My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 22 - Living Together

Chapter 22: Living Together

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What? Feiyang International Hotel?” Yang Xinyi was shocked. She quickly followed up with, “That hotel will definitely be snagged up by He Haodong sooner or later, and as such, only a dead-end awaits you if you take up the role of general manager.”

“I appreciate your concern, main wife, but I can handle those street thugs any time of the day,” Ye Xiong answered.

Noting how determined Ye Xiong was, Yang Xinyi did not bother trying to convince him any further. After all, they had already agreed not to involve themselves in each other’s work-life before they got married, and she had no right to interfere with Ye Xiong’s life anyway.

“When will my father-in-law see me?” Ye Xiong asked.

“There’s an urgent matter overseas that my father has to attend to. He’s currently not back yet. So, let’s leave that matter for another day.”

“Then I’ll be heading upstairs.” With that, Ye Xiong began to ascend the stairs.

Ye Xiong’s room was located directly beside Yang Xinyi’s. This was only a precautionary step, as Yang Xinyi was deathly afraid of her parents finding out about the fake marriage. As such, she would have Ye Xiong in the adjacent room in case of emergencies.

“Damn, isn’t this room a bit too huge?”

While taking in the luxuriously ornamented room, Ye Xiong threw himself onto the king-sized bed and was immediately overwhelmed by an indescribable sense of comfort.

“If only I could share the same bed as my main wife. I’d gladly sacrifice a few years of my life just to experience that pleasure,” Ye Xiong blurted out.

However, upon finishing his sentence, he noticed that there was a figure standing beside the door to his room. Who else could that person be aside from Yang Xinyi?

Hearing those words from Ye Xiong had cause Yang Xinyi to contort her face into an ugly expression. A murderous glare now lingered on her ice-cold expression.

“Take this as a stern warning! Our relationship is strictly business. Should you get any funny ideas about me, I’ll make sure you die a horrible death.” Yang Xinyi’s words were laced with malice.

“It’s not illegal to talk about it, you know?” Ye Xiong shrugged his shoulders.

“I won’t allow it.”

“Fine, I’ll just keep it to myself.”

Yang Xinyi was helpless against Ye Xiong’s stubbornness.

Following that, Yang Xinyi explained the house rules to Ye Xiong. She explained a dozen or so do’s and don’ts in a single go, and among them included Ye Xiong not being allowed to enter her room, not being allowed to use her bathtub, not being allowed to return home after midnight, and not being allowed to bring another woman home.

Worrying that he would be unable to remember all the rules, she wrote them all down onto a piece of paper and placed it on his desk. She then added, “All of these rules have been clearly written in black-and-white on paper. You’d better go through them properly. Don’t blame me for not reminding you when the time comes.”

Ye Xiong did not spare a single glance at the paper before he tore it to shreds.

“To the one with the surname of Ye, what’s the meaning of this?” Yang Xinyi’s expression had taken on an even uglier shade.

She had spent a tremendous amount of effort to complete that piece of paper. Furthermore, she had painstakingly thought out every rule written on it so that none of them were too restricting. However, seeing Ye Xiong tearing it in front of her face had greatly humiliated her.

Ye Xiong then crumpled up the pieces of paper and tossed it upwards, forming an elegant arc that landed directly into the paper bin. Following this, he stated in a stern tone, “Do you really think that a single piece of paper is able to restrain one’s thoughts? Let’s take your rule of me not being allowed to enter your room as an example. What if I got myself piss-drunk one day and violated you? This isn’t an unlikely scenario, and if it were to happen, how could I even remember your dog-sh*it agreement during the spur of the moment?”

“Then you’re forbidden from consuming alcohol,” Yang Xinyi responded promptly.

“The only way that you can guarantee your safety is if you lock your door while you sleep.”

“I don’t need you to remind me of that, I would’ve done it anyway.”

“Main wife, if you have nothing else to add, please leave. I need plenty of rest right now, as a full day of picking up girls awaits me tomorrow.”

Yang Xinyi rolled her eyes before turning around and leaving Ye Xiong’s room. Upon reaching her room, she immediately locked her door shut. Despite that, she still felt that it was not secure enough, and as such, she had decided to call in someone to install more locks tomorrow. She was not about to give the perverted b*stard any opportunity to strike.

The next day, Ye Xiong had woken up early in the morning.

“Your breakfast is ready, sir.” Aunt Zhang greeted Ye Xiong with a brilliant smile.

“Thank you, Aunt Zhang! Let’s have breakfast together!” Ye Xiong responded with a smile of his own.

“I’ve already had mine. Please enjoy your meal, sir.” With that, Aunt Zhang took her leave.

It was only when Ye Xiong had arrived at the dining room that he noticed how big of a meal his breakfast was. It contained milk, bread, eggs, porridge, bacon, and basically anything else that he could think of. The life of the rich was indeed different from the average person.

Ye Xiong held up his milk and drank a sip from it. However, he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten his car keys and went back up to retrieve them.

Coincidentally, Yang Xinyi had just exited her own room when Ye Xiong returned.

“Morning, main wife,” Ye Xiong greeted.

“I’m officially warning you, stop calling me your main wife.” Yang Xinyi’s expression had turned stone-cold once again.

“What else should I call you besides main wife? Minor wife?”

Too tired to entertain him any further, Yang Xinyi rolled her eyes and brushed past him.

The one thing she absolutely despised were males who were smooth talkers. Not only did they feel hollow, they also had no sense of maturity. Males like that would never be able to obtain a woman’s heart.

She did not know what had gotten into her when she decided to choose him as her fake husband.

Ye Xiong shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to retrieve his keys. By the time he had returned to the bottom, he noticed that Yang Xinyi was sitting in his original spot and was prepared to drink the milk that Ye Xiong himself had drank earlier.


“Don’t talk when I’m eating.”


“If you have anything to tell me, you can leave it until after I’m done with my meal,” Yang Xinyi responded coldly.

‘Nothing good can come from that rascal’s mouth,’ Yang Xinyi thought. She worried that once he spoke, she would lose her appetite.


As such, all Ye Xiong could do was to sit at the opposite end of the table. As he ate his meal, he also examined Yang Xinyi. He was contemplating whether or not to break the truth to her.

Yang Xinyi ate her meal slowly. It was extremely elegant, and throughout the entire process, she did not make a single sound. It was a sign of her proper upbringing. In stark contrast, Ye Xiong had been gobbling up his meal like a wolf.

Due to the words stated by Yang Xinyi earlier, however, Ye Xiong had not made a single noise throughout his meal as well.

Soon after, Yang Xinyi was done with her meal. She then took a sip of milk and asked, “What were you trying to convey earlier?”

Ye Xiong pointed at the cup of milk in front of her and stated, “My dear wife, you’ve just drank my milk!”

Yang Xinyi’s entire body froze. She lowered her head to look at the cup, and an instant later, her face reddened all the way down to her neck. If looks could kill, Ye Xiong would already be dead.

“I had originally planned to tell you about it, but I didn’t expect you to forbid me from speaking while you ate your meal. As such, I had no other choice but to wait for you to complete your meal before informing you. Frankly speaking though, I didn’t really drink much from the cup. All I took was a single sip,” Ye Xiong explained leisurely.

Yang Xinyi covered her mouth and shot at mach speed toward the washroom. A moment later, an intense vomiting sound could be heard. The sound that reverberated from the washroom was so devastating that not only could it topple heaven and earth, it could also plunge the world into darkness.

“Isn’t it just a bit of saliva? Does it really warrant such a huge reaction? It’s not like she’ll get pregnant from it.” Ye Xiong mockingly noted.

The moment Yang Xinyi exited the washroom, she immediately bolted towards Ye Xiong with a kitchen knife in hand.

“It’s time for me to take my leave.”

Ye Xiong grabbed his car keys on the table and sped all the way out of the mansion. In a blink of an eye, he was no longer anywhere to be seen.

Yang Xinyi’s howl of rage could be heard resonating from far behind. “You b*stard! I’m going to dismember you! Barrghh…”

Ye Xiong drove all the way to Feiyang International Hotel with his dingy Jetta, and with that, a new day of work had begun.

“Good morning, General Manager Ye!” The lady at the reception desk greeted.

“Lil Hong, you look stunning today! That short skirt of yours is especially mesmerizing.”

“Really? I was worried that my skirt was too short!” Lil Hong blinked.

“I think it’s still too long.”

“You’re so mean, General Manager Ye! Any shorter and I’ll basically be naked below,” Lil Hong stated in a cute tone.

“Well, we won’t know if you never try.”

Ye Xiong placed both his arms on the front desk and began chatting up the lil lady, Lil Hong.

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