My Third Empire

Chapter 1216 - Waiting for a result

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

On the aircraft carrier Royal Ark, Dudley Bond was listening to reports of damaged ships in his fleet. As a result, an officer rushed from the telegraph room next door before he heard the damage caused by the second wave of German aircraft attacks. : “Sir! A big deal!”

“The news just sent from the destroyer Erie, the radar on the Erie confirmed another batch of German planes!” The officer in the telegraph room looked at his boss, his eyes full of helplessness and panic. After all, these German planes are getting more and more deadly, making him feel dangerous.

“The third batch of German aircraft? I already know.” Dudley Bond looked at his panic-stricken men, and had not thought about it at the worst when it first started. But then he realized that something was wrong, because the news that the third batch of German attack aircraft was coming soon, the man in front of him had known it for a long time.

“Sir! It’s not the third batch of Germans! It’s the fourth batch of attack aircraft! There are almost 70 of them, which are faster and more than we originally estimated!” The man hurried to Dudley Bond Said. The first two waves of attack aircraft, the German Navy was only conducting a probing attack. The fourth batch of attack aircraft, regardless of the number or the speed of takeoff, have increased by more than one star.

Dudley Bond was shocked, he had just been forced to order his fleet to turn again. The formation of the entire fleet hadn’t had time to adjust. Now there is another wave of raids in Germany, which is simply asking for his old life. .

“Damn it! At this time, how did the Germans suddenly become firm? Give orders to the airborne carrier forces! Let them insist on it!” Thinking of this, Dudley Bond quickly issued various orders, Including emergency take-off fighters, allowing the fleet to maintain the current course and continue to sail, adjust the fleet formation.

The British navy commander is now scorching his head. He had planned a good battleship assault plan because the German carrier plane hit the Queen Elizabeth and was completely bankrupt. Now his fleet can’t run away, and can’t fight, he can only stick his teeth and persevere, until the opportunity comes.

“Let the Scoundrel and the Nelson battleship accelerate! There is no way to support it until the night, the time for the decisive battle must be advanced!” Dudley Bonde gave his order with his teeth clenched. Only when the other two battleships arrived in time was it possible Changed the current situation of passive beatings.

A series of orders have not been fully communicated, the third wave of German carrier aircraft has been killed in the air defense circle of the Allied fleet, the fighters of the two sides are entangled in the sky, and from time to time fighters explode or drag in the air The thick black smoke crashed towards the sea. Fighting is not a one-sided crush, but a process of mutual consumption.

The loss of the German carrier-based aircraft was quite huge. When Lütjens received the report of the second wave of attack aircraft, he almost scared his tongue. Of the dozens of second wave carrier-based aircraft returning, only 20 were left, and the remaining aircraft were either shot down or missing.

To deal with the rough waves of the Atlantic Ocean, German, American and British aircraft carriers were forced to use fully enclosed decks. This design increases the weight of the entire aircraft carrier on the waterline, and also limits the number of carrier-based aircraft reserves.

In the Pacific, the same Essex-class aircraft carrier, the United States’ basic establishment is equipped with 90 carrier aircraft, and after adapting to adapt to the Atlantic, the carrier aircraft of the USS Franklin has been reduced to 70. The German aircraft carrier was also equipped with only about 70 aircraft, so after two rounds of attack, the German Navy had almost one aircraft on the aircraft carrier, which was exhausted.

But similarly, the US carrier Franklin still has few carrier aircraft left. To make matters worse, the third batch of German carrier aircraft has confirmed the exact position and formation of the Allied fleet. It was the three aircraft carriers that went straight to the Allied forces. Forty-eight Stuka dive bombers carrying bombs and another 35 Stukas carrying torpedoes stormed into the Allied Navy’s air defense circle.

“Open the fire! Give me a quick fire!” A British officer standing on the deck commanding air defense commanded loudly. Behind him is an anti-aircraft gun formation, where the multi-barrel anti-aircraft guns are aimed at the target in the sky, pouring their ammunition crazy with the fastest speed. One shell after another was thrown out of the bomb bay and fell to the deck with a jingle.

The German Stuttgart bomber was not passively beaten. At the beginning of the dive, the 20mm caliber gun on the nose was aimed at the British battleship and fired madly to suppress the anti-aircraft gun on the ship. These planes dive while rocking from side to side, used to evade the various ammunition fired from the ship.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was pulled to a very close distance. The Stuka bomber dropped the bomb and then quickly pulled it up. Unfortunately, when it was pulled up, it hit the dense barrage. It exploded in the air and turned into a flame falling into the sea. The bomb it dropped also accurately hit the middle of the British heavy cruiser, exploded next to the chimney and set off thick smoke.

The speed of this British cruiser was immediately reduced, and not far behind it, the side of the Royal Ark was exposed to the threat of German carrier aircraft. As if there was a crack in the egg, the German carrier plane immediately caught the flaw, and dozens of planes swarmed up, aiming the torpedo under his aircraft at the Royal Ark, which was turning slightly.

“There was a problem with the air defense cover!” An officer in charge of the sideboard observation put down the telescope in his hand and shouted to Dudley Bond: “Melly was hit! It is slowing down! The German aircraft is already relying on coming!”

“Leave it to the air defense forces!” Dudley Bond waved helplessly. Of course, he could not prevent the German carrier aircraft from continuing to attack the Allied fleet, so now only rely on the air defense of each ship to come to the German carrier. The machine scored one point: “Let the Liverpool speed up and catch up to fill the Merley’s position!”

Standing behind Captain Royal Ark, George leaned on the captain’s ear and suggested: “Captain! I’m going down to make preparations, and organize damage management personnel just in case.”

The captain nodded slightly, then waved his hand back, indicating that he agreed. George glanced at Dudley Bond on the bridge, pushed open the door of the bridge, and went out. He walked down the iron stairs all the way to the office next to his usual work, where he had waited for a full of 30 experienced damage managers, who all looked at George who entered the cabin with their eyes.

“Gentlemen! The situation outside is very optimistic. I think it may be that we will play in a moment! Be prepared, gentlemen! Your Majesty the King is with us!” George was not nonsense, and he was directly assigned to each area. The responsible sergeant, he did not know where the entire battleship would be shot first, so he could only distribute the power evenly, and reserve a large reserve force.

Most of his men took orders and left the cabin. The rest of them waited in silence, waiting for the most unwilling thing to happen. The Royal Ark has experienced many naval battles, and most of them have returned to the port unharmed-now, it is time to really test it, and all the people on this ship are praying for good luck to continue.

Without letting the British wait for too long, the German carrier-based aircraft will give priority to the sinking of the cruiser Merley, which is based on the principle of killing you while you are sick. The two torpedoes exploded in tandem on the side of the Merley. The seawater suddenly poured into the hull, and the cruiser immediately began to tilt, sinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The remaining German carrier-based aircraft bypassed a dive American fighter and stormed toward the Royal Ark with great force. However, the first round of dive of these German aircraft failed to make a contribution, because the anti-aircraft guns on the Royal Ark fiercely disrupted the dive formation of the German aircraft.

However, when the German aircraft circled around and killed again, the anti-aircraft guns on both sides of the aircraft carrier Royal Ark obviously began to confuse. Facing German planes rushing in all directions, these anti-aircraft guns desperately shot, but the results were little.

“Boom!” The bomb dropped by a dive bomber landed on the sea near the side of the Royal Ark. The huge shock wave caused the steel on the Royal Ark to distort the squeaking sound, but because of the distance, This bomb did not cause too much damage to the aircraft carrier hull. All British sailors in the hull were falsely surprised.

“God bless!” Dudley Bond stood on the bridge and saw the huge bomb exploding in the sea. The huge water column was twice as high as the command tower he was standing on, and this British commander who witnessed the whole process subconsciously thanked God in his heart.

The warship had not stopped as the waves shook, and there was another lookout whistle, and a warning of the approach of the torpedo torpedo came: “Sideport! The torpedo dropped by the German aircraft! Turn right immediately! Turn right to the rudder! That’s too late!”

Next to Dudley Bond, the captain of the Royal Ark quickly issued an order to steer to avoid the torpedo at the helm: “Full rudder right! Hurry up!”

The sailor holding the steering wheel did not hesitate at all, and quickly exerted all his strength to hit the steering wheel directly to the right one circle after another. Then the whole bridge was silent for a while, everyone was waiting, waiting for the result of evasion …


Sorry, Long Ling came back late today for something. The second one is to be served later in the night. Please watch it tomorrow morning …

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