My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1181 - Black forest

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Black forest.

Anyang walked at the forefront, the dwarves and the Hobbit followed him, stepping on the dead leaves that had not been accumulated for many years, making a rustling sound, taking a deep breath, full of decay and aura.

“This forest seems to be sick,” Baggins said. “Normal forest is not like this!”

“Okay, don’t waste your energy on those unfounded guesses.” Anyang said, looking deep into the forest. “This is not a normal green forest. The air in this forest is full of illusions, it will erode your will, It leads you astray. So be sure to be energetic and not be affected by those illusions anyway, more importantly, you must follow the road, otherwise you may never find a way out once you step into the vast forest . “

“Wait, are you saying that this forest has magic?”

“There is more than magic.” Anyang walked step by step along the stone path with a solemn expression. “Maybe there are unknown evil creatures and old friends of the dwarf brothers, so everyone must be vigilant. This is not as peaceful as you think. ! “

“Old friend? Who are you talking about?” Thorin asked.

“Who is the evil creature?” Baggins said.

“You will know.” Anyang whispered, and then said, “When you feel affected by the illusion, or hear someone whispering in your ear, we must say it in time, so that we can find a way to fight it.”

“any solution?”

“Well, for example, singing a song, telling a joke or something, if you are interested, you can also talk to each other about each other’s things, just to mobilize everyone’s emotions.”

“Don’t be like this, you are a wizard. Isn’t there a way to belong to a wizard?” Fili said nothing.

“This is the way to belong to the wizard.” Anyang shrugged, hesitated, and added a sentence, “And I’m not sure if it works. I can only try it. Should it be effective?”

Hearing him say this, everyone was speechless.

“Man, Gandalf entrusted us to you before he left. You can’t be so irresponsible!”

“Quickly think about what other witchcraft you will have!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up!” Anyang said. “As long as you walk along the road without errors, there should be no accident.”

The group of people suddenly fell silent and rushed away.

At this time, a few months had passed since the departure of Shire. The dwarves and Anyang and Baggins gradually became familiar with each other. As Turin approached, they had to speed up.

About three hours later, the oldest of the three dwarf brothers, Dali, had the illusion first.

As a result, the expedition team rested temporarily, and after starting again, the long and distant song of the lonely mountain sounded in the forest, followed by the unknown dwarf folk song, and there was almost no rest.

Singing can maintain a good mental state, and it is indeed helpful to help them resist illusion erosion. This illusory power throughout the forest is actually not powerful, but the boring state of travel gives it an opportunity to take, plus this deep path has never reached the head, the colors are suppressed, and the dwarf with impetuous mood is inevitable Anxious. As long as these can be solved, the erosion of illusions can be prevented to a large extent.

After confirming that this is indeed useful, Anyang will no longer let the dwarves rush their heads, but let them keep looking for things to distract and keep their hearts relaxed and happy.

At first, I sang or chorus. Later, I felt that I was so guilty that I sang one song for each person, one by one, including the Hobbit.

And Anyang walked ahead and listened silently.

Do n’t look at the dwarves, who grow up to five big and three thick, and also have a barbaric smell that does not know the number of gifts. The artistic talent is still good, especially in terms of singing-their singing is mostly strong and powerful, the tunes are rich, and their ideas are also very generous, but the national culture is slightly It is thin and not rich enough. The result is that the genre sounds a bit monotonous, and the style of singing is almost the same, which can be classified as a genre.

When it was the turn of the Hobbit who loves reading and drinking tea, he shyly shy away, but he was still forced to sing a song, but the dwarves were n’t.

Compared to the singing of dwarves, the songs sung by Baggins are much more subtle, more literary and artistic, and have a little less momentum. At the same time, his song talent is really not as strong as the dwarves.

“Hey, it’s your turn, wandering wizard.” Bambo shouted behind.

“Huh?” Anyang froze.

“It’s your turn, I said, everyone has sung it again, and only you haven’t sung it,” Bangbo said.

“Yes, wandering wizard, it’s your turn.” Kili echoed.

“Don’t be fooled.” Phillip followed.

“Don’t sing.” Anyang pouted, “I am a sixth-class academic, and I will not be affected by the illusion of this area, let alone find a way to distract. You just sing, I will be your host. “

“No, everyone has to sing!” The dwarf stubbornly said.

“Yeah, everyone sang.”

“You must not be fooled!”

At this time, the Hobbit asked weakly behind: “Excuse me, what does the sixth order scholar mean?”

When Anyang was suddenly rescued, he directly ignored the dwarves’ words and replied: “As the name suggests, it is a person who has studied both knowledge and techniques.”

“Very research …” Baggins closed his mouth.

The dwarves also cast some strange eyes on him, but no one stood up to take him through.

Anyang felt very embarrassed.

Mom’s system, you return my strength and my reputation!

“You still sing!” Said the dwarf.

“Reject!” Anyang cut the railroad, “I must keep my attention, otherwise, if we take the wrong path, we will never lose our lives!”

When the dwarves saw him, they ignored him and began to sing again from the first person.

I don’t know how long I sang. It was probably tired, and my emotions were mobilized. The dwarves began to talk and laugh. As Anyang said, they exposed each other’s mischief, which caused everyone to laugh.

When no longer interesting new things happened, everyone was tired and they agreed to tell each other stories. Some people say that their life is worth recording. Some people say they have heard fantasy stories. Some people tell classic stories that they have read in the book …

In the end, even Anyang participated and told them a super-traditional oriental story-Journey to the West.

Even if he only intends to give a rough idea, it still ends the story of Solitaire. Because this story is too long, so long that no one needs to say more, just immersed in his gentle and quiet voice, the time passed a little quietly, the front road also gradually shortened at the foot, was thrown behind.

Anyang soon felt dry, and made him a little regretful. If he knew this, he would n’t say anything, or just talk about what he saw and heard in other worlds. Anyway, with his experience, I ’m not worried about finding it. Tell the story.

There are stories all over!

“Sun Wukong was pressed by the Western Heaven Buddha under the Wuxing Mountain that blocked the border!” Anyang said, licking his lips, looking up at the top of his eyes. The brightly colored leaves were almost dense, almost covering the sky, only a few tiny The light stubbornly passed through the branches and leaves, and penetrated down.

“Later? That monkey will not die? He has the power of God!” Feili said.

“Or does the story end here?” Kili frowned, “Since the Wuxing Mountain can block the national boundary, even if the **** is pressed under it, can’t you live?”

“Idiot, didn’t the wandering wizard say that, the monkey has the ability to die!”

Anyang listened to their quarrel and couldn’t help sighing. He was about to continue talking. Suddenly he heard something moving in the distance, or came from the branch, making his face change.

“Spirit, something is coming!”


The dwarves immediately picked up their weapons, and looked around at the enemy, but found no trace of the enemy.

Anyang looked up and turned his head to stare at them: “Have you ever touched something on the road, such as the spider web on the road before, or something?”

Baggins shuddered and was afraid, “Isn’t that what the spider webs attracted?”

“Huh? Did you touch those nets?”

“I used to … when peeing … I accidentally spilled those online pages, shouldn’t it be the reason?”

“…” Anyang took a deep breath, “I told you clearly, don’t touch anything on the roadside, those things may cause disaster for us!”

“Disaster?” Sorin frowned. “Can we handle it?”

“What now?” Baggins said.

“Prepare to fight, whether you can cope with it or not, you can’t sit still.” Anyang said, “Kili, bow and arrow, we are in charge of shooting. You are in close combat to see if you can block those things.”

“Is it … a big spider?”


As soon as the voice fell, a scream came from above, and a behemoth swooped down from the top.

Everyone suddenly changed color: “Dodge!”

Then the big monster hadn’t landed on the ground completely, and an arrow had left the string, slamming into it.


It landed dullly on the path, like a giant spider, gigantic.

“It’s not over yet!” Anyang shouted.

Sure enough, one giant spider after another came madly from the branches in the distance, like a wolf smelling a **** smell, making a sharp and piercing noise, and began to attack the expedition ~ ~ an arrow Yao shoots from Anyang’s hands, all of them hit their heads accurately, and take away almost one arrow.

But there are too many spiders, and it is not easy for other dwarf warriors to resist them, and the spider bodies gradually pile up, which also confuses their sight.

Until an arrow shot from a distant jungle–


This arrow shot into the back of a giant spider, with a force that seemed unstoppable, and actually halfway through the spider’s mouth.


The spider fell to the ground and made a muffled noise.

Sorin in front of it was relieved, but looking at the arrow through the spider, he looked more dignified.

The elves in this forest … are here!

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