My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 10 - The Hero Saves The Beauty

Chapter 10: The Hero Saves The Beauty

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Weiwei stared furiously at the irritating Ye Xiong who crossed his legs in front of her. She held her anger in as she had been dancing in his palm from the very beginning. She had even been obviously lied to and was taken advantage of as well.

So who was Wu Changchun? He was one of the best lawyers in Jiangnan City. He was also one of the most troublesome lawyers to the police. Now that he had personally visited them, it was a sign that this guy had a very deep background.

Since there was no proof of him assaulting the police, detaining him would be impossible.

Then, her phone rang. It was a call from Public Security Bureau Director Huang Weifu.

Why would a character such as Huang Weifu call her personally? Could it be that he knew this guy as well?

“Good day Director Huang.”

“Ah, it’s you Lil Wei. You guys have managed to capture a criminal named Ye Xiong, right?” A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.


“Release him immediately.”

“Director, why?” Luo Weiwei asked in confusion.

“Don’t ask too many questions. This is an order from higher up. Release him immediately.” He hung up as soon as he finished talking.

The only person above him was the leader of the province. Was this guy worthy of the province leader making a call to the director?

Luo Weiwei glared at Ye Xiong once again and she could not help but ask, “Who exactly are you?”

“I’m working at the Future New City’s site. I’m responsible for carrying the bricks.” Ye Xiong smiled.

“Although I’ve no idea what your background is, you’re currently in my territory. I’ll not let you off the hook if you were to commit any crime here,” Luo Weiwei said angrily.

Ye Xiong stood up as he placed the document on the table in front of her. He smiled. “For your future reference, make sure your subordinates are smarter if you want to throw someone under the bus. If I’m so good with computers and even know how to use Photoshop, why would I bother carrying bricks around?”

It was as if he was a magician as the handcuffs around his hands disappeared. Ye Xiong then waved his hands. “Goodbye, beautiful policewoman!”

Luo Weiwei’s expression turned sour when she read the document in front of her. She screamed at the top of her lungs. “Xu Da, Xia Yu, get over here!”

Luo Weiwei hid inside her own office and was incredibly angry for the entire afternoon!

She could never imagine that Xu Da and Xia Yu would attempt to frame someone even though they were public servants. Hence, the two had been suspended and severe punishment was what waited for them.

Luo Weiwei turned on the computer as she brought out Ye Xiong’s file. She was dumbfounded when she saw the two pictures that had appeared on her screen.

She had looked at Ye Xiong’s file earlier. It stated that his parents had died and he was all alone. It was not even ten days before another woman had appeared on his document. Furthermore, this woman was someone she would never expect even in her dreams.

She was the President of Xinyi Group. She had married him. Luo Weiwei felt that this world was going crazy!

She did not know why she felt rather salty inside out of the blue. She kept replaying the scenes where that b*stard kept taking advantage of him the other day. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

“I’ll make sure you suffer very badly if I catch you next time.”


Scarface waited a long time and had yet to obtain any call from the police station. He was extremely anxious and then, the phone rang. It was from Lu Bao.

“Is it done?” Lu Bao asked.

“It’s almost done. I’ve paid my friends at the police station…”

“Paid my *ss. I was almost done in by you. Ye Xiong had walked out of the police station openly. Nothing happened to him at all. What’s worse is that I can’t even contact those two friends of yours. They might just be suspended for all I know.” Lu Bao was furious.

“Brother Bao, I didn’t expect that guy to have ties in the police station as well.”

“Don’t bother with this anymore. Don’t make any moves for the time being and wait for my orders.” Lu Bao hung up frustratingly the instant he finished speaking.

Ye Xiong’s phone rang the instant he walked out of the police station. It was Yang Xinyi again.

“Meet me at the Oriental Hotel at six-thirty sharp.”


She hung up as soon as she finished speaking.

Ye Xiong sighed. It was merely a trade. Although acting was not something new to him at all, he did not know why he would even sigh since he was getting paid as well.

As he went back to the site’s hostel, he changed into clean clothes before he went out to buy some tea.

He heard a car crash behind him just as he passed by Third Ring Street. He turned around to see a Porsche sedan rolling on the road dozens of meters away before coming to a stop as it crashed into the fruit stall against the wall.

Parts of the car flew everywhere and anyone inside could not have survived such a collision.

Unfortunately, that Porsche was worth at least tens of millions of dollars.

Ye Xiong casually looked around and saw a face drenched in blood in the driver’s seat. The driver groaned as she frowned in agony.

“What luck!”

The driver must have prayed a lot in their past life since she did not die even in such a condition.

“Someone save her!”

Ye Xiong shouted as he ran towards the side of the car.

Many people circled the area but none of them came to help.

This was not a moment to be shocked at how cold society was as Ye Xiong headed to the front of the car and then kicked brutally at the front windshield. The front windshield was exceptionally tough since it was a luxury car. Ye Xiong kicked it dozens of times before he was able to make a hole in it.

Ye Xiong climbed in as he carried the lady out whose face was drenched in blood. Just as they ran a dozen meters away, there was a loud explosion. The Porsche was engulfed in flames.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Stay with me.”

Ye Xiong placed the girl on the ground as he checked her heartbeat. After confirming that she was fine, he called the ambulance and the police.

Ye Xiong left quietly only after the ambulance had arrived.

He had at least ten missed calls and it was already near seven. The gifts that he bought had been unknowingly stolen by someone too!

Yang Xinyi might have just gone crazy since he was late for the first meet up with her parents!

Ye Xiong called back immediately but Yang Xinyi asked him coldly, “Where are you?”

“Something happened and I was interrupted.”

“What else is more important than meeting my parents?”

Ye Xiong wanted to explain himself at first, but he soon recalled that their marriage was nothing more than a trade. What use would it do if he were to explain it?

“Come over before you explain it to me!” Yang Xinyi hung up the phone as she finished speaking.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Xiong had changed into a new set of clothes since the clothes he had on were stained with blood when he was saving the driver. Since it was no longer wearable, he had no choice but to buy a set of clothes nearby. It was impossible to buy the gifts again because he had no time left to spare.

By the time he rushed into the hotel and found the cabin, Yang Xinyi was the only one left inside.

“Where are they?”

“My parents left the place after thirty minutes of you not showing up. I found it wasteful to not eat such a sumptuous meal. Hence, I called you here. You’re used to eating free meals anyway.” Yang Xinyi mocked him coldly.

Perhaps Ye Xiong would laugh for a bit if another person were to say that he was having a free meal. However, he felt incredibly bad when he heard Yang Xinyi saying such words to him.

Although the two did not see each other very often, Ye Xiong felt that Yang Xinyi was the person who knew him best. This was the reason why he decided to go through with the fake marriage. He did not expect her words to be this cold at all.

Ye Xiong did not hold himself back and started eating the dishes as if he was incredibly hungry.

Yang Xinyi was silent the entire time and waited for him to finish his meal before she spoke, “It seems that we need to have a deal. In the future, you must appear at a designated place within the designated time whenever I call you out. Being punctual is your responsibility. A million dollars is not easy to earn. Hence, I’ll deduct fifty-thousand dollars for each late arrival in the future.”

“Since you’re the one paying me the money, I’ll oblige to every demand you have.” Ye Xiong took a tissue to wipe his mouth. He mocked himself for a while before he said, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll be taking my leave.”

“As a man, shouldn’t you explain why you’re late?” Yang Xinyi continued to question.

She did not explode in anger because she was raised well but it did not mean that she was not angry. After all, she had been waiting for him for more than an hour. All she ever wanted was for him to explain himself, albeit that it might be scripted, it was something a man should do.

Ye Xiong did not say a single word before he answered coldly, “I’ll transfer the fifty-thousand dollars back to your account!”

He left after he finished speaking!

It was already ten by the time Yang Xinyi returned to her mansion!

Her parents were not in the living room. Obviously, they were incredibly angry at what had happened today!

Yang Dingguo was incredibly furious when he found out that she had discreetly married someone else. To add salt into the wound, Ye Xiong had abandoned his appointment with them that night as well. He had already failed as a son-in-law in this couple’s eyes before they had even seen him in person.

Yang Xinyi had already anticipated such an ending but she did not expect it to be this bad.

She returned to her bedroom and laid on her bed to watch television after she took a bath.

“This is the ten o’clock news… Today at five thirty-two in the afternoon, there was a major accident on Third Ring Street. A truck had lost control and crashed into a Porsche. As the Porsche’s driver was on the verge of death, an unnamed hero appeared at the most critical moment to save her. This is a recording from one of the witnesses this afternoon!”

What was shown next was an incredibly frightening scene. A man in grey attire pulled out the female driver who had fainted from the wrecked vehicle. The vehicle then burst into flames as he walked some ten meters away. The two of them might have just died if they were a few seconds late.

“The man left quietly after he saved someone… As she was saved in the nick of time, the driver is now safe from danger.”

Yang Xinyi stared at the familiar figure on the television. Although his face was not revealed in the footage, that figure was extremely familiar to her. She was able to confirm that Ye Xiong was the one who saved the driver when she recalled Ye Xiong’s hand injury earlier.

She felt incredibly bitter all of a sudden and the anger from before had completely dissipated

“This man, is it really that hard to explain it in person?” Yang Xinyi muttered.

She fumbled her phone in her hands as she was very tempted to call him to confirm the situation.

Ultimately, she did not call. After all, what connected them was merely a trade. Why would she want to be so attached to him!

However, she still sent a message to him in the hopes that their cooperation would be smooth in the future. “Please forget about what happened today. I hope we can work smoothly from here on.”

She waited for a response after she sent the message. However, she did not expect to not receive a single response even until eleven.

“Good one Ye Xiong. You’re still thinking that you’re some hot stuff. You’ve no idea just how many men are hoping for me to text them. You, on the other hand, you’re acting like you’re incredibly cool!”

She received the response just as she was about to fall asleep. There was only one word, more like one punctuation.


It meant, ‘Oh.’ This was a classic example of saving one’s ink as if it was gold.

“I know I had said a few sentences that had crossed the line. Do you really have to act this way? How petty.” Yang Xinyi threw her phone to the side as she angrily covered herself with the blanket.

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