Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 109 - Back room preparation

After exploring the secret room, Lane opened the space door leading to the world of Plants vs. Zombies and drilled into it.

With the help of robots, the city was built very quickly. The fortress that was only planned on the drawing last time was almost built. Ryan found Kenway who had just returned from the open sea for vacation.

“Good afternoon, Kenway. You look good now. I have something to do with Dave now. Can you tell me where he is?”

“I heard that the spider you sent last time gave Dave a great inspiration. These days he has been in the laboratory all day and he does n’t know what he is doing. But he has told me that when you ask him for something, let me Take you past. “

After talking, Kenway put down his coffee cup and led Ryan to the warehouse. While walking, he said to Ryan: “I think you are wearing this assassin uniform, at least better than the last black robe.”

Talking, the two came to the entrance of the underground warehouse. After showing the metal plate of their personal identity, the warehouse guard opened a heavy door for them.

After stepping into the warehouse, Kenway opened the innermost warehouse door. Ryan saw the shelves filled with what he wanted.

“It seems that you are dealing with a big guy now. I will only tell you a piece of advice, that is, the big guy’s life is often very strong, and don’t hurry up before confirming its death.” ‘S waved his hand and turned away, while smoothly bringing it to the warehouse door.

Is a very good piece of advice. Ryan began to count these prepared weapons after making a silent note.

These weapons are divided into two types, all controlled by a clockwork-powered pocket mechanical differential machine. This was strongly requested by Ryan, because he was worried that the use of electricity might fail in Hogwarts.

One weapon is ten weapon stations, each of which has three whaling guns in parallel. These whaling guns are single-strike weapons, and explosive darts for whaling are launched through gunpowder.

Thankfully, hot weapons can be used in Hogwarts. Because Ryan found in the school history that Pippi used to fire a gun in the castle in the 19th century.

Another weapon is a cleverly designed steel crossbow that can fire five javelins with explosive heads in a row. It’s just that this kind of thing is more difficult to make, so there are only five.

All weapons are controlled by differential machines, and Ryan sets that these weapons will pour fire power in a predetermined direction.

Finally is a piece of thin copper plate, with a pattern engraved on it, the groove of the pattern is inlaid with thin silver wire, and the copper plate is numbered for easy positioning. These copper plates and silver wires were incorporated into a lot of sunlight crystals when the raw materials were initially smelted. This was a new discovery in the world of plants vs. zombies. At that time, workers found that adding sunlight crystals to the metal raw materials smelting process can effectively shorten the smelting time.

Lane last battled with the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider, and found that there was a positive energy reflection in some patched places on the Gatling gun. After inquiry, he discovered the existence of this metal. So they specified that these things they need must be made from this newly smelted metal.

That’s why it took a few months for these few things, because the world of Plants vs. Zombies now generally recycles old metals to make items after simple processing. If you want this new metal, you need to customize it separately, and the natural manufacturing speed is not so fast.

After checking the supplies, Lane opened the space door leading to the secret room and then pushed these things into the secret room with a trolley, and then began to arrange.

He first took out the copper plate, placed the copper plate at each node position according to the predetermined orientation, and finally formed a normal array. Then take a bottle of medicament from the space bag and put a few drops on each copper plate.

This potion is made from the blood of the eight-eyed giant spider. In order to balance the yin and yang, Ryan melted into the tail hair of several unicorns. The final finished medicine is a good magic conductor.

As the medicine dripped, the copper plate absorbed the medicine as if it were alive. After the medicine was completely absorbed by the copper plate, the silver wire inlaid on the copper plate gave out a faint glow.

Finally, Ryan drew a magic circle on the ground with a brush dipped in the potion, connecting all the copper plates together to form a whole.

After the last stroke, the circle burst out with a strong white light, and then all the metal plates turned into liquid and flowed along the previously drawn pattern on the ground. Finally, in front of the statue formed a large circle.

After the light dimmed, Ryan walked to the center of the circle and found that the metal plates that had just been melted were turned into wires and embedded on the floor of the secret room, forming the current circle with white light.

He popped the sleeve sword and scratched his finger to drip blood on the array of eyes, so that he could control the already set demon array ~ ~ This magic array came from the content of Maoshan Daojing, in the past Before the end of the Dharma era, this was one of several magic circles used by the Maoshan School to capture large monsters. Compared with other methods, the biggest advantage of this method is that it requires only one person to operate, and the operator’s repair requirements are not high. But in history, this circle has been used very few times.

On the one hand, this method can not be moved after the formation of the formation, it is not as flexible as a few people after the formation of the formation. On the other hand, ancient copper and silver were money, and the consumption of the magic circle was enough to invite the strong to take action. At that time, not many people were willing to lose money to do such things.

Is just for Ryan, a circle that can be used by one person and is not very demanding for users is his favorite. The silver and copper he consumed were not so precious to him. The outlet of the basilisk is the one. The circle is used to block the door. It is not a problem to be unable to move.

After Ryan was able to control the magic circle completely, the magic circle converged all the light and breath. Make this floor look the same as before.

After the most important formation was completed, Lane arranged the 15 weapon stations according to the optimal plan calculated by everyone in the previous Plants vs. Zombies world. Then embed the spells related to the armor that were drawn on the spider carapace in advance, and leave them in the empty slots on the arrow during the production.

These spells are the reason why Ryan does not choose firearms, because he is not sure to condense so many runes on a small warhead, let alone the use environment of the bullet is far worse than the arrow, it is likely that high temperature and high speed will destroy Magic on the warhead.

Finally, Ryan fired the hook on his left arm to the side of a post, where a cage with a rooster was also placed. In this way, after opening the basilisk into and out of the hole, he can get away from the danger at the fastest speed and use the **** to weaken the basilisk as soon as possible.

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