My Third Empire

Chapter 1215 - The radar is broken

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

The British navy has been adhering to the spirit of Nelson for nearly a century. They are brave and challenging. They dare to face enemies that are much stronger than them. Confidence needs a long time to accumulate, and irrigation that requires countless victories is the true essence of the century of sea power. This is the true meaning of the famous saying that a strong navy can only be built in a hundred years.

It cannot be demanded that the German navy can quickly place itself in the position of the world because they have yet to dominate the world. On the contrary, from the rise of the German navy to the present, more unpleasant memories: Jutland ’s victory before defeat, the despair of the Rainbow operation, the oppression of the Versailles peace treaty, if they have experienced these, they can rise into a dare to fight Dare to fight a strong army at sea, that’s really a ghost.

What Dudley Pond did not know was that the people who gave the German Navy a firm determination were not the commanders on the battlefield, Rydell and Lütjens, but the one standing behind them, far away from the Berlin Headquarters. Akado Rudolph.

Although he couldn’t count on Akado’s understanding of the war potential of the United States, he forced the German navy to fight an unpredictable naval battle. But this did not affect his determination to defeat the German Navy in World War I. Even on the sea not far away in front of him, allied fighter planes one after another were strangled and crashed by German ace pilots.

“The gap in the fighter plane, although there is still it, is not big.” Dudley Bond looked at the fighters trembling together and said to the adjutant around him: “If our number of aircraft carriers can reach the same number as the Germans. Level, then this naval battle can be divided even without dragging it to night “

This is not the first time that the United Kingdom and the United States have competed with Germany, so the two can even be considered old acquaintances. The US intelligence has long known that the radar system of the German Navy is very advanced, and it can even distinguish the number of enemy aircraft from a very long distance. So this time Dudley Bond’s fleet did not prepare an attack aircraft, in order to make up for the gap in the number of fighters.

Everyone knows that dozens of bombers go to attack the German aircraft carrier fleet, which is absolutely a thankless stupid act. It is better to have a consciousness than to prepare a fighter plane honestly and fight a defensive battle to consume German aircraft. So the delay in sending attack aircraft formations was not a new trick played by Dudley Bond, but because the Allies had no intention of going to die.

A German Stuttgart bomber was destroyed in the sky after dropping a bomb. It was probably a large-caliber anti-aircraft artillery shell that hit the plane, so the plane exploded directly in the sky , Into debris scattered around. Because more and more German aircraft dropped torpedoes, the formation of the Allied fleet also became a bit messy with the “s” maneuver.

“The third batch of attack formations on the radar of the second batch of German attack groups has appeared.” As the commander of the Allied fleet, Dudley Pound felt that his fleet might have to undergo a real test.

When the fleets cover each other, the air defense is actually relatively tight and not easy to break through, but if the formations are disrupted and the ships begin to fight on their own, it is inevitable that flaws will appear and be taken advantage of by the enemy.

“The first batch of fighters that took off may have to prepare for landing due to lack of fuel. At this time, if the third batch of German attack aircraft rushed to the rush, we may have to suffer more losses.” The deputy also knew a new wave of Germans The attack formation is coming, and some worried persuasion: “It is better to let the fleet north”

“Telegraph the transportation fleet and tell them that we are moving northward here, so that they will also move northward to avoid interfering with our route adjustment.” Dudley Pond pondered for two seconds and immediately issued the order. He knew that this time was not a matter of perseverance or resistance, but how to eliminate more enemies while preserving himself. 【ㄨ】

Without hesitation, he immediately ordered: “Tell the USS Franklin to let them keep up with our footsteps, adjust the course, 15 degrees north east of the east! Signal all ships, adjust the speed of each, and restore Formation position! “

“Yes!” The adjutant immediately ran to convey the order. Soon, the sergeant at the helm confirmed the command to change the course of the course at the side of the bridge helm of the aircraft carrier Royal Ark: “Heading adjustment! Turn the rudder 15 degrees left! “

“Queen Elizabeth calls!” An officer ran over and stood behind Dudley Bond, nervously reporting.

“Nian!” Dudley Pound looked over and looked at some cramped officers. He was disturbed. He knew that the message was not good news, but he still had to listen. So he ordered his men to read it to him, and then turned his eyes back on the battlefield.

“An aerial bomb hit my starboard side, lost two antiaircraft gun positions, and asked other warships to provide cover.” After reading the loss, the officer looked up at the back of his boss, and then said: “The starboard side is on fire. Fight, the ship has no water, the loss can be tolerated. “

“” Dudley Pound frowned, and he also expected the four battleships to make merits at night. Now if one is lost, the Allied fleet will continue to approach the German fleet, and there will be danger. After all, he knew that Germany still had a battleship Redell naval marshal, and with only one battleship Ramirez, it was not necessarily an opponent of the new German battleship.

Of course, because of the lack of aircraft reconnaissance, the Admiral of the Royal Navy and the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Atlantic Fleet did not know that the German fleet had more than one battleship, the Red Marshal, and two “Soviet battleships.” . If he knew that there were three battleships in the German navy fleet, he might reconsider whether the battleship night battle tactics were feasible.

“Continue to change course” forced to worry about the safety of his fleet, Dudley Bond finally decided to revise his fleet’s route. Originally eager to approach the German fleet’s charge tactics, it now seems that it needs to be considered. The German carrier aircraft has been hovering around the Allied fleet. It will not take long for the Germans to understand the approximate strength of the Allied fleet. If the German commander finds that there is actually only one battleship in the British navy that is eager to approach, maybe it will really make the Naval Marshal Redell come up to fight the position battle, which will be really lively.

So he didn’t care that frequent steering would make his fleet’s formation even more chaotic, and he repeated his orders helplessly: “Turn the fleet north 15 degrees again! Maintain a relative distance from the German navy! Send a telegram to Queen Elizabeth, Ask them to move to the flank of the fleet and repair them as soon as possible! “

At this time, it was not just a battleship of Queen Elizabeth that was injured by the second wave of attack by the German carrier aircraft. The other two cruisers were also blazing, and one was seriously injured and even slowed down. On the other side, an American **** cruiser was sunk and allied sailors floating on the sea waiting for rescue.

“Telegraph the three anti-submarine destroyers behind the palace and let them rescue the fallen allies! Then they will leave the theater and return to the ship immediately.” Hearing the loss of his fleet, Dudley Bond sighed. He looked to the direction north of his fleet, where the transport fleet heading to Iceland was located.

“Hopefully, they can really give Britain half a year, otherwise our losses today will be in vain.” The voice of emotion was not loud, and from the mouth of Dudley Pound, he drowned in In the air: “Night, come soon.”

As he murmured and prayed for the night to come soon, the staff sent an encouraging good news: “Lord General! Our third batch of fighters has successfully taken off! At least the next batch of Germans in the air We are sure to hold the offensive! “

After hearing this news, Dudley Bond was very excited to fist both palms into fists. The first time for the most vulnerable time had passed, and his fleet could continue under the cover of the aircraft: “Very good! Let the warship continue to prepare for air combat, the third wave of German offensive should be coming soon!”

Just as the ship was excited to take off the third batch of fighter jets for the USS Franklin, the radar screen of a large radar-mounted cruiser on the outer periphery of the British fleet once again showed a lot of fluctuations.

Such fluctuations also appeared on the radar more than ten minutes ago. It was the third wave of attack fleets of the German naval carrier aircraft. After rushing into the radar search range of this warship, the reflected radar wave speed. But this time, the same fluctuations appeared again, and looking at the intensity, it was not the third wave of attack aircraft groups that were already close.

The radar soldier stared at the screen incredulously. He looked over and looked at the officer behind him, with an uncertain tone, he asked, “Long Commander? I didn’t, did I read it right? This, Is this our radar malfunctioning? “

“If it weren’t for our radar to be broken, it would be the arrival of the fourth wave of German attack aircraft!” The officer responsible for the radar swallowed and murmured subconsciously. Then the officer responded and rushed towards his bridge with the fastest speed: “The radar detected the new German aircraft! The fourth German aircraft was behind the third German aircraft!”

Brothers, Long Ling stays up late to make up for everyone! Knowing that these chapters are anxious for everyone, Long Ling is also fighting! I do n’t dare to ask for anything, but please do n’t doubt the character of Long Ling, thank you for your support!

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