My Third Empire

Chapter 151 - Soviet Union

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Another corner of the world, Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union.

Stalin has been in a good mood recently, so good that he was a little fluttering, and he eradicated those former comrades who were enough to threaten him. Although the anti-rebellion movements across the Soviet Union have been intensifying, Comrade Stalin’s leadership of the Soviet people has become more unshakable in the general direction.

Isn’t this exactly what he wanted? So the entire high-level Soviet Union became Stalin’s words, and he gradually sent those voices that dare to question him into the concentration camp he ordered to build.

Recalling the concentration camp made Stalin proud: 300,000 criminal workers who did not pay a penny worked hard for his Soviet economy. They did not need any state pensions for starvation and freezing. These walking people were like poor people in Germany. A 20,000 km long railway was laid between the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union. And this achievement was counted to Stalin, the culprit who sent them to the concentration camp.

“Although we have interrupted part of our cooperation with Germany on the question of Spain, there is still a lot of investment and exchanges between the two countries.” An economic head stood up to report on the Soviet Union’s economic achievements over the past year: ” We have many factories under construction and deployment, and large-scale industrial production bases are being built in Kiev and Minsk.

Another official saw the colleague who was speaking and sat down and immediately reported: “Accado’s company and many German companies are investing in our road and rail system, which has greatly improved our traffic conditions , Our transportation of materials to mobilize the army is faster and more convenient. “

Indeed, the improvement of roads and railway systems has caused earth-shaking changes in the Soviet Union. Because of the speed and simplicity of transportation, the cost of the Soviet Union ’s exports of grain, wood, ore and other materials has been greatly reduced, which makes the Soviet Union ’s exports more competitive For a time a large amount of cheap Soviet food became a life-saving straw during the European economic crisis.

Moreover, the convenient transportation made the previously closed area a new industrial city. Because of the convenient transportation of materials and the preference of the German consultants, the Soviet heavy industry area began to move closer to the border area, although Stalin intended to prevent this behavior, but But with little effect.

“In addition, our investment in Germany is also increasing. Many German military companies have our shares. It can be said that many of our officials and businessmen have made war money during the Spanish Civil War. The bullets they produce are also The shells destroyed our army. “A general said dissatisfiedly.

“Yes! Our army suffered heavy losses in Spain, and the Communist International also suffered a great loss there! Although the weapons invested by the Germans were not much advanced than us, they made up for the gap between the National Army and us in this respect!” The general complained with great dissatisfaction.

“The Germans are taking the route of elite soldiers. Their soldiers are not as many as us, so they can be carefully trained. They naturally perform better than our army. Facts have proved that the gap is not obvious. The Germans are not as powerful as we thought.” Stalin Sneered with comfort.

An intelligence from Soviet spies from Vienna, Austria, showed that the Germans killed 1,471 people in Spain and injured 5,982 people; in the Spanish Civil War, a total of 3,100 people were killed in the Soviet Union and 719 people were injured. Comparing these two results, it does not seem unacceptable. For a time, this kind of virtue but such thoughts flooded the Soviet Union.

Of course, the Soviets are not stupid. In fact, the low generals and officers know that the Soviet Union can be regarded as a loss of force this time. It will be a heavy loss: according to the reliable frontline soldiers, they were instructed to exaggerate the performance report. Pitiful, but their death figures are real.

“We have doubled the amount of food produced over the same period five years ago, but the living standards of grass-roots workers and the vast majority of comrades in the proletariat have not been fundamentally improved. Half of our army has no way to get full wages. The army does not have enough supplies and ammunition. “The official in charge of material statistics later reported.

Another official added: “We have counted this year, and we still have close to one-tenth of the population who do not have enough rations for the winter. Is it possible to reduce the share of exported food and allow these poor people to have the food for the winter? “

“Agricultural matters are not a problem. Our grain exports feed half of Europe! Relying on these exported materials, we can continue our industrialization and modernization! The Soviet Union will become a country that the whole world respects! As long as we Do your best! “Khrushchev narrowed his eyes and said,” Long live the Soviet leader Comrade Stalin! “

“Yes! Can’t cut export materials! This year is a very important year! The fifth Moscow-class battleship was launched this year. The battlefield of the t-26 tank equipped by our army is not performing well, and we need to design and produce new tank equipment troops. It is not worth the loss to cut exports at this time! “Stalin waved his hand and rejected the official’s proposal.

Not only that, the Soviet Union bought more than 100 submarines from Germany this year at a great price. The Soviet Union hopes to use these submarines to defend its long coastline and enter the European waters when necessary to give Britain and other hostile forces. The navy made a fatal blow.

The Germans did not agree when the huge ship purchase plan began, but when the Soviet Union proposed to use 5 million barrels of oil to supply Germany with five years to repay part of the shopping payment, the Germans compromised: they were willing to provide 30 large ocean-going Submarine, there are 110 smaller offshore submarines for the Soviet Union. With this purchase plan, the Soviet navy ’s underwater power suddenly jumped to the number one position in the world, and the total tonnage of submarines had reached an astonishing 270,000 tons.

Yes, you read that right, the Soviet Union built 170 full-scale submarines according to the drawings. These gadgets with a displacement of 500 tons allowed the Soviet Union to train its own submarine officers and soldiers, including those purchased from Germany. The number of submarines actually reached 310-this number is more than seven times the number of German submarines.

However, a data that has been ignored or that no one knows can explain everything. 310 Soviet submarines totaled 270,000 tons. At this moment, including a 2,000-ton class submarine that was just launched, German submarines only had a total of 70. However, it already has a total tonnage of 110,000 tons-the average displacement of each submarine exceeds 1,500 tons. These transcendental submarines are all equipped with air pipes and radio systems, and even some are equipped with the world’s most advanced sonar. .

Although these submarines are temporarily unable to hunt the other submarine underwater, although the underwater communication of these submarines is still imperfect and unreliable, the so-called smooth communication can only be carried out at the depth of the snorkel, but these submarines are in Major General Dunnitz Completed the preliminary wolves’ tactical cooperation under the command of them. The only thing they lacked was just a little blood in actual combat.

Let’s get back to business and draw our attention back to the room where the Soviet Union is holding a meeting. What will be decided here is related to the future direction of the entire Soviet Union in the next few years.

Just then, a general reluctantly and cautiously said to Stalin: “The most terrible thing is the loss of officers. Comrade Stalin, we lost almost all the senior commanders and one-third of the intermediate commanders, Tuha The case of General Chevsky made the army shaken. Although we tried to control it and finally stabilized the situation, I personally think that we cannot rely on such an army to defeat the invaders.

“Yes, I know! So I decided to promote some of the political commissars and appoint them to lead the Soviet Red Army without chief officers! In this way, the loyalty of the army will be no problem! And the combat skills, as long as their training That ’s all. ”Stalin replied indifferently. Although the post of political commissar had existed within the Red Army before, this time as a leader did indeed exceed the previous authority.

Of course, this promotion will attract these promoted people. It seems that these promoted middle-level military cadres will be more loyal to Stalin individuals, and this method also provides more promotion opportunities for the troops, just like Akado is in As the German Defence Forces did internally, Stalin would have the support and support of grassroots officers and soldiers.

However, isn’t this to use laymen to lead the layman to do things? There must be no problem with loyalty, but the combat effectiveness of the troops cannot be guaranteed! I thought so, but none of the generals present dared to put these words in front of Stalin. The first person who opposed the sending of political commissars to the army was Tukhachevsky. Was shot …

“Agree! This is a good idea!” A general took the lead in raising his hand. Stalin smiled at him with satisfaction, making the general more flattered: “Comrade Stalin’s approach can effectively strengthen the army Control, and put an end to the destruction of the traitors by the traitors who opposed the Bolsheviks! I agree with his decision! “

“I also agree with this decision!” Khrushchev raised his right hand: “I think that as for the decision of Comrade Stalin, we as Soviet members should unconditionally support and support!”

“I agree!” “I agree!” “Support the decision of Comrade Stalin!” “I agree!” Soon, all the delegates raised their hands and the proposal was easily adopted.

Stalin nodded. He was very fond of this kind of monopolization. He was intoxicated with applause and felt that he really worthy of the title of the great Soviet leader.

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