My Third Empire

Chapter 177 - Edelweiss

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

The plane was shaking, and all the paratroopers had stood up. They checked the equipment on their bodies and fastened the messy equipment carried by others. The red lights on the plane kept flashing, which seemed to remind Everyone, it will be a very dangerous journey to meet them.

The platoon leader issued his order loudly: “Last inspection of equipment! Everyone confirms the parachute! Start!”

“Number one! Finished!” “Number two! Finished!” “Number three! Finished!” … “Number twenty-five! Finished!” …

The green light suddenly turned on, the aircraft cabin door was pulled open by the platoon leader, and a cold wind suddenly poured into the aircraft cabin, blowing the paratroopers upside down. A slight song rang out on the plane. I do n’t know who was singing in a low voice. Soon, this exciting melody became a familiar song that everyone was singing.

“The sun glows red, ready,

Who knows if it will smile at us tomorrow?

The engine starts and works at full power.

Take off and take us on the road, today we will face the enemy!

Board the plane, board the plane!

Comrades, that’s a journey without return.

In the far east there are black clouds,

Come, don’t lose your soul, come!

The engine roared, accompanied by personal thoughts,

Everyone’s thoughts quickly skip relatives at home.

In an instant, comrades, a signal of skydiving came,

We flew to the enemy and lit the beacon’s police there.

Land fast, land fast! “

“Start skydiving!” The platoon leader shouted loudly.

The first paratrooper stepped out of the cabin in one step and stretched out his body. There was no singing in his ears. Only the sound of the wind could prove that he was still alive. The air flow quickly blew people back and forth, but the parachute was already open, and you could see your feet hanging back and forth in the air.

The second paratrooper jumped out, followed by the third, and the fourth. The white flowers in the sky bloomed one after another, just like the white velvet grass in the Alps.

The Polish air defense force never seemed to exist. The German paratroopers were densely packed in the sky, but the air defense artillery on the ground was pitiful. The German soldiers fell on the ground in broad daylight, and began to formally collect their own. Troops, and then pounced on them to set a target to compete for.

Hanging up the branches of a small tree, Borol finally landed safely on the ground. The air in the sky made his weapon not know where it fell. He now only has a poor p38 pistol and a hand Military bayonet. Of course, he still has two grenades hanging on his chest, this is all his weapons.

“What a joke! Where did they throw me?” Borol took the guide and looked at his map for a long time, then opened the control manual issued to them and looked around, he finally One thing was determined, that is, he was thrown in a place that was not the target zone at all.

The sound of gunfire from a short distance doesn’t sound like your own g43 or mp-44 rifle. So Borol bent over carefully and walked from the place where he landed into a quiet tree pit. But apparently he is a guest here, because there is also a German paratrooper carrying an iron fist rocket.

“My God! I almost broke your head!” The soldier was startled and then complained loudly.

“Use this?” Borol knocked on the iron fist bazooka, smirked, and found a telescope from the soldier’s duffel bag. He slung the telescope around his neck and inserted the pistol into the holster on the armed belt. Here, I sorted out the tactical vests on my body before saying, “I am the guide of the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Battalion. Do you have any targets to attack in this neighborhood?”

“Me? Joking! Sir! I’m an anti-tank player! I’m only responsible for the entire company’s handling of enemy tanks.” The soldier said with a weeping face, as if afraid of being assigned to some dangerous work.

Borol nodded: “What about your company? I am very happy to be able to act with friendly forces.”

“Okay! Okay! Mr. Wizard, what shall we do now?” Said the soldier. “I was also in the 2nd Regiment and 2nd Battalion. Why haven’t I seen you?”

“I’m in a row. If there is such a living treasure for you, I must kick you off the plane first.” Borol said with a sigh. “Shut up! Now you have to obey my command! Help me finish me.” Mission! Now we are going to occupy a bridge called Xaar. “

“Okay, how far is it from here? There are half a row of soldiers’ meals in my bag, which is not too light.” The soldier said.

Borol’s face turned slightly red: “I don’t know where we are now, so I can’t determine where the target is, but I think we should go north, and we will find the village soon.”

“How do you know?” The anti-tank soldier asked curiously.

Pointing to the location where the thick smoke was on the far horizon: “If you were an Air Force, would you throw so many bombs into a deserted place?”

“That might be true.” The soldiers muttered and stood up. “They haven’t thrown us here indiscriminately yet? I really don’t know how an anti-tank driver plus a lost guide will occupy one. I don’t know yet. Where is the bridge. “

“Can you sing?” Ignoring the soldiers’ complaints, Borol asked casually while filling his pockets and backpacks with canned luncheon meat and black bread: “The sun glows red, ready, who Do you know if it will smile at us tomorrow? The engine starts and works at full power. Takes off, takes us on the road, and today we face the enemy! Will it? “

The soldier nodded: “The sun is glowing red, ready, who knows if it will smile at us tomorrow? The engine is on and working at full power. Taking off, taking us on the road, today we are going to face the enemy! Get on the plane, get on the plane! Comrades, there is a journey back and forth. There are black clouds in the far east. Come, do n’t lose your soul, come! “

The two hummed in a whisper while moving away from the thick grass to the place where there was thick smoke in the distance. They walked with a deep and shallow foot and stumbled because of the unevenness of the ground from time to time. But they are still getting closer to their goals.

Suddenly, four soldiers flashed out of the grass, and the black hole’s muzzle was aimed at two Borol. The two men quickly raised their hands and shouted, “Hey! Don’t shoot! We are ourselves! German paratroopers! Germans” ! …… “

The German paratroopers put away their weapons, their faces covered with black carbon ink were full of smiles, and their white teeth were exposed: “If you don’t sing, we will shoot three meters away!”

“You must announce an identification code in advance next time! It’s easy to be killed if you run around in such a random way!” Borol took a g43 rifle that a soldier handed him and said.

The anti-tank driver also nodded: “Isn’t it! After a while, I almost died in my own hands.”

“Do you know how to go? Our goal is to attack a nearby village! We don’t have a compass on us, so we dare not act indiscriminately!” Said the head of the group: “If you don’t mind, it can help us complete this task. What? “

“No problem! Let’s attack the village together! After we have captured it, we will find the Purcell Bridge that we want to capture based on the map and the captives, and then we will occupy the bridge to ensure that the armored forces can pass smoothly.”

The six men agreed on their tactics and began to move forward. On the way, they collected two scattered paratroopers. On average, one person still had no weapons. But they are getting closer and closer to that target village. When they came to the periphery of the so-called village, they discovered that it was a small town with railways.

The air force just finished bombing here. The town was full of flames, and there were corpses of Polish soldiers everywhere, and there were more people alive. There were hundreds of Polish cavalry beside the town, but now only the horses were thrown there, and most of the soldiers entered The town took part in disaster relief and fire fighting.

But when they approached, they found gunshots everywhere in the town.

“Are our paratroopers already attacked?” A soldier asked with a frown.

“How is it possible? I saw at least a few hundred Polish soldiers in it. If we were paratroopers, how big would it be? We walked all the way and gathered eight people!” Borol shook his head and stared at the map. After a while, I looked up and said: “I think it may be our army coming! Listen to the sound of the explosion, it should be our tank! Only armored troops can fight so fast!”

“The army is unlikely to be so fast? This town is on the map, the main attack location of the 2nd Battalion Paratroopers, called Gulu Town. It is 51 kilometers away from the border! It is afternoon …” a soldier questioned. He can’t help but believe it-even if it is calculated according to the marching speed, it is already fast enough to advance 30 kilometers in less than 10 hours.

“Anyway, we have to help!” Borol put away the map and said, “Since they are already on the front! Then we will surround them behind!”

“Anti-tanker, you cover! If there is a vehicle or tank coming across, you are responsible for killing it!” A corporal carrying an mp-44 assault rifle was assigned the task: “Don’t look at me with that look! I know you There is only one rocket! But you have to make sure you kill at least one target! Do you understand? “

“Others, enter the town by the wall! Occupy an advantageous terrain and not allow the Poles to retreat from the edge of the town.” Borol nodded, approving the battle plan, and pointed to the paratrooper without weapons: “You don’t have a weapon, take a grenade and go scare away the Polish horses!”

“Action!” Everyone shouted together.

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