My Third Empire

Chapter 123 - Córdoba

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Ding!” The bullet hit the stone, splashing a dust, and the machine gun in the distance was slamming continuously, and the sound of the dying wounded soldiers could still be heard in the distance.

Behind the barricades, a row of Republican soldiers were violently firing. Opposite them, the National Army soldiers avoided the bullets and approached their targets little by little. Not far away, inside a building, two German snipers were loading bullets into their rifles.

They drove the gun out of the window very skillfully, and then aimed at the Republican soldiers in the barricade not far away. Pull the trigger lightly, followed by the sound of the gun, the bullet flew out and drilled into the head of the Republican soldier. Immediately following the impact, the soldier was leaned back.

Repeat the action again, pulling the bolt, aiming, gently pulling the trigger, the sound of the gun sounded again, the bullet flew to the target again, and finally brought blood and fell with a corpse.

Artillery support was finally here. The Republican Army had been blasting a flaming tongue of machine gun positions with a huge black smoke, rubble and stones splashing everywhere. It was also mixed with broken bodies and broken military uniforms. The machine gun twisted and fell a short distance away, and there was no more sound on this machine gun position.

“Dang Dang Dang …” A p-2 tank ran over the gravel from the street and slowly protruded from the other end of the block. The turret also began to rotate towards the barricade, while rotating, while adjusting the angle of the 20 mm caliber main gun.

Behind the tank, followed by a group of Spanish soldiers with steel helmets, they bowed their waists, cautiously covered themselves with guns, and slowly moved forward. The tank stopped at the corner of the street where the turret was exposed, and then the 20mm gun fired its tongue.

“Boom!” The barricade of the Spanish Republican Army was shot into a large hole, and the soldiers inside were bombed upside down, but in the distance another group of soldiers braved the artillery to support them, and they used various weapons to shoot at the tank crazy, The bullet hit a dazzling spark on the tank.

“Reverse!” Commanded the German tank driver in the tank controlling the turret loudly. While shooting wildly with the machine gun on the turret, he let the people around him quickly fill the 20 mm gun with ammunition.

The tank shook slightly and began to retreat. When the tank retreated, the Spanish infantry followed by the tank were exposed. These infantry were quickly knocked down by two bullets. The remaining people hurriedly retreated with the tank. Go back.

However, it was less than half a meter back, and the German tank rushed out of the corner again. This time, instead of showing only half of the body, it rushed to the center of the street next time. The 20mm gun once again fired its tongue, and the machine gun fired wildly. The firepower of the Republican opposite was obviously suppressed.

A hundred meters away from the top of the building, the German sniper once again shot and killed a Republican soldier who succeeded the dead machine gunner, and then the two men carried the rifle together to transfer their positions. This is a tactical requirement, although the other party The anti-sniper tactics are quite imperfect, but all German hunting teams involved in the war are required to strictly follow the rules in the tactical manual.

Facts have proved that this tactic of moving after the fight is reasonable and efficient. More than once a sniper responded. One minute or a few minutes after they left the sniper position, the original position was attacked by the other party in retaliation. Therefore, many sniper teams will strictly follow the sniper tactical manual prepared by the head of state, although most of the content in this manual comes from an article “Sniper Training Course” in the amateur military enthusiast magazine at the end of the 21st century.

On that side, the barricade finally collapsed under another artillery attack, and the P-2 tank rushed to the ruins of the barricade under the cover of the infantry. The soldiers of the Spanish National Army were busy setting up machine guns on the barricades, and the surrounding gunfire gradually subsided, while in the distance, the dense gunfire continued.

“Your Excellency, we have occupied three quarters of the city of Cordoba. Although the Republican army is still relying on the terrain to resist, we expect that tomorrow afternoon, we will be able to completely occupy Cordoba.” The officer in the general uniform proudly pointed to the map to introduce Franco to the current situation: “In the wild, my 8th Armored Division has advanced to the south bank of the Guayana River.”

While introducing, he pointed his finger at the border area next to Portugal on the map, and then said: “Our army has controlled Badajoz, the Republican army forces have given up on the initiative, as long as the follow-up troops follow up There is no problem with the speed, and our troops will join the central city of Caceres next week. “

Franco nodded. He was very satisfied with the performance of the German. Standing in front of him was Lieutenant General Bock, chief of staff of the German Wehrmacht. His calm command brought Franco’s army back to the disadvantage, and gradually began to gain a foothold, and showed a counterattack.

The SS 2nd Panzer Division, reinforced from Germany, performed well in the counterattack against Cordoba. They broke down the Republican defense line outside Cordoba with the fastest speed and led Franco ’s The defeated soldiers killed all the way back to the city center. Although the number of casualties in the Franco army made him breathless, after all, the war situation was very good.

And the 8th Armored Division of the National Defense Forces screamed all the way, and even hit the south bank of the Guayana River in one breath. In one piece, completely remove the embarrassing situation of being divided.

Judging from the results, the performance of the German Defence Force supporting Franco is much stronger than that of the Soviet Red Army supporting the international column and the Republican Army. At least until now, on the battlefield where the Germans joined, they have not been defeated. . They sang along along the way, looking as if they were invincible.

“General Bock, where will you focus on next? Is it near the Guadiana River or Cordoba.” Franco looked at the map for a long time and finally couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“My direction of attack was drafted by the German Staff Headquarters and even the head of state personally. For the time being, I only know that the head of state is more interested in Caceres. So I will focus on the armor strength in my hand and use the fastest speed. Capture Caceres as a 36th birthday gift for the head of state. “

“I didn’t think that Yuan was born so young!” Franco seemed very interested in Akado: “He was a few years younger than me, but he has become the head of state in Germany. Even your general, who is older than him, Admiration for him. “

“The prestige of the head of state has been tested by countless victories. So we will not question his decision.” Bock sighed with admiration: “He is like a gift from God to the German people, giving us this suffering The nation brings hope. “

“I have the opportunity to meet your head of state.” Franco nodded and said, “After Spain ends the civil war and becomes a powerful and free country. I will definitely meet your head of state.” “

“Very welcome! General Franco.” General Bock nodded.

“I have one more question, General Bock.” Franco seemed to remember something, and he seemed to ask casually: “A general like you, an experienced general, should also be a very high-level general in Germany. Right? “

“Thank you for your affirmation, General Franco.” Burke replied with a smile: “We have many famous generals, such as the General of the National Defence Forces, General Brosich, don’t look at him young, but it was indeed discovered by the head of state A capable general. Of course, many people are better than me at directing operations. “

Speaking of this, Bock paused intentionally, and then made a joke: “The head of state told me before I left, he saw me this old bone is about to retire, so give me this opportunity to let me take some more retirement gold.”

“Haha.” Franco laughed twice, then patted Bock’s shoulder: “You are a humorous person, unlike many old-fashioned Germans. It seems there is nothing difficult for you to deal with yourself. Well, how about we go for a glass of whiskey together at night? “

“It’s okay to have a drink, General Franco, but according to the Head of State’s” Code of Conduct for Frontline Combat “, I can only drink up to three glasses of alcoholic beverages per day. Of course, I heard that as a general of the National Defense Force, this ban can be relaxed to four. “Boke said with a smile.

“Then if you become a marshal, you can drink half a bottle.” Because of the stability and the increasingly favorable situation on the front line, Franco made a joke when he was in a good mood: “You Germans are really interesting and have prescribed drinking. Quantity. “

“Long live the head of state!” An intelligence officer came in at this time, raised his right arm to stand up to salute before saying: “General, I just confirmed the news from Air Force Commander Colonel Dick, about 3:30 this afternoon , The Spanish friendly air force lost three he-51d export fighters. “

“Conclusion?” Bock asked, frowning at the intelligence officer.

“The Air Force analyzed the process of air combat and confirmed the fact that the technology of the Republican fighter pilots has been greatly improved.” The intelligence officer replied after glancing at the report: “Colonel Dick speculated that in this air battle, the other party was a Soviet pilot. Not the rookies of the Republican Army. And the aircraft used is also the latest i-16 fighter developed by the Soviet Union. “

“Does Colonel Dick have any countermeasures?” Bok asked after thinking about it.

“Colonel Dick suggested that if conditions permit, our pilots can also go up and try.” The intelligence officer looked for a while in the report before finding Dick’s suggestion: “He also said that once it was determined that air control was required, Then he will use the Air Force ’s secret weapon. “

“Tell him I approved it! Let him do it!” Bok gave the intelligence book to the intelligence officer and ordered.

Then he turned around and glanced at Franco: “Sorry, General Franco, it seems that our wine will take a few days to drink.”

“It doesn’t matter! General Bock! When I win, I invite you to have a good meal.” Franco said with a smile.

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