My Third Empire

Chapter 1220 - Persevere

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

There are a lot of crazy things in this world, but one of them is definitely a fighter jet, rushing to the battleship with anti-aircraft artillery all over the body. Countless dazzling shells are dragging light to you, and the aircraft you are driving In front of the shells, the fragile is no different from a blank piece of paper.

Shut through the dense firepower like a spider web to avoid enemy fire that may cause fatal damage, then maintain the flight path of the aircraft, throw a deadly torpedo or bomb into the target, and then try to get out of danger It is safer to challenge a python than this.

Perhaps the task of attacking the ship was too dangerous, which allowed another time and space Germany to develop the anti-ship missile such as Fritz x with a wide-open brain to avoid the risk of losing the pilot. Unfortunately, in this time and space, Fritz x is still on the design drawings, and he did not equip the German troops in time, so the German pilots had to use their courage to face the British warships that built anti-aircraft guns like hedgehogs.

One after another, the Stuka bomber aimed at the British warship in the distance, and began to dive and attack. The buzzer above the aircraft made a ghostly scream, and the sky was suddenly full of screams. . Some fw190 mounted torpedoes started flying against the sea, and pointed their noses at the side of the British fleet.

As a veteran strongman, the British Navy has absolutely excellent training. Their anti-aircraft firepower was very calm and calm. Although there were occasional lapses, there had never been large-scale chaos and collapse. Coupled with the American aircraft that constantly interfered with the German aircraft above the head, the battle between the two sides really became an indissoluble situation.

The carrier aircraft of the German Naval Air Force tried every means to tear apart the other party’s air defense network, but after losing a large number of aircraft, they still failed to accomplish their goals. The enemy ’s air defense fire network is still impenetrable. Most of the bombs and torpedoes dropped by Germany were also avoided, causing no decisive damage.

The German pilots flying the plane were very anxious and tried a variety of methods, but the more anxious they were, the more they felt the pressure put on them by the opposing air defense firepower. Ten minutes passed unconsciously, but none of the British warships was hit by the Germans.

“William goes on like this, this attack will be a waste of opportunity again! We don’t have much time, we can’t waste all of it here!” A Stuka bomber, maneuvering his own plane, dashed almost vertically towards the sea. Said to his commander: “I swore under the flag that I will fight for this country to the end.”

“Calm down! When we next dive, we try to throw bombs from both sides at the same time to imitate the other party’s s-type maneuver!” The voice of the captain behind him came from the headset. The disturbing sound of the current did not affect the anxiety in the sound at all, and people could feel the helplessness of the speaker when they heard it.

“Follow me! This time I must hit the **** British warship!” The German pilot flying in the front shook slightly with the turbulence of his own aircraft. Because of the high-speed dive, his aircraft was in the airflow. Trembling.

“I’m right behind you! The angle of your dive is too vertical! Change it out! Change it out! Otherwise, you can’t pull the plane according to the warning prompt!” The voice of the captain continued to say: “You dive at this angle, the cabin cover The red line is no longer allowed! God! “

The Stuka bomber in the front apparently did not intend to heed the reminder of the captain behind him, but roared the engine, facing the deck of the British Navy’s aircraft carrier Royal Ark, and swooped in near vertical.

“Guzman’s fast shot! Pull up! Idiot! You are too close to the sea!” The captain responsible for this attack batch was obviously stunned by the scene in front of him, he worked hard Wanting to pull up his plane, he found that the old acquaintances in the distance had no intention of pulling up again.

“Tell my son! Captain. Tell him I love him!” Said Gusman Shensheng, the pilot on the Stuka bomber, in the headset. Behind him, in the position of the navigator, the shooter, who had been hit by a bullet into a sieve, was shaking his drooping head with the air current.

After a pause of about a second, the German carrier aircraft pilot Guzman, who was about to hit the aircraft carrier deck, shouted the last sentence of his life: “Long live the Great Germany!”

“Boom!” With an explosion, the German Stuttgart aircraft crashed into the turret of a high-level dual-purpose gun on the side of the aircraft carrier deck of the Royal Ark. The huge explosion caused the turret and the surrounding armor deck and many side plates to change their shape and splash around.

The tremendous destructive power even the surrounding double-turret turret, a flight deck higher than that, destroyed a considerable circle, directly flew a fighter parked above, and drove the fighter to a distance. Nautical miles.

The sudden explosion caused the entire Royal Ark aircraft carrier to shake trembling violently. Dudley Pound, who was standing on the bridge, almost did not stand firm, and grabbed the table beside him before reluctantly falling. But when he raised his head in horror, he saw a huge explosion of smoke in front of his porthole, rolling and slowly drifting away.

“We were hit!” An officer stood firm against the wall with one hand and stood firm, holding one’s hat with one hand, screaming in shock: “Quick! Let the fire brigade and the damage manager rush over! Hurry up! “

Seeing the explosion in front of him, Dudley Bond was shocked and couldn’t say a word. He had been praying that the Royal Navy would be able to kill everybody in this battle, but eventually found that his prayers seemed to be in vain.

“Go to the place of explosion immediately! I want to confirm the damage of the Royal Ark! Hurry up!” The captain issued a series of orders behind Dudley Bond’s: “Let the Liverpool on the side hurry up , Cover us as much as possible! Call George! Let him confirm the damage to the hull! Eliminate the risk of water ingress! Hurry! “

This is the difference between the captain and the fleet commander. As the fleet commander, Dudley Bond may be more assault-prone or when retreating, but the captain of each ship knows his own warship and will issue the most for the first time. Commands in line with the current situation.

George, as a sailor who participated in the Battle of the English Channel, and as a soldier who witnessed the defeat of the Royal Navy in person, just a few minutes ago, sat in his command post, praying that he would not have to appear.

But as the ship’s tremor trembled, George knew that his battleship was really hit this time. When the warship was shaking and the sound of explosions was wafting in the corridor, he immediately issued an order for repairs to his opponents: “Sideboard! Carry fire fighting equipment! Act faster!”

After hearing the order, these stand-by damage officers quickly acted. Some people used the phone in the cabin to contact the damage managers near the bombed area, and some people took people directly to the bombed place. The entire corridor and individual cabins are cluttered, and everyone plays their biggest role in stopping.

“What exactly hit us? The ammunition compartment of the anti-aircraft gun is now on fire, and explosions can happen at any time, and the fire must be prevented from further expansion, so as not to threaten the fuel and other ammunition on the ship.” The captain of the Royal Ark was on the battleship After stopping the shaking, he began to ask what happened to his battleship. Everyone saw the explosion, but for specific reasons, they had to ask the observation post and witnesses on the deck to get the answer.

The aircraft carrier is actually an air base at sea. In addition to thousands of ground crews, service personnel and sailors, there are of course other things: hundreds of tons of air bombs and other weapons and ammunition. The fuel used by the aircraft and the fuel required by the aircraft carrier itself are indistinguishable from a huge gunpowder barrel ammunition depot. They are very easy to destroy.

What made Dudley Pound somewhat helpless was that his own aircraft carrier was hit by the enemy, and the fire was burning. The situation looks very dangerous. If something happens to this aircraft carrier, the remaining battleships will also be killed by Germany. Aircraft carriers are eating clean, and it is likely that only half of the ships will be able to escape to Canada.

“Don’t we say that we are going to be killed here today?” Dudley Bond looked at the burning smoke, blocking his sight, and could not help but utter a low sigh, he was waiting for the villain There is also the battleship Nelson coming. If at this time the two battleships can kill the German fleet and start the artillery battle that the British army is better at, he will still have at least three points to win.

However, if the Scoundrel and the battleship Nelson were not rushed to the battlefield on time, then the British navy might be really destroyed. The repaired soldiers were busy in madness. They sprayed the seawater on the fire to try to stop the fire from spreading.

But a desperate thing happened. The German aircraft saw the Royal Ark carrier burning and immediately surrounded them. They also desperately threw bombs and torpedoes on the Royal Ark, trying to blow the British carrier completely. sink. Even in order to attack the Royal Ark, the battleship Queen Elizabeth that was on fire on that side seemed to be uninterested at this moment.

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