My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1180 - Desecrate Fallen

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“Boom … Boom!”

At such a short distance, being hit by flames, as if being approached by the muzzle, Asoge’s much taller body than the ordinary orc was suddenly blasted out, and fell into the woods ten meters away!

The wolf under his seat was only affected by the aftermath, and he took two steps back without much injury.


The huge pale wolf snarled low, trying to bite Anyang, but was avoided by Anyang. Then he immediately turned to look at his master, and the roar became sad.

Asoge didn’t get up after falling into the forest. The blast of flames easily shattered his armor, smashing his upper body into a scorched flesh. It is conceivable that the fragments flying after the armor broke may have been embedded in the internal organs. The rancid blood flows along the ground covered with fallen leaves.

The legendary half-orc still shows tenacious vitality-his body is twitching, his eyes are wide, his hand is grabbing his weapon hard, and he still seems to want to get up and continue fighting.


The wolf growled and rushed past.

Anyang also held the cross sword in his hands and followed him, struggling with the wolf a little, chopping it all over with bruises and bruises, and then looking for a chance to hold the sword high and cut it into Asoge’s neck.


The black blood blasted out, Asoge’s eyes widened, and the wolf was mournful, raising his head toward the sky and making a long wolf howl.

“Aooo …”

All wolves heard its wailing sound, and all Orc knights realized its meaning, and stopped and turned their heads, including the dwarves, and stopped to fight, looking breathlessly here.

The pale and pale wolf king with his **** flesh is gone, and he still keeps screaming in the sky. Behind him, Asoge’s headless body fell to the ground, and the upper body seemed to be burned with fire after Ling Lag. Anyang’s figure gradually came out of the forest behind him. A cruel head was inserted in the cross sword in his hand, and he raised it in silence with a high-

It is the blasphemy, Assog!

The dwarves raised their weapons and shouted loudly at once, throwing attention to Anyang together with Baggins in the tree, while the Orcs looked at each other, not knowing what to do now.

The brute seemed more loyal than others at this time. The half-orcs had not hesitated to produce the result. The pale wolf had already bowed his head, staring at Anyang with both eyes, and stepped towards him with wide mouth.

Anyang did not flinch. He changed the cross sword to his left hand, and his right hand was free to open, and he chanted a spell in a low voice–


The five fingers of his right hand immediately surrounded the bluish-white current visible to the naked eye, jumping and twisting like a small snake, making an anxious sound, making the ears of the wolves in the battle field tremble.


The pale wolf king roared and rushed towards him.

Anyang did not retreat but moved forward, his eyes like a sword. When he was less than one meter away from the wolf, he held a cross sword in his left hand and suddenly cut the blade through the void, but was slapped by the wolf.

With this, he approached the wolf in front of him.


A strong electric arc exploded like a thunder, and he slapped his right hand on the wolf, and all the electric snakes on his hand disappeared suddenly!


The pale wolf collapsed, twitching nonstop.

With Anyang holding his sword in both hands and holding it high, he stabbed fiercely into the head of the wolf.

The Orcs looked back at this scene, and they gradually withdrew their intentions. This is the case of their ethnic group. After losing their leader, there will be a short period of chaos. If there is a new officer standing up to take over, it will be difficult to continue the battle.

But at this moment, Sorin leaped with his sword, kicked the last half-orc chief off the wolf, and the beast bit the sword and stabbed it!


The half-orcs looked at this scene, and they were suddenly afraid, and groaned in a mess, but they all gradually receded.

In the blink of an eye, there was no trace of a half orc in the forest.

The dwarves came forward and circled to look at Asog who had lost his head, either spitting at him, or wondering, or flipping Asog’s body.

For the dwarves, this is a dead enemy. They thought he died once, but they didn’t expect him to be alive.

“Now the beast is completely dead.” Suolin Chang breathed a sigh of relief and sheathed the sword.

“No, Assog is dead, but with his son Borg, the orcs are still hiding in the dark and coveting Middle-earth.” Anyang said calmly, and then walked past the dwarves to a Under the tree, he looked up at Baggins, who was still lying on the tree, and said, “Are you going to lie on this tree for the night?”

“Of course not, Mr. Iron, half … Half Orcs have left?” Baggins asked.


“I’ll come down here.” The Hobbit quickly came down from the tree with the flexibility of a monkey, stood in front of him in a blink, and sorted out his clothes.

“When will we leave, Mr. Iron, this wood always gives me an unsafe intuition.”

“Don’t talk about the word intuition, maybe it will come true.” Anyang just heard the words and heard a rustling movement and footsteps in the left forest.

“Who!” He looked at it suddenly.

The dwarves also immediately took hold of their weapons and looked sharply at the side of the wood, eager to try.

“Is there still a half-orc who dares to come? Labor and capital hacked to death with an axe!” Dewarin’s voice was thick.

“Do n’t be so excited, Devalin, just now your performance was not as brave as your rough throat. Maybe it was just a half-orc that was left alone. I guess it was his feet, he did n’t know that their leader was dead The news! “Bahrain ridiculed Dewarin bluntly while clenching his axe.

“Don’t make trouble, Kili!” Thorin shouted.

Kelly suddenly realized that he put the arrow on the bowstring, pulled a full moon, and aimed at the forest with a movement.

“Hey, don’t be impulsive.” A familiar voice came from the woods. Gandalf walked out with the staff in one hand and the horse in the other, and at one glance saw several corpses on the ground. I ’m late! Does anyone want to tell me about the highlights I missed? “

“It turns out to be Gandalf!”

“Hoo! A false alarm!”

“I almost hacked you like a half-orc! Or this kid shot you to death!”

“Huh …” Kili also dropped her bow and arrow.

Fili put the sword back into the scabbard, walked out from the side, and pointed back at Asog ’s body, saying: “The highlight is that the wandering wizard is so powerful, a hot flame erupts in his palm and kills the profaner. Sorg! Then he cut off his head and forced the Orcs to retreat. “

“Oh!” Gandalf made a surprised sound, threw the reins and walked over to look at Asoge’s body, sweeping around a few times, only to see the head with a big hole pierced by the sword, “It really is a blasphemer, Assog. “

“Unexpectedly, he didn’t die!”

“Huh? Isn’t it dead? Just lie here.” Gandalf nodded Asog’s chest with his cane.


“Burn his body, only flames can purify his evil.” Anyang has now fully integrated into the role of a local wizard.

There was no basis for this sentence, but the dwarves still responded, so they piled up leaves and dry branches, put Asorg’s body and head up, and set a fire.

The flames are burning, but the expedition is going farther and farther.

“Assog is dead. We may next enjoy a few days of quiet days, but when his son knows he is dead, he will definitely send heavy soldiers to hunt us down. Our situation may be even more dangerous.” Anyang Qi walked slowly forward and said.

“They dare to come, we cut off their heads like today!” Dewarin said without fear.

Anyang gave him a subconscious look, his mouth twitching.

When the half-orc cavalry came up before, he didn’t see who cut off his head. He didn’t run with everyone, but he ran ahead!

Or Solin was more sensible and thought for a while and said, “Then we will speed up a few days!”


“But let’s take a break first.” Bahrain spread his hands. “I believe everyone is tired.”

“Rest in place!” Sorin yelled.


Going further, it is the Smaug Wasteland, named after the evil dragon Smaug, who used to be evil in the middle.

Although it is also called a wasteland, it is much friendlier than the barren wasteland it has traveled before, but it is deserted, not a bad environment or nothing.

Along the way, there are also high-altitude snow mountains, which makes the Hobbits suffering from altitude sickness, but more of them are grasslands with flowers and small creeks. The rainy season brings vigorous vitality here and can be seen everywhere Wild animals are running or searching for food in peace and tranquility.

There were indeed no signs of orcs along the way, but they also did not relax ~ ~ still maintained a high-speed hurry, approaching the physiological limits of horses and people.

The Hobbit wondered whether he could figure it out, in short he never thought of slipping away, and he was rarely tired as a dog, and it seemed that he gradually adapted to the journey.

Through a part of the wasteland, they met the skin-changer named Bei Rong. Anyang stepped forward to negotiate with him. After he lifted the orc off, the clan was slaughtered by the orc. Yi ‘finally formed a wartime friendship with them and provided them with food supplies.

Going further, it is the Black Forest.

This supposedly lush forest was decayed and dry at this time, which made people feel uncomfortable. It had a clear boundary with the vast plain. It stood outside the plain and stared at it like gazing into the abyss.

Gandalf felt the trace of evil forces here, so he walked in alone, but found a red mark in the forest, showing the shape of his eyes.

Suddenly he was shocked, and he left the crowd again, and he only spoke to the crowd, and he hurried away as he went.

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