My Third Empire

Chapter 150 - Romania

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

After the First World War, all countries in Eastern Europe were anxious to incorporate the legendary ancestral lands into their own countries. Poland and Romania are typical representatives. These two countries received “special care” from Britain and France because of their proximity to the Soviet Union. In order to strengthen the emerging countries of Eastern Europe against the Soviet Union as much as possible, Britain and France supported Poland and Romania to expand their land. Unexpectedly, this actually weakened these two small countries.

After the war, Romania won the entire Transylvania, a region dominated by Hungarians and Germans, Bukovina and Bessarabia, two regions dominated by Rosenians and Ukrainians , And South Dobrogea, a region dominated by Bulgarians. The result of this “crazy” expansion is that Romania has three enemies in close proximity: the Soviet Union with its vitality but its skeleton still in place and deliberate retaliation, Hungary with resentment, and Bulgaria with disgruntled, grunting hearts. In the end, these three “neighbors” will “help” Romania to complete an unforgettable “transformation” …

In the post-war Romania, the reconstruction of the economy (especially oil extraction) was done quickly but politically but in a sad state. Although friendly relations were established with Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, the so-called ” “Small Allies”, but in 1924, the former student movement leader Kodriano established the Iron Guard.

The Great Crisis of 1929-1933 was an opportunity for all radical or slightly radical organizations-for example, the Nazis and the Grand German Party, as well as the Romanian Iron Guard. Its slogan of “one person, one acre” caused many to lose their land. Of farmers turned to it, and they also won the support of some people who were dissatisfied with the status quo in the city, but in the parliamentary elections, the influence of the Iron Guard was negligible for a long time.

However, the threat is getting worse, the Hungarians and Bulgarians next door are still good to say, but the Soviet Union with the help of German engineering across the Transnistria River is gradually recovering its vitality, especially its large army, if it is efficient The improvement is still relatively limited, but the scale and equipment are undoubtedly more powerful, and Romania ’s weapon renewal is still in progress. However, the Soviets are temporarily unwilling to move Romania, which has two British and French backers, especially to worry about the Germans taking it away.

But things will not happen because of Soviet worries. The speed with which Germany rose after the war shocked the Romanians, and its determination to intervene abroad was greater than the Romanian king had imagined. When the Romanians greeted the German envoy Merkel, many politicians may have prepared for concessions under compelling circumstances.

As a result, Merkel has not waited for the diplomatic mediation of Romania, but ushered in an unexpectedly sincere country: Hungary. This country was originally supported by the United Kingdom and France, but at a certain time, it was inexplicably standing in the German side. I do n’t know if the leader of this country is too whimsical, or does have great wisdom.

Merkel’s visit to Romania was not an unprepared assault, but the result of two decades of painstaking operation by dozens of institutions throughout Germany. They helped Germany establish a person in Romania, this person is Antonescu.

With the help of the Antonescu, Merkel persuaded His Majesty the King with little effort, and let the stunned Romanian monarch do a wall-to-wall activism: 80% of the stocked oil was replaced The double price was sold to the British, and the remaining 20% ​​and the oil purchase rights for the next two years were secretly sold to the Germans.

The British have made great efforts to this end, swallowing their hopes to maintain relations with their allies in Romania, and for this they have made huge oil payments. But apparently they failed, only to know that they were sold by Romania at the last minute. The angry British refused to pay for the goods and embezzled the first tens of thousands of barrels of oil sent from Romania to Britain. The Germans generously advanced the funds for the British, which made the King of Romania overjoyed.

The Germans were not idle either. They detained two British custom battleships perched on the Kiel naval port and threatened the British government to make a reasonable explanation to explain a series of provocative acts against Germany recently.

In the end, the British compromised, and they took the time to digest the fruits of the victory when they took advantage of the oil in the Middle East. They also saw the ambitions and actions of Germany’s eastward movement from the German involvement in Romania, so this time they chose to give in. Britain declared that it would never interfere in Romania ’s internal affairs and apologized for the German shipwreck.

Germany didn’t get enough, and immediately continued to build two super battleships for the UK. The Krupp factory worked overtime to build 16 381 mm caliber cannons for the two battleships. However, not far from the docks of two British custom battleships in Port Kiel, the two Zeppelin-class aircraft carriers have also entered the stage of assembling the hull. Compared with the cold and deserted workers on the British custom battleships, the construction site there It can be described in full swing.

Of course, this transaction has brought tremendous changes to Romania. Germany paid an oil payment with the early models of tanks 2 and 3, and more oil was purchased by Romania directly from Germany in the world’s most advanced high-altitude super fighter me-109c. Counting the 38t tank imported from Czechoslovakia and the machine gun rifle, the Romanian army instantly completed the long-awaited modernization, and His Majesty also trusted his new allies.

Even a lot of equipment eliminated in Germany: old gas masks, armored vehicles with complex designs, y-type tactical straps. It is still an upgrade product that many military forces dream of. For example, in the far Far East, the price of an original Mauser rifle can even buy a light machine gun in the Czech Republic. Therefore, Romania did not feel anything bad about the equipment it received.

Antonescu had already served as an army minister in 1933. Although he was considered a pro-British faction, he had long joined the pro-German Iron Guard, and with the penetration and temptation of Germany, his thoughts Great changes have also occurred. In his view, Germany will surely win the future war, and only by standing with Germany can Romania be protected.

For a time, the Antoneskutie Guard became the only legal party in Romania. He signed a treaty with Germany as soon as he took office, allowing the German army to enter the country with the help of training the army and other reasons, and tightly tied Romania to Germany ’s On the chariot.

However, even Akado couldn’t help but find out the fact that almost all the leaders in his camp have a quirky and strange claim that he is the head of Germany; the friendly Japanese leader calls himself the emperor; Mussolini Like to call himself a leader, Franco claimed to be a general, and now Romania ’s puppet regime Antonescu professed himself as a “leader” …

Soon, the British got a screaming intelligence, and Germany sent some military supplies to Romania. In order to help each other in joint operations, Romanian helmets were replaced with m25 steel helmets, and the Romanian army was armed with the Mauser 98k and various infantry equipment into the German Defense Force ten years ago.

Even more depressing than the British were Chiang Kai-shek Group in the Far East, because the Romanian troops had to be replaced on a large scale, resulting in the out-of-stock phenomenon of the German fire supplying the Far East. The original 100 million rounds of bullets and various long guns and short guns were missing, and Jiang Jieshi’s plan to strengthen the army had to be frustrated again.

Because of the German arms embargo, the sweet Japanese agreed to the request of the Germans and ordered the very small destroyer fleet to go south to Kaohsiung, Taiwan, where a small-scale artillery military exercise was held to attract British attention. Force was forced to spread to the Far East, and the destroyer Brave took two destroyers through the Suez Canal, entered the Indian Ocean, and went straight to Hong Kong.

Sometimes Akado really feels that he chose the **** mode when he crossed. Others in Japan took advantage of the chaos to lay down the Baishan black soil of the three provinces in the eastern three provinces, but it was just that the powers shouted twice. He drove away an arms control committee, and this caused such trouble.

Think about the discounts for those who go back to the Anti-Japanese War, either with a light brain or dragging the base-what is the cannon plane, what is the oil, wood, aluminum, iron, molybdenum and titanium. I save a few cannons every day here, and every day I break my heart for so many tons of petrol and rubber. People start a newspaper after talking about girls and **** back the lost ground in minutes. It’s true that people die more than people, and you have to throw them.

Of course, once again, to give an opportunity to choose the ancient song that became Akado Rudolph, he would not choose to reincarnate to Japan for many reasons: for example, he does not like bowing; for example, he does not He likes to cut the belly; for example, he doesn’t like the sentence that is full of negative emotions-of course, if he can let him change Japan’s name to China’s Donghai Province, this is another matter.

To be honest, after Akado learned that Romania eventually became a subsidiary of Germany, he was finally relieved-he did not want to rush into the world war in 1936, he needed time to make his German defense force stronger and stronger Not only can you make a dazzling blitz battle, but also withstand the brutal war of attrition.

What is gratifying is that no matter what, now the development of the German Army, Air Force, Land and Air Force will no longer be restricted by others. What he has to do is to use his past life’s vision to check for the crazy development of German equipment and make these war machines more perfect. stand up.

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