Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 170 - Chimera

“Oh, what is this test for?” Ryan thought that he was not here to investigate the saints. 35xs is to figure out why the shop owner suddenly attacked him and said that this is a test, and what is this test for?

Because when the principal of Fernando was helping the owner, Ryan picked up the wooden thorn and easily recognized through his knowledge of herbal medicine that it was a common sleeping pill rather than an imaginary poison. So he thinks the owner’s words may be true.

“The shopkeeper is my godfather.” Principal Fernando said. “I wanted him to pretend to cheat you into the backyard under another pretext and look at your level. As a result, you accidentally saw the saint logo and finally got it because of misunderstanding. Now this is the point. In fact, the reason for this test is because there is a certain degree of danger in the things that want to come to you next. If you are not good enough, we will not let you participate. “

“Both of you are powerful wizards. What can make you both unsure and need my student’s help?” Ryan asked curiously.

After listening to Ryan ’s question, the shopkeeper coughed twice and said, “I just introduced you to the history of saints. I just want to tell you that most of us saints are fighting for a great dream. Although in the process of realizing this dream, It was wrong at the beginning of the middle school, but not all the saints were for this purpose. Especially in the middle and late of the war, we recruited people who did n’t know the details because of the lack of manpower. Some of them are by the name of the saint. The head and chaotic situation reached their evil goal. And this time the Chimera Society we are dealing with is like this. “

“Chimera, what is that?” Ryan asked curiously, because he had never heard of it before.

“This is a very old society, which can be traced back to the time of ancient Greece.” Principal Fernando said on the side. “They have always dreamed of creating powerful magical creatures through magic, so they wantonly use various evil methods to transform magical creatures. , The legendary Chimera was made by them. This is also the origin of the name of their society. “

“During the war in Grindelwald, many members of the Chimera Society used false identities to mix into the Saints. Later, in the name of the Saints, they did a lot of bad things, such as several important Muggle massacres. . “

“Know that Grindelwald believes that the wizard should lead the management of Muggles, but opposes the wanton killing of Muggles. So my godfather and his father found a group of Chimera wizards hidden in South America at that time. The former saints cleared those who corrupted the reputation of the saints. 35xs “

“But I didn’t do it.” The shopkeeper said in a regretful tone, “they merged with the local blood-sacrifice black wizards, and even under the cover of the local indigenous people, even the local wizards could hardly catch each other. ‘S tail, let alone those of us outsiders. It was only recently that things changed. “

“It may be because they have been lurking for a long time and feel that they have developed well. We learned that they plan to take advantage of the opportunity of the British exchange students to come and communicate to launch an attack in order to have enough influence throughout the magic world.”

“Why do they do this? Shouldn’t this evil organization hide themselves? What happened to this jump to the stage?” Ryan asked puzzled.

“Well, let me explain to you this way.” Principal Fernando said, “Like the death eaters of your heyday in Europe, evil organizations have to show their strength when they develop to a certain extent. In order to get rid of the shackles Further development. After all, the development of an organization is not enough to tap potential internally. It also needs to absorb fresh blood from the outside. If people outside do not know how you can join you. “

“Then the Brazilian Ministry of Magic doesn’t matter? As far as I know, we have come here to communicate with both Ministry of Magic.

“We have warned the Ministry of Magic, but because I have no real evidence, the Ministry of Bureaucrats think we are just nervous. Now the only support we can get from the Ministry of Magic is that they promise that an Auror team will be in school Patrol irregularly nearby. “

“Well, no matter where the Ministry of Magic is, it seems that I have to find a way to save myself now. So what do you need me to do?” Ryan asked.

“We have a special course on Castro Brusoo that is to enter the wild and observe the magical creatures in the wild state. You must also arrange this course as an official exchange student. Naturally, the place of this class will be outside the protection of the school. Even if the destination is also a pre-arranged place of the school, in theory, there is a certain amount of precautions, but it is definitely far less than the school ’s own defense. This is the only chance for those attackers. “

“So we hope that you can help you observe the status of your students from the UK. If you find something wrong, you can immediately notify us ~ ~ After the principal took out a glassy green leaf and handed it to Ryan, Ryan got it Only afterwards did I realize that this was a beautiful brooch.

“Brooch, what’s the use?” Ryan asked curiously, because in his perception it was just a simple leaf, without any magic runes drawn on it. It was not like a magic prop at all.

“This comes from a campanula tree planted in the principal’s office. Its leaves are paired in pairs on the branch. There is a mysterious connection between the paired leaves. As long as one leaf is activated, another leaf can be connected to this leaf. Leaf resonance. That is to say, after you activate that brooch with magic power, all the sounds around you can be reproduced by another leaf. This tree is only known to the principals and very few people. You can use this thing to use on the other side. Some means of contacting us when you are isolated from external communications. “

“I know.” Ryan took the brooch and attached it to his chest. “Thank you for your trust in me. After all, you told me that I am the person involved. Since this is the case, I am prepared in advance and it is better to face it. Emergencies.”

“In spite of this, we still have to thank you.” The owner said at this time, “After all, the other party is also good at magical creatures. You take this brooch and you take a risk. So I assure you that after this operation, Regardless of the result, I will give you something I learned when I was a saint. “

After discussing some details, things were almost all arranged. At this time, the shop owner said, “Oh, yes, your companion is still waiting for you in the front. I think you should go to the front now. If there is anything important in the future, I will ask your principal to inform you.”


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