My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1224 - Giant insect

The night is like a huge mirror, the stars are dim and bright, the universe is vast, and it can always reflect the most real ideas in people’s hearts, and everything is insignificant in front of it.

The lonely mountain standing in the distance is the background, and the surrounding mountains and the looming sky are also the background. The huge long lake and this old city that has lost its lights are no surprises. It is the only Anyang and Huo who lit the bonfire. Bitman is still unremarkable.

A long wolf howling sounded all around, and a few roars of the half-orcs who went into exile after the defeat made the night especially terrifying, and the contrast became more and more quiet.

Anyang sat by the campfire, and Baggins was asleep.

His second mission is called the Supreme Demon King, which requires that the Middle-earth Continent be ruled by war, and all creatures except Aenu must submit to his feet. Although in terms of his character, because one task would set off a war against a world and cause huge disasters, it might destroy countless families. He was absolutely unwilling.

But I can think about it, this world was created by the system, and this task is released by the system … it’s really a bit sullen.

The purpose of the system to create it is to let himself come to carry out the task, but he wondered what the purpose of the system is to let him carry out such a task? Let yourself understand that the humble souls of nature should be born and rise and fall under the ups and downs of the superiors? Should n’t we be indecisive and merciful when conquering the world in the future? Or let me look at it from another angle. When I choose to invade a world for the benefit, how much pain will the creatures of that world have?

Anyang did n’t want to think about it, but he could n’t help it, especially watching Baggins curled up and sleeping in the corner—

The fire brought him warmth, and he brought him stability, so he slept so deeply. On such a night, not only the night wind and moisture make people cold.

In the middle of the night, he decided to start planning.

The force of this world is really not strong, and the fire dragon Smaug did not spend much effort to destroy the dwarf kingdom and the prosperous river valley city. If you change the real world, Anyang believes that it can rely on its talents to enjoy a delicious and delicious life in any zoo, it can easily become a big star, but if it does not abide by the rules and regulations of the zoo, then ‘tough dragon The question of whether Pi can block armor-piercing projectiles may have an answer.

The once giant panda is also a king!

To be honest, he can now transfer a large number of troops from Pallans to start his journey of conquest.

Once this war begins, there will be no suspense. Highly maneuverable air combat mechs can traverse the Eastern Territory in a very short time, and the coverage of energy rapid fire cannons can easily kill the city and destroy the country. The fortress castles that the kingdom is proud of can only require one shot under the attack of strategic mechs. Can be leveled. If he wants to, get up tomorrow morning, this world can be dead.

Rivendell? Woodland Kingdom? Lonely Mountain?

Even if it is the most extensive wasteland in the world, the army is spreading out neatly, and a few mushrooms can be planted?

This thought just flashed away. Anyang, the great emperor of time and space, was far from being crazy, nor was he so desperate that he could rely on destruction to get pleasure. In all fantasy works, this kind of big devil can only become the final boss of the protagonist’s achievements, and will live shortly.

Moreover, Pallans is currently striving for revival, devoting himself to the reconstruction of civilization, the manpower and material resources consumed are already terrifying. In addition, he ordered the construction of an energy station two years ago. He wanted to build a top-notch technology building of a different civilization based on the technology of this civilization. He also demanded as soon as possible, so all cutting-edge talents and top resources were first allocated to this place. It brought a heavy burden to the Silver Moon Empire.

It is really not good for the empire to spend more energy now.

He pondered a little, then turned over and took out a dark red ball, and then hesitated again.

This ball is very ugly. It is covered with various folds and lines. It looks like a meat ball from the outside, but it is very hard and contains very pure energy.

This is the mission item brought back by Tianlin when performing the space-time mission, the core of the giant insect nest!

Such a small thing is the root of the giant insect nest. It acts as the central processor of the mother nest when the mother nest is running, and is responsible for scheduling and managing various matters. When the mother nest is destroyed or not yet established, it is equivalent to a fertilized egg or cell. It records all the information of the mother nest in the form of DNA, and it prepares its own energy. As long as it is given a suitable environment, it is very Quickly, an initial mother nest can be reconstructed according to the genome map. As long as it grows, it will be exactly the same as the previous one.

In general, the mother nest is the object of the protection of the giant worms. Once the mother nest is broken, they will also let the queen or the giant worm that is most suitable to escape with the core of the mother nest transfer it. Therefore, humans and giant insects have the most fierce competition for the core of the mother nest at the end of each war, and there are countless deaths and injuries. At that time, Tian Lin also spent a lot of effort to get this thing.

Anyang stared at the core of this mother’s nest, he could feel the rhythm and vitality inside, but he did not know how much disaster it would cause once this thing appeared in this world.

This is not a powerful portable force. Anyang feels that it is more like a bottle with a virus. Once broken, the virus will sweep the world.

However, I have to admit that at this time, this mother nest core is indeed an excellent tool.

“According to information from that world, the evolution of giant worms is actually very fast and very accurate. When human forces drop a deadly infectious virus to a giant worm group, the newly bred giant worms can almost ignore the virus. When Human warfare troops came to this planet, and the giant worms who had experienced the powerful warfare troops soon appeared sneak attackers targeting the mech units, and the sneak attackers “developed” by each ethnic group were different, each with its own characteristics. . “

“Once a new type of giant worm appears in the mother nest, when the mother nest is broken, the new mother nest established by the core of the escaped mother nest can still breed this giant insect.”

“In addition to proving that the core of the mother nest has powerful computing power and an extremely excellent evolutionary model, it also seems to prove that it can quickly rewrite its own genome map. If so, maybe I can try to crack its genetic code, and Write more to it artificially. “

Thinking about it, Anyang frowned.

“If this is the case, the amount of calculation involved is too large, and a research project can be carried out, I don’t know how much time will be spent. It is better to directly control the Queen Queen, even if the effect achieved is almost worse. . “

“At the same time, the mission must also be put on the agenda. If all kinds of methods are combined, it is estimated that it will be soon.”


Early the next morning, Baggins hummed, twisting his lower body in the corner and waking up slowly.

He immediately sniffed his nose.

“His! Good fragrance!”

Then he climbed up very fast, and ran to the restaurant on the other side along the scent. I saw Anyang sitting politely on the other side of the dining table, wearing napkins, holding knives and forks, and the table was filled with plate after plate of brightly colored and exquisitely fragrant dishes, which made him swallow.

“Mr. Ain, this …”

“Huh? When we first saw you, you invited me for a dinner, and now I happen to ask you back.”

“In the beginning … it wasn’t me who invited you, but you snatched my dinner without saying a word.” Baggins murmured and quickly recalled the matter half a year ago, and said, “But there is only one person around No, the whole city has been evacuated. Where did all the delicious food come from? Would n’t it be … you stole it from a palace? “

“I am not a thief, you are.”

“Uh … I didn’t fulfill my duty as a thief, but instead became a death squad.” Baggins hurriedly pulled back his chair and sat down at the stone dining table, but suddenly he was a bit suspicious. They didn’t seem to see it when they came. Chair.

At this time, Anyang said again: “Because I don’t know your taste, or do not know what taboos you have in the diet, so I asked people to do a variety of tastes, styles and ingredients.”

“I … I don’t have any taboos ~ ~ as long as I don’t eat viscera and those weird things, I usually want to eat what I have seen.” Baggins said, froze for a while, “you Where to find someone to cook this table? “

“You don’t care about this, it’s just that I’m a bit worried. I’m afraid most of the things on this table are those you haven’t seen, but many of them are shredded and cannot be recognized.”

Baggins took the knife and fork and swept the table, and suddenly realized that Anyang’s two sentences were true.

From the perspective of the dishes, these delicacies seem to involve a lot of styles, tastes are different, and the practice is more varied, just looking at it makes him feel very knowledgeable. And these ingredients also cover the entire water, land and air. Well, most of them have not been seen by him, but this does not seem to affect anything.

It seems that after today, his recipe will be refreshed much more.

“Try it. I don’t know if you are used to it or not. I hope you will be satisfied.” Anyang said gently that he cut the steak with a knife and fork and sent it to his mouth.

Baggins also immediately opened his mouth, God knows what kind of days he has been in the past six months, and he ate a few pleasant meals after Rivendell and arrived at Gushan, but it is obvious that the dwarves have a talent for cooking It can’t be compared with the Hobbit who likes exquisite life.

After a breakfast, he actually ate.

After the Long Lake City, it is the Black Forest. They were originally held here by Thrandil, and they were also attacked by giant spiders here.

But now the Black Forest has dissipated the heavy haze, without the curse of fascination, the trees are lush and lush, and the whole day is bathed in warm sunlight, a scene of vitality. The long-running giant spiders and the spider webs all over the forest disappeared in a flash.

Thrandil also seemed a little hospitable.

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