My Third Empire

Chapter 1227 - Cemetery

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

After all, the gap in strength cannot be filled by courage or spirit. Although the German navy is still immature in some respects, it has mastered the future development direction of the world navy, which other navies have not been able to do so far.

When the carrier-based aircraft mounted huge slender torpedoes and flew towards the targets they needed to attack, in fact only the British Royal Navy, which had battleships and cruisers, had lost the war. Without interference from the aircraft, these torpedo planes calmly launched attacks on their targets and threw one deadly torpedo into the water to rush towards the enemy ship.

Even if the technique of evading torpedoes is more adept, and the firepower network formed by anti-aircraft artillery is even more rigorous, the battleship can still only be in a defensive position, waiting for its own end. Under the interference of the German naval aviation, these warships could not chase the German navy in a straight line, and the German navy could in turn open the distance between the two sides in a straight line.

Soon after, the battleship Elizabeth was hit by a torpedo on the side, and was also forced to reduce its speed. The Royal Navy ’s fleet has completely lost the cost of attack. Several heavy cruisers were sunk, and the battleship Nelson has now become a sea of ​​fire. The entire fleet has been nearly annihilated by the whole army, and it is not what it was a few hours ago.

This naval battle was also remembered in the history of war because of an unprecedented data: the British Navy killed a total of 4 admirals in this naval battle, including 3 commanders in chief of the Atlantic Fleet. This is also the naval battle in which the British navy has killed the most commanders in a battle in history.

The USS Franklin turned to leave the theater, and the British navy battleship Nelson was sunk by German fighters about 4 nautical miles south of the Scoundrel. There were corpses of sailors from both sides and soldiers waiting for rescue throughout the battlefield. But the battle is not over yet. They have to suffer in the sea water until they die unconsciously and die in the cold sea water.

At 4:33 pm, the British battleship Queen Elizabeth was sunk by a torpedo projected by the German naval aviation. After 4 minutes, the Royal Navy Squadron began to divert and fled back to Iceland. Following this, at 4:50, the battleship Ramirez was hit by a torpedo.

The deceased commander-in-chief of the Royal Navy, Dudley Bond, was determined to continue the battle until the night, but until he was killed, after the British Royal Navy almost annihilated the entire army, the sky was still hung with the dazzling sun, and there was still time until night came A very long time.

After experiencing the setback of the battleship Belarus and the damage of the battleship Marshal Redell, the German navy won the surprise attack. From deciphering intelligence to attacking across the board, from taking off fighter jets to attack enemy fleets, until the German navy finally repulsed the Allied fleet, the German fleet’s performance was quite satisfactory, and it won the due victory.

“Long live the head of state! General! The aviation unit has begun to return. The next batch of attacks should be able to successfully sink the remaining British battleship … The enemy small ships have been scattered and retreated. Do you want to continue to pursue?” The result gradually became clearer, and the atmosphere on the bridge of the German Navy ’s flagship carrier, the Empire, also relaxed. When an officer came to report the situation, there was already a smile on his face.

Lütjens returned a German ritual with his hand, and then issued the order with a smile: “Going further north, you will once again enter the combat radius of the new aircraft of the Allied land base … no reason. Adventure, we have won this naval battle, haven’t we?

“Thank you to the telegram, and by the way, rescue the soldiers who fell into the water … After sinking the British battleship, we will return to the sea!” Marshal Redell is also in a good mood at this moment. He just received the news that the battleship named after him Damaged, but insisted on fighting and eventually hit the enemy ship. This report made him feel very happy, and even decided to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate on the way back.

Before the sky was completely dark, the German navy ’s warship received a clear message, and the British government in Iceland asked Germany to help the allied soldiers in the water and was willing to provide any support for the German humanitarian spirit: they Claiming to recall all submarines and cancel fighter patrols, the German Navy must rescue all soldiers who have fallen into the water.

At this time, about 2,600 British soldiers were sunk and drifted in the sea waiting for rescue. They finally waited for the miracle to happen. The German navy destroyer and cruiser arrived on the battlefield and rescued including: Scoundrel , The USS Ramirez, the Queen Elizabeth, the USS Nelson, and the USS Royal Ark, 3 heavy cruisers and 4 cruisers, including 17 British sunken warships.

Because of the help of the German navy, 1900 of the 2,600 people who fell into the water were eventually rescued, and more than 1,700 of the more than 1,900 people who fell into the water. This is only the estimated number of people who fell into the water, not including the sinking Soldier.

The ship sank with the battleship, including 17 captains. This also made this naval battle the best manifestation of the European naval tradition. According to unwritten rules, the captain of the battleship would sink with the battleship, and this Atlantic Icelandic naval battle is a good interpretation of this heroic and fearless battle The spirit of the end.

Among the personnel rescued in Germany, there were even some pilots. These pilots were shot down by the British army. One pilot survived miraculously, and he himself was shot down at about 10 am. He floated on the sea holding a piece of wreckage and waited for a day before he was picked up. At that time he was dying, and he couldn’t even speak clearly.

This sea area has also become the cemetery of British and German naval battleships. In a small sea area, a total of 5 battleships have been sunk, including a Soviet class, a German-built villain class, and a A Nelson class, a Queen Elizabeth class, and a r class. On these battleships

It has become a veritable battleship cemetery, burying the glory of the British Royal Navy and ending the possibility of the British Empire maintaining world dominance. The emerging German navy has since stepped onto the stage of history, becoming a true strong naval force that people have to pay attention to.

However, despite the victory and defeat in this naval battle, it also completely cut off the British last dream of reinstatement, but the various strategic materials shipped to Iceland arrived at their destination safely, and the Icelandic airport regained its previous vitality. The daytime bombing plan against Norway was run at the fastest speed.

A formation of hundreds of bombers and long-range dual-body fighters took off from Greenland and flew to Iceland. After stopping there to refuel, they immediately flew to Norway to destroy the third-empire iron ore production base in Norway.

As these planes flew to Iceland, Roosevelt also began to receive various intensive care in his hospital bed. There were more than 5 doctors and nurses around for 24 hours. This old man who has always insisted that the United States must fight to the end is using his amazing perseverance to race against the disease and fight for the hope of a final victory for the United States.

A total of 310 bombers and 110 fighters will continue to take off without stopping after refueling in Iceland, bombing various factory facilities in Norway. Although this plan worried all high-ranking US Army aviation personnel, it was finally implemented because of the President’s insistence. How much these bombers can finally return to the base safely, then only God can know.

“My head! The naval message just received! Marshal Redell and General Lütjens won the naval battle and sunk 4 British battleships and the aircraft carrier Royal Ark!” A naval officer handed the message After Akado, he stood upright and rejoiced for his head of state: “We won! Head of State! Atlantic barriers are now solid, and our western front is completely safe!”

“Yeah … the big troubles were finally eradicated by us … if it wasn’t for us to decipher the enemy’s code, we still don’t know when to delay it until we can completely solve the difficult problem of the British government in exile.” Glasses, nodded and replied.

Recently, because he stayed up late to approve various documents, his eyes had some problems. In the end, the doctor diagnosed that the head’s eyes were short-sighted, and he was equipped with a pair of 200-degree glasses for myopia. It is not worn on weekdays ~ ~ worn when reading the newspaper to prevent myopia from further aggravating.

The head of the navy had just withdrew from the head of state’s office, and Gascor, the head of the army’s intelligence department, entered Aqado’s office. He stood upright and raised his hands to pay respect to a standard German hands-up ceremony before opening the report: “My head! According to the plan, the secret weapon code-named” Teutonic Knight “has arrived in the Sahara region of Africa, sending invitations. You have arranged something, let me ask you to continue. “

“Ah! Very good! I know! Send invitations to all countries with diplomatic relations. If possible, find a few American journalists. I also want to salute President Roosevelt.” After hearing this news, Akado , Seemingly excited. This time, he was the initiator of the development of the German strategic weapon atomic bomb and was able to successfully complete the nuclear weapons program, which really made Akado very happy.

The head of the Third Reich stood up and smiled and told Gascol: “Prepare to go to the train in Italy, let’s go to Africa too! Look at the fun!”

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