My Third Empire

Chapter 176 - flight

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Even before the German ground troops entered Poland, the Luftwaffe aircraft had penetrated hundreds of kilometers into Poland. A dozen fighter formations are in charge of competing for air control over the entire border, and dozens of bomber formations fly to their respective targets according to pre-assigned tasks.

Adolf Gallander flies above the clouds in his beloved latest fw-190d fighter jet. He and his wingmen are responsible for clearing all the Polish planes taking off and confronting in this airspace. It is a pity that he hasn’t waited for the goal he was looking for until now.

Directly below him is the only Polish military airport in this area, where it is being attacked by 10 Stuka dive bombers in turn. The entire airport is shrouded in a sea of ​​fire. The smoke has even affected the sight, but those crazy Of the attack aircraft pilots are still diving at any target they can see-they want to tilt all the ammunition in order to achieve greater results.

A row of Polish fighters on the ground has been completely destroyed, and a pile of wreckage paralyzed on the runway like a pigeon crushed. The small amount of anti-aircraft artillery fire around the airport was completely suppressed by the 20mm caliber cannon equipped by Stuttgart. The corpses piled around the two poor anti-aircraft guns proved everything.

“Long plane! Long plane! Under the clouds! Have you seen it? There are two planes with monoplanes! Obviously not ours!” Garland’s talker, the voice of the wingman came along with the sound of radio interference.

“Wingman! I’ll go down and clean them up! You keep on guard!” As soon as Garland pushed the joystick, his plane rushed down.

There are two types of engines provided by the fw-190d for the Air Force. One is a specially designed interception model. It is equipped with an improved liquid-cooled engine. This aircraft can reflect unparalleled strong performance at high altitudes; the other It is an air-cooled engine model, similar to the aircraft used by the Navy. It is a mass-produced model used for low and medium space buckets. It performs better at low altitudes, but the engine performance at high altitudes is average.

As a squadron leader, Garland’s fighter is a specially modified liquid-cooled model that performs strongly at high altitudes. Although low altitude is slightly bulky, it still has a very powerful speed advantage.

“Wingman! Pay attention to the surroundings! I’ve entered the attack position!” Garland aimed at a Polish fighter that was about to sway and attempted to escape. He dived calmly to the tail of the enemy plane and pulled the trigger.

The fuselage of the fw-190d fighter fluttered slightly, the artillery of the nose ejected the tongue, the tracer was poured onto the fuselage of the Polish aircraft with ordinary ammunition, and it took only two seconds to break the aircraft into a state of parts , Garland’s plane flew sideways, passing by the plume of smoke falling down, directly biting the tail of another Polish fighter.

The plane circled around to try to get rid of Garland’s plane, but it was helpless to find that even the German fighter that turned around because of the fast speed still bit his tail.

Without giving the opponents of this level any chance, Garland ’s plane fired again, and the bullet directly penetrated the body of the Polish aircraft, passed through the cockpit, smashed the pilot ’s internal organs into a sieve, and drilled into the front. Inside the engine, the whole plane fell with smoke, and it exploded into a gorgeous spark before reaching the ground.

“Captain! After you go back, you can fill your landline with two more records.” The wingman laughed in the talker: “God, 19 fighters! You are the hero of the Luftwaffe!”

“Protect my tail! The next time the company captain issues the medal, I will ask you to help me get it back!” Garland laughed loudly: “I’m pulling up and climbing up, you pay attention, look around No enemy planes appeared. “

“No enemy planes appear! If the Polish Air Force is at this level, then next time we might as well say that rabbits have appeared!” The wingman said proudly: “To be honest! It’s better to watch you go hunting for addiction.”

During this hour, the Polish Air Force showed their courage. Although it has been confirmed that the gap between the aircraft is too large, there are still 92 fighters taking off to carry out the interception mission. Only three of these aircraft returned, and seven other pilots survived. Of the 150 fighter jets dispatched by the Luftwaffe on this day, 67 had their results-and four other Polish planes were shot down by Stuttgart and do-217 bombers …

However, the Luftwaffe, which lacked experience in large-scale battles, also made various mistakes in these hours. Almost one-fifth of the bombers flew in the wrong direction, leading to the safety of the target they should bomb, and there were tense bombers. The pilot ’s record of firing at his **** fighter did not cause any damage, but it did expose many problems.

Above the sky, a bomber formation of more than thirty do-217 bombers is struggling to check their targets. They are under the clouds, and the black pressure is magnificent.

A bombardier looked helplessly at the aerial map in his hand: “Pilot! I can’t find any comparable terrain checkpoints! The following is not the area we want to bomb! We didn’t even fly to the edge of that area.”

“The navigation plane was flying wrong! I said that already! We couldn’t find the reference provided by the reconnaissance plane half an hour ago!” The radio controller of the plane complained: “Even air defense artillery fire No, this is not a military target at all! What should we do now? “

“How do I know what to do? The idiots of the 29th Flying Squadron occupy our flight path, I said they can’t let, can’t let, the result? As soon as you give way, something went wrong!” The machine gunner at the foot of the pilot said loudly : “Who now knows what to do.”

“This is the bh2 formation! This is the bh2 formation! We did not find the intended target of the attack! Request a return flight! Request a return flight!” A call from the pilot of the navigating aircraft came from the headset.

“Here is the tower. I can’t confirm your position! There is an aircraft returning on the current route! If you have enough fuel, just wait for a while.” There was a voice from the ground command station inside the headset.

The captain of the navigating aircraft nodded helplessly and agreed: “Tower, I am going to continue to fly west for 5 minutes. The flying formation will attack any hostile targets found. Then we will return!”

“The tower approves your request! Please record the route and keep the talker open! Pay attention to your direction!” The sound of the tower in the headset rang again, and only the hiss of electric current remained.

“Here is the navigator! Follow me to adjust the route! I can see a railroad track below! We are flying along the railroad track, and we should be able to find the station.” The captain of the pilot aircraft made another full call again.

“Unit 1 understands! We see the railroad track!” The plane behind answered.

“Unit 2 follows you! Do we want to drop two bombs?”

“Good idea! Number three and number four! You descended and dropped four bombs each! Destroy this railway.” The commander of the bomber group issued an attack order.

Two bombers opened the bomb bay and began to descend.

“The bomb is dropped!” A report came from the headset.

“This is Bomber 17, and I am the last one. I saw the bullet point! The whole rail is flying! Nice job!” Said the pilot of the bomber flying at the end.

“Keep heading! I see the town! The train station is in the town! Please pay attention to all the planes! The machine gunners are everyone! We may encounter air defense firepower and Polish fighters! The bomber group is alert.” The commander is at Commanded loudly in the intercom.

After he issued the alert order, he notified the pilot aircraft: “Pilot aircraft! Pilot aircraft! Use the battlefield channel to contact the fighters in the nearby airspace and notify them to perform **** missions! Also please do not attack your friendly forces!”

“Navigator understands!” An answer came from the headset.

“Boom! Suddenly!” Obviously a bomber formation was found on the ground and began to fight back with anti-aircraft artillery and other weapons, but it seemed that the quasi-head was a bit poor. The bombing preparation of the entire bomber group was not even disturbed.

“Flying over the target area!” The commander’s long plane issued an attack command: “Open the bomb bay! Start bombing!”

“Unit 1 starts bombing!” “Unit 2 starts bombing!” “Unit 3 bombs!”

One bomb after another was thrown out of the plane by a bombardier, and the bomber shouted as he watched the bomb fall: “I saw Poles! They have many people!”

“Soon they won’t have that many people!” Said another bomber with a big laugh.

Along with his words, the bombs thrown to the ground finally collided with their targets, bursting out thousands of times of energy in an instant, igniting a fire and bringing the sand and stones splashing away, forming one after another of lime flowers.

“Turn! Adjust the flying height! We attack again! Repeat! We attack again! Lose all the bombs! We return home!” ……

On the ground, in a small town a few kilometers away, Ren put down his telescope and looked at the returning bomber group: “Our bomber seems to have just attacked the division of the Polish army. We opened this time. , Take advantage of the chaos to kill this headquarters! “

The card nodded characteristically: “Let’s go!” A black smoke erupted from the tank underneath, and drove forward with a few tremors. Rennes’s tank also started and followed. Behind him, tank 112 was also launched, and on their car were seven armored grenadiers who came out to attack with them.

In the small town not far behind them, two leopard-style tanks were hidden behind the grass, forming a defensive position with 5 soldiers and an armored personnel carrier. They had to wait for the friendly troops behind to catch up-the town On the other side, eight German soldiers watched and held a full 134 Polish captives.

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