My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1225 - I am light

The current Black Forest is no longer gloomy, and its original name, the leafy forest, should be restored.

It was afternoon when Anyang and Baggins rode into the leafy forest. They met the patrol of the woodland kingdom before dusk, and then were invited as guests to the woodland kingdom as guests. Legolas returned to the woodland kingdom a little later than them.

The situation on that day did not require Legolas to speak much. From the leafy forest, he could directly see the Lonely Mountain in the distance, and naturally he could see the figure higher than the Lonely Mountain.

When he returned to the green leaf forest, he greeted the tribute and admiration of the tribe. Obviously anyone can think that it was the elven prince who was talking to the **** at that time, and it was precisely because the prince had the courage to ask the **** to make such a big change in the green leaf forest.

Legolas soon heard that the **** had also come to the woodland kingdom and was invited by the elves, so he immediately gave the horse to the guard and ran to the parlor.

When he came to the parlor, he saw Anyang and Baggins sitting in chairs, his father Thrandil was also there, and the head of the woodland kingdom stood by. The table was filled with fresh melons and fruit, and the beautiful glass goblets were filled with aged wine and wine, and the aroma of fruit and wine was mixed. There were several female elves wearing bright gauze playing the harp, playing Chang Xiao, and music. , Not far away stood a dozen tall guards, all in a bright pale gold armor. Solemn and solemn.

This seems to be a hospitality etiquette beyond specifications! After all, the Woodland Kingdom is different from Rivendell. There are not so many luxurious things to enjoy and so much attention to it. Only the powerful elven army, including this kingdom, has been established in recent years.

However, everyone can understand that the gods in this world are not valuable, but such a great **** is very rare, such specifications are not excessive, and even lack.

When Legolas approached, they heard that they were talking, and it sounded like the conversation had just begun.

He couldn’t help relaxing, it seemed he was not late.

At this time, Thranduil had accepted the fact that Anyang was a god, and he dispelled suspicion. Instead, he lowered his proud head, and his attitude and expression changed greatly. He said to Anyang: “I want to thank you for helping us eliminate With the spiders entrenched in the forest, the haze that engulfed the whole of Hesse, and the grace of the **** you gave. “

“This is what you deserve, both for your compensation and for your courage.”

“No, I still have to thank you.” Thranduil smiled and looked down, looking humble and polite. “The reason why we can now enjoy the fresh fruits and the warmth of spring, and don’t worry about the peace of the dark forces , No need to step up the slack of patrol, this is all your credit. “

“Don’t worry about the tranquility of the dark forces?” Anyang suddenly chuckled and said with a straight face, “You are wrong, Thrandil, the darkness has just begun, and the midnight has not yet come.”

“Just started? Midnight …” Thurland Dilden’s face suddenly changed, his face slightly changed. “Did you find something? Or foresee something?”

“Darkness is different from the darkness in the past, but it is difficult to resist.” Anyang Shen said, “There are also monsters, destruction, war and killing, spreading the blood of the whole land! People’s corpses are swallowed and transformed by these monsters As nourishment, the heavy cavalry of Gondor could not stop them. The fortress gradually fell, the snow mountain was stained with red, and despair enveloped the world, and everything was facing extinction. “

Between words, his tone is getting lower and lower.

This is not false. When he remembers that he has decided to make a midnight by himself, his heart will be more or less heavy, which is contrary to his original character after all-

What should he do for something important, or an interest that cannot be refused, would cause such a disaster.

But now it is because of a task.

Well, it really can’t be refused.

The listening Thrandil and the Kingdom Supervisor had widened their eyes and showed horror, even Baggins couldn’t help but put down the fruit in his hand and stared at him.

“How could there be such a disaster!” Thrandil still couldn’t believe it, but he didn’t dare to believe Anyang now, but just expressed his surprise in this way, “We have wiped out the disaster in front of us. , You also said that Sauron will be dealt with personally. Where did such a disaster come from? “

Legolas hurried into the conference room and stood next to Thrandil, looking at Anyang inconceivably, but bowed slightly to him.

“Sauron is not worried, I will wipe it out completely, but this disaster is very tricky, because I don’t know where its source is.” Anyang said helplessly, “When it sweeps the earth, I think what I foresee Things will happen one by one. “

“We will defeat it, just like defeating the Orcs!” This sentence was said by the Kingdom Director behind Thrandil, who was also Thrandil’s adjutant.

“Yes, but at that time, the entire Middle-earth world was probably already broken,” Anyang said.

“But we can’t sit back and wait!” Thrandil said. “I want to know how powerful those monsters are.”

“There are strong and weak, that is a race, but the weakest is also much stronger than ordinary soldiers. As for the strong, I am afraid that Smaug cannot match them.”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Is it the devil in the elven psalm? But in fact there is no such race at all, it is just a creature created by human fear.

Legolas was stunned for a while, and only felt dry, and could not help swallowing. He quickly said: “Then how can we prevent this disaster? How can we eliminate those monsters? It is impossible for the entire Middle-earth world to sit Wait until it hits! “

Thranduil also froze for a long time, and then obviously found that the female elves playing around were a little absent-minded, and the pitch was wrong, so he waved and let them go.

“So, please guide us who are lost, how should we deal with this disaster?” The proud and powerful elven king lowered his head again and asked Anyang sincerely that his attitude was more than Legolas. Be sincere.

After a pause, he sincerely said: “How can I let my people avoid this catastrophe? … After all, after just fighting, they bleed too much blood and can’t bear torture.”

“You are a very great elf king.” Anyang praised from the heart, but for his own plans, he still shook his head, showing helplessness, “I said, I don’t know its source There is nowhere to prevent it, we can only wait for it to appear, and then stop it. From the information I have now, I only know that after fighting them, I must take back or burn all the dead bodies of the war dead, otherwise The corpses of these heroes will be profaned by them, and they will be taken back to be used as nourishment for their breeding partners! “

“Horrible and evil creatures! I don’t know how much blood my clan will shed to calm this disaster.” Thranduil said, but suddenly stood up and bowed to him pleading, “You are a great man God, then I beg you to help my people cope with this catastrophe! We are willing to pay any price we can bear for this! “

“Don’t worry about this, Thrandil, this is my purpose to come to the Eastern Earth.” Anyang looked at him lightly, “I will shelter you, but Middle-earth is not only woodland elves, I can’t stay in the green leaf forest all the time. , I must protect the whole Middle-earth, so it depends on your own. “

“What should we do? Please guide us.”

“Midnight is coming, and I must be the light!” Anyang said this sentence again, and at this moment, his face was full of solemn and holy, and his body was white, and an unusually warm atmosphere was mixed with solemnity. The drawing room.

All the people were suddenly baptized, their faces were involuntarily cleared, and their thoughts were swept away.

Just listen to Anyang and say: “True gods have the power of God, and believers who believe in God will be favored by God and blessed by God. You can use this to fight against those creatures, and I will give you the power to expel them . “

Thrandil shuddered, then went silent.

Where did he not know what Anyang said! The Ke people have their own beliefs, even if they respect this great god, but how easy is it to betray the gods who originally believed? But this deity was the only one who came to help the world. He even witnessed firsthand how this deity helped the world to expel the Orcs. In this way, what did the original gods do? If such a catastrophe that far surpassed the Orcish Legion and the Dark Demon really arrived, what can the gods do for them?

Thrandil himself did not believe in the gods, because he was confident that even if God came, he could defeat God with the sword in his hand. But only in Anyang, he saw the shadow of the real god.

Why shouldn’t the powerful, wise, omnipotent and gentle character be respected by the world?

It does n’t seem to be bad to believe in this god. On the contrary, if he said it true, then he can not only give the believer a firm will, but also truly bless the believer like other gods. In this case, Thranduil felt that he was willing to give this order—suggest that the tribe should convert to a more ‘true’ and greater god, so as to be blessed in disaster.

The premise is that disaster really comes.

After glancing at Legolas, Thranduil lowered his head again and performed a larger ceremony: “The woodland elves are willing to listen to your teaching. Please tell the world your name, so that the lost souls can always be lost. Remember now. “

“Light is a weapon to pierce darkness and chaos, a source of warmth and the beginning of everything, light is a piercing cold and silent hope, a key to life and a spiritual enlightenment.” Anyang’s words appeared in the huge space of the woodland kingdom, shining dimly and bringing warmth, “I am the Red Sun God, the God of Light, the God of Hope, and the God of Origin!”

Who wouldn’t brag and take advantage of others?

The first sentence can be heard, the people are still somewhat immersed in the miracle, but the last sentence is suddenly sober!

There are often many people in this world who believe in ~ ~ but most people except the gods have a common belief, that is the creator of “like Iluvita”, now in Anyang Say, isn’t he robbing the merits of the old man of the creator?

Did n’t they challenge their perception?

At this time, Anyang increased his tone again, and his voice was suddenly shocking like thunder, and he carved a word into their soul like a sword and axe: “My name, Ian Kofi Nori!”

Thrandil and others suddenly sobered up, but he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he did not dare to refute Anyang, but bowed his head and said sincerely: “Your name will be engraved in my heart.”

Anyang knew that these words would be difficult for them to accept, and he was too hasty, but he did n’t have so much time to complete a slow religious transition, and he also had to prepare for the possible counterattack from ‘Ruru Iluvita’ , He had to do so.

“You don’t have to be so anxious, time will push the real water out of the water, you just have to wait patiently, the real **** will drop the divine power, and the false will only live in people’s hearts.”

“Yes.” Both Thrandil and Legolas lowered their heads. “I think we should notify other kingdoms of these things so that they can be prepared.”

“You can contact the rulers of the kingdoms, tell them about it, and discuss the opportunity with them.” Anyang said lightly. “The woodland elves cannot cope with the future. We need to unite the entire Middle-earth world Just like dealing with the Dark Lord in the first place, it is possible to keep our home. “

“I’ll let someone contact you immediately!” Legolas said, “but the dwarf kingdom …”

“I left a letter to them.” Anyang said.


Legolas turned and walked out, walking very fast, obviously not afraid to sloppyly predict Anyang.

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