My Third Empire

Chapter 122 - Defence Force Expedition

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Queue! Hurry! Everyone stands!” A German officer stood on the dock and gave orders to his soldiers.

Opposite him, hundreds of German soldiers wearing grey-green National Defense uniforms stood up hard. They carried tents and various kinds of equipment, carrying their Mauser 98k rifles, and slowly began to line up.

“Let’s go to the right! Soldiers! We are going to Spain, where the most wicked Communists are sent to hell! You will be baptized in real war there! I will not say much!” The one-eyed major officer, with a black one-eyed dragon cloth, looked a little grim.

He stretched out his hand as he said, and began to note: “First! Lower your body! Who is lower, who survives! Do n’t stand upright on the battlefield, that ’s Idiot talent! I hope you all come back alive! “

Then he extended his second finger: “Second, try not to exaggerate your record! Because I will believe these records, and leave the more difficult tasks to these troops with excellent records next time!”

Then he looked at the nervous soldiers and extended a third finger: “Third! Remember to give way to bullets and shells! Unless you are more anxious than them.”

All the soldiers were stunned, and then bursts of laughter. Apparently the tension before the departure was swept away. The major nodded and immediately said, “The transport ship is an Italian destroyer! You’re welcome after you go up Some! Do n’t vomit casually! Go to the designated cabin to get a vomiting bag! Seasick people are more on the deck to ventilate! The next time will not be easy for you! Remember? “

“Remember!” All the soldiers answered with a smile.

The major glanced at the soldiers in front of him and issued the last command: “All listen to orders! Board the ship! Depart!”

“This is the number of transport ships today?” An Italian officer looked at the German soldiers boarding the ship and asked the adjutant around him: “The Germans are really bloody.”

“Sir! This is their fourth ship today. There are two destroyers of our navy to help them transport people. There are also two German Hercules-class transport ships equipped with their tanks and armored vehicles. There are many light machine guns … and millions of rounds. “

“I heard that there are rack planes, which have been shipped, covered in military green canvas, and used SS escorts along the way, and no one will let them close. That is called a mystery!” The officer said in awe. It ’s really handsome to look at other people ’s military uniforms. “

“I’m not envious.” The adjutant sighed: “I heard that leader Mussolini returned from Germany, and he admired Germany so much that even his mansion deliberately imitated Berlin’s mansion.”

Akado transported the troops of two divisions to Spain. One of the two divisions was the newly established 8th Armored Division, and the newly established SS 2nd Armored Division was equipped with a large number of armored vehicles and tanks. The division is also responsible for testing Akado’s blitz theory on the Spanish battlefield-of course, by the way, the two newly formed armored divisions are also tested by actual combat.

These days, more than 30 me-109 fighters have been shipped to Spain. The Germans hope that this new weapon can completely rule the Spanish sky. With the guarantee of absolute air control, the German tanks are used as the assault force. The defensive line of the Spanish Republican Army.

However, the Republicans were not vegetarian. They launched a large offensive on the day the Germans arrived in Spain, pushing the front line to the door of the Franco Legion, near Granada.

The Franco Army has lost many areas in a row. The Republican Army, with the cooperation of the Soviet Union, has seized local air supremacy and took advantage of the lack of preparation of the Franco Army to gain the advantage of war.

On the silent battlefield, under a well-arranged camouflage, a black hole’s muzzle is pointing at the Republican position not far away. Here lies the two German snipers with black charcoal on their faces. .

They have been waiting here for more than an hour, letting go of two Republican soldiers who probed their brains, and did not shoot a Republican Corporal who was smoking in the corner. They have to wait for a big man worth their hands. For For them, at least one lieutenant should be killed in one exposure.

Finally let them wait for the opportunity, a Republican officer wearing an officer’s costume finally climbed into the position, he looked at it with a telescope for a while, and then carefully drilled into the trench, but soon, he changed another position , Protruding half of his body.

The German sniper did n’t want to waste such an opportunity. A gunshot sounded, “Boo!”, The bullet flew over a distance of more than 100 meters, and penetrated the head of a Republican lieutenant, blood was splashing, and the Republic was splashed. The soldier’s face followed by the second lieutenant.

There was no celebration or hesitation. The two German snipers crawled backwards and retreated back to the trench, before they turned and jumped back into the trench. Then the two men carried the sniper rifle and crossed the trench with their waists. After moving for nearly two hundred meters, I found a company headquarters and got into it.

There was a sergeant who was cooking hot soup with potatoes and leaves. It didn’t look very delicious, but it was better than steaming. The two snipers leaned their guns against the wall of the headquarters, and each took a wooden bench to sit down, and were not polite with the Spanish soup company commander, opened their lunch box and began to use a spoon to hold the small pot. Hot soup.

“What’s the catch?” The Spanish company commander asked the two Germans in jerky German. The two Germans split their mouths and laughed, showing their white teeth against the black face. The two snipers Ming didn’t speak, but used a spoon to mash up the potatoes in the soup; while drinking the soup, one pointed to the sky.

The revenge artillery of the Republican Army began. A dozen shells were dropped from a position a few hundred meters away. Listening to the sound, you know that the caliber is not small. Two German snipers had also been hit by a shell in the place where they had just hidden, and smoke billowed out.

“Seventeen shells! The officer is not small, at least a company commander.” The Spanish soldier said to himself, and then pointed out the hot soup, while going out: “You continue to drink soup, I go to the camp to open a Will come back. “No matter whether the two Germans understood or not, they left their headquarters.

The two German snipers ate some hot potatoes and cabbage, patted their stomachs with satisfaction, stood up and picked up the sniper rifle from the wall again. The older sniper snorts: “Spanish, also It ’s ready to cook with soup. Which one are we? ”

“Today’s 3rd.” The young sniper echoed with a smile: “The head of state said they would only play football! I didn’t see it anyway, I heard that they won the last match so badly for us.”

“Come on, I heard that the monsters trained in the Soviet Union have also come a lot, and we can’t be much worse than them.” The old sniper cat drilled out of the headquarters with his waist, the young man nodded and followed the drill Went out.

“Sir! In the past three days, we have lost 179 frontline commanders. I was forced to appoint 1 battalion commander, 4 company commanders, and 52 platoon leaders yesterday.” A major general of the Republican Army was helpless. Report to our boss: “This piecemeal war makes us very uncomfortable.”

“Near Granada, our army’s offensive was stopped by the rebels.” Another officer also said with frustration: “There we were stubbornly resisted by a well-trained army, and they were even partially We launched a counterattack. We lost a dozen tanks and killed about 400 soldiers. “

“They are counterattacking in the direction of Cordoba.” A staff member pointed to the map and said: “Here they used about twenty new tanks. According to the analysis of the intelligence service, there are pictures from the Soviet Union. In contrast, it is certain that this is the German No. 2 tank, equipped with a 20 mm caliber rapid-fire gun, and the firepower is very powerful. “

“We have already lost our positions in the suburbs of Cordoba. If we lose this newly reclaimed city, it will have a great impact on our morale.” The first major general said, “It seems that the Germans have joined In this war. “

“Like many Soviet comrades in our army, they also found helpers! The Germans entered the rebels, which is not good news for us!”

“It’s really not good news! Gentlemen!” A staff member walked into the conference room and pressed a piece of information on the table: “The news I just got, a new type of fighter appeared over Cordoba. The new plane is very fast. It hit one of our reconnaissance planes, but the pilot successfully parachuted over our position, so we got this precious information. “

He paused and then continued: “Cordova’s offensive and defensive battle began an hour ago. The rebels entered the city under the cover of German tanks. Our army is fighting back tenaciously in the city, but the situation is not the same. Not optimistic, because with the help of the Germans, our losses are considerable. “

“That can’t give up Cordoba! We have to stay there until the last minute! If there is a fall, there will be a loophole in our defense.” The Major General frowned.

“Let’s order! Mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized and arm the militia! Contact the Soviet allies. We need more tanks and fighters. Ask them to send personnel to participate in the war. At least the Air Force will help us win the air control. “The highest lieutenant general on the scene thought for a long time, and finally issued the order:” All the troops stayed where they stood! Waiting for reinforcements. “

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