My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 99

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early morning–

T800 and John both went out Anyang only lazily got off the hammock, and Sarah was still curled up lying in the car, she was under a lot of pressure, and was strictly guarded by the hospital and was perverted by a pervert Profanity, once relaxed now, naturally exhausted.

A car parked outside the gas station, T800 walked over and smashed the glass to open the door, and sat in to help John open the door on the other side, which only ripped the car’s lock cover and screwed a few times. local.

“Kaka …”

The fire failed!

John looked at him in amazement, suddenly touched the mezzanine on the roof, took out a key and swayed in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said, “There are still many things you have to learn.”

T800 took his key and started the car without saying a word.

Anyang opened the rear seat door and sat up, glancing at the old car, and said helplessly: “Why don’t you ask me, I actually have a car, which is much better than this.”

John asked: “Do you have a car? Where?”

Anyang said indifferently: “I can take it out at any time, but since you have found one, I will keep it.”

Sarah also got in a tào and got into the car, next to him: “We have to walk south, don’t exceed 65 kilometers per hour, otherwise we will be caught by the traffic police.”

Anyang shrugged: “Look, the 65 km limit, all cars are the same.”

Terminator T800 said: “Received.”

John stepped forward with one foot, one hand on the window, a pair of long hair hanging down his face, it really looked like a kind of xiao s smell, of course, this is because the boy looks very good good looking.

“No. No … you have to listen to what people say, you can’t say” received “or something, you have to say-no problem!”

“no problem.”

John was satisfied, so he continued to teach a pure terminator how to become a big hooligan as a hooligan, saying: “If someone comes to you with a very disdainful attitude, you have to say-if. You want to show off to others, just say-there will be a future, baby. “

“There will be a date, baby”

“Yeah, or-bye, Muggle, when you are upset about someone, just say-calm down, or you can come together and say …”

T800 glanced at him: “Calm down. Muggles!”

John snapped his thigh and laughed and said, “That’s right, see? You start to understand!”

T800 said: “No problem.”

Halfway through the vehicle, Sarah suddenly remembered something: “I have to know how Skynet was built and who is in charge?”

Anyang made a chuckle in his heart, and didn’t expect Sarah to finally point the finger at Miles, his primary mission goal, and also the creator of Skynet.

“Sarah. What do you want to do?”

T800 ignored him and concentrated on answering Sarah’s question: “The main person in charge is Myers Bennett Dyson.”

Sarah ignored him. As if not hearing, continue to ask: “Who is he?”

T800 said: “He is the special program director of Cybertron Systems.”

“Why is he?”

“A few months later, he created a revolutionary microprocessor.”

“Go on, what about hòu?”

“In three years, Cybertron will become the most powerful supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers use Cybertan computers. Gradually jiàn becomes an unmanned fighter, and then hòu records flight with perfect operation.”

Sarah took a breath, and Anyang began to be alert. It seemed that she had to monitor this woman closely, otherwise the ghost would know when she would whim to find Myers’ trouble!

T800 continued.

“The fund bill for the construction of Skynet was passed. On August 4, 1997, the system was officially launched. Due to the strategic defense measures, human fighting spirit dissipated, Skynet began to learn at a rate of geometric multiples. On the morning of August 29, Eastern Time : 14, it becomes self-conscious. In a panic, humans want to unplug the power … “

Sarah interjected: “Skynet started to fight back?”

“Yes, it fired a nuclear bomb at a target in Russia.”

“Why attack the Russians? Are they not allies?”

“Because Skynet knows that the Russian counterattack can wipe out all its local enemies.”

“God! That’s why three billion people died …” Sarah opened her eyes and asked again, “How much do you know about Dyson?”


Anyang finally couldn’t help but shouted loudly.

Both are mission goals, and both are to protect xiàng, but one of them is deliberately looking for the other … and killing it.

He is tired!

T800 stopped talking and looked at him, because he felt that Anyang’s heart was not very peaceful, and this kind of emotion might threaten John and Sarah.

Sarah asked in amazement: “What’s wrong with you?”

Anyang’s expression calmed down: “Listen, Sarah, we need to find Dyson, but our first priority now is to kill T1000, and then I will accompany you to find Dyson.”

Sarah asked: “Why can’t you solve him first?”

“Is there only a solution in your dictionary, John knows more than you!” Anyang said, “You are wrong, I have seen your fate before coming here, so please believe me, please?”

Sarah hesitated, but said, “Okay, let’s solve the T1000 first.”

Anyang was relieved, but still a little worried about this woman. She was afraid that she would go to Dyson quietly, so she repeated it again, making her tone as soft as possible: “Hey, Sarah, we are a gang, we live and die together, honor and disgrace , Don’t act alone, will you? “

Sarah looked at him suspiciously, as if to see from his face his purpose of stopping himself, but seeing nothing, nodded and stopped talking.

“Life and death depend on each other, honor and disgrace …” John repeated this sentence, and it was always strange to translate it in English, but it still could not affect his interest. “Cool, this sentence is really cool!”

Old cars, a desert. The broken machinery, the wind and sand, the abandoned car with the door swaying in the wind, and the cobra on the shelf that had been dried, seemed like a perfect match.

“Waiting in the car.”

As Sarah said, a man opened the door and got off. Keep scanning.

“Enrico, are you there?”

She was looking around, and there was a sudden click in the back, and her heart beat, and she immediately raised her pistol and turned.

The T800 also got out of the car with a very quick response. The shotgun in the hand pointed in the direction of the sound, but it did not shoot. Even John got out of the car, only Anyang sat in the car and looked at this scene smoothly. .

Actually … this woman is really not a flower shelf. It’s just that she’s too powerful for shǒu.

In front of him was a man with a cowboy hat, a beard on his face, and a shotgun in his hand. After seeing Sarah, he would immediately **** it up, bypassing a helicopter with only a steel frame and approaching her.

“You are nervous, Connor.”

He speaks Spanish, Anyang can’t understand what he said, but the plot can be understood.

“You too.” Sarah gestured to stop the T800 from firing. Also asked in Spanish, “How are you doing?”

Enrico rushed over with a sudden laugh. He carried the gun on his shoulders and hugged Sarah: “It’s nice to see you again, Connor.”

Sarah smiled and said, “I promised to come back again.”

“I’ve been ambushing here all the time.” Enrico finished, and yelled into it again, “Yulanda, come out soon, and a guest is coming. Take some tequila by the way! Hey, John! “

John smiled and greeted, “Enrico, how are you doing?”

Enrico seemed to be only paying attention to T800 now, and then glanced at Anyang, who had just come out of the car, and asked cautiously, “Who is your friend?”

“He’s okay. He’s with us.” John explained, pointing at each other, “He’s Uncle Anyang, he’s … Uncle Bob, Uncle Anyang, Uncle Bob, this is Enrico. “

“Uncle Anyang? Uncle Bob?” Enrico finally let go and smiled and said in a voice, “Hello.”

Anyang nodded with a smile: “Hello.”

Enrico took a bottle of tequila, unscrewed the stopper with his arms bent, and handed it to T800: “Drink?”

Obviously, compared to Anyang who is yellow and not strong, he values ​​T800 more. However, the fact is that T800 stared at him expressionlessly, without any movement in the whole body, ignoring him.

Enrico froze, his expression stiffened, and he looked at Anyang again.

Anyang doesn’t care, but he has been a … cough, good boy with politeness. Take a sip.

“His … the wine is good!”

Enrico laughed and reached out to pat his shoulder.

T800 turned his head to look at John and asked puzzled, “Uncle Bob?”

John shrugged.

Enrico said to Sarah: “You are famous now, every channel on TV is broadcasting, pictures of you, John, and your two friends, the police are looking for you like crazy, yes, and Your friend with yellow skin. “

Anyang frowned and asked, “They are in a hurry to find me?”

Enrico said: “Yeah, um … maybe you have something to attract them.”

Anyang understood a little bit.

Sarah said: “I’m here to get things, I need food, clothes and a card …”

“Sarah.” Anyang interrupted her next words, “Don’t trouble your friend, I have everything you want, so we just need to design a trap and introduce it!”

“you have?”

“Yes, I know everything about you, and naturally I will prepare everything.”

“Where are they?”

“On my body.”

As Anyang said, he turned around and waved his hand forward, and an off-road vehicle similar to a civilian Hummer landed on the ground, stirring up a dust.

“Come with me, food, clothes, and Wuqi, what do you want, what do I have.”

Enrico stayed in place, feeling awake. Mumbling, “Gosh, am I dreaming?”

John explained: “Enrico ~ ~ Don’t be too shocked. Uncle Anyang used to do magic.”

Enrico laughed a few times: “Oh … hehe, right?”

Anyang ignored him and cleaned Wuqi by the off-road vehicle. In fact, Sarah reported what she needed, and Anyang took it out of the space.

In fact, if it is not that the military vehicle cannot enter the border, he can now get an armored vehicle to come in. Well, the Huaibei base in the last days does not have a tank.

John and T800 had a lot of fun on the side, laughing and laughing from time to time, of course, only John’s voice.

A rebellious child who lacked fatherly love since childhood, and a dumb machine, they are always the best partner, even if the arrival of Anyang could not be stopped.

Just like Lyon and Matida in this killer who is not too cold.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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