My Third Empire

Chapter 1221 - Sunk

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Soon, another anti-aircraft gun turret on the Royal Ark was hit by a German bomb. This explosion was larger than the previous one. It is because there is nothing to verify. [ㄨ] ∈♀ However, the explosion directly destroyed the minaret on the side of the Royal Ark, and also destroyed a part of the lifeboat. The entire deck was deformed and distorted. The two fighters parked above were no longer able to Take off and fight again.

At this time, there are six fighters on board the Royal Ark aircraft carrier that can be ready to take off to meet the German naval aviation in a short time. However, this time it was hit, completely paralyzing these six aircraft on the aircraft carrier and unable to take off. The British fleet ’s air defense task can only be completed by their own anti-aircraft guns in the remaining time.

“Second hit! Second hit!” The officer responsible for the damage control reported loudly about the explosion that just occurred: “The enemy bomb hit our flight deck … and then spread to a twin anti-aircraft gun … God, we ca n’t take off the rest of the plane. “

“It’s no regrets, go back to your post!” George frowned, and then commanded: “Anyway, we don’t have a few planes left, and we can’t take off the fighter anymore. For us and Not a big loss! “

He knew that this time the aircraft carrier USS Royal Ark must have been more aggressive, because even its own fighters had been consumed by the Germans, but it still had no chance to escape from the battle and escape to Canada.

It must stay on the battlefield until the last second, attracting a large amount of German offensive firepower, and fighting for more time for the bombardment of its own battleships-although it sounds silly to say that this sacrifice plan is now, but in this case Among the methods that Dudley Bond can come up with, this is one of the most worth trying.

At the beginning, George was the loss control officer serving on the battleship. Now because of promotion and experience advantages, he has become the loss control commander of the Royal Ark. He can be said to have personally witnessed the decline of the British Royal Navy and witnessed the strong rise of his opponent, the German Navy.

While he was directing his men to rescue the dangerously damaged fire, it seemed that God was fighting him. A torpedo from a German carrier aircraft on the side was drawing a white The straight line dashed towards the aircraft carrier Royal Ark.

For design reasons, the deck of the Royal Ark and the upper layer of the defense are very strong, but the underwater structure of this aircraft carrier, which is the design of the torpedo protection, is very common. This crappy design allowed the Royal Ark in another space-time to eventually sink into a German submarine’s sneak attack.

Although most of the reasons for the sinking were the lack of experience of the Navy ’s damage control personnel, which led to the failure of the repairs, but this also revealed that the Royal Ark ’s aircraft carrier did have various deficiencies in its ability to resist underwater attacks.

“The fire has been brought under control! God bless!” A stop loss person sighed while wiping sweat while standing next to the gradually decreasing flame. By his side, two huge water pipes were spraying water near the fire site, which was considered to be good luck. The ammunition inside was not exploded, so it left a lot of repair time for everyone.

George was also near the burning deck, supervising his men to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible, to recover the loss of the battleship. When the people around him lamented God ’s blessing, George also felt that his luck seems to be good today. Unfortunately, he had n’t had time to agree with the sighs from his men. He heard people in the distance shouting to him indistinctly. sentence.

He turned his head to see what the soldier in the distance was pointing at the sea and shouting at him. The murmur of the water pipe and the roar of the pump made him unable to understand what the other party was calling. But as a naval officer, he still felt the danger and turned his head in the direction indicated by the opponent’s hand.

Then he saw that in the distance, a white wave had begun to gradually dissipate, while in the vicinity, the white wave clearly made him feel weak. The angle of this torpedo was too tricky. Just when the Royal Ark was turning to avoid the other two torpedoes, it got into the bottom of the aircraft carrier.

“Damn it!” Too late to complain, George felt that the deck under his feet had suddenly risen a lot like an elevator, and then a huge shock came from the soles, directly twisting his legs, leaving him whole. Was lifted off into the air.

He saw that the water pump beside him was also lifted up, including the damage control personnel beside the water pump. They looked at each other in mid-air in horror, and could even see the despair in each other’s eyes.

Then they were completely overwhelmed by the ammunition in the 4.5-inch heavy anti-aircraft ammunition ammunition store that was on fire and the huge fireball exploded … George lost his consciousness and even felt no pain in his eyes. Just left this world. The side wing of the aircraft carrier Royal Ark began to flood into the sea, and the exploded ammunition depot flew all over the side of the Clipper. Even the stop loss work was unnecessary, because there was no need to rescue the ship. .

“What about George? What about George? Has his loss of control failed? Let him report to me personally! Go and get him back for me!” The captain of the Royal Ark Carrier was on the tilted bridge, watching General Dudley Bond, who was bloodshed, shouted loudly: “Medical soldier! Hurry up and call the medical soldier!”

Dudley Pound crashed into the wall during the torpedo explosion. What is even more desperate is that this top commander of the Allied Forces is no longer capable of wisdom. That is to say, he ordered the Allied Fleet to turn collectively and once again leaned against the German High Seas Fleet. In the middle, the last order to turn the fleet was issued.

The entire bridge was in chaos because of the explosion, and no one knew what had just happened. Was the ammunition on the sideboard exploded, or was another German aircraft attack on the aircraft carrier? Find George ’s liaison officer and The soldiers didn’t know where the damage commander had gone. Most people saw him on the deck before the explosion.

Even more desperate is that the aircraft carrier has now begun to tilt, and the speed of the fleet has also been dragged down by the dying Royal Ark-the captain did not know to order the ship to be abandoned, or should order to stay on the post and continue to fight: can you ask The man was in a coma, and the people who could consult were gone. Now he had no way to make any decision, he could only tell his adjutant: “Quick, find a way to wake General Dudley Pound, at least we should know What should I do next? “

At the same time, the veteran used a spare code to injure General Dudley Bond, and the news that the Royal Ark Carrier was seriously injured is sinking, and sent it to the US Navy Fleet: “Request support. If you stand by, the Atlantic will hand over. German! “

“Captain! George has found it! When someone finally saw him, he was near the site of the explosion … Several soldiers swore that they saw that Chief George was involved in the explosion, and then they never saw it again.” Go The chief mate who brought George brought back a disheartening news, and he gaspedly reported the results of the visit to the captain.

Then he pointed to a damage control officer who was all blacked by the fire and continued to advise his captain: “This is the most experienced damage control officer I can find in a short time. He suggested that Immediately ordered to abandon the ship, in his view this ship has no value to continue to repair. “

“Sir!” As the officer spoke, his black face was set off by his darkened teeth: “IMHO, even if Chief George sees this situation, he will give this advice … The hull has been flooded with water, and the Germans are still attacking by air. We simply have no ability to ensure that the ship will not sink under such conditions. “

The American Fleet watched the troubles of the British Fleet and did not leave alone. Instead, it followed the British Fleet and used only a few remaining fighter jets to provide limited air cover for the British Fleet. American fighters are getting fewer and fewer, and now it is their own insecurity. Expect them to regain air supremacy on the battlefield. The British fleet might as well count on their battleships. But as allies, they did their best and they used their own fighting to relieve the pressure of the Royal Navy.

“The Royal Ark is about to sink, which is not good news. If we turn around now and leave the British Navy … maybe the American losses will be reduced to a minimum.” The adjutant stood on his back, standing on the bridge of the aircraft carrier Franklin, right His boss suggested.

The captain of the United States hesitated. He knew that his lieutenant was right and very correct. The best way now is to take the defeated soldiers and leave immediately, throwing away the ruins of the Royal Navy to the Germans. The rest is left to the diplomats to fight the battle, anyway, it is not a problem that their soldiers need to worry about.

So he wanted to open his mouth, give orders to turn and leave the battlefield. But before his orders were spoken, the officers in the telegraph room shouted an exciting piece of good news: “The Scoundrel and the Nelson arrived! The German Navy has nowhere to escape!” “

At the same time, the captain of the aircraft carrier Royal Ark reluctantly gave the order to abandon the ship: “Leave here! We have done everything we can do. The rest depends on what the rest can do Now! “

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