My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 23 - Just Leave it To Me

Chapter 23: Just Leave it To Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The first sight Du Yuehua was greeted with when she entered the hotel was Ye Xiong flirting with the receptionist, and it instantly turned her expression sour.

She had been working her socks off these past two days without getting much sleep, but Ye Xiong, on the other hand, was so free that he still had time to flirt.

“Ye Xiong, please come to my office,” Du Yuehua ordered.

“This here’s my phone number. Call me when you have the time.” Ye Xiong sneakily pushed a slip of paper to Lil Hong before following Du Yuehua to her office.

The moment he entered the office, he was immediately met with Du Yuehua’s frowning face as she glared viciously at him.

“Sister Hua, it isn’t good to frown. Don’t you know that it can cause wrinkles?” Ye Xiong teased, ignoring Du Yuehua’s glare.

Du Yuehua could not help but chuckle bitterly at his carefree attitude.

“Don’t move! That’s the expression I’m talking about!” Ye Xiong stood up and pointed at Du Yuehua’s bitterly smiling face. In a serious tone, he declared, “Sister Hua, haven’t I informed you before about how alluring you look whenever you smile?”


Du Yuehua could no longer hold back her laughter, and she burst out laughing. She looked downright beautiful while doing so.

Ye Xiong gulped down a huge blob of saliva. ‘F*cking hell, this woman’s allure is far too strong. If it wasn’t for my willpower holding me back, I would’ve pounced on her a long time ago and committed beastly acts.

“Stop talking big and get to…” Du Yuehua was originally planning to say, ‘get to it’, but fearing what Ye Xiong might twist her words into, she quickly rephrased, “and get to work. You’ll be rewarded plentifully if you manage to achieve results in the hotel’s business.”

“Sister Hua, I’ll definitely do it properly. I’ll give it my all until you’re satisfied!” Ye Xiong grinned sinisterly, making him look like a big bad wolf.

Du Yuehua was rendered speechless as the rascal revealed his true colors with those few words. ‘Sigh, this rascal really likes to speak perverted phrases.’

“Please refrain from flirting with the staff in the future. Even though you don’t really deserve the role you’re currently holding, you’re still the general manager of a grand hotel, and you should maintain your image at all times,” Du Yuehua reminded.

“Sister Hua, I swear I’ll never act like that again during working hours.”

‘Wait, does the punk mean that he’ll start fooling around once his shift is over?’

Du Yuehua was dumbfounded by his words. She immediately raised her hand to chase him out when suddenly, she was besieged by a dizzy spell.

“Sister Hua, are you okay?”

Du Yuehua was about to answer that she was fine when suddenly, she felt lightheaded and almost collapsed onto the ground.

Ye Xiong had run over in a timely manner and caught her in his arms. He applied pressure onto the acupoints throughout her head, and before long, Du Yuehua had regained consciousness. Upon realizing that she was being cradled, she immediately turned beet-red.

Ever since her husband had died over half a year ago, she had never been in such close proximity to another male.

However, being embraced by Ye Xiong like this had caused her heart to thump as if there was a deer slamming its walls. While she was slightly afraid of the sensation, part of her was longing for it as well. Nevertheless, a lady must always be poised, and as such, she chose to struggle her way back up.

“Perhaps I’ve been worn down by these past two days. It’s nothing to worry about, but I appreciate your help.” Du Yuehua pushed Ye Xiong aside.

Du Yuehua’s womanly scent had assailed Ye Xiong while he held her in his embrace, which in turn had fuelled his lust. Despite that, there was not a single thought of assaulting her in his mind, instead, all he could feel was worry.

“I’ll send you to the hospital.” Ye Xiong made a prompt decision.

“There’s no need. I’m fine.”

“This is no laughing matter. You should really go and get checked out. Don’t forget, you’ve been involved in a car crash before!” Ye Xiong uttered in a serious tone.

This was the first time Du Yuehua had ever seen Ye Xiong making such a serious expression. It was at that moment that she realized that the serious Ye Xiong had a certain charm. Compared to his usual carefree demeanor, she found the current him much more appealing.

Without even waiting for an answer, Ye Xiong scooped her up in his arms and headed outside.

“Hurry up and let go of me! I can walk on my own!” Du Yuehua demanded in a panicked tone.

After all, she used to be a married woman, and as such, if anyone were to spot Ye Xiong carrying her out of her office, what dignity would she have left?

“Are you sure?”

“Please trust me.”

Ye Xiong let her down, and after Du Yuehua had tidied up her cluttered hair, she turned around to tell Ye Xiong, “Let’s go!”

An hour later, Ye Xiong had arrived at the hospital along with Du Yuehua. After carrying out a full body check-up, they learned that Du Yuehua had yet to fully recover from the car crash and that she was hypoglycaemic. Combined with the fact that she had worn herself out from work, it had, in turn, resulted in her collapse. As such, she was not in any serious danger.

“Heard what the doctor said? Don’t overexert yourself too much, alright?” Ye Xiong heaved a sigh of relief and reminded in a stern tone.

“I can’t believe you have the audacity to put it that way! Had you not spent so much time slacking at the reception desk, I wouldn’t have fainted in the first place.” Du Yuehua rolled her eyes at him.

Although she had spoken those words, in all honesty, she did not really mind taking up the heavy burden. All she asked of Ye Xiong was for him to properly carry out his security work. As for the other tasks, well, it would be too much for him to handle.

Moreover, she did not trust him with the management of the hotel! After all, it was very likely that he would chat up every single one of her employees without her there to watch over him.

“Go home and rest. I’ll handle all your remaining tasks,” Ye Xiong responded remorsefully.

“I’ve made an appointment with a foreign customer today. He’ll be arriving at noon, and I’m supposed to have a meal with him. This foreign customer is an extremely important person as he’s the Deputy General Manager of a major conglomerate, and this appointment will determine whether or they’ll make us their main client whenever they have business in China,” Du Yuehua stated.

“So what if they’re a foreigner? You can just leave it to me!” Ye Xiong patted his chest.

“You? I’m sure you won’t even be able to understand a single word they say,” Du Yuehua sneered.

“I can still rely on Lil Mei, no?” Ye Xiong left no room for discussion as he forcefully sent Du Yuehua back to her house.

Du Yuehua’s house was a five-story tall residential villa located in the city center. Despite its beautiful renovations, however, it felt extremely empty, possibly due to a lack of people staying within it.

“I could tell from a glance that this house of yours is infested with yin energy and sorely lacking in yang energy. Sister Hua, I’ll make sure to visit you more often in order to return these two energies to equilibrium,” Ye Xiong joked.

Ye Xiong had returned to his former self not long after he had turned serious, and as such, Du Yuehua was in no mood to entertain him.

“Go back and receive our foreign guest along with Lil Mei. Let me warn you beforehand though, you’d better take this seriously, because I’ll be pinning the blame on you if we fail to obtain this customer,” Du Yuehua clearly stated.

“What’s my reward if I successfully obtain this customer?”

“Why do you need a reward for carrying out something that’s entailed in your job description?” Du Yuehua retorted.

“How can I motivate myself without any form of reward?” Ye Xiong stared at Du Yuehua’s luscious pink lips and cheekily suggested, “If I manage to pick up this client, would you give me a kiss?”

“I’ll give you a knuckle sandwich.” Du Yuehua raised her hand. She was about to teach the rascal a lesson.

However, before her hand had even landed a blow, Ye Xiong had already caught it. He took a whiff out of it, and teased, “Sister Hua, your hand smells really nice.”

Du Yuehua’s face immediately flushed red. She could feel her heart suddenly tensing up.

At present, the only ones within the villa were Ye Xiong and her. A lone male and a lone female. She began to wonder about the course of action she should take if Ye Xiong were to lose control and assault her. She could clearly sense the fervent gaze coming from Ye Xiong’s eyes as his lust gradually increased.

With that scenario in mind, she immediately struggled out of Ye Xiong’s grasp, bolted towards her room, and locked the door shut.

It was only after she had made it back to her room that she realized how fast her heart had been beating. It was as if it was about to burst out of her chest.

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