My Third Empire

Chapter 149 - Economic lifeline

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

No progress will be made in the negotiations with Smith. This is something that all German diplomats know. Even if Akado personally went out, he cannot expect the German Navy ’s dozens of destroyers to let the British honestly apologize. However, the British knew that they had made a loss, and sold a 50% discount to Germany for 100,000 barrels of crude oil, as a condition for Germany’s commitment to the east.

After the meeting was over, Akado hurriedly rushed back from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building to his palace of the head of state, because he was going to meet two very important staff there. The other is Krupp, the actual controller of the Krupp plant.

As soon as he arrived at his mansion, Akado threw his coat and gloves to Gore who was approaching, and then asked the head secretary working behind him, Sindra: “How long has Mr. Boss been waiting? “

“Head of State, Mr. Boss has just arrived,” Sindra answered immediately.

Akado nodded, and it seemed that both parties were of the type who were pressed for time, apparently unwilling to waste their time for nothingness. So under the direction of Sindra, he went straight to the already-arranged meeting room.

“Long live the heads of state!” As soon as Akado entered the door, Bos stood up and paid a standard German ceremony to Akado.

“How is the factory going?” Akado waved his hand, beckoning Boss to take back the etiquette. After seeing Boss withdraw his saluting arm, Akado immediately asked.

“Head of the report! The company has started mass production of synthetic rubber in various places. Although the quality is slightly inferior to that of natural rubber raw materials, it is used as a part production. Now it is no problem.” Boss said proudly, also But he is not proud, this is the research result of his personal leadership team.

“What about production? Is it enough to supply troops?” Akado asked with a frown.

“I’m afraid not, my head.” Boss said cautiously: “Now in order to solve the problem of rubber shortage, the entire industrial chain has been improved, but the demand for rubber is still a very large number.”

“I know this, in order to use less rubber to produce more equipment, the tire width standard of civilian cars has been cut twice in a row, and some people are even studying smaller-diameter urban car tires.” Arcado reluctantly Said: “I even heard that although there is no explicit provision, the outer contour and width of military car tires have been sneakily reduced by 1 cm, right?”

“Yes! There is no way for the headquarters. According to your instructions, the number of military equipment in our army should be at least doubled again. To equip more new infantry divisions. But we really do n’t have too many ways to increase production. . “

“There is no other way?” Akado asked.

Boss nodded helplessly: “There are many rubber parts in the tires that are consumables, my head. Unless the inventory of spare parts is used to increase the number of rubber products in service in the first line. However, once there is a need to replenish, it will be stretched. . “

“Take out one-tenth of the spare rubber products!” Akado said firmly: “Always let the soldiers use it before it’s their turn to consume, right?”

“In those two months, the output of cars and tanks can be higher.” Boss nodded. “My situation is better, because the British Navy only blocked the Middle East oil imports, and there is no large-scale. Block rubber raw materials. “

“I thought that if we drove away the Coalition Arms Control Committee, we would be able to let go of our arms and expand our arms. It seems that I didn’t think about it in advance.” Akado suddenly felt that there was a conservative diplomat Strey who disagreed. Sman is not a bad thing in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but unfortunately it is too late to say anything.

After sending off Boss, Akado saw the wind and dust rush to Berlin’s Krupp. The two walked into the meeting room together. Akado remembered the days when he was talking and laughing with Krupp, and there was a sense of loss in the rush of years.

“Recent strides have taken place recently, leading to local chaos in the entire country. There is no large-scale impact on military production, but you are running up and down. I thank you for the German people.” Akado poured Krupp a drink Drink, pass it over, and then pour yourself a glass while talking.

“My head, I have to say that you have been in a hurry recently.” Krupp sighed and persuaded, “Declaring war against the Junker nobility in one breath, and then taking away some huge monopoly chaebols together. This is a dangerous move that the German emperor dared not try easily. Why did n’t you discuss it with me in advance? “

“This plan is also a last resort.” Akado smiled helplessly: “They assassinated the Jews and attempted to split the Great German Party. The SS had no choice but to resort to perilous measures.”

He took a sip of wine and said, “Fortunately, I have maintained a situation that I can control. The monopoly chaebol is not a monolith. For example, you are on my side. Because you have a vision, you see the future development prospects of the industrial world, and It ’s not that the idiots are standing still. “

If it is not appropriate for you to decisively distribute the benefits to the petty bourgeoisie and retain a lot of monopoly chaebols that support you, then Germany has long been in a mess! Not to mention that there are a group of royalists and Junker nobles fanning the flames, and on the one hand, the Nazi party came out to take advantage of the fire-the only reason for maintaining chaos now is that the National Defense Force has not made a clear statement.

“So far, we have nothing to do. This cleaning process has already begun, and it will not be easily stopped.” Krupp sighed helplessly: “But the effect is also obvious, most commodity prices It started to go down, and industrial costs continued to fall, because capital was scattered and disrupted, and the market was more dynamic than before. “

“This is what we want to see, Krupp!” Akado said happily: “The Great German Party is for you businessmen who have contributed to the strength of Germany!”

“However, our recent situation with regard to oil has been very bad, so these enemies have also started to take the opportunity to counterattack. The place that has been restored to peace has now begun to show signs of riots.” Krupp exasperated: “Once production is delayed, then we All efforts made are in vain. “

“The SS are not vegetarian! Since I dare to throw 14,000 German parasites into prison and let them produce the tactical vests we badly need. I don’t care about catching 20,000 more people!” Akado said fiercely : “I think their bones are hard, or the SS bayonet is hard!”

“However, the oil has been cut by half, which makes us really confused! The head of state.” Krupp said anxiously-it is related to his entire group’s income, no wonder he would be so anxious.

“How is the oil exploitation in Austria going?” Akado asked after thinking for a while: “You also have a lot of shares in this Austrian oil field.

Krupp came immediately, as if he could see a pile of banknotes waving to him, so he stood up and replied: “My head, about 200,000 US dollars of funds is already in place, and Austria ’s oil extraction is also in place. It has entered the actual operation stage in an all-round way, but until a large amount of oil is extracted, it is estimated that it will be at least until 1935. Counting our total oil reserves, we have to wait until the self-produced oil meets production, which is still a lot less. Months of oil. “

“The key is to look at Romania!” Akado nodded and said, “It seems that our evil success and failure depends on Merkel’s gains in Romania.”

“Right.” He said here, remembering another thing that brought Krupp back this time: “Krupp, how is the improvement of tank 4 going?”

“My head, the improvement is very smooth. Most of the newly produced tanks have been installed with 75 mm caliber cannons with extended barrels. We have been tested enough to penetrate the front armor plate of any active tank.” One said about his products , Krupp started talking: “In addition, we improved the observation and aiming system, and equipped the gunner with an independent periscope look-around device. The turret rotation device was improved-all these were improved on the basis of simplification, we It did n’t make Tank 4 more complicated. ”

“What about the initial tanks? Was it difficult to convert them?” Akado asked again.

“My head, to be honest, what we lack now is the quantity of weapons, not the quality of weapons. We have to equip a large number of tanks on both the east and west lines to defend our defenses.” Krupp began to show off from The army general heard a little knowledge of military knowledge.

“It makes sense!” Akado also feels that it is not busy time to improve the tanks. What he wants is more tanks. With more tanks, he can have a better battlefield in his mind. Come: “Then no modification will be made to the No. 4 tank that has been produced, and it will be sent directly to the troops! The old tanks are for the SS, and the new weapons are for the National Defense Force! What about the guns? Is it smooth?”

“My head.” Krupp’s expression was more relaxed when he mentioned the gun, and he smiled and replied: “g43 was handed over to Krupp and several subsidiaries of the gun company for production. The production speed is still very fast. We have successively Approximately 110,000 such rifles have been provided to the National Defense Forces. Paratroopers equipped primarily with the first division and squad leaders assigned to each infantry squad. “

Akado nodded and ended this meeting: “You go to Hanover for me. The oil extraction there has also been some days. Although the production and reserves are very small, it is an input. You go to see If anything needs improvement, come back and give me a report. “

“Then I will retreat. Long live the heads of state!” Krupp retreated to the door and saluted.

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