My Third Empire

Chapter 1195 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

The Moskva River is a river that traverses in Moscow. This river winds through Moscow City and divides the city into two parts. This river was originally one of the most important lines of defense against the Germans by the Soviets, but now this line of defense has almost been overturned by the Germans.

The Germans have erected two pontoons that can pass tanks and cars on the Moscow River in different locations, and in many places have completely crossed the river to complete the battle. Because the Soviets did not have enough counter-attacks, they could only watch the Germans cross this important line of defense and wait for the Germans to launch a fatal blow on the Red Square.

“Let the engineering troops push up the ‘building demolition device’, I suspect that the Soviet sniper is in that direction!” A front-line German commander put down his telescope and pointed to a collapse not far away After half of the building, he told his men next to him: “Clear it, and then seize the neighborhood.”

Hearing the order, the man behind him held the steel helmet above his head with his hand and ran out of the trench quickly. This trench was dug by the Soviets, destroying the nearby streets, not to mention the German cars, but it was soon used by German infantry. After all, crossing the road in the trench was better than It is safer to go elsewhere.

“Push up the ‘dismantler’ and destroy the commanding heights over there! One row and two rows of infantry will cover your actions … Have you seen there? Right! It’s the collapsed building over there! Well, after the mission is clear, Action! Hurry up! “The German soldiers started to get busy immediately after transmitting the combat command.

Not all German troops are highly mechanized. At least during the battles in the cities, the infantry that were replaced to replace the combat were some old infantry that were not equipped with much modern machinery. They dragged their artillery and other heavy equipment in the ruins by human and animal power, and even pulled the captured heavy machine guns with dogs. They could not see the shadow of the modern German army at all.

However, if you underestimate these experienced combat troops, you are wrong. They do not have many elite weapons, not because these troops are not elite, but because the German industrial production capacity cannot allow each The German troops were equipped with enough tanks and armored vehicles.

“The machine gun covers the left wing! The sniper pays attention to the commanding height of the right wing! After bypassing the wall, adjust the angle and immediately fire … Do you understand?” The officer responsible for directing the 7-tube infantry’s light drag rocket was under a loud opponent Ordered the soldier.

The soldiers were prying open the ammunition boxes loaded behind the carriages parked on the roadside, unscrewing the rockets one by one, and stuffing them into the rocket launch tube. This thing has a simple structure and great power. When the city is fighting hard, German infantry always like to use it to open the situation.

After the loading was complete, the group of engineers carrying rifles nodded to signal that they were ready, and then the infantry raised the open recoil support that was fixed behind the rocket and pushed the two wheels forward quickly: ” One or two! Hey! One or two! Hey! “

With the shouts, the multiple rocket launcher was quickly pushed to the designated position, and the German machine guns continued to cover the shooting. After a pause for a few seconds, the group of engineers in the rain of bullets, this scary weapon , Pushed to the launch position.

“Launching!” The two ears were blocked by hands. The nearby soldiers avoided the range of the rocket launcher’s tail flames. Many people even fell on their feet, fearing that the aftermath of this weapon would be affected. The soldier responsible for the firing pressed the detonating device, and one rocket after another blew huge white smoke, rushing towards the wreckage of the tall building suspected of having Soviet snipers.

“For the head of state! Advance!” Seeing the huge smoke from the explosion, I heard the gunshots of the Soviet counterattack that stopped, and I didn’t know which corner, a German commander issued a command of attack loudly, hiding in the rubble The German soldiers carried their own weapons, climbed up, bowed their waists, and launched a new round of charge toward the direction of occupation.

“Long live Akado? Rudolph, the head of state!” A German flag fluttered in the crowd. Hundreds of German soldiers shouted slogans, rushed across the street, climbed up to the ruins, and rushed towards the farther places. The Soviet counterattack was suppressed by machine guns, but the sniper bullets passed through the chests of German soldiers and hit the roadside steps, leaving an unremarkable trace; soon afterwards other Soviet weapons began to sound, Sparse, but took away one after another alive life.

But none of this prevented the Germans from continuing their offensive. They captured one building after another, with grenades, flamethrowers, and even submachine guns, and drove the Soviet defenders out of rooms of various shapes. Sound, and shouting offensive orders.

“A very solid building was encountered in the front. It was not destroyed by artillery. Most of the rooms were intact … We tried two shots at that building, but the 75mm tank gun did not destroy the building. The supporting structure of the object. It just collapsed some of the outer walls, and it can be seen that the walls are really very thick … “An armored soldier handed the map to his boss and pointed to the location where he was in trouble. Said.

He pointed to the other side of the street, and then continued: “There may be an anti-tank gun here, which should be 76 mm caliber, which is not a huge threat, but I am worried that there are other heavy weapons because of that building. The building appears to be a core location of Soviet defense. “

Comparing the map in his hand, the commander of this tank company discussed with his deputy for a few seconds, and then said: “Analyzed from the map, this may be the building of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs … on the location Very well, but you also know that the accuracy of the map in our hands is really a headache. “

“How much reference value can the intelligence agency refer to the map drawn by the travel guide?” The tank captain who had just receded from the front line laughed at himself, and then pointed to the sides of the road in the distance, already preparing for battle. The infantryman said: “It seems that only let them take a look at what is there.”

The sound of machine guns quickly became dense. When the German infantry tried to approach this building with a thick wall like a bunker, it encountered strong resistance from the Soviet Red Army. This is probably the headquarters of an infantry army, which is responsible for defending the Soviet ammunition here. Relatively sufficient, and the morale is also very high, they obviously did not intend to give up here, almost every window has soldiers shooting outward.

The armored soldiers are still discussing how to bypass this building and continue to attack along the street. There, the infantry commander heard the command to fire, and then the sound of the rocket explosion reached everyone ’s ears. Vibration can be clearly felt even if it is across a building.

“Damn it! What did they build a bunker in the center of the city?” Soon, the highest commander of the infantry here, a battalion commander, took several of his officers to the temporary headquarters of the armored forces and greeted them. Afterwards, several people began to complain, mentioning the wall that was a bit desperate.

“Rocket bombs can only blow out a hole. If the artillery ca n’t provide support, I think it can only be attacked by infantry …” A company commander obviously had a lingering fear for the building. After all, such a strong building, The soldiers attacked with their lives, and they did n’t know how many people would die before they could be occupied.

“Are you sure? If we can confirm this landmark building, I think we can once again correct our specific location in Moscow City.” The tank company commander looked at the disgraced infantry peers and asked.

The battalion commander nodded, pointed to the building that was covered in only one corner, and said to the friendly armored forces around him: “Confirmed, this is the building of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so the construction is so strong.”

Insert a cut apple with a fork, put the tender and juicy pulp into his mouth and chew it twice, pull out the napkin on his chest, wipe the corner of the mouth, then throw the napkin on white On the tablecloth. The commander of the a group army Lundstedt turned his head and looked at the officers who entered his headquarters, waiting for the other party to report the results achieved by the Germans in the battle that had been started.

After all, he is a veritable marshal in the German Defense Forces, and the gold content is the second marshal of the army after Brahich. If he ca n’t eat fresh fruit on the front line, it is really a failure of the German logistics department. The marshal ’s lunch was specially arranged by a special staff, and sometimes Yuan Capital would personally interview to show his love for a marshal.

“Marshal! The news has just arrived from the frontline troops that they have reached the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs building and are attacking there … If we simply calculate the straight-line distance, our linehead troops are less than 2.5 kilometers away from the Kremlin. General Kruzer called to ask if he would launch a forcible attack and take the Foreign Ministry building before dinner. “

No immediate answer. Lundstedt was chewing the apple in his mouth. The quiet office was bright and spacious. He even had a portrait of Akado and a huge third empire flag. After all, there is a distance of about 5 kilometers from the real front line, and his troops are closer to Stalin than he is to count.

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