My Wife, The Ice Queen President

Chapter 4 - Feisty Beauty

Chapter 4: Feisty Beauty

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Fellow officer, careful not to pull the trigger,” Ye Xiong pointed at her gun and reminded in a low voice.

Luo Weiwei was filled with curiosity as she looked at this guy in tattered clothes who was obviously a construction worker.

A normal civilian would hide away in fear like a rat scurrying away from a cat at the sight of the police. However, this guy was not the least bit frightened?

“Put your hands over your head and kneel on the ground. You better listen up,” Luo Weiwei ordered.

Ye Xiong willingly got on his knees.

“Why did you run over someone else’s sedan? Are you trying to act cool?”

“Fellow officer…”

“Get down, who said you can stand up?” Luo Weiwei reprimanded.

Just how feisty was this chick?

Ye Xiong got back down on his knees and lifted his head. A certain rack was just at his eye level.

“Fellow officer, you didn’t hear how cruel this woman was, yelling at me. She said I was a lousy construction worker and wouldn’t be able to compensate for her car damage even if I sold myself, so I ran out of fear.”

“It’s really nothing, even if she was in my face. I am only a civilian after all but she even brought up the police, saying the police station was her family’s backyard, with dozens of police at her service at a single call. With my life at stake, how can I not run?”

Ye Xiong looked pitiful as he depicted with such a solemn yet mournful voice.

“She really said so?”

“If I’m lying, god can punish me by letting my wife run off with another guy.” Ye Xiong raised his hand to swear. He did not have a wife anyway.

“Even if she said so, there’s no need to run over their car. It comes with horrible consequences.” Luo Weiwei softened her voice.

“It’s my fault. I despise the rich. It’s an innate weakness of mine. Fellow officer, just let me go this once!” Ye Xiong lifted his head to look at her with sincerity.

“Your identification card and driver’s license.”

“I don’t have them with me.”

“Both of them?”

“We don’t bring anything along with us, working in this industry. We get wet all over while working, and that includes our underwear…”

“Shut up, what is this nonsense.”

Luo Weiwei could not bother with this guy of humble origins so she placed a call to her fellow traffic police to take over the situation.

“I’m Luo Weiwei, there’s a person who violated traffic conduct. Send someone over to take this person and vehicle away.”

After the call, Luo Weiwei patiently waited aside. A criminal investigator such as herself would not handle such a petty matter.

At that moment, her phone rang and Luo Weiwei picked up.

“Sister Wei, the woman confessed and admitted she trafficked kids…” The sound was loud on the receiving end.

“Great, where’s the b*stard?”

“His lawyer posted bail. The woman won’t point fingers to the person behind it.”

“I’ll come quickly.”

Luo Weiwei hung up and fished a pair of handcuffs to chain Ye Xiong to a billboard that was as tall as an average man.

“Stay here. My colleague will arrive soon.” Luo Weiwei placed the key on the engine of Ye Xiong’s ride before driving off.

“Lil Zhang, I’m leaving for the bureau first. I have cuffed the guy and the key is on the front of his vehicle.”

Once Luo Weiwei was out of sight, Ye Xiong curled his lips into a taunt. He put up both his arms and left his feet hanging in the air.

A thin wire fell onto the ground from the pocket of his pants. He hooked the fallen wire with his right foot and gently hurled it to his hands.

The handcuffs were unlocked in less than a minute.

“Sigh, I’m late again. Madam Bao’s gonna rupture my eardrums with her yelling.”

Luo Weiwei’s phone rang the moment she returned to the bureau.

“Sister Wei, the guy fled,” Lil Zhang said at the other end of the call.

“I cuffed him. Who gave him the key?” Luo Weiwei was puzzled.

“I have questioned witnesses. Apparently, he used a wire to unlock the handcuffs.”

Luo Weiwei was stunned. She had found it unbelievable that he rode his bike over a sedan and that he unlocked the handcuffs with a wire? What was he?

“I’ll catch him after I’m done with matters here,” Luo Weiwei hung up after she said those words.

It was about nine o’clock when he arrived at the site. Ye Xiong quietly sneaked into the site when a furious voice rang in his ear.

“Ye Xiong, stand right there.”

The forty-year-old supervisor, Madam Bao had one hand on her thick waist like a vicious landlady in the movies. With one hand pointing at Ye Xiong, she ran her mouth. “What time is it? Do you still want to work?”

Ye Xiong turned around with a lit-up face.

“Enough with the excuse. I won’t believe you no matter what you say,” Madam Bao who was taken in so many times in the past stated beforehand.

Fever, traffic, accident, broken alarm, were some of the few excuses. Madam Bao was immune to his nonsense.

“Madam, I don’t have an excuse today. You can deduct my salary but I have something I’ve been meaning to say to you for a long time.”

Ye Xiong walked over and continued with a serious tone in his voice, “I feel there’s no need for you to work so hard. You have money, your son has grown up. Why don’t you indulge in life? Look at your skin, it’s worse than before. Aren’t you worried your husband’s gonna be sick of you and cheat on you?”

“Are you cursing me? I’m going to teach you a lesson.” Madam Bao swung her fist as she charged towards him.

Ye Xiong quickly slipped away.

“Did I become ugly?” Madam Bao caressed her face with worry.

At the site, he put on his safety helmet. It was another day of work.

“Brother Xiong, are you alright?” Wang Tong came over to ask.

He was worried sick the whole night last night that he did not sleep well. He was concerned something might happen to Ye Xiong since he could not get through to him on the phone.

“Your Brother Xiong has nine lives. I won’t get in trouble that easily.” Ye Xiong smiled.

“What happened last night?”

“It fell through, the wedding was a bust.”


“Read today’s paper if you don’t believe me.”

“Brother Xiong, don’t do anything risky for me the next time. You won’t grow any fatter even if I treat you a meal,” Wang Tong said.

“I’m glad to!” Ye Xiong flashed his row of white teeth.

The two chatted as they moved bricks as they began their day’s work.

Three days later, in a villa in the city.

“Useless piece of trash!”

Lurching a slap across his subordinate’s face, He Haodong furiously chided, “Not even a single trace after searching for a few days? What do I need you people for?”

The person slapped was Lu Bao, the leader of an organization called Northwest Association in Jiangnan City. He had over thirty men under him with informers planted in every trade.

The majority of these people were working for major consortiums, like Lu Bao who relied on the He family to survive.

“Young master, we have worked our way through all trades within the city but hadn’t come across this guy,” Lu Bao answered.

“Continue your investigation. You must find him at all costs.” He Haodong pounded his fist on the desk as he gritted his teeth. “I’ll skin him alive if it’s the last thing I do.”

“What about that b*tch, Xiao Fangfang? Do you need me to send someone after her?” Lu Bao asked.

“Don’t touch her for now. Yang Xinyi will suspect me if anything happens to her, it’ll be beyond redemption then.”

“Young master, do you think there’s a chance Yang Xinyi will come around?”

“There will be a chance as long as I insist that the video’s photoshopped. The matter at hand is to find that guy and make him admit it.”

“Young master, give me a few more days and I’ll definitely be able to find him.”

“Tell your men to get things done. If they fail, tell them to take the high road to Northwest.”

In the criminal investigation unit of the public security bureau in Jiangnan City.

Luo Weiwei sat in her office and flipped through files of information.

It was then, a tall figure emerged in the office.

“Deputy Director.” A police officer beside Luo Weiwei stood up. “Let me pour you a glass of water.”

Luo Weiwei turned to give the deputy director a fleeting glance before ignoring him.

“Who gave you permission to return to the criminal investigation unit?” Luo Guozhong asked angrily.

“Su Yuee changed her statement and confessed to child trafficking. Wang Jianjun’s our prime suspect.”

“So what if he’s your prime suspect? We won’t be able to convict these highly intelligent criminals without concrete evidence.”

“Then, we’re going to let him walk?” Luo Weiwei was unable to settle with that fact.

Luo Guozhong hurled a stack of data towards her and added, “A child’s corpse without organs was found in the south of the city. It’s highly possible that it’s linked to an organ-reselling case. Child trafficking’s only a cover-up to throw the police off.”

Luo Weiwei was in shock as she picked up the file and ran her eyes through it.

“If it involves the sale of organs, it must be a powerful organization with no less than dozens of ruthless and merciless people. You should back off the case and stop your investigation.”

“No, this is my case.”

“I have submitted a request and in a few days, you’ll be back in the provincial military academy.”

Luo Weiwei stared at her father with gleaming eyes and coldly replied, “Luo Guozhong, I’ll never be a coward in the face of adversity. I don’t want to be looked down upon in my lifetime.”

“This is an order.”

“Even if it means my job, I will continue my investigation on this case.”

Luo Weiwei left the office in a huff and left the ashen-faced Luo Guozhong behind.

“Lil Zhao, what’s the progress on the bike number plate I have you working on?” Luo Weiwei phoned her colleague, Lil Zhao from the traffic department after departing from the bureau.

“Sister Wei, I have checked, it’s a fake license plate.”

“What a sneaky b*stard!”

Luo Weiwei hung up and mumbled, “I don’t believe I won’t be able to find you. Future New City, did you think I was blind?”

She rode off in her superbike.

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