My Third Empire

Chapter 152 - Out of control expansion

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

The German National Electric Power Company set up a large-scale thermal power plant and began to recruit workers in nearby towns. Now the German Party has posted posters supporting women going out to work, and power plants have given priority to hiring female employees in many positions.

Germany is seriously lacking in human resources in all aspects. The army needs more soldiers to expand the National Defense Force; factories need more workers to participate in production; hospitals need more nurses, schools need more teachers, and film studios need more actors. … countless loopholes need to be filled.

Therefore, the lack of men has to be supplemented by the elderly and children, and the lack of elderly and children can only allow women to enter the battlefield. In the last year, the army began to use female soldiers in many logistics agencies, and in a breath let 3000 have special skills. Women serving. The factory has provided women with 120,000 jobs, and this number continues to increase.

The lack of materials has caused headaches for everyone: At the end of 1934, Germany began to ration bread and butter, and the quality of the two foods began to decline linearly after the official took over. Many regions have become accustomed to margarine, even the taste of real butter Have forgotten. Sugar salt has begun to be supplied in limited quantities, and factories have added additional sewing rooms to delay the elimination of work clothes. Although this is a bit frustrating, everyone is still cheering for not being hungry.

For military and supplementary civilian purposes, Germany has established 22 thermal power plants and water conservancy power plants in 14 regions of the country, used more than 20,000 concentration camp prisoners, and expanded more than 10,000 jobs. For a while, it seemed that German jobs were never filled, and everyone was full of confidence in the economic construction prospects of the head of state.

In the dim little loft, this is a very common German country family.

“Father! Why don’t you let me go?” A young man stared at his father and shouted, “Aren’t you going to fight for the emperor’s emperor? Why can’t I do it now for the head of state?”

“I lost my left foot for the emperor!” The man took a step forward, and the metal prosthesis knocked on the wooden floor with a thud: “The reason I don’t want you to go is because I don’t want to watch my son. Limp home! “

The young man was annoyed and said: “The head of state can lead us to victory! We will not fail like you!”

“When I was a soldier, you were only seven years old! Child! When I put on the military uniform and carried the rifle, I also believed that the emperor could lead us to victory! It is a pity that I lost a leg on the way to victory and went home to wait until It ’s not news of victory! “His father shouted.

“We should be loyal to the head of state! Father! He gave us hope! Give us dignity!” The child still refused.

The father stared at his child, and said after a moment of silence: “Have you ever seen a bullet hit your head? The entire skull is broken, and the brain is splashed with blood on your face. The hot tea is all Can’t erase! “

He took a step forward, forcing his child to take a step back: “Have you ever seen a wounded soldier who fell in muddy water? The whole stomach was smashed, the intestines wrapped around the barbed wire, and the heart was still in the black water. Jumping, he cried and begged someone to help him. His eyes were still open when we returned! “

“All night and all night are the sounds of shell explosions! When I got up in the morning, I covered my mouth with bandages and threw the bodies of the enemy and myself out of the trenches, because if you do n’t do this, there are thousands of people in the trenches. Will suffer from infectious diseases. “The memories seemed to make him very painful.

“Father!” The young son yelled softly when he wanted to call him back from his memories.

“Do you know how it feels to be sawed off by someone else?” Father suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the child’s shoulders: “It’s as if they were sawing wood, and you are just a spectator. You feel like someone kicks your knees. , Watching my blood splash around the field tent, where there is blood everywhere, some dry, some are dripping down! “

“Father!” The son screamed suddenly.

“Yes, I’m sorry!” The father was obviously pulled back to reality by this cry, let go of the hands holding the child’s shoulder, ignoring the cold sweat on his face, and moved hard to walk towards the bed. Lonely sigh while walking: “I can’t watch you die! Child!”

Although the pain caused by the war has not been healed by time, the spirit of revenge and hatred seems to have spread to all corners of the young people. The posters of the National Defense Forces openly recruiting soldiers in service had just been filled in the streets and alleys.

At the end of 1934, the German Army finally exceeded 1 million and became the European military power after the French Army in terms of total strength. The consequence of the crazy expansion is the decline in the quality of the soldiers. Akado strictly ordered the training department to strengthen the quality training of the recruits, but in fact the overall combat effectiveness of the German team has declined to varying degrees.

Said to different degrees, this shows that this decline is not a problem for all troops, such as the 2nd Panzer Division of the SS, the 1st, 7th, and 8th Panzer Divisions of the National Defense Forces. After the second-class infantry division, the combat level is not so high.

Germany, Berlin, the residence of the head of state.

Akado took the time to meet the two well-known German generals he wanted to get: “Good afternoon, Major General Manstein, Colonel Studen. Please sit down!”

“Long live the heads of state!” The two of Manstein and Studen immediately stood up and saluted as soon as they saw Akado.

“Talk about your business first!” Akado pointed to Colonel Studen and said with a smile: “I heard that you have been studying the impact of paratroopers on future wars?”

“Yes! My head! I think that in the future battlefield, large-scale use of paratroopers can quickly break through the enemy’s defense line, destroy the enemy’s transportation line, and disrupt the enemy’s rear deployment. This can greatly shorten the war process.” As soon as Tudente mentioned his ideas, he was not as rigid as he had been. He began to detail the development and operations of the German paratroopers in his mind.

Akado listened carefully on the side, and occasionally glanced at the seemingly boring Manstein. This general is certainly not very deep in the research of airborne combat, and it is no different now from listening to Tianshu. I have to admire the rigor and thoroughness of the German nation. Studen has even reached the point of how many planes are needed to transport as many supplies as possible.

However, Studente was limited by the technical conditions of this era, so there will inevitably be deviations in the methods of airborne combat: for example, the German paratroopers are more inclined to airborne gliders than the parachute airdrops that the US military prefers in the future. After listening to his introduction for a long time, Akado decided to give his subordinates a good lesson with the status of head of state, so that they had to be amazed by their “farsightedness”.

“Cough!” He coughed a little, and Arcado interrupted Studente’s introduction: “Student, your understanding of glider airborne is very satisfying to me! But I think you have analyzed the benefits of glider airborne. It ’s very clear, but I do n’t see the limitations of this tactic. ”

“The biggest limitation is the scale of airborne!” Akado stood up and walked to a black cloth on his desk. He reached out and took off the covered black cloth, revealing the inside. Aircraft model: “If I give you this kind of aircraft, will you expand the airborne scale in your mind ten times?”

Manstein also stepped in and saw a model of a medium-sized double-engined multi-purpose bomber-because on one side of this aircraft, in order to visually indicate the size of this aircraft, a me-proportion was placed. Model of the 109 fighter.

“Two people, this thing is also the top secret of the military.” Akado smiled and pointed to the huge transport aircraft model. “This is the Air Force General Aircraft Plan developed from the Air Force do-217. This plan is to be developed into the German Air Force. The multi-purpose aircraft will be developed into various types of transport aircraft, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, anti-submarine aircraft, etc. It abandons the design idea of ​​unilaterally pursuing the flying speed of bombers, and instead focuses more on load and multi-function. “

He glanced at Studente: “I’m going to give you such a large transport plane. One plane can send dozens of people to the target. Hundreds of thousands of such planes transport your troops and then parachute. The airborne tactics of your glider can also be used at the same time, increasing the delivery scale. “

“Of course, we must strengthen the navigation training of the entire air transport force to provide soldiers with more perfect weapons and equipment. Here I have a detailed airborne force construction plan. You can take it back to study it. If you do n’t understand anything, you can come directly. Find me. “Akado handed Studen a document.

Manstein raised his eyebrows on the side and squinted at Akado’s back. He said: Isn’t this head of state a sergeant during World War I? I always think that although he started from the army, he has no real ability to think about it. But now it seems to be a powerful person with a level, what is he doing for himself?

“Head of State! I didn’t expect you to know so much about airborne operations. You are really a gift from the German people.” Studen Tristan said, he is very excited now, when a person knows that his boss has the same idea as himself When you have developed the results of your painstaking research as a reality, you will be touched by a friend in life. And smart people immediately think that they are not far from being promoted to power.

Sure enough, Akado nodded and said with a smile: “I called you this time to apply for a promotion. Now you are promoted to Major General of the German Wehrmacht, responsible for commanding China’s first airborne division.”

“Airborne Division!” Studente was taken aback by this scale. Even the commander of his superstitious airborne troops did not expect that the German Head of State would establish an airborne division at once. He thought it would be a regiment, a battalion, or even just an experimental company.

“I will continue to increase troops in this area in the future, and I want you to expand and train this army into an airborne army capable of completing the task at the end of 1935.” Akado’s words scared Manstein on the side. One jump-one army? That’s the size of at least two divisions!

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