My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 9 - What’s Your Eyes Looking At

Chapter 9: What’s Your Eyes Looking At

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Xiong just went off work when he was stopped by five men in black suits outside the construction site.

The leader had a scar on his face and put on airs.

“You must be Ye Xiong, there’s someone who wants to see you,” Scarface said coldly.

“I don’t have the time!”

Ye Xiong could tell that they were bad guys. If his guess was right, they must have been sent by He Haodong. He was not going to let him off the hook after the stunt he pulled at his wedding.

“Take him!” Scarface whipped out a box of cigarettes to light one up.

As Lu Bao’s right-hand man, Scarface felt the boss was using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Four brothers plus himself were sent to deal with a lame construction worker when two were enough to take him away.

Kch! The cigarette was lit. Curls of smoke hindered his vision and by the time it was clear, the figure standing before him was no more. He lowered his head and noticed his brothers lying unconscious on the ground.

What the hell happened?

Scarface was held by the neck before he came to. Ye Xiong coldly declared, “Go back and tell your master I don’t want to be bothered. If there’s a next time, he’ll be dead meat.”


Ye Xiong strode off after hurling him to the ground.

Scarface coughed his lungs out before he fished out his phone to dial a number.

In Night Sauna House, Lu Bao was lying in a heated sauna room and indulged in the handiwork of a beauty.

It had been a while since he was this relaxed and comfortable. That b*stard who disrupted the young master’s wedding was finally found after two long weeks. He was a worker at a construction site. He had dispatched his best man, Scarface to capture him and they were probably on their way back now.

Just then, his phone rang.

“Brother Bao, we lost him. He’s really something.” Scarface was heard at the other end of the line.

“What did you say?”

Lu Bao jumped out of bed and exclaimed, “Five of you can’t take him down?”

“Brother Bao, he’s no ordinary man. I think ten men might have a problem with tackling him.” Scarface cried.

“Piece of trash! You can’t even handle a simple matter like this. The young master wants to see his confession by tonight. I don’t care what method you use, you can beat it if it goes sour!”

Lu Bao slammed the phone.

Scarface woke the unconscious men after the line was cut off before making another call.

It was in the afternoon when Ye Xiong was having a meal in the cafeteria. His phone rang and it was Yang Xinyi.

“My father has found out. He wants to meet you,” Yang Xinyi stated her business at the other end.


“Tonight at six. He likes tea. Buy some, it can be reimbursed.” Yang Xinyi hung up.

Ye Xiong was about to head off to purchase some tea when a police car pulled up in front of the company. Two police officers got down and said, “Mr. Ye Xiong, we’re police from Jiangcheng Division. I’m Xu Da and this is my partner, Xia Yu. We suspect you may be linked to a case and need your cooperation in our investigation.”

He could not do it in the dark so he was coming at him in the open, huh?

A smirk crept onto Ye Xiong’s lips. This He Haodong really wanted him dead.

Ye Xiong would definitely strike back if it was a hooligan but beating police up would put him in a spot.

Xu Da walked over to cuff Ye Xiong.

Ye Xiong frowned and had a murderous look as he coldly answered, “I can follow you to cooperate in your investigation but what right do you have putting me in handcuffs prior to finding out the truth?”

The murderous look sent chills up Xu Da and Xia Yu’s spine. They did not think a construction worker would unleash such a murderous look that they dare not look at him eye to eye. It was as though the god of death had come.

‘You’ll suffer once you’re in prison.’ Xu Da snorted and thought to himself.

The two policemen tried to stop Ye Xiong when he took out a phone to call but were forced back by Ye Xiong’s vicious eyes. No one dared to utter a word.

Ye Xiong called Yang Xinyi. “I’m being taken in by Jiangcheng Division for questioning. I don’t know when I’ll be out.”

“I’ll send someone to help you,” Yang Xinyi replied before hanging up.

An hour later in Jiangcheng Division’s interrogation room.

Ye Xiong was locked in a dark room and still handcuffed. Xu Da and Xia Yu sat in front of him.

“Do you admit that you’re guilty?” Xu Da coldly smirked opposite him.

“I don’t know what crime I’ve committed,” Ye Xiong answered in return.

“You think we didn’t know that you framed an innocent man using photoshop?” Bam! Xu Da hurled a file towards him before coldly blurting. “If you know what’s good for you, you should sign this.”

Ye Xiong retrieved the file on the desk and scanned through. He could not contain his laughter. Basically, it was written that he despised the rich and that he edited a video to throw dirt on Heshi Group’s CEO, Young Master He. This was a confession to admit that he committed this crime.

This Young Master He was still in dark about his marriage with Yang Xinyi. How pathetic!

“I can’t sign this.”


A knuckle heavily pounded the desk. Xu Da was at his nose and threatened. “Don’t think I can’t do anything to you because you refuse to admit it. You’ll be rotting and eating prison food by the time I’m done with you.”

“I’ve eaten a lot of food in my life but I’ve never tasted prison food.” Ye Xiong sneered.

Xia Yu pushed a button on the table and said, “I have turned off the circuit. No one will know even if you’re harmed.”

Xu Da walked around the table to Ye Xiong. He was prepared to make his move.

Ye Xiong, who was sitting down, suddenly grabbed his arm before slamming his head on the table. Blood spewed everywhere.

Startled, Xia Yu was about to fork out his gun when Ye Xiong pounced at him and threw him on the ground. He swung his fist to whack his nose and crushed it hard that it bled.

In a blink of an eye, one had his forehead crushed while the other had his nose broken; it left both in a defenseless position.

This was Ye Xiong showing mercy. No one would have survived if it were any harder.

Ye Xiong confiscated their guns before calmly taking his seat.

“Boy, you’re dead.”

The two scrambled as they got up and stumbled out of the interrogation room.

Ye Xiong placed the two guns on the table without a sign of worry. Phoenix would not see him go to prison and even if Phoenix stood by, Yang Xinyi would not allow her newly-wedded husband to enjoy jail time.

Xu Da and Xia Ya fled the interrogation room in a panic and headed straight to the Deputy Director’s office.

Luo Weiwei was discussing a case with two of her subordinates when her door flung open. The two disfigured men clambered in.

“What happened to you?” Luo Weiwei asked in a surprised tone.

“We had just captured a criminal and were questioning him in the interrogation room when the guy suddenly assaulted us.”

“Wasn’t he cuffed? How dare he assault policemen, why didn’t you just shoot him?” Luo Weiwei was furious.

“Our guns were taken!” Xu Da replied faintly.

“What? Your gun is with him?” Luo Weiwei was taken aback.

“Mine as well,” Xia Yu who was beside, meekly added.

Luo Weiwei hit the roof. Both of their guns were seized by a criminal, a cuffed criminal in the interrogation room. It was a great humiliation. They would be in deep trouble if the criminal had charged out with the gun and harmed the police force. It was a responsibility she could not shoulder.

“Where is he now?”

“He should still be in the interrogation room.”

Luo Weiwei put down her work and took large strides towards the interrogation room. Her colleagues were still going about their businesses as she was on her way. Knowing that the criminal was still in there, she let out a sigh of relief.

Luo Weiwei took a deep breath. This being the first major catastrophe she experienced, she reminded herself to remain calm.

“Director, are you going in?” Xu Da asked with concern.

“What? You want to go in?” Luo Weiwei rolled her eyes at him.

Xu Da retreated a few steps back. He had seen what the guy was capable of and he was not one to mess with.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh!

A group of people swarmed in and pointed their guns inside the interrogation room.

Noticing a group of policemen having their guns pointed at him, Ye Xiong put his hands in the air and shouted, “Don’t open fire! I’ll confess to everything. I’ll admit to whatever crime you’re pinning me on.”

The familiar look and voice left Luo Weiwei in between tears and laughter. What was this guy up to? She went over to inspect the guns on the desk. Not a bullet less. Handing the guns to Xu Da and Xia Yu, she reprimanded, “Pieces of trash, take them back.”

Xu Da and Xia Yu went over to retrieve their guns.

“All of you, get out. I’ll speak to him.”



With the policemen leaving the room, only Ye Xiong and Luo Weiwei were left in the interrogation room.

“You ran over a sedan with a bike, unlocked handcuffs with a wire, wounded my two men while still cuffed, don’t tell me you’re just a construction worker.” Luo Weiwei stared at Ye Xiong with eyes of undiscerning emotion.

With such an ability, he would not have been frightened on the day they were pursued by killers. So, he took advantage of her?

“Oh beautiful fellow officer, I’m just a construction worker. You can ask around if you don’t believe me. I’ve been working for half a year now.”

Ye Xiong riveted his gaze on a protruding area on Luo Weiwei’s body. For some reason, he could not help but look there at every encounter with Luo Weiwei.

“What’s your eyes looking at?” Luo Weiwei glowered.

“The scenery.”


Smashing her fist onto the table, Luo Weiwei threatened. “Say it one more time if you have the balls!”

Rendered speechless, Ye Xiong murmured under his breath, “It’s not against the law to look. It won’t get you pregnant.”

Luo Weiwei withheld her urge to whip out her gun and execute him. She took a seat and explained, “I won’t bother with the run over today but the charges for assaulting police and seizing guns are enough to put you in jail.”

“Gorgeous, I didn’t assault any police. I’m a model citizen.”

“Don’t try to argue your way out of this, the surveillance camera has captured everything.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can check your surveillance footage.” Ye Xiong was not concerned.

Just then, a police officer entered and reported, “Director, the attorney, Wu Changchun’s here to bail Ye Xiong.”

“Tell him Ye Xiong is a suspect for assaulting police officers and can’t be bailed.” Luo Weiwei was irritated.

“Director, I have checked on the surveillance, the circuit was turned off so the scene of him attacking policemen was not recorded.”

“Who turned off the circuit?”

“Officer Xu Da.”

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