germans search for them, or pointing at them.

“Did you see? They have too much to learn. To become a true empire civilian, you must first learn to act in accordance with order.” The German major standing in a high place grumbled: “After today , Most of the channels for receiving prisoners of war will be closed, the battle will continue, the order is like this. “

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