My Third Empire

Chapter 1229 - Jet era

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Poison Bee 22 has found the target! Poison Bee 22 has found the target! They have come so much!” In the headset, a German jet fighter pilot loudly reminded his companions that the German fighter can fly higher, It’s easier to spot enemies ahead.

“In front of you! It’s about 11 o’clock! I already saw them!” The German pilot code-named Poison 20 piloted his own aircraft, keeping his distance from the friendly aircraft, and shouted loudly: “There are about 200! Quite a lot! “

With more and more reminders, the German fighter forces began to prepare for the attack formation, and the American pilots on the opposite side also saw the arrival of the German fighter forces: “My God! Their planes seem to be more than ours! “

Germany took off more than 80 jet fighters, and behind these jet fighters were also followed by about 220 other models of various fighters: including ta-152 and fw-190d liquid-cooled high-altitude interception models. So if you count the number of all German fighter jets, they are almost on par with the 420 US planes.

“Be careful! Be careful! The Luftwaffe has a rocket that can be launched at a long distance, disrupting our formation formation! Pay attention to avoid! Then quickly restore the formation to cover each other!” While driving his own b- 17 Bombers, the Allied commander reminded his allies while paying attention to the strange weapons of the Germans.

Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, the German jet fighter unit relied on its superiority in flying height and launched all the mounted large-caliber rockets against the US bomber formation. These rockets dashed toward the American plane in the sky with white tracks, causing panic in the American bomber fleet in an instant.

“Dodge! Dodge!” For a time, the US bomber fleet and the headsets of the fighter forces shouted in horror and screaming. These densely launched rockets did indeed play their due role-breaking up the formation of the US bomber formation, creating opportunities for the German fighters to rush.

The German fighter pilot drove his own me-239 fighter, dived rapidly, and increased the speed to an astonishing point. His fighter was almost chasing the rockets he launched and rushed into the US bomber fleet a few seconds later.

He adjusted his nose and pressed the aiming crosshairs against the fuselage of an American bomber. Then he calmly pulled the trigger of the firing and allowed the 30 mm caliber cannon at the nose to Firing fiercely at the target, spitting out a dazzling tongue of fire. The shells of the large-caliber cannon flew straight into the fuselage of the American aircraft, followed him by rolling horizontally, avoiding the enemy planes that might collide.

For a moment, like a slow motion, he saw the turret on the nose of the enemy plane he just shot through the curved glass above his cockpit, and was trying hard to aim the muzzle in the direction of his dive. But because his speed was so fast, the opponent did not aim the turret at the place where he was flying.

Driving the plane, rolling at an unprecedented speed and getting rid of each other’s entanglement, the German pilots once again demonstrated their overwhelming advantage in flight speed. And once their speed continues to dominate, they can use the one-strike tactics they are familiar with to no longer familiar in air combat.

This tactic was once abandoned by Luftwaffe pilots because of the significant increase in the speed of Allied fighters. But now, the German pilots flying the me-239 jet fighter have the opportunity to show off their invincible momentum against the sky.

With the first German jet fighter flying over the U.S. bomber formation, and the shells from the large-bore cannons on both sides of the nose were poured onto the fuselage of the U.S. bomber, the second German fighter had also rushed past the United States The firepower net of the bomber. The first American bomber hit was just emitting black smoke, and the turret on the spine of another American bomber was shattered into pieces by cannonballs.

The huge roar of the “Boom!” Engine resounded through the sky, and the German fighter jet threw away all the American artillery shells with absolute speed above the sky, leaving those shells with a trace of tracer bombs in the blue sky . Driven by a German pilot, the plane gracefully circled a large circle in the sky, and then returned to the gradually fierce battle group.

It is easy to aim his nose at the target again, then accelerate to dive close to the unfortunate worm, and violently fire to tear the other side-the German Air Force invested in the fighter jet regained its feeling of killing. The U.S. bomber clusters were disrupted and disorganized and ravaged indiscriminately.

At this time, the first American b-17 bomber that was hit was finally overwhelmed and shattered in the sky. The wing broke off like a machete, directly cutting off the plane of another American bomber. Wing tip. In the distant sky, one after another b-17 bomber was hit and exploded, falling on the sea off Norway.

Because of its absolute superiority in quality, and because of the different levels of combat power of the two sides, this battle was destined to be a massacre from the beginning, a unilateral calm killing by the German Air Force. German pilots tore the formation of American bombers back and forth, and it took only a few minutes to destroy more than 50 American bomber formations.

“Suddenly! Suddenly!” The American shooter, who controlled the machine gun, tried his best to aim his weapons at those smart and ghostly targets. He tried many times until his plane was hit and his comrades were beaten. He flew out of the cabin and he failed to hit any German target.

He pressed the talker and roared loudly at the cab as if he was about to vent his fears: “Their plane is too fast! I can’t even target it! Try to get out of here! Quickly leave this **** ghost place! “

“German’s new aircraft! Their wings turned back! My God! Their speed is almost 1000 kilometers per hour!” I don’t know the actual speed of the German fighter. The American pilots described it as exaggerated as possible. Own opponent. They have to give back some valuable information to their motherland, because it is likely that they will be buried in this **** place today.

“Damn! The German’s new plane hit me! Request to return! Request to return!” Inside the headset, the pilot of an unknown aircraft made a howling cry. He shouted hysterically, with a desperate fear. This shout infected every ally pilot and made everyone more uneasy.

Although the US military fighters have already joined the battle, it is obvious that these two-body long-range fighters that can barely deal with me-109c fighters have no way to fight the German me-239 jet fighters. These American fighters even ran into the bomber’s range and sought shelter from the bomber.

The battle has been doomed from the beginning. The only variable that remains is how long the Allied pilots can support. When the Ta-152 fighters joined the killing feast, the Allied bomber formation ignored the order, temporarily abandoned the attack plan, and began to return to the war zone.

One bomber after another fell to the sea, one p-41 fighter after another exploded in the air. When he arrived, there were 420 airplanes of various models, and when he turned around and fled, only half of them remained. The German pilots obviously didn’t mean to let go of each other. They piloted their own aircraft and hunted down all the way until they ran out of fuel and were forced to return.

“Open fire! Don’t give these Allied aircraft a chance to leave! Attack!” Unlike the sigh in the American pilot’s headset, the German pilot’s headset is full of such shouts. This battle with the same record can be met inexplicably, and no one knows how long it will take to obtain such military merits.

As a result, most of these poor American pilots were shot down, and only a few were rescued by German ships and sent to concentration camps until the end of the war. Most pilots are buried in the sea or dispersed in the world as their aircraft explodes. In the end, only 54 B-17 bombers returned to Iceland, and the P-40 fighter unit did not return due to the panic and the rear cover.

This second air raid by Roosevelt personally ended in a terrible defeat. The general of the US Army Aviation no longer hesitated about anything, and ordered the transfer of all remaining aircraft on Iceland. Then these senior officers wrote a report in despair, and presented it to President Roosevelt, who had already spoken very hard.

“Sir! Sir!” A young army officer looked at Roosevelt’s waiter with a folder in his arms, and lowered his voice and asked: “The news just came that the plan to attack Norway was completely failed, only about one-tenth ‘S plane returned to Iceland. They didn’t even see the Norwegian coastline, they were hit back. “

“Got it.” The waiter glanced at the young officer, and wanted to come to the other party to know the matter. If Roosevelt knew, it might have caused Roosevelt to directly smoke because of mood swings, so he sent a hairy boy over.

“Mr. President can’t approve any documents now, this is what the doctor ordered.” Watching the officer put down the documents, the waiter’s hand pressed on the naval report that had not been presented to Roosevelt and said: “Any news or document You have to wait for the president ’s condition to stabilize, and then reply. “

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