Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 108 - Enter the back room

When the Christmas dinner was almost over, Lane had to admit that although his mother’s food was delicious, the house-elves would be better than humans in craftsmanship. At least at this important banquet, the food is better than one visit to a Michelin-star restaurant with parents.

After leaving the hall, Ryan quickly returned to his dormitory and went to bed after reading a book for half an hour, and set the alarm clock to two in the morning. Fortunately, my roommates are all home for the holidays, the alarm clock will not disturb others.

After going to bed, because of the excitement, Ryan couldn’t sleep a bit, but fortunately, now he habitually runs the Maoshan Shangqing method before going to bed. After running for a week, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

At two in the morning, the alarm sounded on time. Ryan got up from the bed and put the assassin outfit on him. After checking that everything was there, he left the bedroom in his school uniform robe.

After leaving the common room, Lane discovered that Christmas Hogwarts was exceptionally quiet. It may be that most of the students are not in school, and the students who stay in school are tired of playing again. There was no one in the corridor quietly.

After successfully arriving at Myrtle’s bathroom, Ryan found that Myrtle was not here, probably because she went to play on Christmas. At the last Nick Halloween party, he knew that the ghosts also had their own entertainment.

Ryan walked to the sink and confirmed that there was indeed a faucet with no water, and there was a relief snake on the side.

Is here. The last time I watched the official website, he said that the Victorian Hogwarts transformation involved the people of the Gunter family. He changed the entrance of the secret room to the current position, using the sink as a cover. Now it seems that this should be true, after all, the toilet and faucet cannot be found when the school was established, and even Slytherin, even a black wizard, would not be perverted to set up a secret room entrance in the female toilet. This can only be modified by future generations.

Fortunately, in the world of “Mr. Zombie”, he obtained the inheritance of the snake language. Ryan spoke to the wash basin in snake language. The faucet gave off a dazzling white light and began to spin rapidly. Then the pool also moved.

Finally, the pool of sight disappeared, revealing a thick water pipe, enough for an adult to get in.

After putting a shock-absorbing spell on himself, Lane got into the pipe. Shock Absorbing Mantra is one of Lane’s most skilled spells. After all, it can make a leap of faith.

After jumping off the pipe, Ryan felt as if he had rushed into a dirty and endless pipe. He could see that there were many pipes diverging in all directions, but none were as thick as the one he is now. The pipe twists and turns, winding around and around, with a steep **** all the way down.

And these twists and turns also caused Ryan to hit the corner from time to time. He felt that he might have gone deep into the ground.

Finally, the pipeline became horizontal again. With the help of Shock Absorber, Ryan stood firmly at the exit of the pipeline. Here is a huge stone tunnel, the ground is covered with mud. He felt the humid environment around him, and felt that he might be under the Black Lake now.

The tunnel was quiet and silent, and Ryan took out a lantern grass to take care of herself. There were no other sounds in this place, only the occasional clicking sound when stepping on something while walking.

Lynn put the lantern grass close to the ground, and found the bones of small animals everywhere on the ground. But this should not be left by the Basilisk. After all, think about the volume of the basilisk. The energy gained by eating this small animal is not as large as the energy consumed when hunting.

After turning a corner, Lane found a long object with a length of six or seven meters on the ground and stopped there motionlessly. After slowly approaching, he discovered that this was a very bright green snake skin. At a glance I knew that this should be a viper.

The snakeskin was coiled on the ground. It seemed that the snake had been peeling for some time. In this environment where the moist air does not flow, there is a thin layer of ash on the snake skin.

This kind of good thing can’t be let go, Ryan opened the door of the Wanjie grocery store and put the snakeskin into it. Fortunately, this thing is not heavy.

After collecting the snakeskin, Lane continued to move forward. The road ahead was winding, and he could only turn one corner after the other. I have to say that the designer of this tunnel is a psychological master, because the winding tunnel in this dark environment will make people walking here always worry that there will be monsters waiting for you when you turn around.

After turning another corner, the front is no longer a black tunnel in the same way. A wall stood at the end of the tunnel with two snakes intertwined above it. Their eyes are made of huge, shiny emeralds.

Lean walked to the wall and observed carefully, and finally found that these emeralds were a part of the magical institution of this place. So he can only give up the plan to pry the gem.

“Open.” Lane said again in snake language. The two snakes separated, and the wall cracked with a big mouth, which became bigger and bigger. Finally the wall slowly slipped to the sides and disappeared. Ryan rearranged his clothes again, threw the robe that was a bit of a hindrance into the space bag, and then walked in carefully.

After entering the Chamber of Secrets, Ryan discovered that it was a long room ~ ~ After casting a magical detection to confirm that the Basilisk had not yet come out, Ryan opened the door handle of the Wanjie grocery store and kept it there The cage **** was taken out.

After preparing, Ryan began to look at this room. The ceiling of the room was high, supported by many stone columns engraved with entangled serpents, casting shadows on the ground.

This house is not completely dark as imagined, but a faint green light. Looking down the light source, the top of the chamber was inlaid with many transparent crystals, and through the crystal line, the bottom of the Black Lake could be seen. Some fluorescent plants at the bottom of the lake bring light to the chamber through the crystal.

It is a good thing to have a light source in the back room. After all, the Basilisk can judge the position of the opponent by smell and sound, but Ryan is now difficult to fight by means of detection other than vision.

After walking to the end of the room, Ryan saw a statue as tall as the room itself, standing close to the wall.

Looked up to see that the statue had an old face and a sparse beard hanging from the chin to the feet.

Lane saw the old and tired old Slytherin from this sculpture. It seems that it was said that Slytherin was not in harmony with the other three founders. After many quarrels, it was true that he ran away. At least from this statue, it can be seen that Slytherin’s state in his later years is indeed not good.

But sympathy, sympathy, Slytherin’s pets did start to threaten school students. It even killed a student fifty years ago.

As we all know, magical creatures are an indispensable part of the magic world and have an important position in the magic world. It’s a terrible act to kill and kill magical creatures. But the artificial killing of creatures crossed the bottom line, which is the main reason why Ryan came here to hunt the Basilisk

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