My Third Empire

Chapter 1194 - The fight is still more than

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Comrade Marshal! In two days, we reinforced some of the defenses along the street and dug a lot of anti-tank trenches … But the troops lacked ammunition, and the originally large number of Moscow Self-Defense Forces are now on the verge of dissolution. Imagine more. “Inside the headquarters, a Soviet staff member stood in front of Marshal Zhukov and reported on some recent events.

After Zhukov took over all defenses in the Moscow city, he ordered that the old, weak and sick in the Moscow Self-Defense Force be completely banned. His orders were approved by almost everyone, because these self-defense forces not only waste a lot of valuable ammunition and weapons, but also fail to complete the designated tasks in most cases.

Rather than saying that they could not complete their missions, to be precise, there were practically no missions assigned to these so-called “troops.” The command of the Self-Defense Forces is simply not compatible with the regular army command, so most of the temporary self-defense regiments, or self-defense barracks, are idle in the position where they are formed. After the German squads come over, they will destroy themselves.

The only function of these troops was to draw them on the maps displayed to Stalin and use them when the leader showed his commanding ability. At least a month ago, Stalin still liked this kind of “game” very much. He directed “dozens” of Red Army divisions to fight back against the Germans, and “almost” recaptured Smolensk.

Of course, this game is finally gone. The troops of dozens of divisions that were temporarily put together not only failed to recapture Smolensk and Kursk, but even the German offensive did not withstand. In the rain of gunfire, the dust and smoke disappeared. The remaining more than 100 various combat units of the Moscow Self-Defense Forces were idle at that time, trapped in the streets of Moscow, and even orders and supplies could not be received.

“It can only be said that the Germans still want this city. If they really want to destroy it, they won’t give us two days …” Zhukov smiled bitterly. He was very ashamed of the situation in front of him. , Because his troops actually rely on the surrendered civilians to block the enemy ’s progress.

But he has no way to change this situation, because his army has only one hundred and ten tanks of various models scattered in the streets of Moscow, let alone any counterattack. Even defending the defense lines along the Moscow River has become a dream that I dare not expect.

“A German envoy urged us to lay down our arms and surrender unconditionally. He said that after 10 hours, the Germans would close the passage of most civilians surrendering, and then the war would proceed as usual, and we might lose large areas of the city immediately.” The famous staff looked at Zhukov, who was losing weight quickly, and said.

A large number of the Moscow Self-Defense Forces left the “garrison” area and surrendered, leaving the overcrowded Moscow encirclement circle deserted. Hundreds of thousands of civilians left the houses and underground bunkers and bomb shelters, the barricades were empty, and some left no one.

In some streets, those who surrendered were slightly more careful, leaving behind futons and bits and pieces of food, so that the returning main troops received some supplies. However, when most people leave, they are afraid that they will not be able to get food immediately in Germany and take away almost everything. So there was only one empty room left for Soviet soldiers, as well as garbage and debris that could not be taken away.

“Several divisions of the 1st Guards of the Guards have just left. They all came to apply for food supplies and ammunition supplies … Everyone took some ammunition, but we really can’t find extra food.” See Zhukov did not speak, and the staff member continued to talk about the issues at hand. Each of these issues could make the commander of the army desperate, so Zhukov’s face was gloomy and gloomy.

But in the end, Zhu Kefu still shrugged his shoulders and said to his chief of staff in the mentality that “the lice are more tickling, and the debts are too much,” “I really have no way to find food to supplement them now.” Let them think about it for themselves. Look in the ruins, or unmanned shops … someone will do. “

The chief of staff looked at the Soviet marshal who didn’t have a very good solution, but he didn’t say what he wanted to say. He really wanted to tell his marshal that everyone had thought about the methods he said, and every crevice that could be drilled in, everyone went in to find it. Rats have become luxuries to improve lives, and some troops have even begun to eat horses and drink rain from their boots.

“Comrade Marshal … I still think we should talk to the German envoy …” The chief of staff was silent for a while before finally speaking out his thoughts that had been lingering in his heart for many days: “At this time of the war, someone should go End it. “

“It’s time for someone to end it … but this person is not me.” Zhukov looked at the direction of the Kremlin ruins slowly and murmured: “I fight the war to the present, so I I can only continue to fight until I am dead … you have a lot of time to end it! “

“Boom!” In the early morning of the next day, the Germans launched their offensive very punctually. Just like an ordinary moment two days ago, one large caliber shell after another fell on the Soviet guard. Among the ruins of the military hideout. The silent rubble and debris were once again turned up by a huge explosion, flying into the sky dozens of meters high, forming one black smoke column after another.

In the empty barricade, Afjay was holding his rifle, sitting on two empty ammunition boxes, listening to the German artillery shells falling in the distance, the loud sound of the explosion, there were occasional overheads of his head The dust fell and landed on his military coat.

The young companion eventually chose to leave. After all, most people were reluctant to go to the end of life with a declining country. He looked through the narrow shooting hole, watching the dark clouds lifted by the shells in the distance covering most of the sky, and suddenly squeezed a bitter smile-this is the path of revenge he chose, there is no reason to blame others. Stay with him.

At the entrance behind the barricade, footsteps suddenly came, and a row of rifles were placed under his feet. Afjay, who was loaded with each rifle, flattened the rifle in his arms and turned back to aim in the direction of the entrance. A young Soviet Red Army soldier protruded his head, glanced at Afjay inside, then froze for a moment and asked, “We are ordered to stay here, are you from the Self-Defense Forces?”

“Yes!” Laid down his weapon, Afjay replied to the two Soviet soldiers who came in: “I am the head of a Moscow Self-Defense Force infantry regiment stationed here, but now I am the only one left here . “

The young soldier smiled, pointed to himself and another soldier around him, and made a joke: “Hello, Comrade, now your reinforcements are here, there is a whole infantry battalion!”

The two of them fortunately came from an infantry battalion, and in this infantry battalion, only two of them are still alive. Therefore, the two of them are an infantry battalion on paper. This is the real reality of the Soviet troops in the Moscow encirclement.

“The Germans are here!” Looking at the shooting hole, Afjay was not joking at all. After the regular army defeated, he soon saw the densely packed German soldiers across the street behind the tank. The other party was moving cautiously, he really didn’t have a good chance to fire.

The young soldier behind him took out a small half of the chocolate candy with Devin printed on it, looked at the wrapping paper for a moment, and then he tore open the packaging and stuffed the remaining small piece into his own In his mouth, he was lying on the edge of another shooting hole with his weapon. He remembered the Ukrainian soldier who gave him this piece of chocolate candy that day, and that less coherent conversation that day.

“Boo!” He didn’t feel sentimental for so long, and he slammed his rifle. The German soldiers on the opposite side heard the guns and fell down. The machine gun on the opposing tank roared, and the bullets crackled on the barricade . Afjay was forced to retract because of the flying bullets. After dropping his rifle, he took another rifle with good bullets handed to him by the Soviets.

“Boom!” The German tank had no habit of letting the other side show heroism. The main gun fired a grenade and hit the barricade with only three people in it. The dust from the huge explosion poured into the barricade, and the flying shrapnel made the people inside instantly unable to resist.

With a buzzing sound in his ear, Afjay saw that the barricade shooting hole in front of him was gone. The shells were directly in the middle of the two shooting holes and a huge hole was opened. He touched his own. Belly, I found blood on my palms. Then, in the sense of turning around, Afjay saw a German soldier jump into the barricade with his weapon.

“Ah …” He yelled, trying to cheer up and pick up the rifle beside him, but the other party obviously didn’t plan to let him do that, and picked up the Mauser 98k rifle with the bullet loaded in his hand. He shot. Afjay shuddered with the impact of the bullet, and then dropped his arm unwillingly, and there was no more noise.

The German soldier who opened fire turned away from his eyes and walked to the body of another dead Soviet soldier. He saw the chocolate candy wrapping paper shaking in the ruins, froze for a moment, then leaned down and closed On the corpse’s face, the open eyes that lost their light.

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