My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 3 - Acting Cool

Chapter 3: Acting Cool

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Back in the lobby of the eighth floor, the most important part of the ceremony was about to start.

Yang Xin was devoted to her religion. As such, she had elaborately set up a western-style ceremony by inviting over a pastor to officiate the two’s marriage.

“Mr. He Haodong, do you take the beautiful, gentle, virtuous, smart woman by your side as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?” the pastor asked as he held up his book.

“I do,” He Haodong answered without a trace of hesitation.

“And you, Ms. Yang Xinyi, do you wish to take the handsome, kind, glamorous man beside you…”

Yang Xinyi was currently sitting on top of the stage with her wedding gown on. She was like a magnificent snow lotus on top of an icy hill, that became the center point of everyone’s attention.

At that instant, she paused.

A moment later, she hesitatingly answered, “I d…”


Xiao Fangfang stepped out among the crowd. With a handphone in hand, she painstakingly limped over to the stage.

“Fangfang, what’s the matter?” Yang Xinyi quizzically asked.

“Xinyi, I have something to show you.” Xiao Fangfang glared at He Haodong before showing the video. “This happened half an hour ago.”

Afraid that she would embarrass Xinyi, she switched the phone to silent mode.

Yang Xinyi took the phone, and all it took was a glimpse of the video for her face to turn ghastly pale.

“Xinyi, is there a problem?” He Haodong who was standing at the side asked.


A vicious palm was sent hurtling to his face.

Everyone in the crowd was stunned. No one knew what happened.

“Xinyi, what did I do wrong?” He Haodong held his face and asked politely.

Yang Xinyi grabbed the phone and hurled it towards He Haodong. However, He Haodong lowered his head to dodge it.

The phone landed straight onto the ground.

“My phone!”

Ye Xiong rushed out of the crowd and picked up his phone that was in tatters; with tears trickling down his face.

“Why does this free meal demand such a high sacrifice?”

An hour later, in the Yang family’s mansion…

Yang Xinyi had locked herself in her room, and she did not allow anyone else to enter aside from Xiao Fangfang.

Had Xiao Fangfang not been there, Yang Xinyi’s father would have already barged into the room himself.

After all, Yang Dingguo still had no idea of the events that transpired, and even though he had called up He Haodong to question him, Haodong had refused to provide an explanation.

“It’s okay Xinyi, you didn’t lose anything.” Xiao Fangfang consoled.

With that, Yang Xinyi finally calmed down. Not only did she calm down, but she also felt a sense of unbelievable relief. The only reason she had chosen to marry in the first place was due to pressure, and since she felt that He Haodong was the pinnacle of perfection, she decided to offer him her hand in marriage.

“Fangfang, how did you film the video?”

Upon recalling the scene in the closet, Xiao Fangfang instantly turned beet-red!

“This isn’t my phone, it’s that good-for-nothing’s.”

“Ye Xiong?”

“Yeah, that fake b*stard. He’s like a dog in human skin, to think that he’s a freeloader. I’m so mad that I can burst with anger!”

Yang Xinyi could not help but laugh, it had been a long time since her best friend fell for someone.

Following that, Xiao Fangfang continued talking about Ye Xiong, and Yang Xinyi continued laughing.

With that, all the ill feelings of her marriage had been wiped away.

“That guy’s an idiot, but what I find weird is, how did he manage to enter the hotel room?”

‘Based on He Haodong’s personality, he would have booked the room earlier on. So, how did the b*stard enter without an entrance card?’

This was the part where Xiao Fangfang was unable to figure out.

“Oh yeah, about the two guards you sent me, they fainted. The b*stard told me that they were sleeping.”

“Wait, how could two ex-military men fall sleep on the job?” Yang Xinyi’s interest piqued. She continued, “Hmm, from what you told me, I’d like to meet this person in the flesh.”

“Hey there beautiful, it seems that we share the same thoughts.”

A shady figure walked in from the balcony, and who else could it be, but Ye Xiong?

“How did you get in?”

The two ladies were in shock. They stared at Ye Xiong who seemingly dropped from the sky, and had a stone-cold expression on his face.

“I climbed up.”

“You are aware that this is the fifth floor, right?” Yang Xinyi was bewildered.

Ye Xiong looked at his filthy hands and asked, “Excuse me, could you point me to the washroom?”

Xiao Fangfang pointed to the washroom as if she was in a trance.

A while later, Ye Xiong walked out of the washroom and plopped onto the sofa. He then said, “Alright, let’s discuss the reimbursement for my handphone.”

“You climbed all the way up, just for a phone?” Xiao Fangfang was in utter disbelief.

“I’ll make sure to add that to the bill as well.” Ye Xiong maintained an expression of seriousness.

“The Kidney Six 1 costs 6.7 thousand bucks! Besides that, I’ve started to grow attached to it after using it for two months. I’ll calculate this mental strain based on days, and it’ll be fifty bucks each day. So, since I’ve used it for sixty days, the total cost for this mental torment would be three thousand bucks. Now, as for the price of cleaning my shirt after dirtying it, it would be three hundred bucks. So, all in all, you owe me ten thousand dollars!”

“Oh, there’s also the taxi fare here, but I’m not gonna bill you for that. Alright, so, how are you going to pay me?”

Xiao Fangfang was on the verge of going crazy. ‘Is this person even human? What kind of weirdo would go all the way to the fifth floor of somebody’s house in the dead of the night just to bill someone for their handphone?’

With an amused expression, Yang Xinyi looked at Ye Xiong and said, “Ten thousand bucks? No problem.”

She walked towards the table, dug out a huge wad of cash, and placed it onto the table.

“Count it to make sure the figure’s correct.”

“Miss Yang is such a straightforward person, unlike a certain thick-skinned person.”

“I dare you to say that one more time.” Xiao Fangfang stood up abruptly.

“I never repeat the truth.”


A pillow came hurtling towards Ye Xiong.

With a single smack, Ye Xiong reflected the pillow, causing it to smash into Xiao Fangfang. Xiao Fangfang was sent flying towards the sofa with her legs facing upwards.

Ye Xiong grabbed the cash on one end and opened it up like a peacock’s tail.

“I dislike cheapskates.”

Ye Xiong took out two of the notes and placed it onto the table. Then, he leaped out of the window.

“I’ll kill you!”

Xiao Fangfang shot up from the seat but there was no longer any trace of Ye Xiong.

“Hey, where did that b*stard go?”

“He already left.”

“Why didn’t you stop him?”

“Even the ten security guards in the mansion weren’t able to stop him, and the dozens of surveillance cameras did not even catch a glimpse of him, so how should I stop him?”

Yang Xinyi took the two notes and went deep into thought. While she had heard of the peacock-spreading technique before, this was the first time she had ever seen it.

“B*stard, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I’ll definitely hunt you down!” Xiao Fangfang howled.

The weather was especially cooling in Jiangnan City during August. It was the best month to start work.

Ye Xiong donned a pair of tattered jeans and put on his azure work clothes. On his back, the three words, ‘Future New City’ were engraved on it.

He got onto his shabby second-hand motorcycle. After spewing a thick fog of black smoke from the exhaust pipe, the motorcycle howled forward.

‘The bright rays are shining on my tattered clothes.’

‘I’m looking in all directions as I ride my vehicle.’

‘No one knows where I’m from.’

‘No one would question whether my surname is Li or Zhang.’

‘I don’t care about that woman and her son.’

‘Nor do I care about being a hero.’


The BMW in front of him abruptly braked and Ye Xiong’s motorcycle crashed straight into it.

A woman who wore thick make-up with red heels stepped out from the car. She walked to the back of the car and began screaming at a high pitch.

“Do you not have eyes? Do you even know how much this car costs? It’s so pricey that you won’t be able to afford it even if you pawn yourself!”

The rich woman was fuming, and she was pointing her finger at Ye Xiong’s nose. “Don’t even think of running! I’ve already memorized your number plate, and you’ll never be able to escape, even if you run to the ends of the earth!”

Ye Xiong gave a deprecating smile to the woman, reversed his vehicle, and stepped on the pedal.

Like a rocket, his motorcycle sped forward, and just as he was about to land onto the boot of the car, he sent his bike flying upwards, landing on top of the car.

With that, a tire streak had been branded onto the new car.

“Wow, that’s so awesome!”

“Damn, that’s cool!”

“Hurry up and film it. Make sure to share it with your friends!”

The bystanders were now taking out their phones to film the scene.

“Come down! If you break the car, you’ll never be able to pay for it!” The rich woman screamed.

Ye Xiong stepped on his pedal yet again, shattering the car’s mirrors, and leaving a dust cloud as he soared ahead.

“My car!” The rich woman ran to her car, her expression contorted with grief.

Ye Xiong watched the scene behind him with his rearview mirror and all he felt was unbelievable elation.

‘Those who are shameless deserve shameless punishment.’

Suddenly, the wail of a police siren could be heard, and a female cop on a motorbike came chasing after him.

“Stop your car at the side of the road! Or else I’ll shoot!” The police yelled at him.

“I’m uneducated, so don’t scare me like that! Since when does China arm its traffic police with guns?” Ye Xiong did not believe the cop’s words.


The female cop dug out a jet-black gun and pointed it at Ye Xiong. In a merciless tone, she asked, “Do you want to test it out?”

Ye Xiong was stumped, and so he hurriedly parked his bike by the roadside.

The female cop was riding her bike with one hand and the other was wielding a gun. She was the very definition of ‘cool’!

The cop was wearing long slacks, a blue shirt, and a black sun visor. She was around five feet and three inches in height, and she had slightly dark skin. Not only did she not appear unappealing, but she had also given off a heroic vibe as well.

‘There are many beauties wandering in Jiangnan these past few days!’

He had encountered two top tier beauties last night, and today, he had encountered yet another one. However, he was curious about how her actual face looked.

At that instant, the female cop took off her visor, revealing her hair, and an awe-inspiring face. Her gaze was like the dazzling moon, and her brows were as thin as a willow. All of her facial features had been tuned to perfection. If she had not been wearing her police uniform, Ye Xiong would have thought that he had encountered a supermodel.

Ye Xiong took a glimpse at her shoulders and he was shocked.

‘I didn’t think that she had such a high rank.’

No police officer of her rank would take on a traffic police job. As such, Ye Xiong surmised that she had done something wrong and was demoted to this position.

Just as Ye Xiong had predicted, Luo Weiwei had indeed been demoted.

Recently, there had been a chain of child abductions occurring in her area of jurisdiction, and yesterday, she caught one of the suspects. However, the suspect was uncooperative during the interrogation process. He would either remain totally silent or request for a lawyer, and sometimes he would even taunt her. As such, Luo Weiwei had punched him in the face in a fit of rage.

With that, Luo Weiwei had been demoted to traffic police.

However, who would have thought that she would encounter a construction worker trying to act cool by riding his bike onto a BMW on the first day of her job?

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