My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 98 - Squeeze Sarah

Because few people did n’t eat, and there were no business restaurants nearby, Anyang had to perform another stunt of changing food, which surprised several people.

“This is the best food I’ve ever eaten, no one!” John swallowed heavily, grabbing with his hands without fear of image.

“China is the country with the most splendid food culture in the world, but it is a bit behind.” Sarah also ate in a sip, picked up the canned food and looked at the text on it. Although she could not understand Chinese, she recognized the Arabic numerals above. .

“February 5, 205?”

“Yes, this is the date of our time and space. I came from this time.”

“You are happy.”

Anyang pursed his lips, and of course he knew what Sarah meant.

John looked to t00: “Don’t you have to eat? I mean … replenish energy or something.”

t00 sits indifferently on the chair: “No, supplementing energy with food is something that natural life would do.”

“Then how long can you use it? I mean … electricity or something.”

“My built-in battery can support me for 20 years.”


John bowed his head and continued to eat, not long after, he began to sit in a car outside the gas station to watch the night, a man was silent and did not know what he was thinking.

There are few cars on the road, the night sky and stars are dim, and occasionally the single-family houses are lit with lights. This is what it looks like in the suburbs of Los Angeles in 1997.

“Hey, John, come in, it’s not safe outside.”

“Okay, mom, I’ll come in after a while.”

“John, Mom wants you to understand that you are now the target of a Terminator, and that machine is perseveringly chasing us down!”

“I know.”

“John …”

“I said … I’ll come in after a while!”

John interrupted Sarah impatiently, and had no intention of getting up. In fact, he has done a very good job, and he doesn’t have such a good temper when faced with adoptive parents Todd and Jenny.

Anyang smiled and got up and said, “I will guarantee his safety.”

Seeing him coming, John looked up. Then he fell silent again.

Anyang also sat next to him and began to appreciate this unique American style.

For a long time, John finally spoke.

“Uncle Anyang, can I talk to you?”

Anyang froze for a moment and nodded, “Of course. But I can’t guarantee that I will be a good conversation partner.”

John didn’t care, put his hands on the back of the car cover, looked up at the starlight in the distance, a very melancholy look.

“Do you know what other children are doing at this time?”

“I don’t know, maybe … playing Nintendo?”

“Yeah, other children are playing Nintendo at this time, but I have to infuse my head with many things that adults will not touch, so that I can become a better military leader!”

“… Perhaps, this is destiny.”

“Dog-shit!” John scolded, “Go to destiny. I remember a sentence my mother often said, destiny does not exist, and it is up to you to create it yourself.”

“… Your mother is right, she is a very strong woman.”

“Strong? I used to see her hiding in the room to wipe tears. I knew she couldn’t forget the man. Even if they had only one night, she never let me know her pain.” Before Anyang spoke, John He went on to say, “But she is really strong and stronger than many men!”

Anyang pursed his lips. Recalling the original plot: “In fact, this **** war not only deprived you of your childhood, but also deprived Sarah of happiness, she paid a lot for this.”

“You are right.” John was silent for a while. “We lived in places like Nicaragua for a while. For a time, she was with a lunatic who once wore a green beret to study gun skills. There are a lot of guys, and she will catch anything she can learn, so she can teach me how to be a great military leader! “

Anyang listened to this familiar passage. He pursed his lips: “I know all this.”

“you know?”

“Of course, I have seen your fate. If you didn’t come here, you would say the same to t00.”

John was stunned, and suddenly he buried his head in his arms and cried. It took a long time to raise his head, his eyes were already red.

“I used to think she was a lunatic, just like those people said when they arrested her. I used to think that everything I believed was piled up by dog-poop and hated her because of it, but every time she said The words are true, she knows the truth, but no one believes her … not even I believe it. “

Anyang patted his shoulder and didn’t speak. If he didn’t already know the plot, he couldn’t see that the child around him was only ten years old, whether it was psychological or physical appearance.

“Hey, John, it’s getting late at night.”

Sarah shouted from the room.

“Yes, we’ll be back soon.” John crawled up and wiped tears from his eyes. “We should go back, um … Listen, I didn’t tell you anything today.”

Anyang smiled calmly and followed him into the house.

This future military leader of all mankind has already carried too much burden at the age of ten.

t00 sat naked, and Sarah was helping him to remove the deformed bullets and put them on the tray on the table, piled up one by one and looked shocking.

John picked up the leather jacket on the table and shook it. As soon as he lifted it up, the lights outside the window shot through the bullet holes. He was surprised, and he turned around and asked, “Do you feel pain when you get shot?”

t00 is calm: “I can feel hurt, it can also be called pain.”

Sarah asked: “Will these muzzles heal?”


Anyang waited for a while, and when no one asked what he cared about, he said: “Can you learn something outside of the program’s presets? This way you can look more like a person than you are always foolish.”

Sarah’s face changed slightly, and she took a bullet and put it on the plate.

She can remember how the war broke out. Wasn’t it just a computer with learning ability?

“My central processor has neural network processing programs and is a computer with learning ability, but Skynet presets it as read-only when it dispatches us out.”

Sarah took off the last bullet and asked, “To prevent you from thinking too much, right?”


John suddenly asked, “Can we reset this setting?”

Sarah froze, looking at him with the Terminator.

Anyang didn’t say a word in the chair. Perhaps even with his variable, many things in the plot could not be changed, not to mention he didn’t like to change the plot.


John held a lamp to illuminate, Sarah opened the t00’s scalp with a knife, exposing the silver-white metal inside, and wiped the simulated blood stains with a veil.

“Turn the two locked cylinders clockwise … do … and then open the connection cover … well, now remove the vibration damping accessories … now you can get the CPU.”

t00 turned his head slightly to present the round hole in his head in front of Sarah at a clearer angle: “Did you see it?”


“Grasp the base board of the CPU and pull it out.”

Sarah’s followers pulled out the central processor under his guidance, and immediately stopped at t00.

John said that he was very curious. He snapped his fingers in front of t00’s lacklustre, raised his hand from time to time and pressed it again, having a good time.

Anyang glanced at this side and said with a warning: “Sarah, I hope you can understand that he just used his body to block the bullet for John, and he has spared no effort to help us, and will never betray us. The main point is that we need his help, otherwise t000 will not be eliminated! “

Sarah clamped the CPU with tweezers and said, “We don’t have to destroy t000. I can take John out of here and go to a far place.”

Anyang narrowed his eyes and stood up to stare at Sarah.

“Leaving here? You ca n’t always take John to live in an indefinite time? Not to mention where you can go, t000 can imitate anyone he has contacted, if you make it urgent, it can Mobilize the power of the whole government in a certain capacity! “

Just kidding, he still has the task of destroying the Terminator. If this woman destroyed him with t00, would he fight t000, would he have to fight against that guy? He believes that his speed and skills are far more than t000, but when it comes to power, it is not as good as this robot, not to mention that its body can be deformed at will and will not be killed!

Sarah was indoctrinated by Anyang when she was in the hospital. At this time, she was not as stubborn as the original plot, but hesitated.

“But I don’t believe it, we better rely on ourselves.”

“But we have to have a machine to block another machine, and I am human! Well, I know what you are worried about ~ ~ Listen, if something happens, I can kill him, I It ’s easy to kill him, okay? “

Sarah stared at Anyang, who suddenly became menacing, thinking that she was defeated and put down the CPU and said, “Well, I believe you.”

John blinked and looked beside him, as if he understood something. He secretly gave Anyang a thumbs up, as if admiring his ability to suppress Sarah.

When t00 was turned on and resumed again, John had released his read-only status, which meant that he began to learn new things, and at the same time, he might also derive the prototype of wisdom.

This is what Sarah was worried about.

t00 knew nothing about what had just happened, and began to walk out of the door with a gun, alert, his head turned mechanically, his body motionless.

Sarah fell asleep in a car while John was lying on the table.

Only Anyang is the most comfortable, do n’t say, the hammock is quite comfortable shaking and shaking!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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