My Third Empire

Chapter 1228 - Bite the bullet

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“A radar warning destroyer deployed west of Norway found that a large number of enemy aircraft were flying to Norway. Yes! The navy has confirmed this news. Obviously the other party is not escorting personnel to Iceland, but is organizing a second bombing. The Norwegian thing. “On the phone, an officer from the intelligence service issued an enemy alert to the Norwegian Air Defense Command.

Then he went on to add: “The enemy did not send messages to transport the aircraft to Iceland, so we don’t know what they are going to send to Iceland. But now it seems that things are clear, the other party still wants to bomb Norway, Destroy our war potential. “

“Relax! Our planes are ready! The other side has at least 20 minutes to enter our attack range, which is enough for us to take off the fighter and prepare for interception.” The general of the Norwegian Air Defense Command sneered at the other side Said: “But in the end, are they crazy? Now that we and Siberia are allies, iron ore is constantly relying on Norway at all. Why are they so desperate?”

“No matter what they are for! Shoot them down, don’t let go!” After the sentence, the other party hung up. This time the Allied bomber forces came out and bombed Norway during the day, nothing more than a signal to continue the war. President Roosevelt’s last shot was a stimulant for those political allies who followed him to persevere in war, as well as several allied governments in exile that were about to collapse.

The success of the bombing of Norway, presumably the Third Reich will not make peace with the United States. In this way, those officers who insist on fighting will not be liquidated, and the United States will have no steps to withdraw from the war. The war will continue until the victory is won.

This is also the last time the United States used Iceland to attack: as the Atlantic Fleet was hit by the German Navy ’s high seas fleet, and Germany took control of the sea-making power in the Atlantic Ocean, Iceland will soon be occupied by Germany without any accidents.

Therefore, these bombers flew to Norway in such a resolute way, with a full 110 **** twin fuselage p41 fighter jets, rushed to the German steel origin Norway. 310 b17 bomber engines roared, patrolling the airspace of the Third Reich during the day.

This plan was really helpless. Although the Allies knew that the bombing during the day would be intercepted by German fighters with absolute superiority, they really had no way to bomb Norway at night. There should also be pro-American locals who were cleaned after the last bombing. The effect of night bombing is really uncomfortable.

On the other hand, night bombing is subject to the interception of the terrifying German night fighters. Formation flight at night is difficult and prone to confusion, which is not conducive to novice pilots flying their own aircraft to complete the mission, and the bomber ’s own self-defense weapons cannot be used The combination of so many factors makes the Allies feel that it is better to make a day bombing with losses.

“Ooooooo!” As air defense sirens sounded in various fighter aircraft airports in Germany and Norway, countless pilots ran towards their planes. They started to launch prepared aircraft with the help of ground crews. The people sitting in the airfield began. Organize your goggles and check the dashboard.

Within the dozens of German air defense fighter airfields, there are several special secret airfields, which are directly under the command of the German Air Force Command. They have independent radar early warning systems and independent command systems. When the sirens rang over these special airports, the louder engine roar deafened and followed the air defense sirens.

“God bless! I thought I would wait here for my whole life.” A German pilot put a leather jacket on his body and fixed the pistol on the armed belt. Putting on the life jacket handed to him by the ground crew and checking his parachute, he jumped onto his own aircraft me9 jet fighter.

The maximum design flight speed of this jet fighter can reach more than 850 kilometers per hour, which is an entire era faster than the fastest flight speed of 600 kilometers from the Allied aircraft. Although the speed of the British meteor jet fighter is also very fast, but that kind of aircraft can not be regarded as a qualified practical jet fighter because of its instability.

Although the German me9 fighter is not as fast as expected, it is more reliable and durable. Equipped weapons are also more powerful than ordinary fighters. Another gratifying indicator is the range of this fighter. It is better than another me262 fighter called the airport defender in space and time. There is more than one level: the me9 fighter can fly more than 1,600 kilometers. A full 600 kilometers of voyage.

Under the German field paint requirements, all of these German jet fighters were sprayed into field camouflage paint, with the sky blue camouflage under the belly. The hollow iron cross is used as the Air Force logo: in order to avoid the accidental injury of the friendly forces, all yellow fighter jets on the wings of the German fighters began to spray two yellow identification strips.

“Poison Bee 15 is ready to take off! I will use a jet fighter to take down my first enemy record! Wingman, don’t drag my hind legs.” After putting on the headset, the pilot of this jet fighter Laughing and experimenting with your own radio communication equipment.

Soon a wingman pilot teased in his headset: “Okay! I will follow you, I don’t know if you have the ability to lay down the enemy plane.” He hasn’t had time to respect his wingman, in the headset Then came the command to let him take off, so the German pilot controlled his plane, aimed at the slender runway, and pushed his accelerator.

The huge thrust made the plane move forward quickly, and the seemingly slender runway disappeared in front of the eyes for a moment. German pilots skillfully control the wings and let the plane fly by the wind. The roar of the engine is much larger than that of a propeller plane, and the takeoff distance of the plane is also longer than that of the German ta152 fighter.

But what they get in exchange is the unmatched powerful performance of the me9 fighter after takeoff: this aircraft is faster than all its opponents, has more firepower, more ammunition, and better high-altitude performance.

A German plane that followed followed took off, and then began to form a formation above the sky near the airport. With the continuation of the air defense warning, these planes began to fly to the coastline. Before the Allied bomber fleet entered the Norwegian inland, they Completely crush the opponent’s sweet dream of bombing Norway during the day.

“Commander! I suddenly had an ominous hunch, would you say that the Germans will take off 500 fighter jets against us in one breath?” The American b17 pilot sitting on the co-pilot still had a little immature face, he I just graduated from the aviation school this year and was sent here to perform such a stressful task.

So this novice pilot will ask the captain around him from time to time. Almost everyone in the US Army Aviation knows that Germany has more advanced radar, so you can prepare your aircraft and anti-aircraft guns in advance. This is also the main reason why everyone is silent and tense, because no one wants to die in a foreign country for no reason.

“Sir! We should come at night, so they can’t take off so many fighters to intercept us.” The co-pilot was still chattering, and the captain sitting next to him was one of the few who performed the last night bombing Norway. Pilot, after hearing this, I couldn’t bear it anymore.

He was furious and yelled loudly: “Shut up! I would rather come here during the day because I don’t want to experience such a night anymore! There are explosions and screams everywhere, but I can’t see who is going to I’m firing. If you talk nonsense, I’ll throw you away from here! Do you understand? “

The soldier sitting in the navigator’s position raised his head and shouted to the pilot who had just been angry, according to his earphones: “Sir! We have entered the combat radius of the German fighter! Maybe two minutes later, we can See the enemy plane coming over! “

“All planes, all planes! Please pay attention! The pilots maintain your formation, all self-defense firepower starts to prepare ammunition, and immediately prepare for combat!” After hearing the pilot’s reminder, the commander quickly issued a combat command.

The machine gunner leaning on the fuselage strapped himself with a seat belt, and then squeezed the 12.7 mm heavy machine gun grip with one hand, and the other pulled the bolt. After a clatter, the bullet was loaded. Not far behind him, an artillery shooter burrowed into the aerial gun turret beneath the belly of the aircraft, and also aimed the artillery in the direction that the enemy might attack.

Every plane, the nose, the belly, and the turret on the back of the plane are ready for battle. Everyone is waiting quietly, waiting for their enemies to appear on the side of the clouds. Everyone is silent. Only the wind and the roar of the engine.

“Call the fighter force, the German aircraft is very powerful, if you can’t stand it, lure the other party into our range. Rely on our dense self-defense firepower to eliminate the German aircraft that are superior in speed!” Commander Arranged his own affairs, reminded the friendly army by radio.

“We understand! We will protect you as much as possible and let you arrive at the bombing site safely!” The American commander who drove the battle thanked the commander of the bomber unit in his earphones: “Shield formation, wait for the German to enter the range After that, fire immediately! Expel them from our bomber force. “

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